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Fu gian –Taiwan relationship

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The northwest side of theTaiwan StraitisFu gian,and the southeast side isTaiwan.

TheFu gian –Taiwan relations,also known as theMin–Tai relations,[1]refers to the relationship betweenFu gian,which is located inmainland China,andTaiwan,which is across theTaiwan Strait.Since the average width of the Taiwan Strait is 180 kilometers, Fu gian and Taiwan are adjacent, similar in both climate and environment.[2][3][better source needed]Although the relationship between Taiwan and Fu gian has changed with the development of history, the two places have maintained close relations in terms of personnel, economy, military, culture and other aspects.[2][4][better source needed]At present, Taiwan residents are mostly descendants of immigrants from mainland China, of which the southern Fu gian ethnic group is the main group, accounting for 73.5% of Taiwan's total population. In terms of culture, language, religion, and customs, Fu gian and Taiwan also share similarities.[4][better source needed]

On the other hand, after theGovernment of the Republic of Chinarelocated to Taiwan in 1949, theVoice of Free Chinaand theRadio Taiwan Internationalmainland broadcasting group were set up to broadcast to the mainland.[5][6][better source needed]Frontline radio stations broadcast on Taiwan, and thecross-strait propagandabetween the Taiwan Strait did not officially end until 1990. The People's Republic of China deployed missiles at its southeastern coast to attack Taiwan at any time[7]andtest-fired missiles off the coast of Taiwan before the presidential election of the Republic of China from 1995 to 1996.According to incomplete statistics, from 1989 to 2013, theRepublic of China military policeintercepted and arrested 223 mainland fishing vessels and 3,160 fishermen on the mainland side of the Taiwan Strait, and suffocated or drowned 46 people[8]from mainland China, including 25 Fu gian fishermen in a major tragedy called theMin Ping Yu No. 5540 incident.The Republic of China government only expressed regret and did not hold anyone accountable.[8][better source needed]



Before the Sino-Japanese War

Statue of theDutchsurrendering toZheng Chenggong

Before theTang dynasty,few people went from the mainland to Taiwan. They either engaged in agricultural activities or traded with indigenous peoples. They mainly went at spring and returned at autumn.[9][better source needed]In theKaiyuan eraof the Tang dynasty, Lin Yan (Chinese:Lâm loan) fromDongshi, Fu giansettled in Taiwan after commerce.[10][better source needed]During the Song and Yuan dynasties, indigenous people in Taiwan did not have enough iron ore, and obtained iron from visiting mainland merchants for food.[11]

During theDutch Formosaperiod of Taiwan, a large number ofHoklo peoplewere recruited to cultivate in Taiwan, and then settled there. Thegenealogiesof theYansofAnhaiand theGuosofDongshiboth recorded settling in Taiwan.[12][better source needed]In 1661,Zheng Chenggongestablished the Chengtian Prefecture in Taiwan after defeating theDutch East India Companyin theSiege of Fort Zeelandia.[13]

In 1683,Kangxi EmperorsentShi Langto attack Taiwan. After theBattle of Penghu,Zheng Keshuang,grandson of Zheng Chenggong, surrendered, so thearmyofQing dynastyentered Taiwan. In the next year, a prefecture was set up, to be the ninth inFu gian Province.Shortly afterward, the Governor of Fu gian was allowed to swap Fu gian and Taiwan officials. Hence, many officials of Taiwan came from Fu gian.[14]

In the middle of the Qing dynasty, a large number of immigrants came to Taiwan, and there were many conflicts of interest among different ethnic groups. For example, Fu gian -Cantonese fighting occurred between Fu gian 'sHoklosandHakkasandChaozhoupeople in Guangdong, and Quanzhang fighting betweenQuanzhouandZhangzhoupeople. During this period, there was also cooperation among ethnic groups in Taiwan. For example, in 1796, Wu Sha had the assistance of people from Zhangzhou, Quanzhou and Hakka people when enteringYilan.[15]

