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George Q. Cannon

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George Q. Cannon
First Counselor in theFirst Presidency
September 13, 1898(1898-09-13)– April 12, 1901(1901-04-12)
Called byLorenzo Snow
First Counselor in the First Presidency
April 7, 1889(1889-04-07)– September 2, 1898(1898-09-02)
Called byWilford Woodruff
End reasonDissolution of First Presidency upon death of Wilford Woodruff
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
July 25, 1887(1887-07-25)– April 7, 1889(1889-04-07)
End reasonCalled as First Counselor in the First Presidency
First Counselor in the First Presidency
October 10, 1880(1880-10-10)– July 25, 1887(1887-07-25)
Called byJohn Taylor
End reasonDissolution of First Presidency upon death of John Taylor
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
August 29, 1877(1877-08-29)– October 10, 1880(1880-10-10)
End reasonCalled as First Counselor in the First Presidency
Assistant Counselor in the First Presidency
May 9, 1874(1874-05-09)– August 29, 1877(1877-08-29)
Called byBrigham Young
End reasonDissolution of First Presidency upon death of Brigham Young
Counselor in the First Presidency
June 8, 1873(1873-06-08)– May 9, 1874(1874-05-09)
Called byBrigham Young
End reasonCalled as Assistant Counselor in the First Presidency
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
August 26, 1860(1860-08-26)– June 8, 1873(1873-06-08)
Called byBrigham Young
End reasonCalled as Counselor in the First Presidency
LDS ChurchApostle
August 26, 1860(1860-08-26)– April 12, 1901(1901-04-12)
Called byBrigham Young
ReasonDeath ofParley P. Pratt
at end of term
Rudger Clawsonadded to First Presidency[1]
Delegate to the
U.S. House of Representatives
fromUtah Territory'sat-largedistrict
In office
March 4, 1873 – February 25, 1882
PredecessorWilliam Henry Hooper
SuccessorJohn T. Caine
Political partyDemocrat
Personal details
BornGeorge Quayle Cannon
(1827-01-11)January 11, 1827
Liverpool,England,United Kingdom
DiedApril 12, 1901(1901-04-12)(aged 74)
Monterey, California,U.S.
Resting placeSalt Lake City Cemetery
40°46′37.92″N111°51′28.8″W/ 40.7772000°N 111.858000°W/40.7772000; -111.858000(Salt Lake City Cemetery)
Spouse(s)Elizabeth Hoagland
Sarah Jane Jenne
Eliza L. Tenney
Martha Telle
Emily Hoagland
Caroline Young
ParentsGeorge Cannon
Ann Quayle

George Quayle Cannon(January 11, 1827 – April 12, 1901) was an early member of theQuorum of the Twelve Apostlesofthe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints(LDS Church), and served in theFirst Presidencyunder four successivepresidents of the church:Brigham Young,John Taylor,Wilford Woodruff,andLorenzo Snow.He was the church's chief political strategist, and was dubbed "the Mormon premier" and "the MormonRichelieu"by the press. He was also a five-timeUtah territorial delegateto the U.S. Congress.

Early life


Cannon was born inLiverpool,England,to George Cannon and Ann Quayle, the eldest of six children. His mother and father were from Peel on theIsle of Man.His father's sister, Leonora Cannon, had married future Latter Day SaintapostleJohn Taylor and was baptized in 1836. News reached the elder George Cannon and four years later, when Taylor came to Liverpool, the entire Cannon family wasbaptizedinto theChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints;George Q. Cannon was 13 years old at the time. Cannon's siblings were Mary Alice Cannon (Lambert), Ann Cannon (Woodbury),Angus M. Cannon,David H. Cannon, and Leonora Cannon (Gardner). In 1842, the Cannon family set sail for the United States to join with the church inNauvoo, Illinois.On the voyage over the Atlantic Ocean, Cannon's mother died. The motherless family arrived safely in Nauvoo in the spring of 1843. George Sr. married Mary Edwards in 1844 and had another daughter, Elizabeth Cannon (Piggott).

In Nauvoo, Cannon's father sent him to live with his uncle and aunt, John and Leonora Taylor. Cannon worked in the printing office of theTimes and Seasonsand theNauvoo Neighborfor Taylor, who was an editor of both periodicals. In June 1844, Taylor accompaniedJoseph Smith,Hyrum Smith,andWillard Richardsand others toCarthage Jail.There, Joseph and Hyrum werekilled,and Taylor sustained serious bullet wounds. Cannon tended the printing affairs while Taylor recovered. This training would serve him well in later life.[2]Cannon's father died in 1845.

