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Guo Moruo

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Guo Moruo
Quách Mạt Nhược
President of theUniversity of Science and Technology of China
In office
Succeeded byYan Jici(1980)
Chairman of theChinese Academy of Sciences
In office
Succeeded byFang Yi
Chairman of theChina Federation of Literary and Art Circles
In office
Succeeded byZhou Yang
Personal details
Born(1892-11-16)16 November 1892
Leshan,Sichuan,Qing dynasty
Died12 June 1978(1978-06-12)(aged 85)
Zhang Jinghua (1890–1980)
Sato Tomiko(1894–1995)
Yu Liqun (1916–1979)
Domestic partner(s)Yu Lizhen (1912–1937)
Huang Dinghui (1907–2017)
Children8 sons and 3 daughters
Alma materKyushu University
Awards1948 Research Fellow of theAcademia Sinica
Writing career
Pen nameDingtang (Đỉnh đường)
PeriodModern (20th century)
Literary movement
Years activefrom 1916
Chinese name
ChineseQuách Mạt Nhược
Courtesy name
ChineseĐỉnh đường
Birth name
Traditional ChineseQuách khai trinh
Simplified ChineseQuách khai trinh

Guo Moruo(November 16, 1892 – June 12, 1978),[1]courtesy nameDingtang,was a Chinese author, poet, historian,archaeologist,and government official.


Family history[edit]

Guo Moruo, originally named Guo Kaizhen, was born on November 10 or 16, in the small town ofShawan,located on theDadu Riversome 40 km (25 mi) southwest from what was then called the city of Jiading (Lu) (Chia-ting (Lu),Gia Định ( lộ )), and now is the central urban area of the prefecture level city ofLeshaninSichuan Province.

At the time of Guo's birth, Shawan was a town of some 180 families.[2]

Guo's father's ancestors wereHakkasfromNinghua CountyinTingzhou Prefecture,near the western border ofFu gian.They moved to Sichuan in the second half of the 17th century, after Sichuan had lost much of its population to the rebels/bandits ofZhang Xianzhong(c.1605–1647). According to family legend, the only possessions that Guo's ancestors brought to Sichuan were things they could carry on their backs. Guo's great-grandfather, Guo Xianlin, was the first in the family to achieve a degree of prosperity. Guo Xianlin's sons established the Guo clan as the leaders of the local river shipping business, and thus important people in that entire region of Sichuan. It was only then that the Guo clan members became able to send their children to school.[2]

Guo's father, one of whose names may possibly have been Guo Ming xing (1854–1939), had to drop out of school at the age of 13 and then spent six months as an apprentice at a salt well. Thereafter he entered his father's business, a shrewd and smart man who achieved some local renown as aChinese medicaldoctor, traded successfully in oils, opium, liquor, and grain and operated a money changing business. His business success allowed him to increase the family's real estate and salt well holdings.[2]

Guo's mother, in contrast, came from a scholar-official background. She was a daughter of Du Zhouzhang, a holder of the covetedjinshidegree. Whilst serving as an acting magistrate inHuangpingprefecture(Hoàng Bình Châu), now part ofQiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture,in easternGuizhou,Du died in 1858 while fightingMiaorebels, when his daughter (the future mother of Guo Moruo) was less than a year old. She married into the Guo family in 1872, when she was fourteen.[2]


Guo was the eighth child of his mother. Three of his siblings had died before he was born, but more children were born later, so by the time he went to school, he had seven siblings.[2]

Guo also had the childhood name Guo Wenbao ( "Cultivated Leopard" ), given due to a dream his mother had on the night he was conceived.[2]

A few years before Guo was born, his parents retained a private tutor, Shen Huanzhang, to provide education for their children, in the hope of them later passing civil service examinations. A precocious child, Guo started studying at this "family school" in the spring of 1897, at the early age of four and a half. Initially, his studies were based on Chinese classics, but with the government education reforms of 1901, mathematics and other modern subjects started to be introduced.[2]

When in the fall of 1903 a number of public schools were established in Sichuan's capital,Chengdu,the Guo children started going there to study. Guo's oldest brother, Guo Kaiwen (1877–1936), entered one of them, Dongwen Xuetang, a secondary school preparing students for study in Japan; the next oldest brother, Guo Kaizou, joined Wubei Xuetang, a military school. Guo Kaiwen soon became instrumental in exposing his brother and sisters still in Shawan to modern books and magazines that allowed them to learn about the wide world outside.[2]

Guo Kaiwen continued to be a role model for his younger brothers when in February 1905 he left for Japan, to study law and administration atTokyo Imperial Universityon a provincial government' scholarship.[2]

After passing competitive examinations, in early 1906 Guo Moruo started attending the new upper-level primary school (Cao đẳng tiểu học;gāoděng xiǎoxué) inJiading.It was a boarding school located in a former Buddhist temple and the boy lived on premises. He went on to a middle school in 1907, acquiring by this time the reputation of an academically gifted student but a troublemaker. His peers respected him and often elected him a delegate to represent their interests in front of the school administration. Often spearheading student-faculty conflicts, he was expelled and reinstated a few times, and finally expelled permanently in October 1909.[2]