During theSino-French Warin 1884, French warships entered Taiwan seas and disrupted coastal provinces.[9]In 1885 (the 11th year of the reign ofEmperor Guangxu), the Qing court set up Fu gian -Taiwan Province in response to the border crisis and for defense against foreign invasion. It ruledTaiwanandTaipeh Prefectureof the former Fu gian Province,[16]and former Governor of Fu gian,Liu Mingchuan,was appointed Governor of Taiwan Province.[17]The funding of the Taiwan Province was mainly borne by Fu gian.[14]

Japanese rule

Scene of the signing ofTreaty of Shimonoseki

In 1895, the Qing dynasty was defeated by Japan in theFirst Sino-Japanese Warand was forced to sign theTreaty of Shimonosekito cede Taiwan. Japan ruled over Taiwan for 50 years until it was defeated in World War II in 1945 and ceased to rule Taiwan. During these 50 years, Fu gian and Taiwan have not been separated because of government, commerce, performing arts and private affairs.[14]

Soon after the Japanese started ruling Taiwan, they used it as a base to launch an invasion of Fu gian.[18]As a crucial part of the Japanese Empire's south invasion strategy, Japan'sGovernor-General of Taiwanformulated a policy against Fu gian,[19]focusing on incorporating Japanese culture by establishing schools, setting up hospitals, constructing shrines and operating newspapers in Taiwan. It had a profound impact on the development of modern Fu gian society.[20]

In the early days of Japanese rule in Taiwan, Japanese people did not need a passport to enter the Qing empire via Taiwan. As Japanese rogues appeared in Fu gian and engaged in illegal activities, the Governor-General of Taiwan promulgated the "Foreign Travel Voucher Rule" in January 1897. At first it was aimed at Japanese people who went to the Qing Empire, but from May 1897, it was extended to Japanese and Taiwanese people who went to China and other countries.[19][21]

Around 1896, the then Governor-General of Japan,Kodama Gentarō,sent the then abbot of Lanyang Temple,YilantoXiamento preach. Later, the monks of theHigashi Hongan-jiestablished the "Xiamen Higashi Hongan-ji Preaching Center". On August 24, 1900, the center was burned down. On the 25th, an army was sent to cross the sea in preparation for occupying Xiamen. Western powers reacted strongly.England,Germany,theUnited StatesandRussiaall sent warships into the port of Xiamen. The incident was called the "Xiamen incident of 1900".[22][better source needed]

In February 1934,Chen Yiwas appointed chairman of the Fu gian Provincial Government.[23]During his tenure, the Fu gian Provincial Government visited Taiwan twice in 1934 and 1936. When Japan began to rule Taiwan in 1895, Taiwan's economy was not as large as Fu gian 's. But after nearly 40 years of Japanese operation, Taiwan has far surpassed Fu gian in terms of economy. Therefore, the "Taiwan Expedition Report" recommended that Fu gian study Taiwan's economic model.[24]

After the Second World War

On October 25, 1945, in theZhongshan Hall,GeneralRikichi Andōsigned and stamped the acceptance certificate issued by GeneralChen Yi's First Order of the department, and then passed it on to General Chen Yi (right) via General Isayama Haruki (left).

On August 15, 1945, Japan announced itssurrender.On August 29,Chiang Kai-shekappointedChen Yi,then the head of Fu gian Province, as the head of Taiwan Province. On October 25, theRepublic of Chinabegan to take over Taiwan andPenghu.In 1949, the Republic of China government moved to Taipei after the defeat of theChinese Civil War;because of it, Fu gian and Taiwan faced a long confrontation. In 1979, at the beginning of theChinese economic reform,the mainland issued the "Message to Compatriots in Taiwan",[25]replacing the original "Liberation of Taiwan" with "peaceful reunification." In response,Chiang Ching-kuoresponded with the "Three Noes"in Taiwan.[26]

