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Gabo Reform

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Gabo Reform
Officials of Gungukgimucheo
Officials ofGungukgimucheo
Gabo Reform
Giáp ngọ cải cách
Revised RomanizationGabogaehyeok

TheGabo Reform(Korean:갑오개혁;Hanja:Giáp ngọ cải cách), alsoKabo Reform,describes a series of sweeping reforms suggested to the government ofKorea,beginning in 1894 and ending in 1896 during the reign ofGojong of Koreain response to theDonghak Peasant Revolution.Historians debate the degree of Japanese influence in this program,[citation needed]as well as its effect in encouraging modernization.

The termGabo(갑오;Giáp ngọ) comes from the name of the year 1894 in the traditionalsexagenary cycle.[1]



The disarray and blatant corruption in the Korean government, particularly in the three main areas of revenues –land tax,military service, and the state granary system – weighed heavily on the Korean peasantry.

Of special note is the corruption of the local functionaries (Hyangi) who could purchase an appointment as administrators and cloak their predations on the farmers with an aura of officialdom.Yangbanfamilies, formerly well-respected for their status as a noble class, were increasingly seen as little more than commoners who were unwilling to meet their responsibilities to their communities.

Faced with increasing corruption in the government,brigandageof the disenfranchised (such as the mounted fire brigands, orHwajok,and the boat-borne water brigands orSujok) as well as abuse by the military, many poor villagers sought to pool their resources such as land, tools, and production skills in order to survive.

Despite the government abolishing slavery and burning the records in 1801, increasing numbers of peasants and farmers become involved in "mutual assistance associations". Institutions such as the Catholic and Protestant missions, with the egalitarian nature of their teachings garnered followings among the Yangban, though commonly in the more urban areas.

Arguably of greater influence were the religious teachings ofChoe Je-u,(최제우, thôi tế ngu, 1824–1864) calledDonghakor "Eastern Learning" which became especially popular in rural areas. Themes of exclusionism (of foreign influences),nationalism,salvation, and social consciousness were promoted to allow illiterate farmers to understand the concepts and accept them more readily.

Choi, like many Koreans, was alarmed by the intrusion ofChristianityand the Anglo-French occupation of Beijing during theSecond Opium War.He believed that the best way to counter foreign influence in Korea was to introduce democratic and human rights reforms internally. Nationalism and social reform struck a chord among the peasant guerrillas, andDonghakspread all across Korea. Progressive revolutionaries organized the peasants into a cohesive structure. Arrested in 1863 following the Chinju Uprising led by Yu Kye-cheun, Choi was charged with "misleading the people and sowing discord in society". Choi was beheaded in 1864, sending many of his followers into hiding in the mountains and leaving the Korean populace to continue to suffer.

King Gojong(r. 1864–1910), enthroned at the age of twelve, succeededKing Cheolchong(r. 1849 – 1863). King Gojong's father,Heungseon Daewongun(Yi Ha-Ung; 1820–1898), ruled as thede factoregent and inaugurated far-ranging reform to strengthen the central administration. Among his targeted reforms was addressing the inherited rule by a few elite ruling families by the adoption of a merit system for official appointments.

In addition,Seowon(private academies), which threatened to develop a parallel system to the corrupt government and enjoyed special privileges and large land-holdings, were repressed through taxes despite bitter opposition from Confucian scholars. The decision to rebuild palace buildings and finance it through additional levies on the population causedHeungseon Daewongun's attempted reforms to antagonize the three largest constituencies supporting the government: the ruling elite, the Confucian scholars, and the general population.Heungseon Daewongunwas impeached in 1873 and forced into retirement by the supporters ofEmpress Myeongseong.

On 27 February 1876, theJapan–Korea Treaty of 1876,also known in Japan as the Japanese-Korean Treaty of Amity (Nitchō-shūkōjōki(Ngày triều tu hảo nội quy),Korean:강화도조약;Hanja:Giang hoa đảo điều ước;RR:Ganghwado joyak) was signed. It was designed to open up Korea to Japanese trade, and the rights granted to Japan under the treaty were similar to those granted to European powers in Japan following the visit ofCommodore Matthew Perryin 1854. However, the treaty ended Korea's status as a protectorate of China,forced open three Korean portsto Japanese trade, grantedextraterritorial rightsto Japanese citizens, and was anunequal treatysigned underduressof theUnyo Incident of 1875(gunboat diplomacy).

