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Group action

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Thecyclic groupC3consisting of therotationsby 0°, 120° and 240° acts on the set of the three vertices.

Inmathematics,many sets oftransformationsform agroupunderfunction composition;for example, therotationsaround a point in the plane. It is often useful to consider the group as anabstract group,and to say that one has agroup actionof the abstract group that consists of performing the transformations of the group of transformations. The reason for distinguishing the group from the transformations is that, generally, a group of transformations of astructureacts also on various related structures; for example, the above rotation groupactsalso on triangles by transforming triangles into triangles.

Formally, agroup actionof a groupGon asetSis agroup homomorphismfromGto some group (underfunction composition) of functions fromSto itself.

If a group acts on a structure, it will usually also act on objects built from that structure. For example, the group ofEuclidean isometriesacts onEuclidean spaceand also on the figures drawn in it; in particular, it acts on the set of alltriangles.Similarly, the group ofsymmetriesof apolyhedronacts on thevertices,theedges,and thefacesof the polyhedron.

A group action on avector spaceis called arepresentationof the group. In the case of a finite-dimensional vector space, it allows one to identify many groups withsubgroupsof thegeneral linear groupGL(n,K),the group of theinvertible matricesofdimensionnover afieldK.

Thesymmetric groupSnacts on anysetwithnelements by permuting the elements of the set. Although the group of allpermutationsof a set depends formally on the set, the concept of group action allows one to consider a single group for studying the permutations of all sets with the samecardinality.


Left group action[edit]

IfGis agroupwithidentity elemente,andXis a set, then a (left)group actionαofGonXis afunction

that satisfies the following twoaxioms:[1]


for allgandhinGand allxinX.

The groupGis then said to act onX(from the left). A setXtogether with an action ofGis called a (left)G-set.

It can be notationally convenient tocurrythe actionα,so that, instead, one has a collection oftransformationsαg:XX,with one transformationαgfor each group elementgG.The identity and compatibility relations then read


withbeingfunction composition.The second axiom then states that the function composition is compatible with the group multiplication; they form acommutative diagram.This axiom can be shortened even further, and written asαgαh=αgh.

With the above understanding, it is very common to avoid writingαentirely, and to replace it with either a dot, or with nothing at all. Thus,α(g,x)can be shortened togxorgx,especially when the action is clear from context. The axioms are then

From these two axioms, it follows that for any fixedginG,the function fromXto itself which mapsxtogxis abijection,with inverse bijection the corresponding map forg−1.Therefore, one may equivalently define a group action ofGonXas a group homomorphism fromGinto the symmetric groupSym(X)of all bijections fromXto itself.[2]

Right group action[edit]

Likewise, aright group actionofGonXis a function

that satisfies the analogous axioms:[3]


(withα(x,g)often shortened toxgorxgwhen the action being considered is clear from context)


for allgandhinGand allxinX.

The difference between left and right actions is in the order in which a productghacts onx.For a left action,hacts first, followed bygsecond. For a right action,gacts first, followed byhsecond. Because of the formula(gh)−1=h−1g−1,a left action can be constructed from a right action by composing with the inverse operation of the group. Also, a right action of a groupGonXcan be considered as a left action of itsopposite groupGoponX.

Thus, for establishing general properties of group actions, it suffices to consider only left actions. However, there are cases where this is not possible. For example, the multiplication of a groupinducesboth a left action and a right action on the group itself—multiplication on the left and on the right, respectively.

Notable properties of actions[edit]

LetGbe a group acting on a setX.The action is calledfaithfuloreffectiveifgx=xfor allxXimplies thatg=eG.Equivalently, thehomomorphismfromGto the group of bijections ofXcorresponding to the action isinjective.

The action is calledfree(orsemiregularorfixed-point free) if the statement thatgx=xfor somexXalready implies thatg=eG.In other words, no non-trivial element ofGfixes a point ofX.This is a much stronger property than faithfulness.

For example, the action of any group on itself by left multiplication is free. This observation impliesCayley's theoremthat any group can beembeddedin a symmetric group (which is infinite when the group is). A finite group may act faithfully on a set of size much smaller than its cardinality (however such an action cannot be free). For instance the abelian 2-group(Z/ 2Z)n(of cardinality2n) acts faithfully on a set of size2n.This is not always the case, for example thecyclic groupZ/ 2nZcannot act faithfully on a set of size less than2n.

