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First Matabele War

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First Matabele War
Part of theMatabele Wars

TheBattle of the Shangani(25 October 1893), as depicted byRichard Caton Woodville Jr.(1856–1927)
DateOctober 1893 – January 1894
Result Decisive Company victory; dissolution of the Ndebele Kingdom
Matabeleland brought under Company control
British South Africa Company
Ndebele Kingdom
Commanders and leaders
Cecil Rhodes
Leander Starr Jameson
MajorAllan Wilson
MajorPatrick Forbes
Khama III
Mjaan, ChiefinDuna
750 Company troops
1000 Tswana
80,000 spearmen
20,000 riflemen
Casualties and losses
ca. 100[1] Over 10,000[1]

TheFirst Matabele Warwas fought between 1893 and 1894 in modern-dayZimbabwe.It pitted theBritish South Africa Companyagainst theNdebele(Matabele) Kingdom.Lobengula,king of the Ndebele, had tried to avoid outright war with the company's pioneers because he and his advisors were mindful of the destructive power of European-produced weapons on traditional Matabeleimpis(units of warriors) attacking in massed ranks. Lobengula reportedly could muster 80,000 spearmen and 20,000 riflemen, armed withMartini-Henryrifles, which were modern arms at that time. However, poor training may have resulted in the weapons not being used effectively.[citation needed]

The British South Africa Company had no more than 750 troops in theBritish South Africa Company's Police,with an undetermined number of possible colonial volunteers and an additional 700Tswana(Bechuana) allies.Cecil Rhodes,who was Prime Minister of the Cape Colony, andLeander Starr Jameson,the Administrator of Mashonaland, also tried to avoid war to prevent loss of confidence in the future of the territory.[citation needed]Matters came to a head when Lobengula approved a raid to forcibly extract tribute from a Mashona chief in the district of the town ofFort Victoria,which inevitably led to a clash with the company.[citation needed]

Events leading to war[edit]

An inhabitant ofBulawayo,pictured in 1890

The British government agreed that theBritish South Africa Companywouldadministerthe territory stretching from theLimpopoto theZambeziunderroyal charter.[citation needed]Queen Victoriasigned the charter in 1889. Cecil Rhodes used this document in 1890 to justify sending thePioneer Column,a group of settlers protected by well-armedBritish South Africa Company's Police(BSAP) and guided by the big game hunterFrederick Selous,throughMatabelelandand into Shona territory to establish Fort Salisbury (nowHarare).[2]

Throughout 1891 and 1892,Lobengulaensured that his raiding parties were directed away from their main target areas ofMashonalandand so precluded possible clashes between his zealous young commanders and the white settlers.[3]However, in 1893, a chief in the Victoria district named Gomara refused tribute, asserting that he was now under the protection of the laws of the settlers. In order to save face, Lobengula was impelled to send a raiding party of several thousand warriors to bring hisvassalto heel. The raiding party destroyed several villages and murdered many of the inhabitants. (In this they were more restrained than usual as they generally abducted the suitably aged young men and women and killed everyone else.)[citation needed]However, the local British South Africa Company administration felt that they had to intervene to avoid losing the confidence of the local people who complained that they were not being given any support against the raid. As a result, the Company officials demanded from the raiders that they leave immediately. The Ndebele refused and in the hostilities that developed the Ndebele sustained about 40 casualties; this led to their withdrawal. King Lobengula had given stern warning to his fighters when they started the raid. "If you shed one drop of the white man's blood on this raid into Mashonaland, I will have every one of you killed when you return".[4]

Start of the war[edit]

There was a delay of just over two months (August to October) while Jameson corresponded with Rhodes in Cape Town and considered how to amass enough troops to undertake an invasion of Matabeleland.

