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French Republican calendar

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French Republican Calendar of 1794, drawn byPhilibert-Louis Debucourt

TheFrench Republican calendar(French:calendrier républicain français), also commonly called theFrench Revolutionary calendar(calendrier révolutionnaire français), was acalendarcreated and implemented during theFrench Revolution,and used by the French government for about 12 years from late 1793 to 1805, and for 18 days by theParis Communein 1871, and meant to replace theGregorian calendar.[1]

The calendar consisted of twelve 30-day months, each divided into three 10-day cycles similar to weeks, plus five or sixintercalary daysat the end to fill out the balance of asolar year.It was designed in part to remove all religious androyalistinfluences from the calendar, and it was part of a larger attempt atdechristianizationanddecimalisationin France (which also includeddecimal timeof day,decimalisationof currency, andmetrication). It was used in government records in France and other areas under French rule, includingBelgium,Luxembourg,and parts of theNetherlands,Germany,Switzerland,Malta,andItaly.

Beginning and ending


TheNational Constituent Assemblyat first intended to create a new calendar marking the "era of Liberty", beginning on 14 July 1789, the date of theStorming of the Bastille.However, on 2 January 1792 its successor theLegislative Assemblydecided that Year IV of Liberty had begun the day before. Year I had therefore begun on 1 January 1789.

On 21 September 1792, theFrench First Republicwasproclaimed,and the newNational Conventiondecided that 1792 was to be known as Year I of the French Republic. It decreed on 2 January 1793 that Year II of the Republic had begun the day before. However, the new calendar as adopted by the Convention in October 1793 made 22 September 1792 the first day of Year I.

Ultimately, the calendar came to commemorate the Republic, and not the Revolution. The Common Era, commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, was abolished and replaced withl'ère républicaine,the Republican Era, signifying the "age of reason" overcoming superstition, as part of the campaign ofdechristianization.

The First Republic ended with thecoronation of Napoleon I as Emperoron 11 Frimaire, Year XIII, or 2 December 1804. Despite this, the republican calendar continued to be used until 1 January 1806, when Napoleon declared it abolished. It was briefly used again for a few weeks of theParis Commune,in May 1871.

Overview and origins




The prominent atheist essayist and philosopherSylvain Maréchalpublished the first edition of hisAlmanach des Honnêtes-gens(Almanac of Honest People) in 1788.[2]The first month in the almanac is "Mars, ou Princeps" (March, or First), the last month is "Février, ou Duodécembre" (February, or Twelfth). The lengths of the months are the same as those in the Gregorian calendar; however, the 10th, 20th, and 30th days are singled out of each month as the end of adécade(group of ten days). Individual days were assigned, instead of to the traditional saints, to people noteworthy for mostly secular achievements. Later editions of the almanac would switch to the Republican Calendar.[3]


A copy of the French Republican Calendar in the Historical Museum of Lausanne

The days of theFrench RevolutionandRepublicsaw many efforts to sweep away various trappings of theAncien Régime(the old feudal monarchy); some of these were more successful than others. The new Republican government sought to institute, among other reforms, a new social and legal system, a new system of weights and measures (which became themetric system), and a new calendar.

Amid nostalgia for the ancientRoman Republic,the theories of theAge of Enlightenmentwere at their peak, and the devisers of the new systems looked to nature for their inspiration. Natural constants, multiples of ten, andLatinas well asAncient Greekderivations formed the fundamental blocks from which the new systems were built.

The new calendar was created by a commission under the direction of the politicianGilbert Rommeseconded byClaude Joseph Ferry[fr]andCharles-François Dupuis.They associated with their work the chemistLouis-Bernard Guyton de Morveau,the mathematician and astronomerJoseph-Louis Lagrange,the astronomerJérôme Lalande,the mathematicianGaspard Monge,the astronomer and naval geographerAlexandre Guy Pingré,and the poet, actor and playwrightFabre d'Églantine,who invented the names of the months, with the help ofAndré Thouin,gardener at theJardin des plantesof theMuséum National d'Histoire Naturellein Paris. As therapporteurof the commission, Charles-Gilbert Romme presented the new calendar to theJacobin-controlledNational Conventionon 23 September 1793, which adopted it on 24 October 1793 and also extended itprolepticallyto itsepochof 22 September 1792. It is because of his position as rapporteur of the commission that the creation of the republican calendar is attributed to Romme.[4]

The calendar is frequently named the "French Revolutionary Calendar" because it was created during the Revolution, but this is a slight misnomer. In France, it is known as thecalendrier républicainas well as thecalendrier révolutionnaire.There was initially a debate as to whether the calendar should celebrate the Great Revolution, which began in July 1789, or the Republic, which was established in 1792.[5]Immediately following 14 July 1789, papers and pamphlets started calling 1789 year I of Liberty and the following years II and III. It was in 1792, with the practical problem of dating financial transactions, that the legislative assembly was confronted with the problem of the calendar. Originally, the choice of epoch was either 1 January 1789 or 14 July 1789. After some hesitation the assembly decided on 2 January 1792 that all official documents would use the "era of Liberty" and that the year IV of Liberty started on 1 January 1792. This usage was modified on 22 September 1792 when the Republic was proclaimed and the Convention decided that all public documents would be dated Year I of the French Republic. The decree of 2 January 1793 stipulated that the year II of the Republic began on 1 January 1793; this was revoked with the introduction of the new calendar, which set 22 September 1793 as the beginning of year II. The establishment of the Republic was used as the epochal date for the calendar; therefore, the calendar commemorates the Republic, and not the Revolution.