In general the smallest set on which a faithful action can be defined can vary greatly for groups of the same size. For example, three groups of size 120 are the symmetric groupS5,the icosahedral groupA5×Z/ 2Zand the cyclic groupZ/ 120Z.The smallest sets on which faithful actions can be defined for these groups are of size 5, 7, and 16 respectively.

Transitivity properties[edit]

The action ofGonXis calledtransitiveif for any two pointsx,yXthere exists agGso thatgx=y.

The action issimply transitive(orsharply transitive,orregular) if it is both transitive and free. This means that givenx,yXthe elementgin the definition of transitivity is unique. IfXis acted upon simply transitively by a groupGthen it is called aprincipal homogeneous spaceforGor aG-torsor.

For an integern≥ 1,the action isn-transitiveifXhas at leastnelements, and for any pair ofn-tuples(x1,...,xn), (y1,...,yn) ∈Xnwith pairwise distinct entries (that isxixj,yiyjwhenij) there exists agGsuch thatgxi=yifori= 1,...,n.In other words the action on the subset ofXnof tuples without repeated entries is transitive. Forn= 2, 3this is often called double, respectively triple, transitivity. The class of2-transitive groups(that is, subgroups of a finite symmetric group whose action is 2-transitive) and more generallymultiply transitive groupsis well-studied in finite group theory.

An action issharplyn-transitivewhen the action on tuples without repeated entries inXnis sharply transitive.


The action of the symmetric group ofXis transitive, in factn-transitive for anynup to the cardinality ofX.IfXhas cardinalityn,the action of thealternating groupis(n− 2)-transitive but not(n− 1)-transitive.

The action of thegeneral linear groupof a vector spaceVon the setV∖ {0}of non-zero vectors is transitive, but not 2-transitive (similarly for the action of thespecial linear groupif the dimension ofvis at least 2). The action of theorthogonal groupof a Euclidean space is not transitive on nonzero vectors but it is on theunit sphere.

Primitive actions[edit]

The action ofGonXis calledprimitiveif there is nopartitionofXpreserved by all elements ofGapart from the trivial partitions (the partition in a single piece and itsdual,the partition intosingletons).

Topological properties[edit]

Assume thatXis atopological spaceand the action ofGis byhomeomorphisms.

The action iswanderingif everyxXhas aneighbourhoodUsuch that there are only finitely manygGwithgUU≠ ∅.[4]

More generally, a pointxXis called a point of discontinuity for the action ofGif there is an open subsetUxsuch that there are only finitely manygGwithgUU≠ ∅.Thedomain of discontinuityof the action is the set of all points of discontinuity. Equivalently it is the largestG-stable open subsetΩ ⊂Xsuch that the action ofGonΩis wandering.[5]In a dynamical context this is also called awandering set.

The action isproperly discontinuousif for everycompactsubsetKXthere are only finitely manygGsuch thatgKK≠ ∅.This is strictly stronger than wandering; for instance the action ofZonR2∖ {(0, 0)}given byn⋅(x,y) = (2nx,2ny)is wandering and free but not properly discontinuous.[6]

The action bydeck transformationsof thefundamental groupof a locally simply connected space on ancovering spaceis wandering and free. Such actions can be characterized by the following property: everyxXhas a neighbourhoodUsuch thatgUU= ∅for everygG∖ {eG}.[7]Actions with this property are sometimes calledfreely discontinuous,and the largest subset on which the action is freely discontinuous is then called thefree regular set.[8]

An action of a groupGon alocally compact spaceXis calledcocompactif there exists a compact subsetAXsuch thatX=GA.For a properly discontinuous action, cocompactness is equivalent to compactness of thequotient spaceG\X.

Actions of topological groups[edit]

Now assumeGis atopological groupandXa topological space on which it acts by homeomorphisms. The action is said to becontinuousif the mapG×XXis continuous for theproduct topology.

The action is said to beproperif the mapG×XX×Xdefined by(g,x) ↦ (x,gx)isproper.[9]This means that given compact setsK,Kthe set ofgGsuch thatgKK′ ≠ ∅is compact. In particular, this is equivalent to proper discontinuityGis adiscrete group.

