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Fridayis the day of the week betweenThursdayandSaturday.In countries that adopt the traditional "Sunday-first" convention, it is the sixth day of the week. In countries adopting theISO 8601-defined "Monday-first" convention, it is the fifthday of the week.[1]

Venus by Francois Boucher

In most Western countries, Friday is the fifth and final day of the working week. In some other countries, Friday is the first day of the weekend, with Saturday the second. InIran,Friday is the last day of the weekend, with Saturday as the first day of the working week.Bahrain,theUnited Arab Emirates(UAE),Saudi ArabiaandKuwaitalso followed this convention until they changed to a Friday–Saturday weekend on September 1, 2006, in Bahrain and the UAE,[2]and a year later in Kuwait.[3]


Friggspinning the clouds, byJohn Charles Dollman

The nameFridaycomes from theOld Englishfrīġedæġ,meaning the "day ofFrig",a result of an old convention associating the Nordic goddessFriggwith the Roman goddessVenus,with whom the day is associated in many cultures. The same holds forFrīataginOld High German,Freitagin ModernGerman,andvrijdaginDutch.

"Friday" in other languages[edit]

The expected cognate name inOld Norsewould befriggjar-dagr.The name of Friday in Old Norse isfrjá-dagrinstead, indicating a loan of the week-day names fromLow German;[4]however, the modernFaroesename isfríggjadagur.The modern Scandinavian form isfredaginSwedish,Norwegian,andDanish,meaningFreyja's day.The distinction between Freyja and Friggin some Germanic mythologies is contested.

The word for Friday in mostRomance languagesis derived from Latindies Venerisor "day of Venus" (a translation of GreekAphrodī́tēs hēméra,ἈφροδίτηςἩμέρα), such asvendrediinFrench,venresinGalician,divendresinCatalan,vennariinCorsican,venerdìinItalian,vineriinRomanian,andviernesinSpanishand influencing theFilipinobiyernesorbyernes,and theChamorrobetnes.This is also reflected in thep-CelticWelsh languageasGwener.

An exception isPortuguese,also aRomance language,which uses the wordsexta-feira,meaning "sixth day of liturgical celebration", derived from the Latinferia sextaused in religious texts where consecrating days to pagan gods was not allowed. Another exception among the Romance languages is alsoSardinian,in which the wordchenàpurais derived from Latincena pura.This name had been given by the Jewish community exiled to theislandin order to designate the food specifically prepared forShabbateve.[5]

InArabic,Friday isالجمعةal-jumʿah,from a root meaning "congregation/gathering." In languages of Islamic countries outside the Arab world, the word for Friday is commonly a derivation of this: (MalayJumaat(Malaysia)orJumat(Indonesian),Turkishcuma,Persian/Urduجمعه,jumʿa) and Swahili (Ijumaa).

In modernGreek,four of the words for the week-days are derived from ordinals. However, the Greek word for Friday isParaskevi(Παρασκευή) and is derived from a word meaning "to prepare" (παρασκευάζω). LikeSaturday(Savvato,Σάββατο) andSunday(Kyriaki,Κυριακή), Friday is named for its liturgical significance as the day of preparation beforeSabbath,which was inherited byGreek Christian Orthodoxculture from Jewish practices.

Friday was formerly aChristian fast day;this is the origin of theIrishDé hAoine,Scottish GaelicDi-Haoine,ManxJeheineyandIcelandicföstudagur,all meaning "fast day".

In both biblical and modernHebrew,Friday isיום שישיYom Shishimeaning "the sixth day".

In mostIndian languages,Friday isShukravāra,named forShukra,the planetVenus.InBengaliশুক্রবারorShukrobaris the 6th day in the Bengali week ofBengali Calendarand is the beginning of the weekend in Bangladesh. In Tamil, the word for Friday isvelli,also a name for Venus; and in Malayalam it isvelliyalca.

InJapanese,Kim Diệu Nhật(きんようび,kinyōbi)is formed from the words sao Kim(きんせい,kinsei)meaningVenus(lit. gold + planet) and diệu nhật(ようび,yōbi)meaning day (of the week).

In theKorean language,it is금요일in KoreanHangulwriting (Romanization:geumyoil), and is the pronounced form of the written wordKim Diệu Nhậtin Chinese characters, as in Japanese.

