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Forest track

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(Redirected fromForest road)
Forest road in North Bohemia
Pathway through forest.
Concrete pathway through deep forest in India.

Forest tracksorforest roadsare roads or tracks intended to carry motorised vehicles or horse-drawn wagons being used mainly or exclusively forforestrypurposes, such asconservationorlogging.Forest tracks may be open to ramblers ormountain bikersdepending on local rules.


Forest track in the Bavarian Forest

Forest roads may be tarmacked, gravelled or metalled (using hard core) and often have restrictions on use. In many regions the establishment of forest roads is not only subject to approval under forest management law, but also conservation law.[1]

Inriparian forestand other especially important conservation areas, forest roads and tracks are generally signed as beingout of boundsand/or closed off withbarriers.

Inmountainousregions the situation is more complex. On the one hand, forest roads on steepmountainsidesmust be wider than on theplainsin order to enable vehicles to safely negotiatehairpin bends.On the other hand, the widening of old tracks runs the risk of heaviererosionorlandslides.


Forest road trail created naturally by walkers, Sri Lanka

Forest roads may be subdivided into various classes according to their capacity. For example, in Germany, the key of topographic maps distinguishes between are metalled roadways (Befestigte Fahrwegen), roadways (Fahrwegen), forest tracks (Waldwegen) and footpaths (Fußwegen), the latter not being suitable for forest vehicles.

See also


Further reading

  • Peter Dietz, Wolfgang Knigge, Hans Löffler:Walderschließung. Ein Lehrbuch für Studium und Praxis unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Waldwegebaus.Parey, Hamburg und Berlin 1984, 426 pp.,ISBN3-490-02116-9
  • Swen Hentschel,Funktionenbezogene Optimierung der Walderschließung im Göttinger Stadtwald unter Einsatz Geographischer Informationssysteme,especiallyKap. 3.4 - Herleiten eines bedarfsorientierten Erschließungsnetzes,Diss. Göttingen, July 1999
  • Verwaltungsgericht KölnUrteil Az. 14 K 5008/07(PDF; 38 kB), Begründungsteil zur Waldwegedefinition, Cologne, 2 December 2008


  1. ^ForstwegArchived2022-06-03 at theWayback Machinein Tyrol retrieved 28 June 2010