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Grey Wolves (organization)

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Idealist Clubs Educational
and Cultural Foundation
Ülkü Ocakları Eğitim ve Kültür Vakfı
LeaderAhmet Yiğit Yıldırım[1]
Dates of operation1968(1968)–present
Active regionsTurkey,[2][3]Northern Cyprus,[2]Western Europe,Syria,Central Asia,China(Xin gian g),Azerbaijan,North Caucasus(1990s)
Political positionFar-right[2][3][4][5]
Major actionsMassacres,assassinations,bombings[2][4][35]
Notable attacks
StatusActive; the Grey Wolves have been banned fromAzerbaijanin 1995[39]andFrancein 2020.[40]
  • Turkey: 3.6% of the electorate are supporters (2014)[41]≈ 1.9 million[a]
  • Germany: 7,000 (2015) to 18,000+ (2017)[42]
Means of revenueArms trafficking,[28]illegal drug trade,[28][32][35]extortion,[28]human trafficking[43]
AlliesAlperen Hearths
United States(in theCold War)
Kurdistan Workers' Party
Kurdish Hezbollah
Raiders Organization
Designated as a terrorist groupbyEuropean Union(suggested)[44][b]

TheGrey Wolves(Turkish:Bozkurtlar),[3][28][46]officially known by the short nameIdealist Hearths(Turkish:Ülkü Ocakları,[3][47][48][ylcyodʒakɫaɾɯ]), is a Turkishfar-rightpolitical movement and the youth wing of theNationalist Movement Party(MHP).[49]Commonly described asultranationalist,[4]neo-fascist,[4][14][15]Islamo-nationalist[7][8][9][50](sometimessecular),[51]andracist,[52]the Grey Wolves have been described by some scholars, journalists, and governments as adeath squadand aterrorist organization.[2][35][53][54][45][39]Its members deny its political nature and claim it to be a cultural and educational foundation,[55]citing its full official name:Idealist Clubs Educational and Cultural Foundation(Turkish:Ülkü Ocakları Eğitim ve Kültür Vakfı).[56]

Established by ColonelAlparslan Türkeşin the late 1960s, the Grey Wolves rose to prominence during thelate 1970s political violence in Turkeywhen its members engaged inurban guerrilla warfarewith left-wing militants and activists.[2][4][28]Scholars hold it responsible for most of the violence and killings in this period, including theMaraş massacrein December 1978, which killed over 100Alevis.[4]They are also alleged to have been behind theTaksim Square massacrein May 1977, and to have played a role in theKurdish–Turkish conflictfrom 1978 onwards. Theattempted assassination of Pope John Paul II in 1981by Grey Wolves memberMehmet Ali Ağca[2]was never formally linked to Grey Wolves leaders, and the organization's role remains unclear.

The organization has long been a prominent suspect in investigations into thedeep state in Turkey,and is suspected of having close dealings in the past with theCounter-Guerrilla,the Turkish branch of the NATOOperation Gladio,as well as theTurkish mafia.[57]Among the Grey Wolves' prime targets are non-Turkish ethnic minorities such asKurds,Greeks,andArmenians,[40][58]and leftist activists.[59]

A staunchlypan-Turkistorganization,[2][16][17]in the early 1990s the Grey Wolves extended their area of operation into thepost-Soviet stateswith Turkic and Muslim populations. Up to thousands of its members fought in theFirst Nagorno-Karabakh Waron the Azerbaijani side, and theFirstandSecondChechen–Russian Warson the Chechen side. After an unsuccessfulattempt to seize power in Azerbaijan in 1995,they were banned in that country.[39]In 2005,Kazakhstanalso banned the organization, classifying it as a terrorist group.[45]

The organization is also active inNorthern Cyprus,[2]and has affiliated branches inWestern Europeannations with a significantTurkish diasporasuch asGermany,Belgiumand theNetherlands.They are the largest right-wing extremist organization in Germany.[42]The Grey Wolves were banned inFrancein November 2020 forhate speechandpolitical violence,[40]and calls for similar actions are made elsewhere. In May 2021, theEuropean Parliamentalso called on member states of theEuropean Unionto designate it as aterrorist group.[3]

While it was characterized as the MHP'sparamilitaryormilitantwing during the1976-1980 political violence in Turkey,[62]underDevlet Bahçeli,who assumed the leadership of the MHP and Grey Wolves after Türkeş's death in 1997, the organization claims to have reformed.[63]According to a 2021 poll, the Grey Wolves aresupported by3.2% of the Turkish electorate.

Name and symbolism


The organization's members are known asÜlkücüler,which literally means "idealists".[64]Its informal name is inspired by the ancient legend ofAsena,a she-wolf in theErgenekon,[65]aTengristancient mythassociated withTurkic ethnic originsin theCentral Asian steppes.[2][66]In Turkey, the wolf also symbolizes honour.[33]The Grey Wolves have a "strong emphasis on leadership and hierarchical, military-like organisation."[67]

The Grey Wolves also use what scholar Ahmet İnsel describes as "fascist slogans imported from America", such as "Love it or leave it" (Ya Sev Ya Terk Et!) and "Communists to Moscow" (Komünistler Moskova'ya).[68]

Grey Wolves Salute


The salutation of the Grey Wolves is "a fist with the little finger and index finger raised" Turkic hand gesture,[17]described by founder Alparslan Türkes, as: “The little finger symbolises the Turks, the index finger symbolises Islam, the ring – or snout – symbolises the world. The point where the remaining three fingers join is a stamp. It means: we will put the Turkish-Islamic stamp on the world."[69]

It was banned in Austria in February 2019.[70][71]In Germany, theChristian Democratic Union(CDU) and theLeft Partyproposed banning the salute in October 2018, calling it fascist.[72]

The nationalistWolf salute,used by the Grey Wolves.

