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The GeologistbyCarl Spitzweg,c. 1860
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Petroleum industry
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Ageologistis ascientistwho studies the structure, composition, andhistoryofEarth.Geologists incorporate techniques fromphysics,chemistry,biology,mathematics,andgeographyto performresearchin thefieldand thelaboratory.Geologists work in theenergyandminingsectors to exploitnatural resources.They monitor environmental hazards such asearthquakes,volcanoes,tsunamisandlandslides.Geologists are also important contributors toclimate changediscussions.


ScotsmanJames Hutton, father of modern geology

James Huttonis often viewed as the first modern geologist.[1]In 1785 he presented a paper entitledTheory of the Earthto theRoyal Society of Edinburgh.In his paper, he explained his theory that the Earth must be much older than had previously been supposed to allow enough time for mountains to be eroded and forsedimentsto form new rocks at the bottom of the sea, which in turn were raised up to become dry land. Hutton published a two-volume version of his ideas in 1795 (Vol. 1,Vol. 2). Followers of Hutton were known asPlutonistsbecause they believed that some rocks were formed byvulcanism,which is the deposition of lava from volcanoes, as opposed to theNeptunists,led byAbraham Werner,who believed that all rocks had settled out of a large ocean whose level gradually dropped over time.

"Geologists at work" from the U.S. Geological and Geographic Survey of the Territories (1874 - 06/30/1879). Photographer:William Henry Jackson

The first geological map of the United States was produced in 1809 byWilliam Maclure.[2][3]In 1807, Maclure commenced the self-imposed task of making a geological survey of the United States. Almost every state in the Union was traversed and mapped by him; theAllegheny Mountainsbeing crossed and recrossed some 50 times.[4]The results of his unaided labors were submitted to theAmerican Philosophical Societyin a memoir entitledObservations on the Geology of the United States explanatory of a Geological Map,and published in theSociety's Transactions,together with the nation's first geological map.[5]This antedatesWilliam Smith's geological map of England by six years, although it was constructed using a different classification of rocks.

Sir Charles Lyellfirst published his famous book,Principles of Geology,[6]in 1830. This book, which influenced the thought ofCharles Darwin,successfully promoted the doctrine ofuniformitarianism.This theory states that slow geological processes have occurred throughout theEarth's historyand are still occurring today. In contrast,catastrophismis the theory that Earth's features formed in single, catastrophic events and remained unchanged thereafter. Though Hutton believed in uniformitarianism, the idea was not widely accepted at the time.


A young geologist learns aboutflow banding

For an aspiring geologist, training typically includes significant coursework inphysics,mathematics,andchemistry,in addition to classes offered through the geology department;historicaland physical geology, igneous and metamorphicpetrologyand petrography,hydrogeology,sedimentology,stratigraphy,mineralogy,palaeontology,physical geographyandstructural geologyare among the many required areas of study. Most geologists also need skills inGISand othermappingtechniques. Geology students often spend portions of the year, especially the summer though sometimes during a January term, living and working under field conditions with faculty members (often referred to as "field camp" ). Many non-geologists often take geology courses or have expertise in geology that they find valuable to their fields; this is common in the fields ofgeography,engineering,chemistry,urban planning,environmental studies,among others.


A geologist working in the Arctic
Geologists exploringJurassicsedimentary rocks inMakhtesh Gadol,Negev Desert, Israel
Geologist explaining the importance of volcanic ash layers to students on field inIceland

Geologists, can be generally identified as a specialist in one or more of the various geoscience disciplines, such as a geophysicist or geochemist. Geologists may concentrate their studies or research in one or more of the following disciplines:

  • Economic geology:the study ofore genesis,and the mechanisms of ore creation,geostatistics.
  • Engineering geology:application of the geologic sciences to engineering practice for the purpose of assuring that the geologic factors affecting the location, design, construction, operation and maintenance of engineering works are recognized and adequately provided for;
  • Geophysics:the applied branch deals with the application of physical methods such as gravity, seismicity, electricity, magnetic properties to study the earth.
  • Geochemistry:the applied branch deals with the study of the chemical makeup and behaviour of rocks, and the study of the behaviour of their minerals.
  • Geochronology:the study of isotope geology specifically toward determining the date within the past of rock formation,metamorphism,mineralization and geological events (notably,meteorite impacts).
  • Geomorphology:the study of landforms and the processes that create them.
  • Hydrogeology:the study of the origin, occurrence and movement of groundwater water in a subsurface geological system.
  • Igneouspetrology:the study ofigneousprocesses such asigneous differentiation,fractional crystallization,intrusive and volcanological phenomena.
  • Isotope geology:the case of the isotopic composition of rocks to determine the processes of rock and planetary formation.
  • Metamorphicpetrology: the study of the effects of metamorphism on minerals and rocks.
  • Marine geology:the study of the seafloor; involves geophysical, geochemical, sedimentological and paleontological investigations of the ocean floor and coastal margins. Marine geology has strong ties to physical oceanography and plate tectonics.
  • Mineralogy:the study of the chemistry,crystal structure,and physical (including optical) properties of minerals and mineralized artifacts. Specific studies within mineralogy include the processes of mineral origin and formation, classification of minerals, their geographical distribution, as well as their utilization.
  • Palaeoclimatology:the application of geological science to determine the climatic conditions present in the Earth's atmosphere within the Earth's history.
  • Palaeontology:the classification and taxonomy of fossils within the geological record and the construction of a palaeontological history of the Earth.
  • Pedology:the study of soil, soil formation, andregolithformation.
  • Petroleum geology:the study ofsedimentary basinsapplied to the search forhydrocarbons(oil exploration).
  • Planetary geology:the study of geosciences as it relates to other celestial bodies, namelyplanetsand theirmoons.This includes the subdisciplines of lunar geology,selenology,and martian geology,areology.
  • Sedimentology:the study ofsedimentary rocks,strata,formations,eustasyand the processes of modern-day sedimentary and erosive systems.
  • Seismology:the study ofearthquakes.
  • Structural geology:the study offolds,faults,foliationandrock microstructureto determine the deformational history of rocks and regions.
  • Volcanology:the study ofvolcanoes,their eruptions,lavas,magmaprocesses and hazards.