BSAP columns rode fromFort Salisburyand Fort Victoria, and combined at Iron Mine Hill, around the centre point of the country, on 16 October 1893.[5]Together the force totalled about 700 men, commanded by MajorPatrick Forbesand equipped with fiveMaxim machine guns.Forbes' combined column moved on the Matabele king's capital atBulawayo,to the south-west. An additional force of 700 Bechuanas marched on Bulawayo from the south underKhama III,the most influential of theBamangwatochiefs, and a staunch ally of the British. The Matabele army mobilised to prevent Forbes from reaching the city, and twice engaged the column as it approached: on 25 October, 3,500 warriors assaulted the column near theShangani River.[6]Lobengula's troops were well-drilled and formidable by pre-colonial African standards, but the pioneers' Maxim guns, which had never before been used in battle, far exceeded expectations, according to an eyewitness "mow[ing] them down literally like grass".[7]By the time the Matabele withdrew, they had suffered around 1,500 fatalities; the BSAP, on the other hand, had lost only four men.[7]

A week later, on 1 November, 2,000 Matabele riflemen and 4,000 warriorsattacked ForbesatBembesi,about 50 kilometres (30 mi) north-east of Bulawayo,[6]but again they were no match for the crushing firepower of the major's Maxims: about 2,500 more Matabele were killed.[6]Lobengula fled Bulawayo as soon as he heard the news from Bembesi;[6]in keeping with traditional custom, he and his subjects torched the royal town as they went. In the resultant conflagration, the city's large store of ivory, gold and other treasure was destroyed, and itsammunition magazineexploded.[5][8]The flames were still rising when the British marched into the settlement the next day;[8]they set up base in the "White Man's Camp" already present, and nailed the company flag and theUnion Jackto a tree.[9]The reconstruction of Bulawayo began almost as soon as the fires were out, with a new Company-run city rising atop the ruins of Lobengula's former residence.[8]

Destruction of Bulawayo[edit]

The column of Khama's men from the south had reached theTati River,and won a victory on the Singuesi river on 2 November. Advanced scouts for the colonial forces, includingBurnhamandSelous,reached Bulawayo that same day, only to watch as Lobengula blew up his arsenal of ammunition rather than allow it to be captured by the company. The town, mostly made up of wood-beam huts with mud (dagga) walls, was largely destroyed.[10]On 3 November, Bulawayo was reached by the Victoria column fromMashonaland,accompanied byJamesonand Sir John Willoughby. By this time, Lobengula and his warriors were in full flight towards the Zambezi. An attempt was made to induce Lobengula to surrender, but no replies were received to the messages. The United Salisbury Column later arrived in Bulawayo, and on 13 November, MajorPatrick Forbesorganized his column and started in pursuit of Lobengula.

Shangani Patrol[edit]

The pursuing party was delayed by difficult routes and heavy rains, and did not catch up with Lobengula until December 3. MajorAllan Wilson,in command of thirty-four troopers known as theShangani Patrol,crossed the Shangani river andbivouackedclose to Lobengula's quarters.[citation needed] In the night the river rose, and early the next morning the Matabele surrounded the Shangani Patrol, overwhelming Wilson and his followers. 34 men of the Shangani Patrol perished in the encounter, while the remaining three (American scoutsFrederick Russell Burnhamand Pearl "Pete" Ingram, and an Australian named Gooding) crossed the swollen river under orders from Wilson, and returned to Forbes to request reinforcements. However, Forbes' forces were unable to cross the river in time.

Defeat of the Matabele[edit]

Death of Lobengula, and submission of theizinDuna[edit]


Lobengula died fromsmallpoxon January 22 or 23 1894.[5][11]Meanwhile, the Ndebele warriors gradually succumbed to the company's superior firepower. Soon after the king's death, the NdebeleizinDunasubmitted to the British South Africa Company. Charges were later made in theBritish House of Commonsagainst the company, accusing them of having provoked the Ndebele in order to secure their territory. However, after enquiry the company was exonerated from the charge byLord Ripon,theColonial Secretary.[citation needed]

Lobengula's box of sovereigns[edit]