In the2024 European Football Cup,Turkish playerMerihDemiral displayed the ‘wolf salute’ after scoring in Turkey’s round of 16 match against Austria.Nancy Faeser,Germany’s interior minister, condemned use of the gesture, saying: "To use the football championships as a platform for racism is completely unacceptable," and the Turkish ambassador was summoned to explain.[73]Demiral was banned for two games byUEFAfor this reason, prompting protests denouncing the suspension by theTurkish Football Federationand Turkish government officials. Turkish PresidentRecep Tayyip Erdoganchanged plans to visitAzerbaijanto attend the following match after Demiral's suspension to show his support. He had defended the player, saying that he merely expressed his “excitement” after scoring.

A large group of Turkish supporters making their way to the European Championship quarterfinal against the Netherlands made the same nationalistic hand gesture that got Demiral banned from the match, and were dissolved by the police.[74]German authorities believe the group has around 12,100 members in the country. It is monitored by Germany’s federal domestic agency. The group has been banned in France, while Austria has banned the use of the Gray Wolf salute.[75]



The Grey Wolves adhere to an extreme form ofTurkish nationalism.[4]It has been characterized as anultra-nationalist[4]andneo-fascistparamilitary organization by political scholars,[14][76][77][78][79]themainstream media,[80][15][81]andleft-wingsources.[82][83]R. W. Apple Jr.,writing inThe New York Timesin 1981, described MHP and its satellite groups as a "xenophobic, fanatically nationalist, neofascist network steeped in violence."[80]The organization's ideology emphasizes theearly history of the Turkic peoplesinCentral Asiaand blends it withIslamic cultureandbeliefs;their synthesis of Turkish identity, political ideology, and Islamic beliefs is referred to as "Turkish Islamonationalism",and is widely prevalent in their rhetoric and activities. One of their mottos is:" Your doctor will be a Turk and your medicine will be Islam. "[67]Other sources have described it assecular.[84]

Their ideology is based on a "superiority" of the Turkish "race" and the Turkish nation.[85]According to Peters, they strive for an "ideal" Turkish nation, which they define as "Sunni-Islamic andmono-ethnic:only inhabited by 'true' Turks. "[86]A Turk is defined as someone who lives in the Turkish territory, feels Turkish and calls themselves Turkish.[86]In their ideology and activities, they are hostile to virtually all non-Turkish or non-Sunni elements within Turkey, includingKurds,[87]Alevis,[88]Arabs,Armenians,Greeks,Christians,andJews.[29][30][26]They embraceanti-Semiticconspiracy theoriessuch as those put forward byThe Protocols of the Elders of Zion,and have distributed the Turkish translation ofAdolf Hitler'sMein Kampf.[31]

Grey Wolves seek to unite allTurkic peoples.This map shows parts of Eurasia inhabited by Turkic-speaking peoples.

The Grey Wolves arePan-Turkistand seek to unite theTurkic peoplesin one state stretching from theBalkansto Central Asia.[16][17][30]After thedissolution of the Soviet Unionin 1991, the Grey Wolves called for "a revived Turkish empire embracing newly independent Central Asian states of the former Soviet Union."[66]They have proposed "a pan-Turkish extension of the Turkish nation-state."[89]Due to their pan-Turkic agenda they arehostile towards China,[90]Iran,[16]andRussia.[91]

The Grey Wolves are staunchlyanti-communistand have a history of violence toward leftists.[32][33][92]



According to sociologistDoğu Ergil[tr],the Grey Wolves— "the militant youth wing of the Turkish ethnic nationalists that are dissatisfied with the inertia of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) camp" —are supported by 3.6% of the Turkish electorate as of 2014.[41]A 2021 poll byKadir Has Universityfound that a similar percentage, 3.2% of respondents identify asÜlkücü,or supporters of the Grey Wolves.[93][94]

According to analyst Ankarali Jan, the Grey Wolves have a largely unofficial presence in Turkey's major universities, but their "real power is on the streets, among disaffected poor people in predominantly Turkish Sunni neighbourhoods."[95]Norm Dixon wrote in theGreen Left Weeklyin 1999 that the MHP and Grey Wolves "retain strong support within the military."[82]In 2018, Tom Stevenson described it as a "street movement."[96]


In the late 1970s, former military prosecutor andTurkish Supreme CourtJustice Emin Değer documented collaboration between the Grey Wolves, theCentral Intelligence Agency(CIA),[97]andCounter-Guerrilla,[35]the Turkishstay-behindanti-communistorganization organized underNATO'sOperation Gladio,a plan forguerrilla warfarein case of acommunisttakeover. Martin Lee writes that the Counter-Guerrilla supplied weapons to the Grey Wolves,[35]while according to Tim Jacoby, the CIA transferred guns and explosives to Grey Wolves units through an agent in the 1970s.[97]

During the 1996Susurluk scandal,the Grey Wolves were accused of being members of the Counter-Guerrilla.[98]Abdullah Çatlı,second-in-command of the Grey Wolves leadership,[35]was killed during theSusurluk car crash,which sparked the scandal. The April 1997 report of theTurkish National Assembly's investigative committee "offered considerable evidence of close ties between state authorities and criminal gangs, including the use of the Grey Wolves to carry out illegal activities."[99]

In 2008 theErgenekon trials,a court document revealed that theNational Intelligence Organization(MİT) armed and funded Grey Wolves members to carry out political murders.[100]They mostly targeted members of theArmenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia(ASALA),[100]which attacked Turkish embassies abroad in retaliation for the Turkish state's continueddenial of the Armenian genocide.The Turkish intelligence services also made use of the Grey Wolves in theKurdish–Turkish conflict,by offering them amnesty for their crimes in exchange.[61][101]