French coins of the period naturally used this calendar. Many show the year (French:an) in Arabic numbers, although Roman numerals were used on some issues. Year 11 coins typically have a XI date to avoid confusion with the Roman II.

The French Revolution is usually considered to have ended with thecoup of 18 Brumaire,Year VIII (9 November 1799), thecoup d'étatofNapoleon Bonaparteagainst the established constitutional regime of theDirectoire.

1 Floréal, Year 79 issue ofThe Son of Père Duchêne,a newspaper published during theParis Commune.

TheConcordat of 1801re-established the Roman Catholic Church as an official institution in France, although not as the state religion of France. The concordat took effect from Easter Sunday, 28 Germinal, Year XI (8 April 1802); it restored the names of the days of the week to the ones from theGregorian calendar,and fixed Sunday as the official day of rest and religious celebration.[6]However, the other attributes of the republican calendar, the months, and years, remained as they were.

The French Republic ended with thecoronation of NapoleonasEmpereur des Français(Emperor of the French) on 11 Frimaire, Year XIII (2 December 1804), but the republican calendar would remain in place for another year.Napoleonfinally abolished the republican calendar with effect from 1 January 1806 (the day after 10 Nivôse Year XIV), a little over twelve years after its introduction. It was, however, used again briefly in theJournal officielfor some dates during a short period of theParis Commune,6–23 May 1871 (16 Floréal–3 Prairial Year LXXIX).[7]

Calendar design

L AN 2 DE LA REPUBLIQUE FR (Year 2 of the French Republic) on a barn near Geneva, dating to 1793 or 1794

Years appear in writing asRoman numerals(usually), with epoch 22 September 1792, the beginning of the "Republican Era" (the day theFrench First Republicwas proclaimed, one day after the Convention abolished the monarchy). As a result, Roman Numeral I indicates the first year of the republic, that is, the year before the calendar actually came into use. By law, the beginning of each year was set at midnight, beginning on the day the apparentautumnal equinoxfalls at the Paris Observatory.

There were twelve months, each divided into three ten-day weeks calleddécades.The tenth day,décadi,replaced Sunday as the day of rest and festivity. The five or six extra days needed to approximate the solar ortropical yearwere placed after the final month of each year and calledcomplementary days.This arrangement was an almost exact copy of thecalendar used by the Ancient Egyptians,though in their case the year did not begin and end on the autumnal equinox.

A period of four years ending on a leap day was to be called a "Franciade". The name "Olympique"was originally proposed[8]but changed to Franciade to commemorate the fact that it had taken the revolution four years to establish a republican government in France.[9]

The leap year was calledSextile,an allusion to the "bissextile"leap yearsof the Julian and Gregorian calendars, because it contained a sixth complementary day.

Decimal time


Each day in the Republican Calendar was divided into ten hours, each hour into 100 decimal minutes, and each decimal minute into 100 decimal seconds. Thus an hour was 144 conventional minutes (2.4 times as long as a conventional hour), a minute was 86.4 conventional seconds (44% longer than a conventional minute), and a second was 0.864 conventional seconds (13.6% shorter than a conventional second).

Clockswere manufactured to display thisdecimal time,but it did not catch on. Mandatory use of decimal time was officially suspended 7 April 1795, although some cities continued to use decimal time as late as 1801.[10]

The numbering of years in the Republican Calendar byRoman numeralsran counter to this general decimalization tendency.



The Republican calendar year began the day theautumnal equinoxoccurred in Paris, and had twelve months of 30 days each, which were given new names based on nature, principally having to do with the prevailing weather in and around Paris and sometimes evoking the MedievalLabours of the Months.The extra five or six days in the year were not given a month designation, but consideredSansculottidesorComplementary Days.

  • Autumn:
    • Vendémiaire(from Frenchvendange,which means 'grape harvest', derived from Latinvindemia'vintage'), starting 22, 23, or 24 September
    • Brumaire(from Frenchbrume'mist', from Latinbrūma'winter solstice; winter; winter cold'), starting 22, 23, or 24 October
    • Frimaire(from Frenchfrimas'frost'), starting 21, 22, or 23 November
  • Winter:
    • Nivôse(from Latinnivosus'snowy'), starting 21, 22, or 23 December
    • Pluviôse(from Frenchpluvieux,derived from Latinpluvius'rainy'), starting 20, 21, or 22 January
    • Ventôse(from Frenchventeux,derived from Latinventosus'windy'), starting 19, 20, or 21 February
  • Spring:
    • Germinal(from Frenchgermination), starting 21 or 22 March
    • Floréal(from Frenchfleur,derived from Latinflos'flower'), starting 20 or 21 April
    • Prairial(from Frenchprairie'meadow'), starting 20 or 21 May
  • Summer:
    • Messidor(from Latinmessis'harvest'), starting 19 or 20 June
    • Thermidor(from Greekθέρμη,thermē,'summer heat'), starting 19 or 20 July; on many printed calendars of Year II (1793–94), the month ofThermidorwas namedFervidor(from Latinfervidus,"burning hot" )
    • Fructidor(from Latinfructus'fruit'), starting 18 or 19 August

Most of the month names were new words coined from French,Latin,orGreek.The endings of the names are grouped by season.-dorcomes fromδῶρον,dō̂ronmeans 'giving' in Greek.[11]

In Britain, a contemporary wit mocked the Republican Calendar by calling the months:Wheezy,Sneezy,andFreezy;Slippy,Drippy,andNippy;Showery,Flowery,andBowery;Hoppy,Croppy,andPoppy.[12][13]The historianThomas Carlylesuggested somewhat more serious English names in his 1837 workThe French Revolution: A History,[11]namely Vintagearious, Fogarious, Frostarious, Snowous, Rainous, Windous, Buddal, Floweral, Meadowal, Reapidor, Heatidor, and Fruitidor. Like the French originals, they areneologismssuggesting a meaning related to the season.