InChinese,Friday is thứ sáuxīngqíwǔmeaning "fifth day of the week".

In theNahuatllanguage, Friday isquetzalcōātōnal([ket͡saɬkoːaːˈtoːnaɬ]) meaning "day ofQuetzalcoatl".

MostSlavic languagescall Friday the "fifth (day)":Belarusianпятніцаpyatnitsa,Bulgarianпетъкpetŭk,Czechpátek,Polishpiątek,Russianпятницаpyatnitsa,Serbo-Croatianпетакpetak,Slovakpiatok,Slovenepetek,andUkrainianп'ятницяp'yatnitsya.TheHungarianwordpéntekis a loan fromPannoniandialect of Slavic language. The n inpénteksuggests an early adoption from Slavic, when many Slavic dialects still hadnasal vowels.In modern Slavic languages only Polish retained nasal vowels.[6]


Friday is considered unlucky in some cultures. This is particularly so in maritime circles; perhaps the most enduring sailing superstition is that it is unlucky to begin a voyage on a Friday.[7][8]In the 19th century, AdmiralWilliam Henry Smythdescribed Friday in his nautical lexiconThe Sailor's Word-Bookas:

TheDies Infaustus,on which old seamen were desirous of not getting under weigh, as ill-omened.[9]

(Dies Infaustusmeans "unlucky day".[10]) This superstition is the root of the well-knownurban legendofHMSFriday.

In modern times since the Middle Ages,Friday the 13thandFriday the 17thare considered to be especially unlucky, due to the conjunction of Friday with the unlucky numbersthirteenandseventeen.Such a Friday may be called a "Black Friday".[11]

However, this superstition is not universal, notably in Hispanic, Greek and Scottish Gaelic culture:

Though Friday (and especially those falling on the 13th and 17th) has always been held an unlucky day in manyChristiancountries, still in theHebridesit is supposed that it is a lucky day for sowing the seed.Good Fridayin particular is a favourite day forpotatoplanting—even strictRoman Catholicsmake a point of planting a bucketful on that day. Probably the idea is that as theResurrectionfollowed theCrucifixion,and Burial so too in the case of the seed, and after death will come life?[12]

In Hispanic and Greek cultures, Tuesday is the unlucky day, specifically the 13th.

In astrology[edit]

The Birth of Venus by Francois Boucher

Inastrology,Friday is connected with the planetVenusand is symbolized by that planet's symbol.Friday is also associated with theastrologicalsignsLibraandTaurus.

Guillemot, Alexandre Charles - Mars and Venus Surprised by Vulcan - Google Art Project
The Toilet of Venus, by François Boucher
François Boucher - La toilette de Vénus - PPP2498 - Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris

In religions[edit]


In Christianity,Good Fridayis the Friday beforeEaster.It commemorates thecrucifixionofJesus.Adherents of many Christian denominations including the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Methodist, and Anglican traditions observe theFriday Fast,which traditionally includes abstinence frommeat,lacticinia,and alcohol on Fridays of the year.[13][14][15]

Traditionally,Roman Catholicswere obliged torefrain from eating the meatof warm-blooded animals[16]on Fridays, althoughfishwas allowed. TheFilet-O-Fishwas invented in 1962 byLou Groen,aMcDonald'sfranchiseowner inCincinnati, Ohio,[16][17]in response to falling hamburger sales on Fridays resulting from theRoman Catholicpractice of abstaining from meat on Fridays.[18]

In the present day,episcopal conferencesare now authorized to allow some other form ofpenanceto replace abstinence from meat. The1983 Code of Canon Lawstates:

Canon 1250. The days and times of penance for the universal Church are each Friday of the whole year and the season of Lent.
Canon 1251. Abstinence from meat, or from some other food as determined by the Episcopal Conference, is to be observed on all Fridays, unless a solemnity should fall on a Friday. Abstinence and fasting are to be observed onAsh WednesdayandGood Friday.
Canon 1253. The Episcopal Conference can determine more particular ways in which fasting and abstinence are to be observed. In place of abstinence or fasting it can substitute, in whole or in part, other forms of penance, especially works of charity and exercises of piety.[19]