It is said to belocally freeif there exists a neighbourhoodUofeGsuch thatgxxfor allxXandgU∖ {eG}.

The action is said to bestrongly continuousif the orbital mapggxis continuous for everyxX.Contrary to what the name suggests, this is a weaker property than continuity of the action.[citation needed]

IfGis aLie groupandXadifferentiable manifold,then the subspace ofsmooth pointsfor the action is the set of pointsxXsuch that the mapggxissmooth.There is a well-developed theory ofLie group actions,i.e. action which are smooth on the whole space.

Linear actions[edit]

Ifgacts by linear transformations on amoduleover acommutative ring,the action is said to beirreducibleif there are no proper nonzerog-invariant submodules. It is said to besemisimpleif it decomposes as adirect sumof irreducible actions.

Orbits and stabilizers[edit]

In thecompound of five tetrahedra,the symmetry group is the (rotational) icosahedral groupIof order 60, while the stabilizer of a single chosen tetrahedron is the (rotational)tetrahedral groupTof order 12, and the orbit spaceI/T(of order 60/12 = 5) is naturally identified with the 5 tetrahedra – the cosetgTcorresponds to the tetrahedron to whichgsends the chosen tetrahedron.

Consider a groupGacting on a setX.Theorbitof an elementxinXis the set of elements inXto whichxcan be moved by the elements ofG.The orbit ofxis denoted byGx:

The defining properties of a group guarantee that the set of orbits of (pointsxin)Xunder the action ofGform apartitionofX.The associatedequivalence relationis defined by sayingx~yif and only ifthere exists aginGwithgx=y.The orbits are then theequivalence classesunder this relation; two elementsxandyare equivalent if and only if their orbits are the same, that is,Gx=Gy.

The group action istransitiveif and only if it has exactly one orbit, that is, if there existsxinXwithGx=X.This is the case if and only ifGx=XforallxinX(given thatXis non-empty).

The set of all orbits ofXunder the action ofGis written asX/G(or, less frequently, asG\X), and is called thequotientof the action. In geometric situations it may be called theorbit space,while in algebraic situations it may be called the space ofcoinvariants,and writtenXG,by contrast with the invariants (fixed points), denotedXG:the coinvariants are aquotientwhile the invariants are asubset.The coinvariant terminology and notation are used particularly ingroup cohomologyandgroup homology,which use the same superscript/subscript convention.

Invariant subsets[edit]

IfYis asubsetofX,thenGYdenotes the set{gy:gGandyY}.The subsetYis said to beinvariant underGifGY=Y(which is equivalentGYY). In that case,Galso operates onYbyrestrictingthe action toY.The subsetYis calledfixed underGifgy=yfor allginGand allyinY.Every subset that is fixed underGis also invariant underG,but not conversely.

Every orbit is an invariant subset ofXon whichGactstransitively.Conversely, any invariant subset ofXis a union of orbits. The action ofGonXistransitiveif and only if all elements are equivalent, meaning that there is only one orbit.

AG-invariantelement ofXisxXsuch thatgx=xfor allgG.The set of all suchxis denotedXGand called theG-invariantsofX.WhenXis aG-module,XGis the zerothcohomologygroup ofGwith coefficients inX,and the higher cohomology groups are thederived functorsof thefunctorofG-invariants.

Fixed points and stabilizer subgroups[edit]

GivenginGandxinXwithgx=x,it is said that "xis a fixed point ofg"or that"gfixesx".For everyxinX,thestabilizer subgroupofGwith respect tox(also called theisotropy grouporlittle group[10]) is the set of all elements inGthat fixx: This is asubgroupofG,though typically not a normal one. The action ofGonXisfreeif and only if all stabilizers are trivial. The kernelNof the homomorphism with the symmetric group,G→ Sym(X),is given by theintersectionof the stabilizersGxfor allxinX.IfNis trivial, the action is said to be faithful (or effective).

Letxandybe two elements inX,and letgbe a group element such thaty=gx.Then the two stabilizer groupsGxandGyare related byGy=gGxg−1.Proof: by definition,hGyif and only ifh⋅(gx) =gx.Applyingg−1to both sides of this equality yields(g−1hg)⋅x=x;that is,g−1hgGx.An opposite inclusion follows similarly by takinghGxandx=g−1y.