Daewongun remained opposed to any concessions to Japan or the Western Europeans, helped organize the mutiny of 1882Imo Incident,an anti-Japanese outbreak against the Empress and her allies.[2]Motivated by resentment of the preferential treatment given to newly trained troops, Daewongun's forces, or "old military", killed Japanese training cadre and attacked the Japaneselegation.[2]Japanese diplomats,[3]policemen,[4]students[5]and some Min clan members were also killed during the incident.

Daewongun was restored to power briefly, only to be forcibly taken to China by Chinese troops dispatched toSeoulto prevent further disorder.[2]In August 1882, the Treaty of Chemulpo (Japan–Korea Treaty of 1882) indemnified the families of the Japanese victims, paid reparation to the Japanese government in the amount of 500,000 yen and allowed a company of Japanese guards to be stationed at the Japanese legation in Seoul.[2]

The struggle between Heungseon Daewongun's followers and those of Empress Myeongseong was further complicated by competition from a Korean independence faction known as theProgressive Party(Kaehwadang) as well as Conservative faction. While the former sought Japan's support, the latter sought China's support.[2]On 4 December 1884, the Korean independence group, assisted by the Japanese[citation needed],attempted a coup (Kapsin Chongbyon;Coup d'État of 1884) and established a pro-Japanese government under the reigning king, dedicated to the independence of Korea from Chinese suzerainty.[2]

However, this proved to be short-lived as conservative Korean officials requested the help of Chinese forces stationed in Korea.[2]The coup was put down by Chinese troops, and a Korean mob killed both Japanese officers and Japanese residents in retaliation.[2]Some leaders of the independence faction, includingKim Okgyun,fled to Japan, while others were executed.[2]

Donghak revolution, and first Sino-Japanese war, 1894


The outbreak of theDonghak Peasant Revolutionin 1894 provided a seminal pretext for direct military intervention by Japan in the affairs of Korea. Seeking redressal of long-standing hardship and corruption, disparate factions among the Korean peasant population coalesced into a militant force and revolted against the Korean administration. In April 1894, the Korean government asked for Chinese assistance in ending the Donghak Peasant Revolt. In response, Japanese leaders, citing a violation ofConvention of Tientsinas a pretext, decided upon military intervention to challenge China. China requested Japan to withdraw her troops; Japan refused and proposed that the Qing and Japan co-ordinate to reform the Korean government. The Qing refused.

On 3 May 1894, 1,500 Qing dynasty forces appeared inIncheon.The same day, 6,000 Japanese forces also landed in Incheon leading to the Sino-Japanese War.[citation needed]Japan deposed the Korean government and installed a new government which demanded the Qing leave, and began a programme of reform. Japan won theFirst Sino-Japanese War,and China signed theTreaty of Shimonosekiin 1895. Among its many stipulations, the treaty recognized "the full and complete independence and autonomy of Korea," thus ending Korea'stributaryrelationship with the Chinese Qing Dynasty, leading to the proclamation of full independence of Joseon Korea in 1895.

At the same time, Japan suppressed the Donghak Revolution with Korean government forces. Though the revolt had ended, issues and complaints of the Korean peasant population remained un-addressed.



The reforms were largely accomplished in three stages, according to the changing members of the reform council and the involvement of Japan.

First reforms


The first reforms took place from July to October 1894, based on the original reform bill presented by the Japanese ambassador,Ōtori Keisuke(Đại điểu khuê giới). Previously, the reform bill had been refused by theJoseoncourt andQing dynasty.[6]As Japan was focused more on the Sino-Japanese War, many of the first reforms reflected the desired reforms of the progressive council members and some of the reforms demanded by the peasants of theDonghak Peasant Revolutiondid not go unheard.[1]The deliberate Council passed 210 reform bills byKim Hong-jip.At the first stage of reform, there was little interference from Japan.

Two-hundred and ten articles were established, most notable was the restructuring of central government by reducing the king's responsibilities and placing more power in theUijeongbu.Thegwageosystem was abolished and replaced by a Japanese bureaucratic system. The administration of financial affairs were centralized, the taxation system redressed, a new monetary system allowed the use of Japanese currency, and the measurement system was changed to that of Japan.[6][7]

Other social reforms were addressed as well; discrimination based on the class system, slavery, underage marriage were banned, and widows were granted the right to remarry. These reforms would legally change the traditional feudal system that had been followed for hundreds of years.[1][6]

Second reforms


The second state of reform took place from December 1894 to July 1895. Japan closed down theGunguk Gimucheoin December 1894 as the outcome of the Sino-Japanese War was leaning to their favor and set up a new coalition cabinet consisting ofKim Hong-jipandPark Yung-hio.The cabinet presented a new law,Hongbeom 14jo(홍범 14조, "Exemplary Rules" 14 articles), which proclaimed the severance of the subordinate relationship with China, abolition of nepotism in government, and restructuring of government offices and their duties.