In 1846, Taylor traveled to England to organize the affairs of the church after Smith's death. Meanwhile, Cannon accompanied Taylor's wife and family as they moved toWinter Quarters, Nebraska.When Taylor returned, Cannon traveled with the entire Taylor family to theSalt Lake Valley,arriving in October 1847.

Church service


In 1849, Cannon was asked by church president Brigham Young to serve as amissionaryfor the church in California. This assignment involved working the mines and attempting to preach the gospel to gold miners. After doing this for several months Cannon and several other mining missionaries were asked to head to theKingdom of Hawaii,where he served for four years.

Initially the missionaries in Hawaii focused on teaching European and Euro-Americans in the islands. Cannon was the first missionary to focus on teaching natives on the island ofMaui.While in the islands, Cannon taught and baptized many Native Hawaiians. He also organized multiple branches of the church and on occasions met with government ministers of the Kingdom of Hawaii to get the church recognition.[3]One of the most notable wasJonatana Napela,who assisted Cannon in translating theBook of MormonintoHawaiian.Joseph F. Smith,a future church president, would follow Cannon and serve in Hawaii one year later. Cannon eventually was madedistrictpresident over multiple branches in Maui. By October 1852 there were slightly over 900 members of the LDS Church in Hawaii with most on the island of Maui.[4]

Returning toUtah Territory,Cannon married Elizabeth Hoagland (daughter ofAbraham Hoaglandand his wife.) He was almost immediately called to assistapostleParley P. Prattin publishing a newspaper inCalifornia.Meeting Pratt in California, Cannon was told that he would remain behind and becamepresidentof the church's Oregon and CaliforniaMission;he held this position from 1856 to 1858. During this period of time, Cannon published the Hawaiian translation of the Book of Mormon. In February 1856, he started theWestern Standard,a weekly publication based in San Francisco.

Returning to Utah in 1857 to assist in theUtah War,Cannon was commissioned aLieutenant Generalin theNauvoo Legion.During this time, Cannon served as printer of theDeseret Newswhile it was publishing in exile inFillmore, Utah.[2]After the Utah War, he was called as president of the church's Eastern States Mission.



The murder ofParley P. Prattin 1857 created a vacancy in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. That vacancy was not filled until Brigham Young called Cannon to the apostleship three years later. Cannon was ordained to thepriesthoodoffice of apostle on August 26, 1860, at age 33. Upon his joining the Quorum of the Twelve, Cannon was called to preside over the church's EuropeanMission.

Cannon's mission in Europe ended when he was recalled by Young in 1862 to work inWashington, D.C.,to assist in the church's promotion of Utah Territory's bid for statehood. At the adjournment of the 1862congressionalsession,[5]Cannon again left for Europe to preside over the mission. In this capacity, Cannon was the editor of theMillennial Starand, for a short time, the church'sWelsh-languageperiodical,Udgorn Seion.

From 1867 to 1874, Cannon was the managing editor of theDeseret News.[2]It was under his direction that the newspaper was first published on a daily basis.

In 1866, Cannon began publication of a magazine for youth and young adult Latter-day Saints calledThe Juvenile Instructor.He owned and published this magazine until his death; in 1901 his family sold the magazine to the LDS Church'sSunday Schoolorganization. The periodical was the official organ of the Sunday School until 1930, when it was replaced withThe Instructor.Cannon also served as the first general superintendent of the church's Sunday School from 1867 until his death.

First Presidency

Image of Cannon taken byCharles Roscoe Savagesometime between 1870 and 1873

On April 8, 1873, Cannon became a member of the church's First Presidency when he was called as the first counselor by Brigham Young. Cannon went on to serve as counselor to three more presidents of the church: he was First Counselor to John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff, and Lorenzo Snow.

Although Cannon was the second-most senior apostle of the church after the death of Woodruff, Cannon did not becomePresident of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles,as would be the practice in the LDS Church today. Rather, because Cannon was a member of the First Presidency, the church simply appointed the next senior apostle of the church—Brigham Young Jr.—to be the quorum president. (Under today's practices, Cannon would have been appointed the president of the quorum and Young would have been appointedacting president.)

Political life and plural marriage


Cannon was elected to be the non-voting delegate for Utah Territory in the United States Congress in 1872. He remained a congressional delegate until 1882, when his seat was declared vacant by the enactment of theEdmunds Act,which terminated many political and civil rights for Utah'sMormon polygamists.

Dispute in the 47th Congress


By 1880, Cannon had served four terms in Congress as Utah territorial delegate.