In 2018, the AK Party formed analliance with the MHP[102]which succeeded in re-electing President Erdoğan.[103]In 2022, concerns around the close connections between the Turkish government and the Grey Wolves caused the Foreign Affairs Committee of theEuropean Parliamentto recommend that the Grey Wolves be banned in theEuropean Union.[104]



According toRuben Safrastyan,because the Grey Wolves are subtle and often formally operate as cultural and sports organizations, information about them is scarce.[105]

Early history


The Grey Wolves organization was formed by ColonelAlparslan Türkeşin the late 1960s as the paramilitary wing of theNationalist Movement Party(MHP). In 1968, over a hundredcampsfor ideological and paramilitary training were founded by Türkeş across Turkey.[46]Canefe and Bora describe it as agrassrootsfascist network, which had an active role in the economy, education, and neighbourhoods.[78]Nasuh Uslu characterized it as a well-disciplined paramilitary organization,[106]while Joshua D. Hendrick compared its organization to the NaziSchutzstaffel(SS).[107]Young male students and economic migrants from rural areas who have settled in Istanbul and Ankara made up the majority of its members.[14]In 1973 Israeli orientalistJacob M. Landauwrote that the importance of the Grey Wolves "is attested to by the fact that Türkeş himself assumed responsibility for the formation of these youth groups and assigned the supervision of their training to two of his close associates".[108]

1970s violence and 1980 coup


By the late 1970s the organizations had tens of thousands of members,[14]and according toAmberin Zaman,the Turkish authorities had lost control over it.[66]During thepolitical violence between 1976 and 1980,members of the Grey Wolves were involved in numerous assassinations of left-wing and liberal activists, intellectuals, labour organizers,Kurds,officials, and journalists.[35][64]The organization became adeath squad[109]engaged in "street killings and gunbattles".[61]According to authorities, 220 of its members carried out 694[109][110]murders of left-wing and liberal activists and intellectuals.[64]In total, some 5,000 to 6,000 people were killed in the violence, with the Grey Wolves responsible for most of the killings.[60][111]

Their most significant attack of this period was theMaraş massacrein December 1978, when over 100Aleviswere killed.[14][112][113][114][115]They are also accused of being behind theTaksim Square massacreon 1 May 1977.[14][116]The Grey Wolves became a "state-approved force" and used attacks on left-wing groups to "cause chaos and demoralization and inflame a climate in which a regime promising law and order would be welcomed by the masses."[117] During this violent period, Grey Wolves operated with the encouragement and the protection of theTurkish Army'sSpecial Warfare Department.[citation needed]

The conflict between left-wing and right-wing groups eventually resulted in a military intervention in September 1980 when GeneralKenan Evrenled acoup d'état.[66]According toDaniele Ganser,at the time of the coup, there were some 1,700 Grey Wolves branches, with about 200,000 registered members and a million sympathizers.[110]Following the 1980 coup, the Grey Wolves and MHP were banned and their activity was diminished.[118]Turkish nationalists and others assert that the Grey Wolves were "used and then discarded" by thedeep state in Turkey.[119]



After the 1980 coup, the Grey Wolves reorganized. They began to direct their efforts againstKurds in Turkey,as well as lobbying for aggressivedenial of the Armenian genocideand support of theTurkish occupation of Cyprus.[120]

Anti-Kurdish violence and activism


In the 1990s, the Grey Wolves turned their focus on theKurdsand participated in theKurdish–Turkish conflictinTurkish Kurdistan.[121]In 1999,Hürriyet Daily Newsdescribed the organization as "the staunchest opponent to the Kurdish cause in Turkey."[122]

In May 1998, the Grey Wolves were involved in two murders. On 3 May, a group of Grey Wolves attacked two students inBoluwho were passing by the organization's building. Kenan Mak, one of the students, was killed.[123]On 5 May, a worker named Bilal Vural was killed in Istanbul'sŞişlidistrict, allegedly by the Grey Wolves. His family claimed that he was "brought several times to the Ülkü Ocakları building where ultranationalists forced him to become a member." They said that he was killed because he was a member of the pro-KurdishPeople's Democracy Party(HADEP).[123]As a result of these murders,Republican People's Party(CHP) Deputy Chairman Sinan Yerlikaya and theFreedom and Solidarity Party(ÖDP) requested that the Grey Wolves be banned by the authorities.[123]

During the1999 general election,the Grey Wolves attacked members of the HADEP, allegedly with impunity.[82]


In August 2002, the Grey Wolves burntMasoud Barzani's effigy in a protest in Ankara after he claimed the partlyTurkmen-inhabited Iraqi governorates ofKirkukandMosulas part ofIraqi Kurdistan.[124]


On 9 November 2010, Hasan Şimşek, a Grey Wolves member and a student, was killed at theKütahya Dumlupınar Universityduring an apparent fight betweenKurdish nationalistand Turkish nationalist student groups. At his funeral, MHP leader Bahçeli stated that "We expect every kind of measure to be taken to prevent the expansion of the PKK mob, who have a tendency to grow in the universities."[125]Violence between Turkish and Kurdish students also broke out inMarmara Universityin Istanbul on 12 November.[126]

In September 2011, the Ankara Police Department raided 40 locations across Ankara belonging to the Grey Wolves. They took 36 people into custody and seized numerous guns and knives. According to police, the Grey Wolves were planning an attack on the pro-KurdishDemocratic Regions Party(BDP).[127]

In October 2013, the Grey Wolves demonstrated across Turkey against theKurdish–Turkish peace process.[128]