In November 1980, the first small trade transaction between Fu gian and Taiwan was made. In 1981, the first Taiwan-funded enterprise settled in Fuzhou. Since 1981, Fu gian has opened four ports as anchorages for Taiwanese ships and reception stations for Taiwan compatriots. This is the first place for cross-strait trade and personnel exchanges after the reform. In 1987, people of Taiwan were allowed to visit relatives on the mainland, and the economic and trade activities between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits rapidly increased. By 1991, Fu gian had attracted a total of 1,372 Taiwan-funded contract projects with a total contract value of US$1.07 billion and an actual capital contribution of US$480 million. Taiwanese funds in Fu gian accounted for 32.1% of all Taiwanese funds in the mainland China. In 1992,Deng Xiaopingdelivered a speech on his southern tour, reiterating that reform and opening up should continue. In April 1993, the "Wang-Koo summit"reached the1992 Consensus.In 1997, Fu gian established the "Cross-Strait (Fuzhou) Agricultural Cooperation Experimental Area" and "Cross-Strait (Zhangzhou) Agricultural Cooperation Experimental Area". By the end of 1999, Fu gian Province had accumulatively approved 5,894 Taiwanese-invested enterprises, and the actual amount of capital invested by Taiwanese businessmen was nearly US$8 billion. In 2000, theDemocratic Progressive Partyserved as the ruling party of the Republic of China for the first time. In 2001,Matsu islandsandKinmenin Taiwan, andMaweiandXiamenin Fu gian Province in China realized trade, navigation, and mail, collectively known as the "MiniThree Links".Later,Chen Shui-bianadvocatedTaiwan independence,affecting the economic and trade cooperation between Fu gian and Taiwan. By the end of 2008, Taiwanese businessmen had invested in 9,718 projects in Fu gian, and the passenger traffic of the "mini three links" between Fu gian and China was 974,000.[25]

In 2015, the Fu gian Provincial Department of Transportation stated that it would launch a related management plan for vehicles operating in and out ofPingtanto accelerate cross-strait convenience. Taiwan responded by saying that "Taiwanese cars enter through Pingtan" is a unilateral act of the mainland, and no comment would be made. Politician Lai Cheng-chang compared China's plans toQin Shi Huang's "writing the same language and having the same roads" (referring to Qin'sunification of China).[27][better source needed]



Taiwan strait

A map of southeastern China drawn in 1863, showing the Taiwan strait at the lower-right corner.

Fu gian and Taiwan are separated by the narrowTaiwan Strait,about 300 kilometers long from north to south, with an average width of 180 kilometers, an average water depth of 50 meters, and an area of about 80,000 square kilometers.[28]The narrowest point of the Taiwan Strait is betweenPingtan Islandin Fu gian and theHsinchuCommercial Port in Taiwan, with a distance of 130 kilometers; the widest point is from Taiwan'sKenting National Parkto Fu gian 'sDongshan Island,with a distance of 410 kilometers.[29]When visibility is high, Taiwan can be directly seen from Fuzhou.[30]

About 54 million years ago, the central part of the Taiwan Strait began to be flooded. Its middle became a shallow sea and it began to become astrait.During theglacial periodof the latePleistocene,the sea water receded and the surface of the Taiwan Strait dropped by 130 to 180 meters, turning into land, and Taiwan was connected to the mainland. A large number of ancient humans and animals moved from the mainland to Taiwan through the dry Taiwan Strait. Since theQuaternaryglacial period (between 18 million and 6000 years ago), the sea has entered the transgressive period, and the sea level has risen about 100 to 130 meters, forming today's sea level. Since then, the exchanges between the two shores have changed from land to sea.[30]

The Penghu Islands are located in the Taiwan Strait, with thePescadores Channelbetween it and Taiwan. Early Taiwanese immigrants used the idiom "of ten people going there, six died, three stranded and only one could return" (Chinese:Mười đi, sáu chết, tam lưu, vừa quay đầu lại) to describe the difficulty of travel.[31]

Kinmen-Matsu area


The Kinmen-Matsu region consists of two counties,Kinmenand Lienchiang (Matsu), which belong toFu gian Province of Taiwan,but are actually under the jurisdiction of the Republic of China government inTaipei.[32]Kinmen is located outside theJiulong RiverEstuary, overlooking theXiamen BayEstuary. It is only 1.8 kilometers away fromDacheng Subdistrict,which is under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China, and 210 kilometers away from Taiwan Island. It includes twelve large and small islands including the Main island (Large Kinmen) andLesser Kinmen,and has a total area of about 150 square kilometers,[33]and was a battleground for military action across the Taiwan Strait.[34]Matsu is located outside theMin Riverestuary in Fu gian Province. It is about 16nautical milesaway from Fuzhou in the west, 114 nautical miles from Keelung, and 152 nautical miles to Kinmen to the south. The Matsu Islands extend 54 kilometers from north to south, with a total area of 28.8 square kilometers, including 36 large islands and reefs.[35]