The above says that the stabilizers of elements in the same orbit areconjugateto each other. Thus, to each orbit, we can associate aconjugacy classof a subgroup ofG(that is, the set of all conjugates of the subgroup). Let(H)denote the conjugacy class ofH.Then the orbitOhas type(H)if the stabilizerGxof some/anyxinObelongs to(H).A maximal orbit type is often called aprincipal orbit type.

Orbit-stabilizer theoremand Burnside's lemma[edit]

Orbits and stabilizers are closely related. For a fixedxinX,consider the mapf:GXgiven byggx.By definition the imagef(G)of this map is the orbitGx.The condition for two elements to have the same image is In other words,f(g) =f(h)if and only ifgandhlie in the samecosetfor the stabilizer subgroupGx.Thus, thefiberf−1({y})offover anyyinGxis contained in such a coset, and every such coset also occurs as a fiber. Thereforefinduces abijectionbetween the setG/Gxof cosets for the stabilizer subgroup and the orbitGx,which sendsgGxgx.[11]This result is known as theorbit-stabilizer theorem.

IfGis finite then the orbit-stabilizer theorem, together withLagrange's theorem,gives in other words the length of the orbit ofxtimes the order of its stabilizer is theorder of the group.In particular that implies that the orbit length is a divisor of the group order.

Example:LetGbe a group of prime orderpacting on a setXwithkelements. Since each orbit has either1orpelements, there are at mostkmodporbits of length1which areG-invariant elements.

This result is especially useful since it can be employed for counting arguments (typically in situations whereXis finite as well).

Cubical graph with vertices labeled
Example:We can use the orbit-stabilizer theorem to count the automorphisms of agraph.Consider thecubical graphas pictured, and letGdenote itsautomorphismgroup. ThenGacts on the set of vertices{1, 2,..., 8},and this action is transitive as can be seen by composing rotations about the center of the cube. Thus, by the orbit-stabilizer theorem,|G| = |G⋅ 1| |G1| = 8 |G1|.Applying the theorem now to the stabilizerG1,we can obtain|G1| = |(G1) ⋅ 2| |(G1)2|.Any element ofGthat fixes 1 must send 2 to either 2, 4, or 5. As an example of such automorphisms consider the rotation around the diagonal axis through 1 and 7 by2π/3,which permutes 2, 4, 5 and 3, 6, 8, and fixes 1 and 7. Thus,|(G1) ⋅ 2| = 3.Applying the theorem a third time gives|(G1)2| = |((G1)2) ⋅ 3| |((G1)2)3|.Any element ofGthat fixes 1 and 2 must send 3 to either 3 or 6. Reflecting the cube at the plane through 1, 2, 7 and 8 is such an automorphism sending 3 to 6, thus|((G1)2) ⋅ 3| = 2.One also sees that((G1)2)3consists only of the identity automorphism, as any element ofGfi xing 1, 2 and 3 must also fix all other vertices, since they are determined by their adjacency to 1, 2 and 3. Combining the preceding calculations, we can now obtain|G| = 8 ⋅ 3 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 1 = 48.

A result closely related to the orbit-stabilizer theorem isBurnside's lemma: whereXgis the set of points fixed byg.This result is mainly of use whenGandXare finite, when it can be interpreted as follows: the number of orbits is equal to the average number of points fixed per group element.

Fi xing a groupG,the set of formal differences of finiteG-sets forms a ring called theBurnside ringofG,where addition corresponds todisjoint union,and multiplication toCartesian product.