Ten days of the week

French Revolutionarypocket watchshowing ten-daydécadenames and thirty-day month numbers from the Republican Calendar, but with duodecimal time. On display at theMusée d'Art et d'Histoire (Neuchâtel)In Switzerland.

The month is divided into threedécadesor "weeks" of ten days each, named:

  • primidi(first day)
  • duodi(second day)
  • tridi(third day)
  • quartidi(fourth day)
  • quintidi(fifth day)
  • sextidi(sixth day)
  • septidi(seventh day)
  • octidi(eighth day)
  • nonidi(ninth day)
  • décadi(tenth day)

Décadis became official days of rest instead of Sundays, in order to diminish the influence of the Roman Catholic Church. They were used for the festivals of a succession of new religions meant to replace Catholicism: theCult of Reason,theCult of the Supreme Being,theDecadary Cult,andTheophilanthropy.Christian holidays were officially abolished in favor of revolutionary holidays.

The law of 13 Fructidor year VI (August 30, 1798) required that marriages must only be celebrated on décadis. This law was applied from the 1st Vendémiaire year VII (September 22, 1798) to 28 Pluviôse year VIII (February 17, 1800).

Décades were abandoned at the changeover from Germinal to Floréal an X (20 to 21 April 1802), after Napoleon's Concordat with the Pope.[14]

Rural calendar


TheRoman Catholic Churchused acalendar of saints,which named each day of the year after an associatedsaint.To reduce the influence of the Church,Fabre d'Églantineintroduced a Rural Calendar in which each day of the year had a unique name associated with therural economy,stated to correspond to the time of year. Everydécadi(ending in 0) was named after an agricultural tool. Eachquintidi(ending in 5) was named for a common animal. The rest of the days were named for "grain, pasture, trees, roots, flowers, fruits" and other plants, except for the first month of winter, Nivôse, during which the rest of the days were named after minerals.[15][16]

Our starting point was the idea of celebrating, through the calendar, the agricultural system, and of leading the nation back to it, marking the times and the fractions of the year by intelligible or visible signs taken from agriculture and the rural economy. (...)

As the calendar is something that we use so often, we must take advantage of this frequency of use to put elementary notions of agriculture before the people – to show the richness of nature, to make them love the fields, and to methodically show them the order of the influences of the heavens and of the products of the earth.

The priests assigned the commemoration of a so-called saint to each day of the year: this catalogue exhibited neither utility nor method; it was a collection of lies, of deceit or of charlatanism.

We thought that the nation, after having kicked out this canonised mob from its calendar, must replace it with the objects that make up the true riches of the nation, worthy objects not from a cult, but from agriculture – useful products of the soil, the tools that we use to cultivate it, and the domesticated animals, our faithful servants in these works; animals much more precious, without doubt, to the eye of reason, than the beatified skeletons pulled from the catacombs of Rome.

So we have arranged in the column of each month, the names of the real treasures of the rural economy. The grains, the pastures, the trees, the roots, the flowers, the fruits, the plants are arranged in the calendar, in such a way that the place and the day of the month that each product occupies is precisely the season and the day that Nature presents it to us.

— Fabre d'Églantine, "Rapport fait à la Convention nationale au nom de la Commission chargée de la confection du Calendrier",[17]Imprimerie nationale, 1793

The following pictures, showing twelve allegories for the months, were illustrated by French painterLouis Lafitte(1779–1828), and engraved bySalvatore Tresca[fr](1750–1815).[18]


(22/24 September – 21/23 October)
122 SepRaisin (Grape)
223 SepSafran (Saffron)
324 SepChâtaigne (Chestnut)
425 SepColchique (Autumn Crocus)
526 SepCheval (Horse)
627 SepBalsamine (Impatiens)
728 SepCarotte (Carrot)
829 SepAmaranthe (Amaranth)
930 SepPanais (Parsnip)
101 OctCuve (Vat)
112 OctPomme de terre (Potato)
123 OctImmortelle (Strawflower)
134 OctPotiron (Winter squash)
145 OctRéséda (Mignonette)
156 OctÂne (Donkey)
167 OctBelle de nuit (Four o'clock flower)
178 OctCitrouille (Pumpkin)
189 OctSarrasin (Buckwheat)
1910 OctTournesol (Sunflower)
2011 OctPressoir (Wine-Press)
2112 OctChanvre (Hemp)
2213 OctPêche (Peach)
2314 OctNavet (Turnip)
2415 OctAmaryllis (Amaryllis)
2516 OctBœuf (Ox)
2617 OctAubergine (Eggplant)
2718 OctPiment (Chili pepper)
2819 OctTomate (Tomato)
2920 OctOrge (Barley)
3021 OctTonneau (Barrel)
(22/24 October – 20/22 November)
122 OctPomme (Apple)
223 OctCéleri (Celery)
324 OctPoire (Pear)
425 OctBetterave (Beetroot)
526 OctOie (Goose)
627 OctHéliotrope (Heliotrope)
728 OctFigue (Common fig)
829 OctScorsonère (Black Salsify)
930 OctAlisier (Chequer Tree)
1031 OctCharrue (Plough)
111 NovSalsifis (Salsify)
122 NovMâcre (Water caltrop)
133 NovTopinambour (Jerusalem artichoke)
144 NovEndive (Endive)
155 NovDindon (Turkey)
166 NovChervis (Skirret)
177 NovCresson (Watercress)
188 NovDentelaire (Leadworts)
199 NovGrenade (Pomegranate)
2010 NovHerse (Harrow)
2111 NovBacchante (Baccharis)
2212 NovAzerole (Azarole)
2313 NovGarance (Madder)
2414 NovOrange (Orange)
2515 NovFaisan (Pheasant)
2616 NovPistache (Pistachio Nut)
2717 NovMacjonc (Tuberous pea)
2818 NovCoing (Quince)
2919 NovCormier (Service tree)
3020 NovRouleau (Roller)
(21/23 November – 20/22 December)
121 NovRaiponce (Rampion)
222 NovTurneps (Cattle turnip)
323 NovChicorée (Chicory)
424 NovNèfle (Medlar)
525 NovCochon (Pig)
626 NovMâche (Lamb's lettuce)
727 NovChou-fleur (Cauliflower)
828 NovMiel (Honey)
929 NovGenièvre (Juniper)
1030 NovPioche (Pickaxe)
111 DecCire (Wax)
122 DecRaifort (Horseradish)
133 DecCèdre (Cedar tree)
144 DecSapin (Fir)
155 DecChevreuil (Roe deer)
166 DecAjonc (Gorse)
177 DecCyprès (Cypress Tree)
188 DecLierre (Ivy)
199 DecSabine (Savin Juniper)
2010 DecHoyau (Fork hoe)
2111 DecÉrable à sucre (Sugar Maple)
2212 DecBruyère (Heather)
2313 DecRoseau (Reed plant)
2414 DecOseille (Sorrel)
2515 DecGrillon (Cricket)
2616 DecPignon (Pine nut)
2717 DecLiège (Cork)
2818 DecTruffe (Truffle)
2919 DecOlive (Olive)
3020 DecPelle (Shovel)


