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Beta-amylase, a type of glucosidase

Glucosidasesare theglycoside hydrolaseenzymescategorized under theEC number3.2.1.[1]



Alpha-glucosidasesare enzymes involved in breaking down complex carbohydrates such asstarchandglycogeninto theirmonomers.[2]

They catalyze the cleavage of individualglucosylresidues from variousglycoconjugatesincluding Alpha - or beta-linked polymers of glucose. This enzyme convert complex sugars into simpler ones.



Different sources include different members in this class. Members marked with a "#" are considered byMeSHto be glucosidases.

Name EC Description
α-Amylase EC3.2.1.1 is adigestiveenzyme inmammals
β-Amylase EC3.2.1.2 is aplantenzyme to break downstarch
γ-Amylase EC3.2.1.3 is a digestive enzyme
Cellulase# EC3.2.1.4 breaks downcellulosefrom plant material
Sucrase-isomaltase EC3.2.1.10 -
Mannosyl-oligosaccharide glucosidase# EC catalyzes the first trimming step of the N-glycosylation pathway; is associated withCongenital Disorder of Glycosylation type IIb
Acid α-glucosidase# EC3.2.1.20 is associated withGlycogen storage disease type II
Beta-glucosidase# EC3.2.1.21 is associated withGaucher's disease
Lactase EC3.2.1.23 one member of theβ-galactosidasefamily, breaks downmilksugars, and its absence inadulthoodcauseslactose intolerance
Debranching enzyme# EC3.2.1.33 in mammals, yeast and some bacteria, combines transferase and glucosidase activity in glycogen breakdown
Pullulanase EC3.2.1.41 has been used as adetergent

Clinical significance


Alpha-glucosidases are targeted byAlpha -glucosidase inhibitorssuch asacarboseandmiglitolto controldiabetes mellitus type 2.

See also



  1. ^"ENZYME class: 3.2.1".enzyme.expasy.org.SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics. June 2021.Retrieved2021-09-13.
  2. ^Krasikov, V. V.; Karelov, D. V.; Firsov, L. M. (March 2001)."α-Glucosidases".Biochemistry (Moscow).66(3): 267–281.doi:10.1023/A:1010243611814.PMID11333149.