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Face of a woman (left) and face of a man (right)
Ventrolateral aspect of the human face with skin removed, showing muscles of the face
Latinfacies, facia or fave
Anatomical terminology

Thefaceis the front of an animal's head that features theeyes,noseandmouth,and through which animals express many of theiremotions.[1][2]The face is crucial for humanidentity,and damage such as scarring or developmental deformities may affect the psyche adversely.[1]



The front of thehuman headis called the face. It includes several distinct areas,[3]of which the main features are:

Facialappearanceis vital for humanrecognitionandcommunication.Facial musclesin humans allowexpressionofemotions.[citation needed]

The face is itself a highlysensitiveregion of the human body and its expression may change when thebrainis stimulated by any of the many humansenses,such astouch,temperature,smell,taste,hearing,movement,hunger,orvisual stimuli.[4]



The face is the feature which best distinguishes aperson.Specialized regions of thehuman brain,such as thefusiform face area(FFA), enable facial recognition; when these aredamaged,it may be impossible to recognize faces even of intimate family members. The pattern of specific organs, such as the eyes, or of parts of them, is used inbiometric identificationto uniquely identify individuals.


The muscles of the face are important when engaging in facial expressions.
Skeletal anatomyof the face

The shape of the face is influenced by thebone-structureof theskull,and each face is unique through theanatomical variationpresent in the bones of theviscerocranium(andneurocranium).[1]The bones involved in shaping the face are mainly themaxilla,mandible,nasal bone,zygomatic bone,andfrontal bone.Also important are varioussoft tissues,such asfat,hairandskin(of which color may vary).[1]

The face changes over time, and features common inchildrenorbabies,such as prominentbuccal fat-padsdisappear over time, their role in the infant being to stabilize the cheeks duringsuckling. While the buccal fat-pads often diminish in size, the prominence of bones increase with age as they grow and develop.[1]

Facial shape – such asfacial symmetry– is an important determinant ofbeauty.

Other characteristics


Visible variable features of the face other than shapes and proportions include color (paleness,sun tanandgenetic default pigmentation), hair (length,color,loss,graying),wrinkles,[5][6]facial hair (e.g.beards), skin sagging,[6]discolorations[7](dark spots,[6]frecklesandeye circles[6]),pore-variabilities,[8]skin blemishes (pimples,scars,burn marks). Many of these features can also vary over time due toaging,[6][5][7]skin care,nutrition,[9][10][11][12][13][14]theexposome[15](such as harmful substances of the general environment,[11][15]workplace and cosmetics), psychological factors,[11]and behavior (such as smoking,[15]sleep,[11]physical activity andsun damage[5][7][11]).

Mechanisms underlying these include changes related topeptides(notablycollagen),[7][11]inflammation,[11][13]production of various proteins (notablyelastinand otherECM proteins),[13]the structure ofsubcutaneous tissue,[5][7]hormones,[11]fibers (such as elastic fibers or elasticity)[7]and theskin barrier.[15]

The desire of many to look young for their age and/or attractive[6]has led to the establishment of a largecosmetics industry,[5]which is largely concerned withmake-upthat is applied on top of the skin (topically) to temporarily change appearance but it ordermatologyalso developanti-aging products(and related products and procedures) that in some cases affect underlying biology and are partly applied preventively.[12]Facial traits are also used inbiometrics[16][17]and there have been attempts at reproducible quantifications.[7][8]Skinhealth is considered a major factor in humanwell-beingand the perception of health in humans.[12]



Genesare a major factor in the particular appearance of a person's face with the high similarity of faces ofidentical twinsindicating that most of facial variability is determined genetically.[18]

Studies have identified genes and gene regions determining face shape and differences in various facial features. A 2021 study found that a version of a gene associated with lip thickness – possibly selected for due to adaption to cold climate via fat distribution –introgressedfrom ancient humans –Denisovans– into the modern humansNative Americans.[19][20][21]Another study found look-alike humans (doppelgängers) have genetic similarities, sharing genes affecting not only the face but also somephenotypesof physique andbehavior.[22][23]A study identified genes controlling the shape of the nose and chin.[24]Biological databasesmay be used to aggregate and discover associations between facialphenotypesand genes.[25][26]