(21/23 December – 19/21 January)
121 DecTourbe (Peat)
222 DecHouille (Coal)
323 DecBitume (Bitumen)
424 DecSoufre (Sulphur)
525 DecChien (Dog)
626 DecLave (Lava)
727 DecTerre végétale (Topsoil)
828 DecFumier (Manure)
929 DecSalpêtre (Saltpeter)
1030 DecFléau (Flail)
1131 DecGranit (Granite)
121 JanArgile (Clay)
132 JanArdoise (Slate)
143 JanGrès (Sandstone)
154 JanLapin (Rabbit)
165 JanSilex (Flint)
176 JanMarne (Marl)
187 JanPierre à chaux (Limestone)
198 JanMarbre (Marble)
209 JanVan (Winnowing fan)
2110 JanPierre à plâtre (Gypsum)
2211 JanSel (Salt)
2312 JanFer (Iron)
2413 JanCuivre (Copper)
2514 JanChat (Cat)
2615 JanÉtain (Tin)
2716 JanPlomb (Lead)
2817 JanZinc (Zinc)
2918 JanMercure (Mercury)
3019 JanCrible (Sieve)
(20/22 January – 18/20 February)
120 JanLauréole (Spurge-laurel)
221 JanMousse (Moss)
322 JanFragon (Butcher's Broom)
423 JanPerce-neige (Snowdrop)
524 JanTaureau (Bull)
625 JanLaurier-thym (Laurustinus)
726 JanAmadouvier (Tinder polypore)
827 JanMézéréon (Daphne mezereum)
928 JanPeuplier (Poplar)
1029 JanCoignée (Axe)
1130 JanEllébore (Hellebore)
1231 JanBrocoli (Broccoli)
131 FebLaurier (Bay laurel)
142 FebAvelinier (Filbert)
153 FebVache (Cow)
164 FebBuis (Box Tree)
175 FebLichen (Lichen)
186 FebIf (Yew tree)
197 FebPulmonaire (Lungwort)
208 FebSerpette (Billhook)
219 FebThlaspi (Pennycress)
2210 FebThimelé (Rose Daphne)
2311 FebChiendent (Couch grass)
2412 FebTrainasse (Common Knotgrass)
2513 FebLièvre (Hare)
2614 FebGuède (Woad)
2715 FebNoisetier (Hazel)
2816 FebCyclamen (Cyclamen)
2917 FebChélidoine (Celandine)
3018 FebTraîneau (Sleigh)
(19/21 February – 20/22 March)
119 FebTussilage (Coltsfoot)
220 FebCornouiller (Dogwood)
321 FebViolier (Matthiola)
422 FebTroène (Privet)
523 FebBouc (Billygoat)
624 FebAsaret (Wild Ginger)
725 FebAlaterne (Italian Buckthorn)
826 FebViolette (Violet)
927 FebMarceau (Goat Willow)
1028 FebBêche (Spade)
111 MarNarcisse (Narcissus)
122 MarOrme (Elm)
133 MarFumeterre (Common fumitory)
144 MarVélar (Hedge mustard)
155 MarChèvre (Goat)
166 MarÉpinard (Spinach)
177 MarDoronic (Doronicum)
188 MarMouron (Pimpernel)
199 MarCerfeuil (Chervil)
2010 MarCordeau (Twine)
2111 MarMandragore (Mandrake)
2212 MarPersil (Parsley)
2313 MarCochléaria (Scurvy-grass)
2414 MarPâquerette (Daisy)
2515 MarThon (Tuna)
2616 MarPissenlit (Dandelion)
2717 MarSylvie (Wood Anemone)
2818 MarCapillaire (Maidenhair fern)
2919 MarFrêne (Ash tree)
3020 MarPlantoir (Dibber)


