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Graphics coordinator

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Agraphics coordinator(GC) orfont assistis an individual who works, usually on atelevisionshow, as aproducerof on-airstillandmotion graphics.The graphics coordinator decides what content should be displayed on-air — such as on a fullpage (a full-screen graphic) or alower third(a bar graphic appearing in the lower third of the screen). The GC should not be confused with theOperator,who usually operates acharacter generator(CG) and is part of atelevision crew,or abroadcast designerwho physically creates the graphics.[1]

A CG (3D computer graphics) coordinator or supervisor plays an important role infilmand television productions. Their role is to supervise, manage, and administer thecomputer-generated imagery(CGI) digital productioncomputer animationworkflowfor the film ortelevision showand attend client meetings andconference calls.[2]

The CG supervisor generally is in charge or has a senior input regarding artist management and resource planning, and also plays a senior role in digital productions. While it is a creative role, most supervisors possess a strong technical background and are capable of making informed decisions about the most efficient and effective techniques to employ in order to solve the problem at hand. Often, a supervisor will work in tandem with avisual effects producer,VFX creative directorandvisual effects supervisor.[3]

Specific responsibilities vary somewhat, depending on the nature of the production; however, most supervisors:

  • Handle a CG project from conception through to completion;
  • Manage and direct the technical, artistic, and production staff;
  • Possess a knowledge of various computer graphic techniques, with emphasis on technical aspects, pipelines, and general film knowledge;
  • Constantly improve workflow and artist training, with an eye on efficiency;
  • Collaborate on the bidding and negotiation processes.

There is no union for CG supervisors; however, theVisual Effects Societyis a prominenttrade organizationrepresenting the interests of visual effectsprofessionals.[4]

See also



  1. ^study Graphics Coordinator: Job & Career Info
  2. ^mymajors Graphics Coordinator: Career
  3. ^"CG Supervisor".VFX Vancouver Job Board.2017-01-25.Retrieved2023-12-29.
  4. ^Plaisance, Guillaume (March 2023)."Governing a union's external stakeholders: A prioritization method based on relationship quality and perceived impact".Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics.94(1): 75–108.doi:10.1111/apce.12375.ISSN1370-4788.