Due to the geographical location, Kinmen and Matsu originally belonged to Fu gian, and their daily supplies and customs are almost the same as those in southern and eastern Fu gian. Since 1949, the Chinese civil war have made the region a key point of conflict between Taiwan and Fu gian. Among them, there have been small battles in theBattle of Guningtouin 1949 and the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis in 1958. On one hand, the region must face the attacks from the mainland, and on the other hand, there are restrictions on battlefield affairs. Furthermore, it must avoidmarginalization.In 2001, Fu gian 'sMaweiand Xiamen and the Kinmen-Matsu area realized trade, navigation, and postal services, allowing the islands to be quickly integrated with the world. Kinmen people can use the resources of Fu gian Province to promote industry and business.[36]


American navywarshipat the Taiwan Strait during theSecond Taiwan Strait Crisis.

After 1949, China deployed missiles that could attack Taiwan at any time.[7]Taiwan estimated that there were 1,300 of them,[37]including nearly 100M-11 missilesdeployed at Fu gian.[38]

Before thepresidential election in Taiwanin1996,China tested missiles off the coast of Taiwan (thethird Taiwan Strait Crisis) and had a negative impact on Fu gian –Taiwan relationships. On July 1, 2016, amissile misfired in Taiwan.After flying a certain distance in the direction of Fu gian, the missile hit a Taiwanese fishing boat in the southeastern waters of Penghu, causing one death and three injuries of Taiwanese fishermen.[39]The incident was considered byconspiracy theoriststo provoke the Communist Party's 95th anniversary on that same day.[40][41]

The deployment of giant radars in Fu gian in mainland China might affect the normal operation of Taiwan'sPAVE PAWSradars. In addition, according to media reports, there is a place in Fu gian called "Fu gian Village" (Chinese:Phúc Kiến thôn), which can simulate various important military facilities and military bases in Taiwan for thePLAto exercise against Taiwan, especially aircraft-based assault operations.[42][better source needed]After thepresidential election in Taiwan in 2016,the 31st Army of the People's Liberation Army in Fu gian launched a large-scale landing exercise on the southeast coast, and launched long-rangerocketandself-propelled artillery,tanksandhelicopters.On August 29, 2016, the media reported that the PLA First Army Group, the main force of the PLA's operations against Taiwan, conducted a rocket launch cross-sea strike exercise on the coast of Fu gian.[43][better source needed]



When Fu gian immigrants arrived in Taiwan, they brought rice, sugarcane,camphor,tea and other planting and manufacturing techniques. Fu gian Quanzhou Port and Ponkan in Taiwan (nowBeigang,Yunlin) have been the main ports for trade between Fu gian and Taiwan since the Song dynasty.[9]According to the Ming dynasty booksBook of Minnan(Chinese:Mân thư;lit.'Minnan (Fu gian ) Book') andBook of Dong Fan(Chinese:Đông phiên nhớ;lit.'East "Fan" Book[note 1]'), the merchants in southern Fu gian tradedagate,porcelain,and clothes with Taiwanese people for specialties such asdeer skinandantlers.During the Dutch colonial rule of Taiwan, Taiwan also exported rice, sugar,venison,rattan,metals and herbs brought from the Netherlands to mainland areas such as Fu gian.[44]Zheng Chenggong, whose ancestral home is Quanzhou, dominated maritime trade. After ousting the Dutch, he established theKingdom of Tungningin Taiwan and cooperated with theQing governmentto make Taiwan a transit point for trade between the mainland, Japan, and Southeast Asia.[45]After the Qing dynasty took over Taiwan, trade between Taiwan and Fu gian became more prosperous. There are three main trade routes:Fuzhou-Bangka,Quanzhou-Lukang,andZhangzhou-Fucheng. After the signing of the "Convention of Peking"in 1860, Taiwan successively opened the four major ports ofTamsui,Keelung,KaohsiungandAnping.[46]After the establishment of Taiwan Province, the construction of a postal system began, connecting Taiwan with Fu gian via the Tamsui-Fuzhou line.[45]The Qing dynasty also levied food supplies in Taiwan and shipped Fu gian for military supplies, known as the "Taiwan Transportation".[9]

