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François Denis Née

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François Denis Née(1732 – 19 August 1817) was a French engraver. He was born and died in Paris.

He trained underJacques-Philippe Le Basand opened a shop withLouis-Joseph Masquelier the Elderin the 1770s on rue des Francs-Bourgeois, moving to rue de Fleurus after theFrench Revolution,where they produced lithographs.

He is most notable for his engravings of the works ofJean-Baptiste Lallemandas well as his participation inLes Conquêtes de l'Empereur de Chine,a major work commissioned by the JesuitsJean-Denis Attiret,Giuseppe Castiglione,Ignaz SichelbartandJean Damascene.This was a series of 12 complementary engravings coordinated byCharles-Nicolas Cochin,with copperplates engraved in Paris between 1772 and 1774 at the expense of theQianlongsovereign.

He also worked for the views of the Temple of Diana in Nismes, under the french engraverClaude-René-Gabriel Poulleau.Together with other artists they marked the fame ofCharles-Louis Clérisseauand his Antiquités de la France.

His pupils included Joseph C. Maillet (1751–1811), a publisher and printseller.


  • "purl.org/inha/agorha/002/15770".purl.org.Retrieved2018-07-20.