  • Thetrivialaction of any groupGon any setXis defined bygx=xfor allginGand allxinX;that is, every group element induces theidentity permutationonX.[12]
  • In every groupG,left multiplication is an action ofGonG:gx=gxfor allg,xinG.This action is free and transitive (regular), and forms the basis of a rapid proof ofCayley's theorem– that every group is isomorphic to a subgroup of the symmetric group of permutations of the setG.
  • In every groupGwith subgroupH,left multiplication is an action ofGon the set of cosetsG/H:gaH=gaHfor allg,ainG.In particular ifHcontains no nontrivialnormal subgroupsofGthis induces an isomorphism fromGto a subgroup of the permutation group ofdegree[G:H].
  • In every groupG,conjugationis an action ofGonG:gx=gxg−1.An exponential notation is commonly used for the right-action variant:xg=g−1xg;it satisfies (xg)h=xgh.
  • In every groupGwith subgroupH,conjugation is an action ofGon conjugates ofH:gK=gKg−1for allginGandKconjugates ofH.
  • An action ofZon a setXuniquely determines and is determined by anautomorphismofX,given by the action of 1. Similarly, an action ofZ/ 2ZonXis equivalent to the data of aninvolutionofX.
  • The symmetric groupSnand its subgroups act on the set{1,...,n}by permuting its elements
  • Thesymmetry groupof a polyhedron acts on the set of vertices of that polyhedron. It also acts on the set of faces or the set of edges of the polyhedron.
  • The symmetry group of any geometrical object acts on the set of points of that object.
  • For acoordinate spaceVover a fieldFwith group of unitsF*,the mappingF* ×VVgiven bya× (x1,x2,...,xn) ↦ (ax1,ax2,...,axn)is a group action calledscalar multiplication.
  • The automorphism group of a vector space (orgraph,or group, or ring...) acts on the vector space (or set of vertices of the graph, or group, or ring...).
  • The general linear groupGL(n,K)and its subgroups, particularly itsLie subgroups(including the special linear groupSL(n,K),orthogonal groupO(n,K),special orthogonal groupSO(n,K),andsymplectic groupSp(n,K)) areLie groupsthat act on the vector spaceKn.The group operations are given by multiplying the matrices from the groups with the vectors fromKn.
  • The general linear groupGL(n,Z)acts onZnby natural matrix action. The orbits of its action are classified by thegreatest common divisorof coordinates of the vector inZn.
  • Theaffine groupactstransitivelyon the points of anaffine space,and the subgroup V of the affine group (that is, a vector space) has transitive and free (that is,regular) action on these points;[13]indeed this can be used to give a definition of anaffine space.
  • Theprojective linear groupPGL(n+ 1,K)and its subgroups, particularly its Lie subgroups, which are Lie groups that act on theprojective spacePn(K).This is a quotient of the action of the general linear group on projective space. Particularly notable isPGL(2,K),the symmetries of the projective line, which is sharply 3-transitive, preserving thecross ratio;theMöbius groupPGL(2,C)is of particular interest.
  • Theisometriesof the plane act on the set of 2D images and patterns, such aswallpaper patterns.The definition can be made more precise by specifying what is meant by image or pattern, for example, a function of position with values in a set of colors. Isometries are in fact one example of affine group (action).[dubiousdiscuss]
  • The sets acted on by a groupGcomprise thecategoryofG-sets in which the objects areG-sets and themorphismsareG-set homomorphisms: functionsf:XYsuch thatg⋅(f(x)) =f(gx)for everyginG.
  • TheGalois groupof afield extensionL/Kacts on the fieldLbut has only a trivial action on elements of the subfieldK.Subgroups ofGal(L/K)correspond to subfields ofLthat containK,that is, intermediate field extensions betweenLandK.
  • The additive group of thereal numbers(R,+)acts on thephase spaceof "well-behaved"systems inclassical mechanics(and in more generaldynamical systems) bytime translation:iftis inRandxis in the phase space, thenxdescribes a state of the system, andt+xis defined to be the state of the systemtseconds later iftis positive ortseconds ago iftis negative.
  • The additive group of the real numbers(R,+)acts on the set of real functions of a real variable in various ways, with(tf)(x)equal to, for example,f(x+t),f(x) +t,f(xet),f(x)et,f(x+t)et,orf(xet) +t,but notf(xet+t).
  • Given a group action ofGonX,we can define an induced action ofGon thepower setofX,by settinggU= {gu:uU}for every subsetUofXand everyginG.This is useful, for instance, in studying the action of the largeMathieu groupon a 24-set and in studying symmetry in certain models offinite geometries.
  • Thequaternionswithnorm1 (theversors), as a multiplicative group, act onR3:for any such quaternionz= cosα/2 +vsinα/2,the mappingf(x) =zxz*is a counterclockwise rotation through an angleαabout an axis given by a unit vectorv;zis the same rotation; seequaternions and spatial rotation.This is not a faithful action because the quaternion−1leaves all points where they were, as does the quaternion1.
  • Given leftG-setsX,Y,there is a leftG-setYXwhose elements areG-equivariant mapsα:X×GY,and with leftG-action given bygα=α∘ (idX× –g)(where "g"indicates right multiplication byg). ThisG-set has the property that its fixed points correspond to equivariant mapsXY;more generally, it is anexponential objectin the category ofG-sets.