Pingtan Experimentation Center in theFu gian Free-Trade Zone

In 2006, the Fu gian -Taiwan Economic Cooperation Promotion Committee was established in Xiamen, Fu gian. Many high-ranking officials attended the ceremony. Lu Shixiang, a senior journalist in Taiwan, believes that "the economic zone on both sides of the Taiwan Straits is a product of China's policy of reuniting with Taiwan through economic reunification".[47]

In 2011, theNational Development and Reform Commissionissued the "Development Plan for theWestern Taiwan Straits Economic Zone".[48]On April 21, 2015, theFu gian Free-Trade Zonewas officially listed and would become a "demonstration of deepening cross-strait economic cooperation". On December 29, the Cross-Strait Arbitration Center was established inPingtan,which would provide more cross-strait enterprises with facilitated arbitration services.[49]According to customs statistics, the total import and export value of Fu gian Province to Taiwan in the first quarter of 2016 was 14.55 billion yuan, a decrease of 11.2% compared with the same period last year. Among them, Fu gian 's exports to Taiwan were worth 5.53 billion yuan, an increase of 6.1%; imports from Taiwan were 9.02 billion yuan, a decrease of 19.3%; the trade deficit was 3.49 billion yuan, narrowing by 41.4%.[50]

In the past fifteen years, the gap between Fu gian and Taiwan'sGDPhas narrowed rapidly: Fu gian 's GDP rose from 15% of Taiwan in 2000 to 48% in 2010, and reached 74% in 2014. In 2015, Fu gian 's GDP exceeded 80% of that of Taiwan.[51]At present, Fu gian Province has four youth entrepreneurship bases across the Taiwan Straits that are licensed by theTaiwan Affairs Officeof theState Council.[49]


Region of the Hakka at western Fu gian. In 1926, over 40,000 Taiwanese had ancestry here.[52]

The ethnic groups in Taiwan are mainlyindigenousandHan people.One theory states that there were oncebrown peopleandpygmiesin Taiwan,[9][53]but they have become extinct.[54]Today's ethnic minorities in Taiwan are commonly known as the "indigenous people", who arrived in Taiwan earlier than the Hans,[9]and belonged to one of the branches of theAustronesianethnic group.'

The Han people in Taiwan are divided into three groups:Hoklo people,Hakka peopleand others (Waishengren). Among them, the Hoklos moved in from southern Fu gian and the eastern coast of Guangdong, the Hakkas moved in from the eastern inland of Guangdong and western Fu gian, and the other provinces were the people of the mainland that moved to Taiwan with theKuomintangafter the civil war. In the late period of the Dutch rule of Taiwan, there were about 25,000 Han men in Taiwan, most of whom were Fu gian immigrants. During the rule of Japan in 1903, there were 3.03 million Han Chinese in Taiwan, of which 2.39 million spoke theMinnan dialect.In 1926, the "Taiwanese Ethnic Groups in Taiwanese Nationality Survey" recorded that of Taiwan's 3.76 million people, 3.12 million were ancestors of Fu gian Province, accounting for about 83%.[52]A 2004 survey showed that Hans accounted for 98% of Taiwan's population, with the indigenous people accounting for less than 2%. Among them, about 70% were Quanzhang Hoklo (descendants of Fu gian immigrants from Fu gian with ancestral homes at Quanzhou or Zhangzhou), and about 15% were Hakkas.[55]According to a genetic study in 2007 by Dr. Lin Mali of theMackay Memorial Hospital,the composition of the ethnic group in Taiwan was 73.5% Minnan, 17.5% Hakka, 7.5% Waishengren who moved to Taiwan after 1945 and 1.5% indigenous.[56]