The newly appointedanti-Mormon[6]territorialgovernor,Eli Houston Murray,openly supported theLiberal Party,which generally opposed church candidates. The 1880 territory-wide election for a congressional delegate brought the Liberal Party unexpectedly close to sending a representative to Washington, DC. The Liberal candidate,Allen G. Campbell,with 1357 votes, lost resoundingly to Cannon, who had 18,567 votes. However, before Governor Murray certified the election, a protest on behalf of Campbell was filed. The protest listed a dozen claims, chiefly that Cannon, born in England, was not anaturalizedcitizen but analien.The protest also claimed that Cannon's participation in polygamy was incompatible with federal law and a delegate's oath of office. Murray agreed and issued certification to Campbell, in spite of his poor showing.

Cannon, in Washington at the time, argued that onlyCongresscould decide on a member's qualifications. He furthermore received a certificate from sympathetic territorial election officials that stated he had received the most votes. That document convinced theHouse of Representativesclerk to enter Cannon's name on the roll and so Cannon began drawing the delegate's salary.

Both Murray and Campbell traveled to Washington to dispute the seat. Each side battled over the position for over a year, even after the assassination ofPresidentJames Garfield.On February 25, 1882, the House of Representatives finally rejected both candidates. The House refused Cannon his seat on the basis of his involvement in polygamy. In the end, the House seatedJohn T. Caineas the Delegate during the47th Congress.Caine went on to serve for several years.

The issue brought unfavorable national attention to Utah, which contributed to theEdmunds Actbeing signed into law on March 23, 1882. The act reinforced the 1862Morrill Anti-Bigamy Actby declaring polygamy a felony and also revoked polygamists'right to vote,made them ineligible forjuryservice, and prohibited them from holdingpolitical office.

Plural marriage

1889 portrait of polygamists in prison, at the Utah Penitentiary, including Cannon, arrested under theEdmunds-Tucker Act

Cannon practicedplural marriageand was married to six women.[7]Cannon frequently spoke in justification of the practice.

When the Supreme Court upheld the ban on plural marriage in the 1879Reynolds v. United Statesdecision, Cannon stated:

Our crime has been: We married women instead of seducing them; we reared children instead of destroying them; we desired to exclude from the land prostitution, bastardy and infanticide. If George Reynolds [the man who was convicted of committing bigamy] is to be punished, let the world know the facts.... Let it be published to the four corners of the earth that in this land of liberty, the most blessed and glorious upon which the sun shines, the law is swiftly invoked to punish religion, but justice goes limping and blindfolded in pursuit of crime.[8]

Eventually, Cannon went "underground" with others in the church leadership as a fugitive from the federal authorities. In September 1888, Cannon surrendered himself and pleaded guilty at trial to charges of unlawfulcohabitationunder theEdmunds Act.As a result, Cannon served nearly six months in Utah'sfederal penitentiary.[9]

In the string of events precedingthe announcement of Wilford Woodruff in September, 1890 that the church would not sanction additional polygamist marriages,Cannon's sonFrankshuttled communications relating to polygamy between the US Congress and his father.[10]

Cannon was pardoned in 1894 by U.S. PresidentGrover Cleveland.[11]

Death and descendants


Cannon died on April 12, 1901, inMonterey, California,at 74 years of age. Had he lived a few months longer, he would have become the President of the LDS Church: Lorenzo Snow died on October 10 of that year. Cannon was buried in theSalt Lake City Cemetery.

Cannon fathered 33 children, some of whom areAbraham H. Cannon,John Q. Cannon,andSylvester Q. Cannon,who all becamegeneral authoritiesof the LDS Church;Frank J. Cannon,Utah's firstU.S. Senator;andLewis T. CannonandGeorgius Y. Cannon,prominent architects in Utah. Some of Cannon's prominentdescendantsincludeHoward Cannon,U.S. SenatorfromNevadafrom 1959 to 1983 andChris Cannon,a member of theU.S. House of Representativesfrom 1997 to 2009. Another descendant,George I. Cannon,became a general authority of the church.

AtBYUfootball games, the BYU ROTC celebrates touchdowns with cannon named "George Q" to honor him.[12]

George Q. Cannon's grave marker
George Q. Cannon's headstone


  • Georgetown, Idaho,a city in the Bear River Valley in Bear Lake County, Idaho, United States
  • Cannonville, Utah,a town in the Paria River Valley in Garfield County, Utah, United States