(21/23 March – 19/21 April)
121 MarPrimevère (Primrose)
222 MarPlatane (Plane Tree)
323 MarAsperge (Asparagus)
424 MarTulipe (Tulip)
525 MarPoule (Hen)
626 MarBette (Chard)
727 MarBouleau (Birch)
828 MarJonquille (Daffodil)
929 MarAulne (Alder)
1030 MarCouvoir (Incubator)
1131 MarPervenche (Periwinkle)
121 AprCharme (Hornbeam)
132 AprMorille (Morel)
143 AprHêtre (Beech Tree)
154 AprAbeille (Bee)
165 AprLaitue (Lettuce)
176 AprMélèze (Larch)
187 AprCiguë (Hemlock)
198 AprRadis (Radish)
209 AprRuche (Beehive)
2110 AprGainier (Judas tree)
2211 AprRomaine (Romaine lettuce)
2312 AprMarronnier (Horse chestnut)
2413 AprRoquette (Arugulaor Rocket)
2514 AprPigeon (Pigeon)
2615 AprLilas (Lilac)
2716 AprAnémone (Anemone)
2817 AprPensée (Pansy)
2918 AprMyrtille (Bilberry)
3019 AprGreffoir (Grafting knife)
(20/22 April – 19/21 May)
120 AprRose (Rose)
221 AprChêne (Oak Tree)
322 AprFougère (Fern)
423 AprAubépine (Hawthorn)
524 AprRossignol (Nightingale)
625 AprAncolie (Common Columbine)
726 AprMuguet (Lily of the valley)
827 AprChampignon (Button mushroom)
928 AprHyacinthe (Hyacinth)
1029 AprRâteau (Rake)
1130 AprRhubarbe (Rhubarb)
121 MaySainfoin (Sainfoin)
132 MayBâton d'or (Wallflower)
143 MayChamerisier (Fan Palm tree)
154 MayVer à soie (Silkworm)
165 MayConsoude (Comfrey)
176 MayPimprenelle (Salad burnet)
187 MayCorbeille d'or (Basket of Gold)
198 MayArroche (Orache)
209 MaySarcloir (Weeding hoe)
2110 MayStatice (Sea thrift)
2211 MayFritillaire (Fritillary)
2312 MayBourrache (Borage)
2413 MayValériane (Valerian)
2514 MayCarpe (Carp)
2615 MayFusain (Euonymus)
2716 MayCivette (Chives)
2817 MayBuglosse (Bugloss)
2918 MaySénevé (White mustard)
3019 MayHoulette (Shepherd's crook)
(20/22 May – 18/20 June)
120 MayLuzerne (Lucerne)
221 MayHémérocalle (Daylily)
322 MayTrèfle (Clover)
423 MayAngélique (Angelica)
524 MayCanard (Duck)
625 MayMélisse (Lemon balm)
726 MayFromental (Oat grass)
827 MayMartagon (Martagon lily)
928 MaySerpolet (Wild Thyme)
1029 MayFaux (Scythe)
1130 MayFraise (Strawberry)
1231 MayBétoine (Betony)
131 JunPois (Pea)
142 JunAcacia (Acacia)
153 JunCaille (Quail)
164 JunŒillet (Carnation)
175 JunSureau (Elderberry)
186 JunPavot (Poppy plant)
197 JunTilleul (Linden or Lime tree)
208 JunFourche (Pitchfork)
219 JunBarbeau (Cornflower)
2210 JunCamomille (Camomile)
2311 JunChèvrefeuille (Honeysuckle)
2412 JunCaille-lait (Bedstraw)
2513 JunTanche (Tench)
2614 JunJasmin (Jasmine)
2715 JunVerveine (Vervain)
2816 JunThym (Thyme)
2917 JunPivoine (Peony)
3018 JunChariot (Handcart)



(19/21 June – 18/20 July)
119 JunSeigle (Rye)
220 JunAvoine (Oat)
321 JunOignon (Onion)
422 JunVéronique (Speedwell)
523 JunMulet (Mule)
624 JunRomarin (Rosemary)
725 JunConcombre (Cucumber)
826 JunÉchalote (Shallot)
927 JunAbsinthe (Wormwood)
1028 JunFaucille (Sickle)
1129 JunCoriandre (Coriander)
1230 JunArtichaut (Artichoke)
131 JulGirofle (Clove)
142 JulLavande (Lavender)
153 JulChamois (Chamois)
164 JulTabac (Tobacco)
175 JulGroseille (Redcurrant)
186 JulGesse (Hairy Vetchling)
197 JulCerise (Cherry)
208 JulParc (Livestock pen)
219 JulMenthe (Mint)
2210 JulCumin (Cumin)
2311 JulHaricot (Bean)
2412 JulOrcanète (Alkanet)
2513 JulPintade (Guineafowl)
2614 JulSauge (Sage)
2715 JulAil (Garlic)
2816 JulVesce (Tare)
2917 JulBlé (Wheat)
3018 JulChalémie (Shawm)
(19/21 July – 17/19 August)
119 JulÉpeautre (Spelt)
220 JulBouillon blanc (Common mullein)
321 JulMelon (Melon)
422 JulIvraie (Ryegrass)
523 JulBélier (Ram)
624 JulPrêle (Horsetail)
725 JulArmoise (Mugwort)
826 JulCarthame (Safflower)
927 JulMûre (Blackberry)
1028 JulArrosoir (Watering can)
1129 JulPanic (Foxtail millet)
1230 JulSalicorne (Common Glasswort)
1331 JulAbricot (Apricot)
141 AugBasilic (Basil)
152 AugBrebis (Ewe)
163 AugGuimauve (Marshmallow)
174 AugLin (Flax)
185 AugAmande (Almond)
196 AugGentiane (Gentian)
207 AugÉcluse (Lock)
218 AugCarline (Carline thistle)
229 AugCâprier (Caper)
2310 AugLentille (Lentil)
2411 AugAunée (Inula)
2512 AugLoutre (Otter)
2613 AugMyrte (Myrtle)
2714 AugColza (Rapeseed)
2815 AugLupin (Lupin)
2916 AugCoton (Cotton)
3017 AugMoulin (Mill)
(18/20 August – 16/18 September)
118 AugPrune (Plum)
219 AugMillet (Millet)
320 AugLycoperdon (Puffball)
421 AugEscourgeon (Six-row Barley)
522 AugSaumon (Salmon)
623 AugTubéreuse (Tuberose)
724 AugSucrion (Winter Barley)
825 AugApocyn (Apocynum)
926 AugRéglisse (Liquorice)
1027 AugÉchelle (Ladder)
1128 AugPastèque (Watermelon)
1229 AugFenouil (Fennel)
1330 AugÉpine vinette (European Barberry)
1431 AugNoix (Walnut)
151 SepTruite (Trout)
162 SepCitron (Lemon)
173 SepCardère (Teasel)
184 SepNerprun (Buckthorn)
195 SepTagette (Mexican Marigold)
206 SepHotte (Harvesting basket)
217 SepÉglantier (Wild Rose)
228 SepNoisette (Hazelnut)
239 SepHoublon (Hops)
2410 SepSorgho (Sorghum)
2511 SepÉcrevisse (Crayfish)
2612 SepBigarade (Bitter orange)
2713 SepVerge d'or (Goldenrod)
2814 SepMaïs (Maizeor Corn)
2915 SepMarron (Sweet Chestnut)
3016 SepPanier (Pack Basket)