Common surnames in Taiwan includeChen,Lin,Huang,Zhang,Li,Wang,Wu,Cai,Liu,Yangetc. Most of their ancestors emigrated from Fu gian to Taiwan. For example: among the Taiwanese surnamed Huang, 80% originated from Hoklo and about 15% were from Hakka. Most of those Huang-surnamed people, Hoklo or Hakka, who came to Taiwan in the Ming and Qing dynasties were descendants of Huang Shougong or Huang Qiao, both fromTang dynasty.[57]The ninth-largest surname of Taiwan, Tsai (or Cai), includes nearly one million people. The ancestral home ofCai Wanlin,a well-known entrepreneur in Taiwan, isJin gian g,Fu gian.[58]The five major families in Taiwan: the Keelung Yan family,[59]theBanqiao Lin family,theWufengLin family,[60]theLukangGu ( cô )family, and the Kaohsiung Chen family are all Fu gian immigrants.[61]

On June 8, 2013, to commemorate the birth of "The Founder of Zhangzhou"Tan Goan-Kong's 1357th birthday, Chen Yongmeng, the chairman of the Chen Clan Association of Bingzhou in Xiamen, and his ancestors, together with the clan members of the Chen Clan association of Bingzhou in Taiwan, held a memorial and prayer together in a temple inShilin,Taipei.[62][better source needed]



Historically, Minnan culture has had a considerable influence on Taiwanese culture at the level of clan, literature, opera, craftsmanship, architecture, etc.[46]


The places where theQuanzhang dialectwere used. The red color refers to the spread ofXiamen dialect.

The Taiwanese Hokkien dialect originated fromGuang prefecture.[63]In terms of language classification, it belongs to theQuanzhang dialect,and the pronunciation is closer to that of theXiamen dialectandZhangzhou dialect.After 400 years of evolution of Taiwanese Hokkien, the Zhangzhou andQuanzhou dialectmerged in Taiwan.[64]In addition, some of the vocabulary were derived from foreign languages such as theAustronesian,Japanese,andDutch language,which distinguishes between Taiwanese and Fu gian ese in terms of tone and word content.[65]

In Taiwan, the Quanzhang ethnic group, whose native language is Taiwanese Hokkien, is the largest ethnic group in Taiwan.[note 2]The Hakkas who switched to the Minnan dialect are called Hoklo Hakkas. According to the 2009 Taiwan Yearbook, about 73% of Taiwanese speak Taiwanese Hokkien. Some people think Taiwanese Hokkien cannot be called the Taiwanese language because Taiwanese Hakka and indigenous languages exist in Taiwan.[63]


Lungshan Temple in Taipei.

When Fu gian immigrants entered Taiwan, most of them invited local deities from their hometown and served them in temples. The three common folk beliefs in Fu gian and Taiwan are:Mazu,Madam Linshui, andBaosheng Dadi.Most of the local religions in Taiwan originated in southern Fu gian. There are many believers in Mazu, and it is customary to hold worship activities in Fu gian every year. Some Taiwanese believe that theChinese Communist Partyregards religious exchanges between Fu gian and Taiwan as a tool for the unification: on the surface, it welcomes visiting exchanges in a warm and friendly manner. In fact, it conductsclose monitoringin a hostile manner, as a preparation for Taiwanese unification.[68]

The immigrants from Fu gian and other places during the Ming and Qing dynasties brought many religious beliefs, including theQingshuiand Xianying monk beliefs inAnxi County,Quanzhou,and Dingguang Buddha beliefs in western Fu gian. The beliefs of monks in Taiwan are mainlyTaoist.For example, Taoist temples and temples often worship theBodhidharmaandJi Gong.Generally speaking, Taoism in Taiwan comes from theWay of the Celestial Mastersthat is common in Quanzhou and Zhangzhou.[69]



Taiwanese drama began in the Qing dynasty,[70]and theLiyuanandGaojia operapopular in Taiwan originated from Quanzhou.[71]The Gezai Opera, which was formed in Taiwan, was developed from Jinge from Zhangzhou, and the Taiwan returned the opera to Fu gian.

Tea culture

Gongfu tea is a way of making tea in Fu gian and Taiwan.