Published works

  • Cannon, George Q. (1878).Discourse: Delivered in the New Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Sunday morning, October 8, 1877.W. Budge.ASINB00088KE9Q.
  • Cannon, George Q. (1900)The Latter-Day Prophet: History of Joseph Smith Written for Young People
  • Cannon, George Q. (1957).A history of the prophet Joseph Smith for young people.Deseret Book Company.ASINB0007H18H0.
  • Cannon, George Q. (1886).Life of Joseph Smith: The Prophet.Deseret Book Company.ISBN0-87747-148-7.
  • Cannon, George Q. (1883).The life of Nephi: The son of Lehi.Contributor Co.ASINB00087BLX0.
  • Cannon, George Q. (1882).My first mission.Juvenile instructor office.ASINB00087OZEC.
  • Cannon, George Q. (1876).Robt. N. Baskin, contestant, v. George Q. Cannon, contestee: Brief and argument of Charles A. Eldredge, counsel of contestee.Gibson Brothers, printers.ASINB0008A1QZ0.
  • Cannon, George Q. (1969).Writings from the Western standard.Paladin Press.ASINB0006BZBL6.
  • Newquist, Jerreld L., ed. (1974).Gospel truth: discourses and writings of president George Q. Cannon.Vol. 1. Deseret Book Company.ISBN0-87747-519-9.
  • Newquist, Jerreld L., ed. (1974).Gospel truth: discourses and writings of president George Q. Cannon.Vol. 2. Deseret Book Company.ISBN0-87747-520-2.
  • Turley, Richard E. Jr.; Cannon, Adrian; Landon, Michael, eds. (1999).The Journals of George Q. Cannon.Vol. 1. Deseret Book Company.ISBN1-57345-465-6.
  • Turley, Richard E. Jr. (2016).The Journal of George Q. Cannon.The Church Historian's Press. Online Publication.

See also



  1. ^Shortly after this change was made, Lorenzo Snow died and the First Presidency was dissolved. WhenJoseph F. Smithreorganized the First Presidency, he calledJohn R. Winder,a non-apostle, as one of his counselors. Thus, it was only necessary to ordain one new apostle to replaceAnthon H. Lund,who was called out of the Quorum to be the other counselor in the First Presidency. As a result, no new ordinations of apostles resulted directly from Cannon's death.
  2. ^abcJenson, Andrew,Encyclopedic History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints(Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret News Press, 1941) p. 187.
  3. ^Davis Bitton.George Q. Cannon: A biographychapter 1.
  4. ^Davis Bitton.George Q. Cannon.just before note 63 in book.
  5. ^"June 1862".churchhistorianspress.org.RetrievedMay 6,2016.
  6. ^Bigler, David L. (1998).Forgotten Kingdom: the Mormon Theocracy in the American West, 1847-1896.Spokane, Washington:Arthur H. Clark Company.p. 314.ISBN0-87062-282-X.OCLC38130588.
  7. ^George Q. Cannon: A Biography, Davis Bitton, 1999, pg. 463
  8. ^Cannon, George Q. (1879).A review of the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, in the case of Geo. Reynolds vs. the United States.Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret News Print. and Pub. Establishment. p. 52.RetrievedJanuary 22,2018.
  9. ^Cannon, Joseph A.; Fish, Rick (1994),"Cannon, George Q.",Utah History Encyclopedia,University of Utah Press,ISBN9780874804256,archived fromthe originalon November 3, 2022,retrievedApril 5,2024
  10. ^Lyman, Edward Leo (1994),"Manifesto (Plural Marriage)",Utah History Encyclopedia,University of Utah Press,ISBN9780874804256,archived fromthe originalon May 30, 2023,retrievedAugust 15,2024,[T]heCullom-Struble Bill...was on its way to passage when powerful Republican party leaderJames G. Blaineintervened to at least postpone it, with the stipulation that church leaders alter their stance on plural marriage. There was some indirect communication between Blaine and a former congressional friend,George Q. Cannon,First Counselor in the presidency of the LDS Church, through the latter's politically active son, Frank J. Cannon.
  11. ^"Proclamation 369—Granting Amnesty and Pardon for the Offenses of Polygamy, Bigamy, Adultery, or Unlawful Cohabitation to Members of the Church of Latter-Day Saints".The American Presidency Project.RetrievedSeptember 23,2020.
  12. ^Neuberger, Kristi Lee (November 17, 2015)."BYU ROTC celebrates touchdowns with cannon and pushups".The Daily Universe.RetrievedApril 20,2023.



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U.S. House of Representatives
Preceded by Delegate to theU.S. House of Representatives
fromUtah Territory

Succeeded by
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints titles
Preceded by First Counselorin theFirst Presidency
September 13, 1898 – April 21, 1901
April 7, 1889 – September 2, 1898
October 10, 1880 – July 25, 1887
Note: position was vacant between date
Succeeded by
Preceded by Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
August 26, 1860 – 1873
Succeeded by