Human face development, byHaeckel
A man's face
A woman's face
An intersex person's face



Emotional expression


Faces are essential to expressingemotion,consciously or unconsciously. A frown denotes disapproval; a smile usually means someone is pleased. Being able to read emotion in another's face is "the fundamental basis for empathy and the ability to interpret a person's reactions and predict the probability of ensuing behaviors". One study used the Multimodal Emotion Recognition Test[27]to attempt to determine how to measure emotion. This research aimed at using a measuring device to accomplish what many people do every day: read emotion in a face.[28]

The muscles of the face play a prominent role in the expression of emotion,[1]and vary among different individuals, giving rise to additional diversity in expression and facial features.[29]

Variations of therisorius,triangularisandzygomaticusmuscles

People are also relatively good at determining if a smile is real or fake. A recent study looked at individuals judging forced and genuine smiles. While young and elderly participants equally could tell the difference for smiling young people, the "older adult participants outperformed young adult participants in distinguishing between posed and spontaneous smiles".[30]This suggests that with experience and age, we become more accurate at perceiving true emotions across various age groups.

Perception and recognition

Theface perceptionmechanisms of the brain, such as thefusiform face area,can produce facialpareidoliassuch asthis famous rock formation on Mars.

Gestalt psychologiststheorize that a face is not merely a set of facial features, but is rather something meaningful in its form. This is consistent with the Gestalt theory that an image is seen in its entirety, not by its individual parts. According to Gary L. Allen, people adapted to respond more to faces during evolution as the natural result of being a social species. Allen suggests that the purpose of recognizing faces has its roots in the "parent-infant attraction, a quick and low-effort means by which parents and infants form an internal representation of each other, reducing the likelihood that the parent will abandon his or her offspring because of recognition failure".[31]Allen's work takes a psychological perspective that combines evolutionary theories with Gestalt psychology.

Biological perspective


Research has indicated that certain areas of the brain respond particularly well to faces. Thefusiform face area,within thefusiform gyrus,is activated by faces, and it is activated differently forshyand social people. A study confirmed that "when viewing images of strangers, shy adults exhibited significantly less activation in the fusiform gyri than did social adults".[32]Furthermore, particular areas respond more to a face that is considered attractive, as seen in another study: "Facial beauty evokes a widely distributed neural network involving perceptual, decision-making and reward circuits. In those experiments, the perceptual response across FFA and LOC remained present even when subjects were not attending explicitly to facial beauty".[33]

Society and culture


Cosmetic surgery


Cosmetic surgerycan be used to alter the appearance of the facial features.[34]Maxillofacial surgery may also be used in cases offacial trauma,injury to the face and skin diseases. Severely disfigured individuals have recently received fullface transplantsand partial transplants of skin and muscle tissue.[35]



Caricaturesoften exaggerate facial features to make a face more easily recognized in association with a pronounced portion of the face of the individual in question—for example, a caricature ofOsama bin Ladenmight focus on his facial hair and nose; a caricature ofGeorge W. Bushmight enlarge his ears to the size of an elephant's; a caricature ofJay Lenomay pronounce his head and chin; and a caricature ofMick Jaggermight enlarge his lips. Exaggeration of memorable features helps people to recognize others when presented in a caricature form.[36]



By extension, anything which is the forward or world-facing part of a system which has internal structure is considered its "face", like thefaçadeof a building. For example, apublic relationsorpress officermight be called the "face" of the organization he or she represents. "Face" is also used metaphorically in asociological contextto refer to reputation or standing in society, particularly Chinese society,[37]and is spoken of as a resource which can be won or lost. Because of the association with individuality, the anonymous person is sometimes referred to as "faceless".

See also



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