In October 2014, the Grey Wolves were involved in deadly clashes during the2014 Kurdish riots in Turkeyagainst the government's perceivedcollaboration with ISILduring theSiege of Kobanî.[129][130]A group of Grey Wolves inSancaktepe,Istanbul, attempted to lynch a young man.[131]

On 20 February 2015,Fırat Yılmaz Çakıroğlu,leader of the Grey Wolves organization inEge University,was stabbed to death by left-wing and according to some reports, Kurdish nationalist students.[132]

On 7–8 September 2015, Turkish nationalists, including Grey Wolves members, attacked 128 offices of the pro-KurdishPeoples' Democratic Party(HDP) across Turkey in an apparent retaliation foranti-government attacksby theKurdistan Workers' Party(PKK).[133]Some have alleged that some of the attacks were carried out byAKPmembers "masquerading as Grey Wolves"[134]or that the Grey Wolves cooperated with AKP members in attacks on HDP offices and left-wingers suspected of sympathy for the Kurds.[135]


On 18 June 1988Kartal Demirağ,a senior[136]member of the Grey Wolves, attempted to assassinate Prime MinisterTurgut Özal's at theMotherland Partycongress.[137][138]Özal linked it to his visit to Greece three days earlier, saying that the attempt was carried out "by a group opposed to his efforts to improverelations with Greece."[139]

On 6 September 2005, a group of nationalists, led by Grey Wolves leaderLevent Temiz,[140]stormed into an Istanbul exhibition commemorating theanti-Greek pogromof 1955. They threw eggs and tore down photos.[141]The Grey Wolves issued a statement denying involvement.[56]

In the 2000s the Grey Wolves routinely demonstrated outside theEcumenical Patriarchate of ConstantinopleinFener(Phanar), Istanbul and burn thePatriarchineffigy.[142]In October 2005 they staged a rally and proceeding to the gate they laid a black wreath, chanting "Patriarch Leave" and "Patriarchate to Greece", inaugurating the campaign for the collection of signatures to oust the Ecumenical Patriarchate from Istanbul.[143]As of 2006 the Grey Wolves claimed to have collected more than 5 million signatures for the withdrawal of the Patriarch[144]and called on the Turkish government to have the patriarch deported to Greece.[145]

In December 2017 Grey Wolves members, among them theBBP-affiliatedAlperen Ocakları,invaded theHagia Sophiaand prayed there in protest against theUnited States recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel.[146]

Anti-Armenian violence and activism


In January 2004, the Grey Wolves prevented the screening ofArarat,a film about theArmenian genocide,in Turkey.[109][147][148]

On 24 April 2011, themurder of Sevag Balıkçı,a soldier ofArmeniandescent in theTurkish Army,was committed by Kıvanç Ağaoglu, who sympathized with Abdullah Çatlı, the late leader of the Grey Wolves.[149]According to Ruben Melkonyan, anArmenianexpert onTurkish studies,Ağaoglu was a member of the Grey Wolves.[150]

On 24 April 2012, theArmenian Genocide Remembrance Day,nationalist groups, including the Grey Wolves, protested against the commemoration of thegenocidein Istanbul'sTaksim Square.[151]

In June 2015, during a visit to the medieval Armenian city ofAniinKars Provinceby the Armenian pianistTigran Hamasyan,the local leader of the Grey Wolves suggested that his followers should "go on an Armenian hunt."[152][153]

Other acts of violence


According toZürcherand Linden, when Sunni radicalsattacked Alevisin Istanbul in March 1995, the police in the Gazi quarter were "heavily infiltrated by Grey Wolves" and it was not until the police were replaced by military units that peace was restored.[36]

In December 1996, the Grey Wolves attacked left-wing students and teachers atIstanbul University,with the alleged approval of the police.[154]

In late November 2006 the Grey Wolves staged protests againstPope Benedict XVI's visit to Turkey.[155]On 22 November, tens of protesters symbolically occupiedHaghia Sophiain Istanbul to perform Muslim prayers.[156][157]They chanted slogans against the Pope, such as "Don't make a mistake Pope, don't try our patience".Reutersreported that the event was organized byAlperen Ocakları,considered an offshoot of the Grey Wolves.[158]Police arrested around 40 protesters for violating the ban on prayers in the formermosque,which had been a museum since the 1930s.[159]

In July 2014 around a thousand people demonstrated inKahramanmaraşagainst the presence ofSyrian refugeeswho fled theSyrian Civil War.Many protesters made the sign of the Grey Wolves, blocked roads in the city and removed Arabic-language signs from stores.[21]AKP lawyerMahir Ünalcommented: "This doesn't make them idealists [i.e. members of the Grey Wolves] but it is certain some people's attempt to show it like something the idealists did."[22]

In July 2015 the Grey Wolves staged protests across Turkey, burntflags of the People's Republic of China,attacked Chinese restaurants and "tourists who were mistaken for being Chinese" in response to the Chinese government's ban on Muslim TurkicUyghursfast during the holy month ofRamadan.[24][25]Korean tourists were attacked by Grey Wolves.[160]An Uighur worked at the Turkish run Chinese restaurant which was assaulted.[161]Members of the Grey Wolves displayed a banner in multiple locations that read, "We crave Chinese blood."[162]Grey Wolves members attacked the Thai consulate in Istanbul in apparent retaliation for the deportation of hundreds of Uyghurs by Thailand.[163]MHP chairmanDevlet Bahçelistated that "Our nationalist youth is sensitive to injustices in China",[164]and that the attacks by MHP-affiliated youth on South Korean tourists was "understandable", adding "What feature differentiates a Korean from a Chinese? They see that they both have slanted eyes. How can they tell the difference?"[165]

In November 2015, the Grey Wolves protestedRussian involvement in the Syrian Civil Warnear Istanbul's Russian consulate, Ankara, and Adana, accusing Russia of slaughteringSyrian Turkmens.[166][167]

Presence in Eurasia




During theFirst Nagorno-Karabakh War(1988–94), Grey Wolves members fought on the Azerbaijani side against Armenians, but many reportedly returned to Turkey in late 1992.[168]Around 200 members of the Grey Wolves were still in the conflict zone in September 1994 to train Azerbaijani units.[169]

Isgandar Hamidovfounded and led the Azerbaijani Grey Wolves in 1993–95.