"Picturesque camp made by a lone geologist on the cinders of Inferno". This photo was taken during a U.S. Department of the Interior Geological Survey in 1921.

Professional geologists work for a wide range of government agencies, private firms, and non-profit and academic institutions. They are usually hired on a contract basis or hold permanent positions within private firms or official agencies (such as theUnited States Geologic Survey).

Local, state, and national governments hire geologists to work on geological projects that are of interest to the public community. The investigation of a country's natural resources is often a key role when working for government institutions; the work of the geologist in this field can be made publicly available to help the community make more informed decisions related to the exploitation of resources, management of the environment and the safety of critical infrastructure - all of which is expected to bring greater wellbeing to the country.[7]This 'wellbeing' is often in the form of greater tax revenues from new or extended mining projects or through better infrastructure and/or natural disaster planning.

Geologistmud logging,common in petroleum and water-well drilling

Anengineering geologistis employed to investigategeologic hazardsand geologic constraints for the planning, design and construction of public and private engineering projects,forensicand post-mortem studies, andenvironmental impact analysis.Exploration geologistsuse all aspects of geology and geophysics to locate and study natural resources. In many countries or U.S. states without specializedenvironmental remediationlicensure programs, the environmental remediation field is often dominated by professional geologists, particularly hydrogeologists, with professional concentrations in this aspect of the field.Petroleumandminingcompanies usemudloggers,and large-scale land developers use the skills of geologists and engineering geologists to help them locate oil and minerals, adapt to local features such askarsttopography or earthquake risk, and comply with environmental regulations.

Geologists in academia usually hold an advanced degree in a specialized area within their geological discipline and are employed by universities.

Professional designation

Therock hammerandhand lens(orloupe) are two of the most characteristic tools carried by geologists in the field.

In Canada,National Instrument 43-101requires reports containing estimates of mineral resources and reserves to be prepared by, or under the supervision of, a Qualified Person (QP) who has at least five years of experience with the reported minerals and is a member of a professional association. The QP accepts personal liability for the professional quality of the report and underlying work.[8]

The rules and guidelines codified in National Instrument 43-101 were introduced after a scandal in 1997 whereBre-Xgeologistssalteddrill core samples at a gold exploration property in Busang, Indonesia. The falsified drilling results misled Bre-X investors and upon discovery of the fraud, the company collapsed in the largest gold mining scam in history.[9]

InEuropeexists the professional title of EurGeol (European Geologist[10]) awarded by theEuropean Federation of Geologists.

Professional Societies


Geologists may belong to a number ofprofessional societiespromoting research, networking, and professional development within the field.

See also



  1. ^James Hutton: The Founder of Modern GeologyArchivedMarch 3, 2016, at theWayback Machine,American Museum of Natural History
  2. ^William Maclure (1817).Observations on the Geology of the United States of America: With Some Remarks on the Effect Produced on the Nature and Fertility of Soils, by the Decomposition of the Different Classes of Rocks; and an Application to the Fertility of Every State in the Union, in Reference to the Accompanying Geological Map...author.
  3. ^"Title Page: Observations on the geology of the United States of America".davidrumsey.
  4. ^Page 39 in Greene, J.C. and Burke, J.G. (1978) The Science of Minerals in the Age of Jefferson. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, New Series, Vol. 68, No. 4, pp. 1–113
  5. ^"Map of the United States of America".davidrumsey.
  6. ^Charles Lyell. (1991).Principles of geology.Chicago:University of Chicago Press.ISBN978-0-226-49797-6.
  7. ^Geoscience Australia, Our Role, December 16, 2010,http:// ga.gov.au/about-us/our-role.html,Accessed: May 12, 2011
  8. ^"AIPG - American Institute of Professional Geologists".aipg.org.
  9. ^Grundhauser, Eric (21 August 2015)."The $6 Billion Gold Mine That Wasn't There".Slate.Retrieved21 September2015.
  10. ^Banjac, Nenad; Savić, Ljubinko; Maran, Aleksandra; Cukavac, Milena; Ganić, Meri; Nikić, Zoran (2011-09-12).The Geology in Digital Age: Proceedings of the 17th Meeting of the Association of European Geological Societies.Serbian Geological Society.ISBN978-86-86053-10-7.