The diet and decoration in Taiwan are also affected by Fu gian customs, and only begun to change in recent decades.[9]Taiwanese cuisine is known as "Soup and Water" (Chinese:Thang thang thủy thủy;lit.'Soup soup water water'). The Han people who were able to immigrate to Taiwan in the early days (and the majority of them were from southern Fu gian ) were only males. Because they were busy with farming and reclamation, and their materials were not abundant as in today, for convenience, they often cooked the dishgengwhich is both nutritious and convenient. Minnan style geng is still loved by various ethnic groups in Taiwan.[72][73]

Gongfu tea ceremony(Kang-hu-tê) is a very popular tea culture inQuanzhou,Zhangzhou,Xiamen,Chaoshan,and Taiwan; the word "Gongfu" stands for a careful and time-consuming tea art spirit.[74]In addition to the preparation of tea, this tea "artwork" is also fully expressed in enjoyment such as drinking and tea set.[75]



In 1687, theImperial ExaminationFu gian department gave a separate exam number and a separate admission quota for Taiwan candidates, the first time Taiwanese talent was admitted. Like the provinces in mainland Fu gian, many students from Taiwan went to Fuzhou to take examinations. Before and after the exam, they usually stayed in Fu gian Province for several months to visit schools and meet friends, forming a regular cultural exchange.[14]Established in 1916, Fukien Christian University recruited several Taiwanese students, including Lin Bingyuan, Lin Chengshui, and Zhong Tianjue during the Japanese rule in Taiwan.[76]Xiamen University,founded in 1921, recruited 13 Taiwanese students from 1921 to 1945.[77]

In 2015, 69 colleges in Fu gian Province signed over 500 cooperation and exchange agreements with more than 100 colleges in Taiwan, and introduced 132 outstanding teachers from Taiwan. In 2016, more than 200 full-time teachers from Taiwan would continue to be introduced. At the same time, Fu gian also set up a special scholarship for Taiwanese students in colleges to attract Taiwanese students to study in Fu gian. According to statistics, Fu gian ese students studying in Taiwan make up 40% of all Chinese students studying in Taiwan; while the number of Taiwan students studying in Fu gian comprises 60% of all Taiwan students studying in Taiwan.[clarification needed][78]


Item Fu gian (Fukien) Taiwan (Formosa)
Previous governance Ming EmpireFukien Province
ChinaQing EmpireFukien Province
ChinaRepublic of ChinaFukien Province
ChinaRepublic of ChinaFukien Province
Fu gian People's Government
Chinese Soviet Republic
Kingdom of Middag,NetherlandsDutch Formosa,SpainSpanish Formosa
Kingdom of Tungning
ChinaQing Empire(part ofFukien ProvinceFukien-Taiwan Province)
Republic of Formosa
Empire of Japan(Taiwan under Japanese rule)
Current governance People's Republic of China Republic of China
Current provincial divisions Fu gianProvince Fu gian
New Taipei
Government seal
Area (km2) 124,000 180.46 25,110.00 271.80 2,052.57 1,220.95 2,214.90 2,191.65 2,951.85
Population 41,540,086[79] 153,876 7,043,545 2,602,418 4,030,954 2,268,807 2,820,787 1,874,917 2,765,932
Population density (per km2) 335 852.71 280.51 9,574.76 1,963.86 1,858.22 1,273.55 855.48 937.02
Administrative Center Fuzhou Xinyi Banqiao Taoyuan Xitun Anping
Largest settlement Quanzhou
GDP(millionUSD) 636,288[80] 669,034[81]
GDP per capita(USD) 15,323[80] 28,371[81]
GDP growth rate 3.3%[80] 3.12%[81]
Total value of imports and
exports (millionUSD)
203,491[80] 631,028[81]
Human Development Index 0.769 (High)[82] 0.916 (Very high)[83]
Forest area 66.8%[84] 60.71%[85]
Official representative Taiwan Affairs Office Mainland Affairs Council

See also



  1. ^The word "Phiên" ( "Fan" ) has many meanings. It is unclear which one is referred to. Seethe Wiktionary definitionfor more detail.
  2. ^As of 1996, a total of 80 million people around the world uses the Minnan language.[66][better source needed],of which 46.92 million use it as its native language as of 2007.[67]


