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Flint mining

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Flint miningis the process ofextractingflintfrom underground. Flint mines can be as simple as a pit on the surface or an area ofquarrying,or it may refer to a series ofshaftsandtunnelsused to extractflint.

Flint has been mined since thePalaeolithic,but was most common during theNeolithic.Flint was especially valued inprehistoryfor its use inweaponry.Although flint is not as valuable a resource in modern times, a few flint mines remain in operation even today (for example atMiorcani).[1]

List of flint mines


Further reading


The above-mentioned flint mining sites and others are mentioned in the following texts:

  • Allard, Bostyn, Giligny, Lech (Editors) 2006[14]
  • Aubry & Mangado 2006[15]
  • Hunt Ortiz 1996[16]
  • Matías Rodríguez, R. 2005[17]
  • Weisgerber & Slotta 1999[18]

See also



  1. ^Mindo S.A."Mindo S.A. Annual Report"(PDF).Retrieved14 May2012.[permanent dead link]
  2. ^Verri, G. (17 May 2004)."Flint mining in prehistory recorded by in situ-produced cosmogenic 10Be".Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.101(21): 7880–7884.Bibcode:2004PNAS..101.7880V.doi:10.1073/pnas.0402302101.PMC419525.PMID15148365.
  3. ^Bostyn, F. and Lanchon, Y. (eds.) (1992).Jablines. Le Haut Château (Seine-et-Marne). Une minière de silex au Néolithique.Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de L’Homme: Documents d’Archéologie Française, 35.{{cite book}}:|last=has generic name (help)CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  4. ^Bostyn, F.; Lanchon, Y. (1997). "The Neolithic Flint Mine at Jablines, 'Le Haut Château' (Seine-et-Marne)". In A. Ramos-Millán; M.A. Bustillo (eds.).Siliceous rocks and culture.Granada: Universidad de Granada. pp. 271–291.ISBN9788433823908.
  5. ^Barber, M., Field, D. and Topping, P. (1999).The Neolithic Flint Mines of England.Swindon: English Heritage.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  6. ^Holgate, R. (1995). "Neolithic flint mining in Britain".Archaeologia Polona.33:133–161.
  7. ^Topping, P. (1997).Structured deposition, symbolism, and the English flint mines. In R. Schild and Z. Sulgostowska (eds), Man and Flint. Proceedings of the VIIth International Flint Symposium. Warszawa-Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, Warszawa.Warsaw: Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences. pp. 127–131.
  8. ^"The Rohri Flint Quarries; Bibliography".Archived fromthe originalon 6 January 2013.Retrieved14 May2012.
  9. ^Migal, W.; Salacinski, S. (1997).Studies at Krzemionki during the last decade. In R. Schild and Z. Sulgostowska, Man and Flint. Proceedings of the VIIth International Flint Symposium. Warszawa-Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski.Warsaw: Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology. Polish Academy of Sciences. pp. 103–108.
  10. ^Lech, H.; Lech, J. (1984). "The Prehistoric Flint Mine at Wierzbica 'Zele': A Case Study from Poland".World Archaeology.16(2): 186–203.doi:10.1080/00438243.1984.9979927.
  11. ^Osipowicz, G., Kerneder-Gubała, K., Bosiak, M., Makowiecki, D., Orłowska, J. (April 2019). "The oldest osseous mining tools in Europe? New discoveries from the chocolate flint mine in Orońsko, site 2 (southern Poland)".Quaternary International.512:82–98.doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2019.02.005.ISSN1040-6182.
  12. ^Kerneder-Gubała, K., Buławka, N., Buławka, S., Szubski, M. (2017). "GIS w badaniach powierzchniowych stanowisk górniczych na przykładzie kopalni krzemienia czekoladowego w Orońsku (gm. Orońsko, pow. Szydłowiecki, woj. Mazowieckie)".Archeologia Polski.LXII:7–37.
  13. ^http:// casamontero.org/.{{cite web}}:Missing or empty|title=(help)
  14. ^Allard P.; et al. (2008).Flint mining in prehistoric Europe: interpreting the archaeological records: European Association of Archaeologists, 12th annual meeting, Cracow, Poland, 19th-24th September 2006.Oxford: Archaeopress.ISBN9781407303710.
  15. ^Aubry, Thierry; Mangado Llach, Javier (2006).The Côa valley (Portugal): lithic raw material characterisation and the reconstruction of Upper Palaeolithic settlement patterns.In: Notions de territoire et de mobilité: exemples de l'Europe et des premières nations en Amérique du Nord avant le contact européen: actes des sessions présentées au Xe congrès annuel de l'Association européenne des Archéologues (EAA), Lyon, 8–11 sept. pp. 41–49.
  16. ^Hunt Ortiz, M.A. (1996).La explotación de los recursos minerales en Europa y la Península Ibérica durante la prehistoria.Universidad de Valladolid.
  17. ^Matías Rodríguez, R. (2005). "Origen de la minería".Cimbra.362.
  18. ^Weisgerber G, Slotta R (1999).5000 Jahre Feuersteinbergbau: die Suche nach dem Stahl der Steinzeit; Ausstellung im Deutschen Bergbau-Museum Bochum vom 24. Oktober 1980 bis 31. Januar 1981(3., verb., erw. u. aktualisierte Aufl. ed.). Bochum: Deutsches Bergbau-Museum.ISBN9783921533666.