In 1993, Azerbaijani Interior MinisterIsgandar Hamidovestablished theNational Democratic Party,[39]which was known as Boz Qurd ( "Grey Wolves" ).[170]According to Russian political scientist Stanislav Cherniavsky, the Azerbaijani Grey Wolves grew out of the nationalistPopular Frontin 1992 and "considered itself a branch of the Turkish Grey Wolves."[171]It was registered by the Justice Ministry in 1994.[39]In interviews in 1992–93, Hamidov said there was no organisational link with the Turkish organization, stating that the "Grey Wolves of Azerbaijan are not subordinate to the Turkish group".[172]

In March 1995, a coup d'état attempt against PresidentHeydar Aliyevwas staged in Baku byparamilitary policechiefRovshan Javadov,Turkish far-right organizations (including the Grey Wolves), and the Azerbaijani opposition.[173]According toThomas de Waal,the "shadowy backers of this uprising were never identified but appear to have included rogue elements of the Turkish security establishment and members of the 'Gray Wolves' Bozkurt movement."[174]After the coup attempt, Hamidov was jailed, while the Azerbaijani Supreme Court formally abolished the National Democratic Party due to its links to the Turkish Grey Wolves, which it considered to be a terrorist organization. In 2004, Hamidov was freed in an amnesty granted by PresidentIlham Aliyev.In 2008, Hamidov retired from politics and as president of the party, which had been inactive since.[39]After 2007, the Grey Wolves reportedly used to not operate in Azerbaijan for some time.[175]In the blockades of the Lachin corridor of December 2022 the presence of Grey Wolves was made apparent by their repeated salutations.[176]

China (Xin gian g)


The Grey Wolves "set up training camps in Central Asia for youths fromTurkic language groups"following thedissolution of the Soviet Union.[23]Failing to find support in post-Soviet Central Asian republics, they targeted theUyghurs,concentrated in the Chinese province ofXin gian gand began actively supporting theEast Turkestan independence movement.In this scope, the Grey Wolves' European affiliates attacked Chinese tourists in the Netherlands.[23]The Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies suggested in 2012 they are "highly limited in their reach and support base".[177]In March 2020, several Chinese state-run outlets published an article, which claimed that theWorld Uyghur Congress(WUC) and "its offshoots have forged ties with the Grey Wolves" and that WUC founderErkin Alptekinmet Türkeş on numerous occasions.[178][179]



Following theTurkish invasion of Cyprusin 1974 the Grey Wolves "continued to play a role in radicalizing the dispute with Greek Cypriots by actively engaging in violence on the island."[180]They actively supportedRauf Denktaş,the President of the unrecognizedNorthern Cyprusbetween 1983 and 2005, and were involved, according to Harry Anastasiou, in state-sponsored terror of citizens.[181]In July 1996,Kutlu Adali,a Turkish Cypriot journalist who had criticized Denktaş and his policies, was killed by the Grey Wolves, according to some sources.[61]

In August 1996, the Grey Wolves were involved in an attack on a protest of Greek Cypriots against the Turkish occupation of Northern Cyprus.Tassos Isaac,a Cypriot protester, was beaten to death by the Grey Wolves in theUnited Nations Buffer Zone.[182][183]

In July 1997 the Grey Wolves clashed in Northern Cyprus with Kurdish university students who protested againstTurkey's invasion of northern Iraqin search of the PKK.[184]

On 17 October 2003, Murat Kanatlı, Turkish Cypriot journalist and editor of the opposition newspaperYeniçağ,was "attacked by a group of 20-30 persons belonging to the Grey Wolves" according to theInternational Press Institute(IPI). Kanatlı had covered the Grey Wolves' demonstration against the "intervention" of the European Union and the United States inelections in Northern Cyprus.[185]

During the2004 referendumon theAnnan Plan,the Grey Wolves campaigned for a 'no' vote. During the pre-voting period at least 50 Grey Wolves activists arrived in Northern Cyprus and caused riots against pro-ratification supporters.[186]They were suspected of assaulting motorcyclists carrying 'vote yes' banners.[181]

In October 2013 that the Grey Wolves opened a new headquarters inNorth Nicosia'sKöşklüçiftlikquarter. During the opening ceremony Adem Yurdagül, the chairman of the Grey Wolves in Cyprus delivered a speech, while slogans like "Nicosia plain is home of Grey Wolves", "Cyprus is Turkish and will remain Turkish", "We are soldiers of [Alparslan] Türkeş", "The Grey Wolves Movement cannot be prevented" were chanted.[187]

In November 2013 a fight broke out between members of the Grey Wolves and Kurdish students at theNear East Universityin North Nicosia resulting in arrest of 23 persons. According to the newspaperHavadis,"the cause of the fight was allegations by the Grey wolves' organization that some Kurdish students broke the windows of the Grey wolves organization’s building. Around 500 students went out on the streets holding clubs and rocks and the police asked for reinforcement in order to put them under control."[188]



In November and December 2015,Federation CouncilmemberAndrey Klishasand twoCommunist Partymembers of theState Dumaproposed outlawing the Grey Wolves in Russia.[189][190]In August 2020, theRussian International Affairs Council,a government think tank, classified the Grey Wolves as an extremist organization.[191][192]