Complementary days


Five extra days – six inleap years– were national holidays at the end of every year. These were originally known asles sans-culottides(aftersans-culottes), but after year III (1795) asles jours complémentaires:

Converting from the Gregorian Calendar


During the Republic

Fountain inOcton, Hérault,with date5 Ventôse an 109(24 February 1901)

Below are the Gregorian dates each year of the Republican Era (Ère Républicainein French) began while the calendar was in effect.

I (1) 22 September 1792
II (2) 22 September 1793
III (3) 22 September 1794
IV (4) 23 September 1795*
V (5) 22 September 1796
VI (6) 22 September 1797
VII (7) 22 September 1798
VIII (8) 23 September 1799*
IX (9) 23 September 1800
X (10) 23 September 1801
XI (11) 23 September 1802
XII (12) 24 September 1803*
XIII (13) 23 September 1804
XIV (14) 23 September 1805
LXXIX (79) 23 September 1870

Leap years are highlighted

  • Extra (sextile) day inserted before date, due to previous leap year[19]

After the Republic


The Republican Calendar was abolished in the year XIV (1805). After this year, there are two historically attested calendars which may be used to determine dates. Both calendars gave the same dates for years 17 to 52 (1808–1844), always beginning on 23 September, and it was suggested, but never adopted, that the reformed calendar be implemented during this period, before the Republican Calendar was abolished.

  • Republican Calendar:The only legal calendar during the Republic. The first day of the year, 1 Vendémiaire, is always the day the autumn equinox occurs in Paris. About every 30 years, leap years are 5 years apart instead of 4, as happened between the leap years 15 and 20.[20]The lengths of the first 524 years were calculated by Delambre.
  • Reformed Republican Calendar:Following a proposal by Delambre in order to make leap years regular and predictable, with leap years being every year divisible by 4, except years divisible by 100 and not by 400. Years divisible by 4000 would also be ordinary years. Intended to be implemented in year 3, the reformed calendar was abandoned after the death of the head of the calendar committee, Gilbert Romme. This calendar also has the benefit that every year in the third century of the Republican Era (1992–2091) begins on 22 September.[21]
ER AD/CE Republican Reformed

XV (15)


23 September

23 September

XVI (16)


24 September*

23 September

XVII (17)


23 September

23 September*

XVIII (18)


23 September

23 September

XIX (19)


23 September

23 September

XX (20)


23 September

23 September

CCXXIX (229)


22 September

22 September*

CCXXX (230)


22 September

22 September

CCXXXI (231)


23 September*

22 September



23 September

22 September



22 September

22 September*



22 September

22 September

CCXXXV (235)


23 September*

22 September



23 September

22 September



22 September

22 September*



22 September

22 September



22 September

22 September

CCXL (240)


23 September*

22 September

CCXLI (241)


22 September

22 September*

Leap years are highlighted

  • Extra (sextile) day inserted before date, due to previous leap year

Current date and time


For this calendar, Delambre's revised method of calculating leap years is used. Other methods may differ by one day. Time may be cached and therefore not accurate. Decimal time is according to Paris mean time, which is 9 minutes 21 seconds (6.49 decimal minutes) ahead of Greenwich Mean Time. (This toolcalibrates the time, if calibration is desired.)