With this law as the foundation, 213 new articles were created.[1]The names ofUijeongbuand its subsidiaries were changed to the modernnaegak(내각, cabinet) andbu(부, department). Administrative districts were reorganized to 23bu(부, region) and 337gun(군, district). New financial bureaus were installed throughout the nation to overlook tax affairs, military, and police systems were overhauled and modernized, judicial systems were changed with new courthouse and judiciary laws.[8]

The second reform measures were halted whenPark Yung-hio,who had been at the center of the reform efforts, fled to Japan after being accused of conspiracy to treason by those who were against the reformations that were taking place.[1][9]

Assassination of Queen Min, 1895


The Japanese minister to Korea,Miura Gorō,orchestrated a plot against 43-year-old Queen Min[10](later given the titleEmpress Myeongseong),[11]and on 8 October 1895, she was assassinated by Japanese agents.[12]In 2001, Russian reports on the assassination were found in the archives of the Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation. The documents included the testimony ofKing Gojong,several witnesses of the assassination, andKarl Ivanovich Weber's report toAleksey Lobanov-Rostovsky,the Foreign Minister of Russia. Weber was thechargé d'affairesat the Russian legation in Seoul at that time.[12]According to a Russian eyewitness, Seredin-Sabatin (Середин-Cабатин), an employee of the Korean king, a group of Japanese agents enteredGyeongbokgung,[13]killed Queen Min and desecrated her body in the north wing of the palace.[14]

When he heard the news,Heungseon Daewongunreturned to the royal palace the same day.[12]On 11 February 1896, King Gojong and the crown prince moved from Gyeongbokgung to theRussianlegation inJeong-dong,Seoul, from where they governed for about one year, an event known as theKorea royal refuge at the Russian legation.After returning to the royal palace, the royal family was still guarded by Russian guards.

In the midst of disarray in Joseon politics at this time, a series ofSeonbischolars mobilized volunteers to fight against the external foreign influence on the government. This also led to the uprising of theEulmitemporary armies aimed at avenging the assassination of Queen Min.

Third reforms


Spurred greatly by the assassination of the queen and subsequent unrest, the government, then led by a new progressive cabinet headed byKim Hong-jipandYu Kil-chun,carried out reforms from October 1895 to February 1896.[6][7][15][16]A special reform body,Gunguk Gimucheo(군국기무처,Deliberative Council), was created to establish rules.[7]Their policies resulted in the official discarding of thelunar calendarin favor of the modern Gregoriansolar calendar,the official designation ofregnal yearsindependent of the Chinese tradition, the creation of apostal service,the introduction of primary schools and a new educational system[17]and the renewal of the military system.[6]

The most controversial reform at this time was the proclamation of the "Short Hair Act" (Korean:단발령;Hanja:Đoạn phát lệnh), i.e. cutting off the traditional Korean malesangtuand reformation of traditional attire. It triggered many protests among the people, most notably the conservative scholars, who were already disillusioned by the pro-Japanese cabinet. They had created theRighteous Armyand had actively protested nationwide, escalating after the assassination of Queen Myeongseong in 1895. After King Gojong and theCrown Princefled for refuge to theRussian legationin 1896, this opposition resulted in the murders of Kim Hong-jip and other cabinet members, and the reformations came to an end.[1][15]

Main provisions of the Gabo Reform


The Gabo Reform was similar to theMeiji RestorationinJapanand produced the following sweeping changes and declarations:[7][18]

  1. Korea is a sovereign country (i.e., completely independent fromChina's external interference).
  2. Hierarchical society (classsystem) is abolished. Social privileges of the Yangban classes are eliminated.
  3. Those with talent are to be allowed to study and appointed to government posts based on merit alone, regardless of social class.
  4. The army is to be established on the basis of conscription, regardless of background. A modern police force and military are established.
  5. All official documents are to be written inHangul,and nothanja(Chinese characters).
  6. Leather working,acting,and so on are to no longer be regarded as degrading work, and the people who do them are no longer outcasts.
  7. A sound system of fiscal management and to use the government's fiscal resources to create wealth for the country is developed.
  8. Torture of suspects and witnesses was banned, guilt by association ended (punishment of family members of criminals).
  9. End of merchant monopolies.
  10. Ban of sale of slaves from 1886 confirmed, and all forms oflegal slaveryended.
  11. Marriage age raised to twenty for men and sixteen for women (outlawing child marriage).