Group actions and groupoids[edit]

The notion of group action can be encoded by theactiongroupoidG′ =GXassociated to the group action. The stabilizers of the action are the vertex groups of the groupoid and the orbits of the action are its components.

Morphisms and isomorphisms betweenG-sets[edit]

IfXandYare twoG-sets, amorphismfromXtoYis a functionf:XYsuch thatf(gx) =gf(x)for allginGand allxinX.Morphisms ofG-sets are also calledequivariant mapsorG-maps.

The composition of two morphisms is again a morphism. If a morphismfis bijective, then its inverse is also a morphism. In this casefis called anisomorphism,and the twoG-setsXandYare calledisomorphic;for all practical purposes, isomorphicG-sets are indistinguishable.

Some example isomorphisms:

  • Every regularGaction is isomorphic to the action ofGonGgiven by left multiplication.
  • Every freeGaction is isomorphic toG×S,whereSis some set andGacts onG×Sby left multiplication on the first coordinate. (Scan be taken to be the set of orbitsX/G.)
  • Every transitiveGaction is isomorphic to left multiplication byGon the set of left cosets of some subgroupHofG.(Hcan be taken to be the stabilizer group of any element of the originalG-set.)

With this notion of morphism, the collection of allG-sets forms acategory;this category is aGrothendieck topos(in fact, assuming a classicalmetalogic,thistoposwill even be Boolean).

Variants and generalizations[edit]

We can also consider actions ofmonoidson sets, by using the same two axioms as above. This does not define bijective maps and equivalence relations however. Seesemigroup action.

Instead of actions on sets, we can define actions of groups and monoids on objects of an arbitrary category: start with an objectXof some category, and then define an action onXas a monoid homomorphism into the monoid ofendomorphismsofX.IfXhas an underlying set, then all definitions and facts stated above can be carried over. For example, if we take the category of vector spaces, we obtaingroup representationsin this fashion.

We can view a groupGas a category with a single object in which every morphism isinvertible.[14]A (left) group action is then nothing but a (covariant)functorfromGto thecategory of sets,and a group representation is a functor fromGto thecategory of vector spaces.[15]A morphism betweenG-sets is then anatural transformationbetween the group action functors.[16]In analogy, an action of agroupoidis a functor from the groupoid to the category of sets or to some other category.

In addition tocontinuous actionsof topological groups on topological spaces, one also often considerssmooth actionsof Lie groups onsmooth manifolds,regular actions ofalgebraic groupsonalgebraic varieties,andactionsofgroup schemesonschemes.All of these are examples ofgroup objectsacting on objects of their respective category.


See also[edit]



  1. ^Eie & Chang (2010).A Course on Abstract Algebra.p. 144.
  2. ^This is done, for example, bySmith (2008).Introduction to abstract algebra.p. 253.
  3. ^"Definition:Right Group Action Axioms".Proof Wiki.Retrieved19 December2021.
  4. ^Thurston 1997,Definition 3.5.1(iv).
  5. ^Kapovich 2009,p. 73.
  6. ^Thurston 1980,p. 176.
  7. ^Hatcher 2002,p. 72.
  8. ^Maskit 1988,II.A.1, II.A.2.
  9. ^tom Dieck 1987.
  10. ^Procesi, Claudio (2007).Lie Groups: An Approach through Invariants and Representations.Springer Science & Business Media. p. 5.ISBN9780387289298.Retrieved23 February2017.
  11. ^M. Artin,Algebra,Proposition 6.8.4 on p. 179
  12. ^Eie & Chang (2010).A Course on Abstract Algebra.p. 145.
  13. ^Reid, Miles (2005).Geometry and topology.Cambridge, UK New York: Cambridge University Press. p. 170.ISBN9780521613255.
  14. ^Perrone (2024),pp. 7–9
  15. ^Perrone (2024),pp. 36–39
  16. ^Perrone (2024),pp. 69–71


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