TheBook of Common Prayerprescribes weekly Friday fasting and abstinence from meat for allAnglicans.[20][21][14]

InMethodism,the Directions Given to Band Societies (25 December 1744) mandate for all Methodistsfastingand abstinence from meat on all Fridays of the year.[15]

TheEastern Orthodox Churchcontinues to observe Fridays (as well as Wednesdays) asfast daysthroughout the year (with the exception of several fast-free periods during the year). Fasting on Fridays entailsabstinencefrom meat or meat products (i.e., quadrupeds),poultry,anddairy products(as well as fish). Unless afeast dayoccurs on a Friday, the Orthodox also abstain from using oil in their cooking and from alcoholic beverages (there is some debate over whether abstention from oil involves allcooking oilor onlyolive oil). On particularly important feast days, fish may also be permitted. For the Orthodox, Fridays throughout the year commemorate theCrucifixion of Christand theTheotokos(Mother of God), especially as she stood by the foot of the cross. There arehymnsin theOctoekhoswhich reflect this liturgically. These includeTheotokia(hymns to the Mother of God) which are chanted on Wednesdays and Fridays calledStavrotheotokia( "Cross-Theotokia"). Thedismissalat the end of services on Fridays begins with the words: "May Christ our true God, through the power of the precious and life-giving cross...."

Quakerstraditionally referred to Friday as "Sixth Day," eschewing thepaganorigins of the name.[22]In Slavic countries, it is called "Fifth Day" (Polish:piątek,Russian:пятница,pyatnitsa).


The day is named afterShukrason ofBhriguandKavyamata(Usana). InHinduism,special observances are practiced for forms of theDevi,such asDurga,Lakshmi,Saraswati,Kali,Parvati,Annapurna,orSantoshi Mataon Friday. Fridays are important for married ladies and they worship the goddesses on that day.


InIslam,Friday (from sun-down Thursday to sun-down Friday) is the day of communion, of praying together, the holy day ofMuslims.Friday observance includes attendance at aMasjid(mosque) for congregation prayer orSalat Al Jumu'ah.It is considered a day of peace and mercy (seeJumu'ah).

MuslimFriday prayer at amosquein Malaysia

According to some Islamic traditions, the day is stated to be theoriginal holy dayordained by God, but that now Jews and Christians recognize the days after.[23][24]In someIslamic countries,the week begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday, just like the Jewish week and the week in some Christian countries. The week begins on Saturday and ends on Friday in most other Islamic countries, such asSomalia,andIran.Friday is also the day of rest in theBaháʼí Faith.[25]In someMalaysianstates, Friday is the first week-end day, with Saturday the second, to allow Muslims to perform their religious obligations on Friday.[26]Sunday is the first working day of the week forgovernmental organizations.

Muslims are recommended not tofaston a Friday by itself (makruh,recommended against, but notharam,religiously forbidden), unless it is accompanied with fasting the day before (Thursday) or day after (Saturday), or it corresponds with days usually considered good for fasting (i.e.Day of ArafahorAshura), or it falls within one's usual religious fasting habits (i.e. fasting every other day), then it's completely permissible.[27] Muslims believe Friday as "Syed-ul-Ayyam" meaning King of days. A narration inSahih Muslimdescribes the importance of Friday as follows.

"Abu Hurairareported theMessenger of Allahas saying:

The best day on which the sun has risen is Friday; on it,Adamwas created. on it he was made to enterParadise,on it he was expelled from it. Andthe last hourwill take place on no day other than Friday.

TheQur'analso has a surah (chapter) calledAl-Jumu'ah(The Friday).[28]


JewishSabbathbegins at sunset on Friday and lasts until nightfall on Saturday. There is a Jewish custom to fast on the Friday of the week ofChukat.