Protests for democracy and the proclamation of Korean Empire, 1896–1898


After the Royal Refuge, some Korean activists established theIndependence Club(독립협회, độc lập hiệp hội ) in 1896. They claimed that Korea should negotiate with Western powers, particularly Russia, to counterbalance the growing influence of Japan and Russia. This club had contributed to the construction ofIndependence Gate,and they held regular meetings at theJongnostreets, demandingdemocraticreforms as Korea became a constitutional monarchy, and an end to Japanese and Russian influence in Korean affairs. In October 1897, King Gojong decided to return to his other palace,Deoksugung,and proclaimed the founding of theKorean Empire.During this period, the Korean government conducted a westernization policy. It was not an enduring reform, however, and the Independence Club was dissolved on 25 December 1898 asEmperor Gojongofficially announced a prohibition on unofficial congresses.

See also



  1. ^abcdef(in Korean)Gabo ReformsArchived2011-06-10 at theWayback Machineat Nate Britannica Korea
  2. ^abcdefghiMarius B. Jansen (April 1989). The Cambridge History of Japan Volume 5 The Nineteenth Century. Cambridge University PressISBN0-521-22356-3.
  3. ^Japanese Cabinet Meeting document Nov, 1882Archived2009-04-13 at theWayback Machinep.6 left lục quân ngoại vụ lạng giả thượng thân cố lục quân công binh trung úy quật bổn lễ tạo ngoại hai tên cũng Triều Tiên quốc nhị với テ chiến chết ノ tuần tra cập dinh công sứ mướn ノ giả chờ đền Yasukuni ヘ hợp tự ノ sự
  4. ^Japanese Cabinet Meeting document Nov, 1882Archived2009-04-13 at theWayback Machinep.2 left
  5. ^Japanese Cabinet Meeting document Nov, 1882Archived2015-01-16 at theWayback Machine
  6. ^abcde(in Korean)Gabo Reforms[permanent dead link]atDoosan Encyclopedia
  7. ^abcdKorea through the Ages Vol. 2p40-p43
  8. ^(in Korean)Gabo Reformsat Daum Britannica Korea
  9. ^(in Korean)Kang Junman (강준만),Walk through Korea's Modern History 2(한국근대사산책 2) p291,Inmul Publishing Co.(인물과 사상사)Archived2010-06-25 at theWayback Machine,Seoul, 2007.ISBN978-89-5906-072-6
  10. ^"Queen Min of Korea - the" Last Empress "".Archived fromthe originalon 2006-02-17.Retrieved2013-03-24.
  11. ^Characteristics of Queen of KoreaThe New York TimesNov 10, 1895
  12. ^abcPark Jong-hyo (박종효), former professor atLomonosov Moscow State University(2002-01-01).일본인 폭도가 가슴을 세 번 짓밟고 일본도로 난자했다.Dong-a Ilbo(in Korean). No. 508. pp. 472 ~ 485.
  13. ^See Russian eyewitness account of surrounding circumstances at"Archived copy".Archived fromthe originalon 2012-10-12.Retrieved2013-03-24.{{cite web}}:CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)byGari Ledyard,Sejong Professor of Korean History Emeritus atColumbia University
  14. ^Simbirtseva, Tatiana (1996-05-08)."Queen Min of Korea: Coming to Power".Archived fromthe originalon 2006-02-17.Retrieved2007-02-19.
  15. ^abKang 2006,p. 483.
  16. ^Kang, Chae-ŏn; Kang, Jae-eun (2006).The Land of Scholars: Two Thousand Years of Korean Confucianism.Homa & Sekey Books.ISBN978-1-931907-30-9.
  17. ^Gabo Reforms,Korea Times,2008-05-28. Retrieved 2010-06-23
  18. ^Seth, Michael J (2010).A History of Korea: From Antiquity to the Present.Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. p. 225.ISBN978-0742567160.



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