233 Vendémiaire CCXXXIII
décade 1
1 Sunday
22 September 2024
2 Monday
23 September 2024
3 Tuesday
24 September 2024
4 Wednesday
25 September 2024
5 Thursday
26 September 2024
6 Friday
27 September 2024
7 Saturday
28 September 2024
8 Sunday
29 September 2024
9 Monday
30 September 2024
10 Tuesday
1 October 2024
décade 2
11 Wednesday
2 October 2024
12 Thursday
3 October 2024
13 Friday
4 October 2024
14 Saturday
5 October 2024
15 Sunday
6 October 2024
16 Monday
7 October 2024
17 Tuesday
8 October 2024
18 Wednesday
9 October 2024
19 Thursday
10 October 2024
20 Friday
11 October 2024
décade 3
21 Saturday
12 October 2024
22 Sunday
13 October 2024
23 Monday
14 October 2024
24 Tuesday
15 October 2024
25 Wednesday
16 October 2024
26 Thursday
17 October 2024
27 Friday
18 October 2024
28 Saturday
19 October 2024
29 Sunday
20 October 2024
30 Monday
21 October 2024
10 h
24 h

Criticism and shortcomings

Clock dial displaying both decimal and duodecimal time

Leap yearsin the calendar are a point of great dispute, due to the contradicting statements in the establishing decree[22]stating:

Each year begins at midnight, with the day on which the true autumnal equinox falls for theParis Observatory.


The four-year period, after which the addition of a day is usually necessary, is called theFranciadein memory of the revolution which, after four years of effort, led France to republican government. The fourth year of theFranciadeis calledSextile.

These two specifications are incompatible, as leap years defined by the autumnal equinox in Paris do not recur on a regular four-year schedule. It was erroneously believed that one leap day would be skipped automatically every 129 years,[23]on average, but actually five years would sometimes pass between leap years, about three times per century. Thus, the years III, VII, and XI were observed as leap years, and the years XV and XX were also planned as such, even though they were five years apart.

Clock dial displaying both decimal (inside the circle) and duodecimal time (on the outer rim)

A fixed arithmetic rule for determining leap years was proposed byJean Baptiste Joseph Delambreand presented to the Committee of Public Education byGilbert Rommeon 19 Floréal An III (8 May 1795). The proposed rule was to determine leap years by applying the rules of the Gregorian calendar to the years of the French Republic (years IV, VIII, XII, etc. were to be leap years) except that year 4000 (the last year of ten 400-year periods) should be a common year instead of a leap year. Shortly thereafter, Romme was sentenced to the guillotine and committed suicide, and the proposal was never adopted, althoughJérôme Lalanderepeatedly proposed it for a number of years. The proposal was intended to avoid uncertain future leap years caused by the inaccurate astronomical knowledge of the 1790s (even today, this statement is still valid due to the uncertainty inΔT). In particular, the committee noted that the autumnal equinox of year 144 was predicted to occur at 11:59:40 pmlocal apparent timein Paris, which was closer to midnight than its inherent 3 to 4 minute uncertainty.

The calendar was abolished by an act dated 22 Fructidor an XIII (9 September 1805) and signed byNapoleon,which referred to a report byMichel-Louis-Étienne Regnaud de Saint-Jean d'AngélyandJean Joseph Mounier,listing two fundamental flaws.

  1. The rule for leap years depended upon the uneven course of the sun, rather than fixed intervals, so that one must consult astronomers to determine when each year started, especially when the equinox happened close to midnight, as the exact moment could not be predicted with certainty.
  2. Both the era and the beginning of the year were chosen to commemorate a historical event that occurred on the first day of autumn in France, whereas the other European nations began the year near the beginning of winter or spring, thus being impediments to the calendar's adoption in Europe and America, and even a part of the French nation, where the Gregorian calendar continued to be used, as it was required for religious purposes.

The report also noted that the 10-day décade was unpopular and had already been suppressed three years earlier in favor of the seven-day week, removing what was considered by some as one of the calendar's main benefits.[24]The 10-day décade was unpopular with laborers because they received only one full day of rest out of ten, instead of one in seven, although they also got a half-day off on the fifth day (thus 36 full days and 36 half days in a year, for a total of 54 free days, compared to the usual 52 or 53 Sundays). It also, by design, conflicted with Sunday religious observances.

Another criticism of the calendar was that despite the poetic names of its months, they were tied to the climate and agriculture ofmetropolitan Franceand therefore not applicable toFrance's overseas territories.[25]

Famous dates and other cultural references

Décret de la Convention 9 Brumaire An IIIabove the entrance to theENS

The "Coup of 18 Brumaire"or" Brumaire "was thecoup d'étatofNapoleon Bonaparteon 18 Brumaire An VIII (9 November 1799), which many historians consider to be the end of the French Revolution.Karl Marx's 1852 essayThe Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonapartecomparesthe coup d'état of 1851ofLouis Napoléonunfavorably to his uncle's earlier coup, with the statement "History repeats... first as tragedy, then as farce".

Another famous revolutionary date is9 Thermidor An II(27 July 1794), the date the Convention turned againstMaximilien Robespierre,who, along with others associated withthe Mountain,wasguillotinedthe following day. Based on this event, the term "Thermidorian" entered theMarxistvocabulary as referring to revolutionaries who destroy the revolution from the inside and turn against its true aims. For example,Leon Trotskyand his followers used this term aboutJoseph Stalin.

Émile Zola's novelGerminaltakes its name from the calendar's month of Germinal.

The seafood dishLobster Thermidorwas named after the 1891 playThermidor,set during the Revolution.[26][27]

The French frigates of theFloréalclassall bear names of Republican months.

A decree of theNational Conventionon 9 Brumaire An III, 30 October 1794, established theÉcole normale supérieure.The date appears prominently above the main door of the school.

The French composerFromental Halévywas born 7 Prairial VIII (27 May 1799), the day offromental(oatgrass).