Members of the Grey Wolves fought on the Chechen separatist side during theFirst Chechen War(1994–96)[193]and theSecond Chechen War(1999–2000).[79][194][195]CNNreported in 2000 that the Grey Wolves with most pro-Chechen stance were those affiliated with the IslamistGreat Union Party(BBP), which had split from MHP in 1993. The article suggested that they "run the mosques and commercial activities in some parts of Istanbul. It is in these mosques, in the suburbs of the city, that offerings are collected after daily prayers for the Chechen refugees. It is money that probably also goes to soldiers on the front lines."[195]According toSvante Cornellit is "widely believed that the Grey Wolves organised arms shipments to Chechnya, probably with at least the partial knowledge of the Turkish authorities."[196]Russian media has alleged that the Turkish government knew and possibly supported, or at least did not prevent, the activities of the Grey Wolves in Chechnya.[197]GeorgianMinister of State Security Valery Khaburdania stated in 2002 that the Grey Wolves were the "conduit of assistance" to the Chechen militants.[198]

Azerbaijani Grey Wolves also participated in the fight against Russia.[199]In January 1995Kommersantcited theFederal Counterintelligence Service(FSK) in stating that the Azerbaijani Grey Wolves sent 80 fighters to Chechnya.[200]Another 270 fighters went to Chechnya in December of that year.[201]


According to a December 2015 report by the independent Russian online newspaperSvobodnaya Pressa,Crimean Tatarnationalists have apparently began cooperating with the Grey Wolves.[202]



Activists of the MHP and Idealist Hearths have fought in theSyrian civil war,in support of theSyrian Turkmen,whom they consider kinsmen.[203]The MHP and Grey Wolves have provided theSyrian Turkmen Assemblywith relief aid and fighters.[204][205]Syrian Turkmen Assembly presidentAbdurrahman Mustafastated in 2016 that "Turkish NGOs, just as the Grey Wolves, give us humanitarian aid."[206]According toEgypt TodaytheNational Intelligence Organizationof Turkey (MİT) "is believed to be recruiting retired military personnel to provide support for armed groups operating in Syria, through the Grey Wolves Brigades."[207]

Some Syrian rebel groups have ties to Grey Wolves. One is theMuntasir Billah Brigade.[208][209]Another is the TurkmenAbdulhamid Han Brigade.[210]

On 24 November 2015, the Turkish Air Forceshot downa RussianSukhoi Su-24Mbomber aircraft near the Syria–Turkey border. The pilot wasshot in mid-air parachuting toward landbySyrian Turkmenrebels underSyrian Turkmen Brigades.The Turkmen rebel group operated under the command ofAlparslan Çelik,[211]a Turkish national and a Grey Wolves member fromElazığ.[212][213][214][215]

Youm7,an Egyptian news site picked up a document allegedly issued by theArmy of Conquest(Jaish al-Fatah), which claimed that it conspired with theTurkistan Islamic Partyand the Grey Wolves in the December 2016assassination of Andrei Karlov,the Russian ambassador to Turkey.[216][217]Russian-state run newsTASSagency cited this in a news report.[218]



The2015 Bangkok bombingis suspected to have been carried out by the Grey Wolves due to Thailand's deportation of Uyghur terrorist suspects back to China instead of allowing them to travel to Turkey for asylum. A man with fake Turkish passports using the name Adem Karadag was arrested by the Thai police in connection to the bombing and bomb making materials found in his apartment.[38][219][220]

Presence in Western Europe




In Austria, the Grey Wolves salute as well as its symbols were legally banned starting from 1 March 2019. It is punishable by fines up to €4,000.[221]Turkey's Foreign Ministry condemned the ban.[222]"[T]he 'bozkurt' ('Grey Wolves') sign, which is a symbol of a legal political party in Turkey and the 'rabia' sign that is widely used by Muslims in many countries as well as in Turkey. We do not accept this and we strongly condemn it," read the Foreign Ministry statement. Turkey also called on Austria to "correct this grave mistake," because it "deeply offends Turkey, the Turkish community in Austria and Muslims."[223]In early March 2019, Grey Wolves sympathizers started a campaign onTwitterby sending ChancellorSebastian Kurzhundreds of photos of people showing the salute. Kurz defended the ban declaring people and organizations that do not accept democratic values, or fight against those values, have no place in Austria.[224]

In January 2020 four Turkish bus drivers were fired in Vienna for making the Grey Wolves sign.[225]On 26 June 2020, Turkish nationalist groups, identified by journalistJake Hanrahanas Grey Wolves members, attacked Kurdish rallies in Vienna protesting theTurkish operation in Iraqi Kurdistan.[226]Turkey criticized the handling of the violence by the Austrian police and claimed that it was organized by PKK sympathizers.[227]



TheBelçika Türk Federasyonu(BTF) is considered to be "affiliated with or sympathetic" to the Grey Wolves.[67]According to one study, its aim is "to foster loyalty among young people of Turkish origin to their ancestral culture, religion and history and to keep alive the Turkish identity in Europe. BTF claims to oppose not the integration ofBelgian-Turksinto their host society but rather their assimilation by it. "Its activities mostly focus on" issues relevant to Turkish national sensitivities ". For instance, it has demonstrated against the erection of an Armenian Genocide memorial in Brussels.[67]During themunicipal elections of 2006two member of the BTF came to the attention of the media: Fuat Korkmazer on theFlemish Christian Democrats (CD&V)list inGhentand Murat Denizli on theFrancophone Socialist Party (PS)list inSchaerbeek,a commune in the Brussels Region. Korkmazer got a very low number of votes, while Denizli was elected but had to resign because it was discovered he had a false address and lived in another commune.[228][229]In 2019,sp.acandidate Mustafa Ayutar was linked to the organization.[230]In 2019, Belgian-KurdishNew Flemish AlliancepoliticianZuhal Demirreported that posters advertising her candidacy inMaasmechelenhad been vandalized with swastikas and the symbol of the Grey Wolves.[230]