  1. ^See, for example,Hatfield, D. (2009-12-21).Taiwanese Pilgrimage to China: Ritual, Complicity, Community.Springer. p. 126.ISBN978-0-230-10213-2.,which uses the term "Minnan-Taiwan Relationships".
  2. ^abTin tức bối cảnh: Mân đài “Năm duyên” mà duyên huyết thống văn duyên thương duyên pháp duyên.SohuNews.2009-05-15.Retrieved2016-10-11.
  3. ^Đàm chung (2011-12-23).Mân đài văn hóa.Trung Quốc hoà bình thống nhất xúc tiến sẽ.Thống nhất diễn đàn.Retrieved2016-10-17.
  4. ^abLý vĩ hiền quách huệ tô (2010-10-20).Mân đài duyên viện bảo tàng: Ngưng tụ hai bờ sông Viêm Hoàng nhi nữ cộng đồng ký ức.Hoa Hạ kinh vĩ võng.Archived fromthe originalon 2016-10-18.Retrieved2016-10-14.
  5. ^"Central Broadcasting Station: A Chronicle".Archivedfrom the original on 2013-10-25.Retrieved2019-12-26.
  6. ^Đài Loan ngày xưa phản cộng radio hôm nay phải làm hai bờ sông câu thông nhịp cầu _ tin tức trung tâm _ tân lãng võng.Sina News.Retrieved2019-12-26.
  7. ^abTrung Quốc đối đài đạn đạo đem đạt 1800 cái | quả táo tin tức võng | quả táo nhật báo.Apple Daily(in Chinese (Taiwan)). 8 August 2010.Retrieved2019-12-26.
  8. ^ab1990 năm Đài Loan quân cảnh hành hạ đến chết 25 danh Phúc Kiến ngư dân sự kiện.guancha.cnNhân dân võng.2013-05-15.Retrieved2019-10-26.
  9. ^abcdefgLâm này tuyền.Đài Loan căn ở Phúc Kiến(PDF).Mân đài quan hệ sử.Hạ Môn đại học lịch sử hệ. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 2016-10-12.Retrieved2016-10-11.
  10. ^Đài Loan lâm họ.Phúc Kiến tỉnh tình cơ sở dữ liệu.2009-06-18. Archived fromthe originalon 2016-10-12.Retrieved2016-10-12.
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  85. ^Trên đảo nhỏ rừng rậm tình huống.Retrieved5 May2020.

Further reading

  • Uông nghị phu (1997),Trung Quốc văn hóa cùng mân đài xã hội,Eo biển văn nghệ nhà xuất bản,ISBN7805349762
  • Uông nghị phu (2000),Mân lịch bàn sử xã hội cùng dân tục văn hóa,Hạ Môn: Lộ giang nhà xuất bản,ISBN7-80610-964-1
  • Uông nghị phu (2004),Mân đài khu vực xã hội nghiên cứu,Hạ Môn: Lộ giang nhà xuất bản,ISBN9787806712818
  • Uông nghị phu (2006),Mân đài duyên cùng Mân Nam phượng,Phúc Kiến giáo dục nhà xuất bản,ISBN7533445082
  • Lương hoa hoàng (2001),Đài Loan Tổng đốc phủ “Bờ bên kia” chính sách nghiên cứu: Ngày theo thời đại đài mân quan hệ sử,Đài Bắc: Lúa hương nhà xuất bản,ISBN9579628777
  • Bành văn vũ 《 mân đài gia tộc xã hội 》, Đài Bắc: Ấu sư văn hóa sự nghiệp công ty hữu hạn, 1997.
  • Triệu lân bân 《 mân đài dân tục thuật luận 》, cùng tế đại học nhà xuất bản, 2009 năm.
  • Thi ý lâm (2013),Đài mân văn hóa khái luận,Đài Bắc: Năm nam nhà xuất bản,ISBN9789571172644
  • Đài Loan cùng Phúc Kiến xã hội văn hóa nghiên cứu luận văn tập》, Đài Loan trung ương nghiên cứu viện dân tộc học nghiên cứu sở xuất bản.