Following the end of the war, one of Lobengula'sizinDunasaid that just before Forbes' column had reached the Shangani on 3 December 1893, the king had attempted to buy the pioneers off. According to this story, two Matabele messengers, Petchan and Sehuloholu, had been given a box of goldsovereigns,and instructed to intercept the column before it reached the river. They were to tell the white people that the king admitted defeat, and offered this money in tribute if the BSAP would turn back.[12]"Gold is the only thing that will stop the white men," Lobengula reportedly said.[13]Petchan and Sehuloholu reportedly reached the column on 2 December 1893, and gave the money and the message to two men in the rear guard. No man who had been attached to the column confirmed this, but company authorities thought it unlikely that the Matabele would simply invent such a story.[12]Two officers'batmenwere accused of accepting the gold, then keeping it for themselves and not passing on the message. The evidence against them was inconclusive, but they were found guilty and sentenced to 14 years' hard labour by the Resident Magistrate.[12]They were released after two years, however, because the maximum term the Magistrate could give was three months; the convictions were ultimately quashed altogether on a re-assessment of the evidence by the High Commissioner's legal team.[14]The truth of the matter has never been conclusively resolved.[12]


In every step taken by the company, the guiding hand was that ofCecil Rhodes,[citation needed]a fact which received recognition when the company's territory officially received the name "Rhodesia"on May 3, 1895. During this year there was great activity in exploitingMatabeleland,with "Stands" or plots being sold at extraordinary prices inBulawayo.Within nine months the rebuilt town of Bulawayo had a population of 1,900 colonials with over 2,000 moreprospectorsin the variousgoldfields.[citation needed]A new company, the African Transcontinental Company, was founded under the auspices of Col.Frank Rhodes,brother of Cecil, with the ultimate purpose of connecting the Cape withCairo.[citation needed]The railway fromCape TownpassedMafeking,and approached the Rhodesian frontier, reaching Bulawayo in 1897. The east coast line to connect Salisbury (nowHarare) withBeira, Mozambique(thenPortuguese East Africa Colony) was completed in 1899.[citation needed]

Maxim gun, 1895 vintage

Maxim gun[edit]

The First Matabele War was the first wartime use of a Maxim gun by Britain and it proved to have a decisive impact. In less than optimal situations, such as hilly or mountainous terrain or dense vegetation with poor lines of sight, the Maxim gun resulted in little direct impact on enemy deaths. But as a psychological weapon, the Maxim gun was effective. It generated a sense of fear in the Ndebele and made theBritish South Africa Policeseem invincible. In one engagement, for example, 50 company soldiers with four Maxim guns fought off 5,000 Ndebele warriors.[citation needed]

See also[edit]

Notes and references[edit]

  1. ^abPanton 2015,p. 321.
  2. ^Pakenham 1991,pp. 374–375, 389–391.
  3. ^Knight-Bruce 1892,Ch. V.
  4. ^Burnham 2016,p. 113.
  5. ^abcHistory Society of Zimbabwe 1993,pp. 5–6
  6. ^abcdKnight 1989,pp. 35–36
  7. ^abFerguson 2004,p. 188
  8. ^abcRanger 2010,pp. 14–17
  9. ^Ransford 1968,p. 13
  10. ^Oliver 1985.
  11. ^Hopkins 2002,p. 191
  12. ^abcdGale 1958,pp. 156–157
  13. ^Cary 1968,p. 153
  14. ^Marshall Hole 1926,p. 320
Journal articles
  • "1893 Sequence of Events; The Wilson (Shangani) Patrol"(PDF).Centenary of the Matabele War of 1893.Harare: Mashonaland Branch of the History Society of Zimbabwe. 25–26 September 1993. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 30 January 2021.Retrieved7 April2012.
  • Ransford, O. N. (July 1968). "'White Man's Camp', Bulawayo ".Rhodesiana(18). Salisbury: The Rhodesiana Society: 13–21.

External links[edit]