Neil Gaiman'sThe Sandmanseries included a story called "Thermidor" that takes place in that month during the French Revolution.[28]

See also



  1. ^"The 12 Months of the French Republican Calendar | Britannica".britannica.Archivedfrom the original on 19 May 2023.Retrieved24 May2023.
  2. ^Sylvain, Maréchal (1836).Almanach des Honnêtes-gens.Gallica. pp. 14–15.Archivedfrom the original on 3 September 2015.Retrieved3 June2014– via gallica.bnf.fr.
  3. ^Sylvain, Maréchal (1799)."Almanach des honnêtes gens pour l'an VIII".gallica.bnf.fr.Gallica.Archivedfrom the original on 25 May 2020.Retrieved19 November2019.
  4. ^James Guillaume,Procès-verbaux du Comité d'instruction publique de la Convention nationale,t. I, pp. 227–228 et t. II, pp. 440–448; Michel Froechlé, "Le calendrier républicain correspondait-il à une nécessité scientifique?", Congrès national des sociétés savantes: scientifiques et sociétés, Paris, 1989, pp. 453–465.
  5. ^Le calendrier républicain: de sa création à sa disparition.Bureau des longitudes. 1994. p. 19.ISBN978-2-910015-09-1.
  6. ^"Concordat de 1801 Napoleon Bonaparte religion en france Concordat de 1801".Roi-president. 21 November 2007. Archived fromthe originalon 10 September 2012.Retrieved30 January2009.
  7. ^Réimpression du Journal Officiel de la République française sous la Commune du 19 mars au 24 mai 1871.V. Bunel. 1871. pp. 477–.Archivedfrom the original on 27 May 2024.Retrieved26 December2018.
  8. ^Le calendrier républicain: de sa création à sa disparition.Bureau des longitudes. 1994. p. 26.ISBN978-2-910015-09-1.
  9. ^Le calendrier républicain: de sa création à sa disparition.Bureau des longitudes. 1994. p. 36.ISBN978-2-910015-09-1.
  10. ^Richard A. Carrigan, Jr. "Decimal Time".American Scientist,(May–June 1978),66(3):305–313.
  11. ^abThomas Carlyle (1867).The French revolution: a history.Harper.Archivedfrom the original on 27 May 2024.Retrieved3 November2021.
  12. ^Sporting Magazine,vol. 15, Rogerson and Tuxford, January 1800, p. 210,archivedfrom the original on 6 April 2023,retrieved23 December2014
  13. ^John Brady (1812),Clavis Calendaria: Or, A Compendious Analysis of the Calendar; Illustrated with Ecclesiastical, Historical, and Classical Anecdotes,vol. 1, Rogerson and Tuxford, p. 38,archivedfrom the original on 27 May 2024,retrieved10 October2018
  14. ^Antoine Augustin Renouard (1822).Manuel pour la concordance des calendriers républicain et grégorien(2 ed.). A. A. Renouard.Retrieved14 September2009.
  15. ^Edouard Terwecoren(1870).Collection de Précis historiques.J. Vandereydt. p. 31.
  16. ^Philippe-Joseph-Benjamin Buchez, Prosper Charles Roux (1837).Histoire parlementaire de la révolution française.Paulin. p. 415.
  17. ^Convention nationale. Rapport fait à la Convention nationale, dans la séance du 3 du second mois de la seconde année de la République Française, au nom de la Commission chargée de la confection du Calendrier; Par Ph. Fr. Na. Fabre-D'Eglantine,... Imprimé par ordre de la Convention nationaleavailable atGallica
  18. ^"Vendémiaire".Paris Musées. Les collections.Archivedfrom the original on 3 April 2023.Retrieved3 April2023.
  19. ^Parise, Frank (2002).The Book of Calendars.Gorgias Press. p. 376.ISBN978-1-931956-76-5.
  20. ^Sébastien Louis Rosaz (1810).Concordance de l'Annuaire de la République française avec le calendrier grégorien.
  21. ^"Brumaire – Calendrier Républicain".Prairial.free.fr. Archived fromthe originalon 18 May 2011.Retrieved30 January2009.
  22. ^"Le Calendrier Republicain".Gefrance. 30 May 2020.Archivedfrom the original on 24 June 2021.Retrieved25 June2021.
  23. ^"Instruction sur l'ère de la République, à la suite du décret du 3 brumaire, an II"(PDF).Université de Toulouse.Archived(PDF)from the original on 16 December 2023.Retrieved27 November2023.
  24. ^Antoine Augustin Renouard (1822).Manuel pour la concordance des calendriers républicain et grégorien: ou, Recueil complet de tous les annuaires depuis la première année républicaine(2 ed.). A. A. Renouard. p. 217.
  25. ^Canes, Kermit (2012).The Esoteric Codex: Obsolete Calendars.LULU Press.ISBN978-1-365-06556-9.
  26. ^James, Kenneth (15 November 2006).Escoffier: The King of Chefs.Continuum International Publishing Group. p. 44.ISBN978-1-85285-526-0.Archivedfrom the original on 27 May 2024.Retrieved11 March2012.
  27. ^"Lobster thermidor".Online Dictionary.Merriam-Webster.Archivedfrom the original on 20 June 2016.Retrieved11 March2012.
  28. ^Gaiman, Neil(w),Woch, Stan(p),Giordano, Nick(i),Vozzo, Daniel(col),Klein, Todd(let),Berger, Karen(ed). "Thermidor"The Sandman,vol. 29 (August 1991).Vertigo Comics.

Further reading

  • Ozouf, Mona, 'Revolutionary Calendar' in Furet, François and Mona Ozouf, eds.,Critical Dictionary of the French Revolution(1989)
  • Shaw, Matthew,Time and the French Revolution: a history of the French Republican Calendar, 1789-Year XIV(2011)