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G run

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G run inGmajorvariation[1]Playcontains bothhammer-onsand apull-off.
G run in G[1]Play.

Inbluegrassand othermusic,theG run(G-run), orFlatt run[1](presumably afterLester Flatt), is a stereotypicalendingused as a basis forimprovisationon the guitar. It is the most popular run in bluegrass, the second being "Shave and a Haircut".[1]

The best known version, above, is a slight elaboration of the simplest form, below.

\relative c' {
\time 4/4
\key g \major
g4 [a8~ (ais8~)] [(b8) d8~ (e8) (d8)] | g4 r4 <d g b g'>4 r4

See also



  1. ^abcdTraum, Happy (1974).Bluegrass Guitar,p.25.ISBN0-8256-0153-3.