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Aganzibra(singular form inClassical Mandaic:ࡂࡀࡍࡆࡉࡁࡓࡀ,plural form inClassical Mandaic:ࡂࡀࡍࡆࡉࡁࡓࡉࡀganzibria,literally 'treasurer' inMandaic;Persian:گنزورا) is ahigh priestinMandaeism.Tarmidas,or junior priests, rank below the ganzibras.[1]

Symbolically, ganzibras are considered to beuthrason earth (Tibil). Their responsibilities include performingmasbuta,masiqta,wedding ceremonies,and other rituals, all of which can only be performed by priests. They must prepare their own food to maintain ritual purity.[2]Ganzibra priests are also prohibited from consuming stimulants such as wine, tobacco, and coffee.[3]


The ganzibras go through an elaborate set of initiation rituals that are separate from those performed for thetarmidas.[2]According Drower (1937), a ganzibra can only be initiated immediately before the death of a pious member of the Mandaean community. Two ganzibras and twoshgandasare required to perform the initiation.[3]

Thebukrais the firstmasiqtaperformed by a ganzibra priest just after ordination.[4]

Theʿngirta(lit.'message';also refers toQolastaprayers 73–74) is a ceremony used to inform the World of Light about the ordination of a ganzibra.[5]

In Mandaean texts[edit]

InRight Ginza15.7, 15.8, 16.1, and 17.1, theuthraYurais mentioned asYura Rba Ganzibra,or "Great Yura the Ganzibra."[6]



See also[edit]


  1. ^Drower, E. S. 1960.The Secret Adam: A Study of Nasoraean Gnosis.Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  2. ^abBuckley, Jorunn Jacobsen (2002).The Mandaeans: ancient texts and modern people.New York: Oxford University Press.ISBN0-19-515385-5.OCLC65198443.
  3. ^abDrower, E. S.1937.The Mandaeans of Iraq and Iran.Leiden: Brill (1962 reprint).
  4. ^Aldihisi, Sabah (2008).The story of creation in the Mandaean holy book in the Ginza Rba(PhD). University College London.
  5. ^Häberl, Charles (2022).The Book of Kings and the Explanations of This World: A Universal History from the Late Sasanian Empire.Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. p. 214.ISBN978-1-80085-627-1.
  6. ^Gelbert, Carlos (2011).Ginza Rba.Sydney: Living Water Books.ISBN9780958034630.

External links[edit]