Named days[edit]


See also[edit]


  1. ^"ISO 8601-1:2019(en) Date and time — Representations for information interchange — Part 1: Basic rules".iso.org.RetrievedMay 14,2024.
  2. ^"Login".RetrievedDecember 30,2016.
  3. ^Wilf, Nabil (May 29, 2007)."Expositions of Arabia: Kuwait Changes to Friday-Saturday Weekend".RetrievedDecember 30,2016.
  4. ^Hermann Paul,Grundriss der germanischen philologie,vol 3, 1900, p. 369.
  5. ^"Sa limba sarda".Archived fromthe originalon February 27, 2017.RetrievedDecember 30,2016.
  6. ^Days of the week in Hungarian, Csaba Bán, 21 November 2011,http://csabahungariantranslations.wordpress /2011/11/21/days-of-the-week-in-hungarian/;accessed 6 August 2016
  7. ^Bassett, Fletcher S.(1885),Legends and Superstitions of the Sea and of Sailors in All Lands and at All Times,S. Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington,ISBN0-548-22818-3
  8. ^Vigor, John (2004),The Practical Encyclopedia of Boating,McGraw-Hill Professional,ISBN0-07-137885-5
  9. ^Smyth, William Henry(1991),The Sailor's Word-Book,Conway Maritime Press,ISBN0-85177-972-7
  10. ^"dies infaustus".Merriam-Webster Online.RetrievedSeptember 27,2008.
  11. ^John Roach (May 14, 2014)."Friday the 13th Superstitions Rooted in Bible and More".National Geographic Society.Archived fromthe originalon April 11, 2021.RetrievedMay 3,2023.
  12. ^Dwelly, Edward(1988),Illustrated Gaelic–English Dictionary,Gairm Publications,ISBN0-901771-92-9[dead link]
  13. ^Weitzel, Thomas L. (1978)."A Handbook for the Discipline of Lent"(PDF).Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.Archived(PDF)from the original on March 17, 2018.RetrievedMarch 17,2018.
  14. ^abCobb, Daniel; Olsen, Derek (eds.).Saint Augustine's Prayer Book.pp. 4–5.
  15. ^abMcKnight, Scot (2010).Fasting: The Ancient Practices.Thomas Nelson. p. 88.ISBN9781418576134.John Wesley, in hisJournal,wrote on Friday, August 17, 1739, that "many of our society met, as we had appointed, at one in the afternoon and agreed that all members of our society should obey the Church to which we belong by observing 'all Fridays in the year' as 'days of fasting and abstinence.'
  16. ^ab"Why Abstain from Meat on Fridays, but Eat Fish?".Catholic Financial Life.Archived fromthe originalon March 29, 2019.RetrievedAugust 14,2019.
  17. ^"No fish story: Sandwich saved his McDonald's".USA Today.RetrievedAugust 14,2019.
  18. ^Villarrubia, Eleonore (February 16, 2010)."Why Do Catholics Eat Fish on Friday?".Catholicism.org.Archived fromthe originalon August 14, 2019.RetrievedAugust 14,2019.
  19. ^"Code of Canon Law: text - IntraText CT".intratext.
  20. ^"Tables and Rules".RetrievedDecember 30,2016.
  21. ^"Days of Fasting, Abstinence and Solemn Prayer, Book of Common Prayer, Canada (1962)".August 14, 2007. Archived from the original on August 14, 2007.RetrievedDecember 30,2016.{{cite web}}:CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
  22. ^"Guide to Quaker Calendar Names".Iowa Yearly Meeting (Conservative) Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).RetrievedMarch 30,2017.In the 20th Century, many Friends began accepting use of the common date names, feeling that any pagan meaning has been forgotten. The numerical names continue to be used, however, in many documents and more formal situations. "
  23. ^Sahih al-Bukhari876
  24. ^Hava Lazarus-Yafeh."Muslim Festivals".Numen25.1 (1978), p. 60
  25. ^Effendi, Shoghi;The Universal House of Justice (1983), Hornby, Helen (ed.),Lights of Guidance: A Baháʼí Reference File,Baháʼí Publishing Trust, New Delhi, India, p. 109,ISBN81-85091-46-3
  26. ^"Johor to have Friday, Saturday weekend rest days from Jan 1 – Nation – The Star Online".RetrievedDecember 30,2016.
  27. ^"حكم صيام يوم الجمعة".موضوع(in Arabic).RetrievedAugust 14,2019.
  28. ^Quran62
  29. ^Matt McGrath (February 15, 2019)."Climate strike".BBC.RetrievedJune 24,2019.

External links[edit]

  • Media related toFridayat Wikimedia Commons
  • Quotations related toFridayat Wikiquote
  • The dictionary definition ofFridayat Wiktionary