In 2022, Grey Wolves vandalized an Armenian genocide memorial in Brussels with three crescents, similar to theMHPlogo.[231]



In May 1984, Grey Wolves leader Abdullah Çatlı carried out abombingof an Armenian Genocide memorial inAlfortville,a Paris suburb.[232]

According toDirection générale de la sécurité intérieuremembers of the Grey Wolves partook in a 21 January 2012 demonstration in Paris against the adoption of the bill criminalizing the Armenian genocide denial in France.[233]

In November 2020, France banned the Grey Wolves organization[234][235]after defacement of anArmenian Genocide Memorial,organizing combat training camps in theArdècheregion in 2019, inciting violence against Kurds and Armenians[236][237][238]and orchestrating marches targeting Armenians near Lyon.[239]Turkey's Foreign Ministry criticized the ban and said: "we will reciprocate to this decision in the strongest way." In addition, accused the French government of tolerating associations affiliated with the PKK and theFETÖ.[240]


Grey Wolves symbols on a car inMunich,2019

As a far-right extremist group, the Grey Wolves are monitored by theGerman authorities.[241]TheFederal Office for the Protection of the Constitutionassumes that there are around 12,100 people in Germany who can be assigned to the “Ülkücü” movement and its ideology as of 2023. The majority of these - around 10,500 supporters - are organized in clubs, which in turn are grouped together under the umbrella of larger associations.[242]A 2017 article published by theFederal Agency for Civic Educationestimated over 18,000 members.[42]

The three “Ülkücü” associations in Germany with the largest number of members are:

  • “Federation of Turkish Democratic Idealist Associations in Germany e.V.” (ADÜTDF), with around 7,000 members organized in around 200 local associations.
  • “ATİB – Union of Turkish-Islamic Cultural Associations in Europe e.V.” (ATİB), with around 2,500 members in 25 associations.
  • "Federation of the World Order in Europe” (ANF), with around 1,000 members in around 15 local associations.

The group transfers conflicts from their native Turkey into Germany with harassment against Kurds and Armenians as well as people with leftist political views in general.[243]Its members have actively engaged in attacks on[30]and clashes with[244]Kurds in Germany.

Historicly the most important Grey Wolves-affiliated Turkish organization in Germany was theTürk Federasyon(Avrupa Demokratik Ülkücü Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, ADÜTDF), which had around 200 member organizations. Founded in 1978 by 64 nationalist organizations it declined in the 1980s, but revived in the 1990s and claimed to have doubled its membership following theSolingen arson attack of 1993.It denies any direct links with the Grey Wolves in Turkey or the MHP, however, its monthly journal publishes articles praising the MHP and denouncing left-wing and Kurdish organizations in Turkey and Germany. According to educationalist Kemal Bozay, their influence on third generation Turkish youth—who are "looking for an identity" —has "increased significantly".[245]They had ties to the banned Turkish-nationalisticoutlaw motorcycle clubOsmanen Germania BC.[citation needed]

According to theBaden-WürttembergState Government, there are 45 Grey Wolves clubs and associations in that state as of 2012. These associations are often given non-political names (usually cultural and athletic) to conceal their identity.[246]

The 2013 in three German federal states "two live arms with ammunition,blank-firing guns,batons,electric stun gunsandSamurai swords"were seized from members of the Grey Wolves.[29]

The Ministry of the Interior ofNorth Rhine-Westphalia,Germany's most populous state where 70 Grey Wolves associations with more than 2,000 members operated in 2011,[245]also monitors the organization.[247]Nevertheless,Serdar Yüksel[de],aSocial Democratic Partymember of thestate's parliament,stated in a 2011 interview that the threat of the Grey Wolves in Germany is underestimated. He said, "When thousands of Turkish right-wing radicals come together in Essen, we're not worried. But if 100 members ofNPDmarch, we immediately organize a counter-demonstration. "[245]Olaf Lehne,aChristian Democratic Unionmember of North Rhine-Westphalia's state parliament, stated in an interview that the Grey Wolves "are in this country, unfortunately, too often ignored". He also added that they have a large number of sympathizers among young people.[248]Another important organization affiliated with the Grey Wolves are the ATIB (Turkish:Avrupa Türk-İslam Birliği, ATİB;German:Union der Türkisch-Islamischen Kulturvereine in Europa).[249]

During the UEFA Euro 2024 football tournament held in Germany, several Turkish supporters were observed giving the "wolf salute," a hand gesture associated with the Grey Wolves. This gesture, symbolic of Turkish ultra-nationalism and far-right ideologies, raised concerns among European authorities and football officials.

The incident occurred during the group stage match between Turkey and Italy, held in Munich on June 20, 2024. The "wolf salute" was prominently displayed by a section of Turkish fans, leading to immediate condemnation from various quarters. UEFA officials noted the salute and initiated an investigation to address the display of political and extremist symbols during the tournament.

UEFA issued a statement reaffirming its commitment to keeping political and extremist expressions out of football. The German Football Association (DFB) also expressed its concern and emphasized the need for vigilance against far-right activities in sports events.[250]



As early as 1979 the DutchScientific Council for Government Policyreported that clashes between the Grey Wolves and the Dutch-Turkish Workers Association (HTIB) occurred onMay Daycelebrations.[251]Organizations such as Turkish Federation Netherlands (Turkse Federatie Nederland,TFN)[252]and Turkish Islamic Federation (Turks Islamitische Federatie) have links to the Grey Wolves.[253]According to Wangmo and Yazilitas, the Grey Wolves in the Netherlands have engaged in a variety of activities, ranging from criminal activities and nationalist propaganda to support of football teams. The organization was more influential in the 1990s when many first-generation Turkish immigrants "maintained a deep interest in Turkish politics and who had a deeply felt Turkish identity."[85]Grey Wolves activists have participated—with varying successes—in the local politics of several Dutch municipalities.[254]In November 2020,VVDMPBente Beckerintroduced a motion to ban the Grey Wolves. The motion was supported by 147 members of the parliament with 3 members voting against it. All three votes against the motion came fromDenk.[255]



On 13 September 2015, an explosion occurred at a Kurdish civil center in Stockholm, Sweden, following clashes between Turks, Kurds and anti-fascists at a rally organized by the Swedish Grey Wolves.[95]

TheSwedish Green Partywas hit by a political scandal in April 2016, as images emerged of party member and Housing MinisterMehmet Kaplanattending a dinner party alongside leading members of the Grey Wolves.[256][257][258][259]Kaplan resigned when a 2009 video was made public in which he comparedIsrael's treatment of Palestinians to that of Jews byNazi Germany.[256][260]TheSweden Democratsparty have called for the Grey Wolves to be banned in Europe and for its members in Sweden to be deported.[261]



On 13 May 1981Mehmet Ali Ağca,an alleged Grey Wolves member,attemptedto murderPope John Paul IIinSt. Peter's Square.The masterminds were not identified and the organization's role remains unclear. According toDaniel PipesandKhalid DuranGrey Wolves appear to have been involved in the assassination attempt and write that Ağca "in his own confused way mixed Turkish nationalist sentiments with fundamentalist Islam."[262]However, Italian investigators could not establish his link to the Grey Wolves.[53]



There is allegedly a Grey Wolf group recruiting inDrammen,Norway.[263][264][265]

Illegal drug trade allegations


Grey Wolves members and leaders have been involved in international drug trafficking since the 1980s.[35][266]In the early 1980s U.S. anti-terrorism officials at the State Department reported that Türkeş is "widely believed to have been involved" in moving heroin from Turkey into Western Europe.[80]AccordingStephen E. Ambrose,the leaders of Grey Wolves had built in the late 1980s an army by trading drugs for military equipment, ranging from assault helicopters to tanks. Drugs were transported to Italy, where organized crime processed them.[32][better source needed]According toPeter Dale Scott,the author of the bookAmerican War Machine,in 2010 there were drug producing and dealing groups that had clear ties with the Grey Wolves and its affiliated political party, MHP.[267]

Designation as a terrorist group


In 2005, Kazakhstan banned the Grey Wolves, classifying it as a terrorist group.[45]

Following the November 2020 ban of the Grey Wolves in France for hate speech and violence,[268][269]and the calls for similar actions to be taken in theNetherlandsandGermany,[270][271][272]the European Parliament urged, on 20 May 2021, that the 27 member states of theEuropean Unionto designate the Grey Wolves as a terrorist group, and thus, marking the first time that an EU institution has linked the Grey Wolves to terrorism.[273][274]The Turkish government reacted to the EP report by calling it "biased" and "unacceptable", because, according to the Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesperson Tanju Bilgiç, the Grey Wolves are "a legal movement, which is associated with a long-established political party in Turkey." The MFA claimed the "slanders" are "fabricated by the anti-Turkey Armenian diaspora as well as PKK and FETÖ circles."[275]

In September 2021 RepresentativeDina Titus(D-NV) proposed designating the Grey Wolves as a terrorist group through an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2022National Defense Authorization Act(NDAA).[276]The proposed amendment asked theUS Secretary of Stateto provide "a detailed report of the activities of the Grey Wolves organization undertaken against US interests, allies, and international partners" and determine if the organization "meet the criteria for designation as a foreign terrorist organization."[277]The state-runAnadolu Agencyclaimed that theGülen movementwas behind the move.[278]

Cultural references


The Grey Wolves organization benefits fromTurkish TV films and series,such as those released in 2003 to 2005 or 2018, which glorifyTurkish nationalism.

  • The Turkish television seriesValley of the Wolves( "Kurtlar Vadisi" ) andThe Wolves( "Börü" ) are particularly likely to provoke an exaggerated nationalist attitude and reinforce enemy images that are inherent in the Ülkücü movement.[3]
  • In the 2002 filmArama French-Armenian fighter named Levon attempts to kill a high level Turkish general who is the head of Grey Wolves.[279]
  • In the 2003 novelL'Empire des loups[fr]( "Empire of the Wolves" ) byJean-Christophe Grangéthe Grey Wolves are involved in a woman's murder.[280]The 2005 filmEmpire of the Wolvesis based on the same-name novel by Grangé.
  • The left-wing American podcastChapo Trap House(2016–present) refers to avid fans andPatreonbackers as "Grey Wolves," an ironic reference to the podcast's pretended support of Erdoğan and the AKP.[281][282][283]

See also





  1. ^3.6 per cent amounts to around 1,904,188 individuals if the number of registered voters (52,894,115) for the2014 presidential electionis taken into account.
  2. ^Suggested by theEuropean Parliament.
  3. ^The status ofCrimeaand of the city ofSevastopolis currentlyunder dispute between Russia and Ukraine;Ukraine and the majority of the international community consider Crimea to be anautonomous republicof Ukraine and Sevastopol to be one of Ukraine'scities with special status,while Russia, on the other hand, considers the Crimea to be afederal subject of Russiaand Sevastopol to be one of Russia's threefederal cities.


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Further reading