Guo was glad to be expelled, as he now had a reason to go to the provincial capitalChengduto continue his education there.[2]

In October 1911, Guo was surprised by his mother announcing that a marriage was arranged for him. He went along with his family's wishes, marrying his appointed bride, Zhang Jinghua, sight-unseen in Shawan in March 1912. Immediately, he regretted this marriage, and five days after the marriage, he left his ancestral home and returned to Chengdu, leaving his wife behind. He never formally divorced her, but apparently never lived with her either.[2]

Study abroad[edit]

Following his elder brothers, Guo left China in December 1913, reaching Japan in early January 1914. After a year of preparatory study in Tokyo, he entered Sixth Higher School inOkayama.[2]When visiting a friend of his hospitalized in Saint Luke's Hospital in Tokyo, in the summer of 1916, Guo fell in love withSato Tomiko,a Japanese woman from a Christian family, who worked at the hospital as a student nurse. Sato would become his common-law wife. They were to stay together for 20 years, until the outbreak ofthe war,and to have five children together.[3]

After graduation from the Okayama school, Guo entered in 1918 the Medical School ofKyushu Imperial UniversityinFukuoka.[2]He was more interested in literature than medicine, however. His studies at this time focused on foreign language and literature, namely the works of:Spinoza,Goethe,Walt Whitman,and the Nobel LaureateRabindranath Tagore.Along with numerous translations, he published his first anthology of poems, entitledThe Goddesses(Nữ thần;nǚshén) (1921). He co-founded theCreation Society(Sáng tạo xã) in Shanghai, which promoted modern andvernacular literature.

The war years[edit]

Guo joined theChinese Communist Partyin 1927. He was involved in the CommunistNanchang Uprisingand fled to Japan after its failure. He stayed there for 10 years studying Chinese ancient history. During that time he published his work oninscriptions on oracle bonesandbronze vessels,Corpus of Inscriptions on Bronzes from the Two Zhou Dynasties(Hai chu kim văn từ đại hệ khảo thích, nghiên cứu và giải thích văn tự cổ).[4]During this period he published ten monographs on archeology of theShangandZhouperiods and ancient Chinese script, thus establishing himself as a preeminent scholar in the field.

In the summer of 1937, shortly after theMarco Polo Bridge incident,Guo returned to China to join the anti-Japanese resistance. His attempt to arrange for Sato Tomiko and their children to join him in China were frustrated by the Japanese authorities,[3]and in 1939 he remarried toYu Liqun[zh],a Shanghai actress.[3][5]After the war, Sato went to reunite with him but was disappointed to know that he had already formed a new family.

In early February 1942, Guō Mòruò created a five-act historical drama hổ phù,Hǔfú( “Tiger Talisman” ) in a single nine-day period.

As a communist leader[edit]

Statue of Guo inShichahaiPark, Beijing

Along with holding important government offices in thePeople's Republic of China,Guo was a prolific writer, not just of poetry but also fiction, plays, autobiographies, translations, and historical and philosophical treatises. He was the first President of theChinese Academy of Sciencesand remained so from its founding in 1949 until his death in 1978. He was also the first president ofUniversity of Science & Technology of China(USTC), a new type of university established by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) after the founding of the People's Republic of China and aimed at fostering high-level personnel in the fields of science and technology.

For the first 15 years of the PRC, Guo, with his extensive knowledge of Chinese history and culture, was the ultimate arbiter of philosophical matters relating to art, education, and literature, although all of his most vital and important work had been written before 1949.

With the onset of theCultural Revolutionin 1966, Guo became an early target of persecution. To save face, he wrote a public self-criticism and declared that all his previous works were in error and should be burned. He then turned to writing poetry praising Mao's wifeJiang Qingand the Cultural Revolution and also denounced former friends and colleagues as counterrevolutionaries. However, this was not enough to protect his family. Two of his sons, Guo Minying and Guo Shiying, "committed suicide" in 1967 and 1968 following "criticism" or persecution byRed Guards.[6][7]

Because of his sycophantic loyalty to Mao, he survived the Cultural Revolution and received commendation by the chairman at the 9th Party Congress in April 1969. By the early 1970s, he had regained most of his influence. He enjoyed all the privileges of the highest-ranking party elites, including residence in a luxurious manor house once owned by a Qing official, a staff of assigned servants, a state limousine, and other perks. Guo also maintained a large collection of antique furniture and curios in his home.

In 1978, followingMao's deathand the fall of theGang of Four,the 85 year old Guo, as he lay dying in a Beijing hospital, penned a poem denouncing the Gang.

Cái gì lệnh người phấn chấn tin tức!(What wonderful news!)
Xóa bỏ bốn người giúp.(Rooting out the Gang of Four.)
Văn học lưu manh.(The literary rogue.)
Chính trị lưu manh.(The political rogue.)
Hiểm ác cố vấn.(The sinister adviser.)
Bạch Cốt Tinh.(The White-Boned Demon.)
Sở hữu từ thiết cái chổi trở thành hư không.(All swept away by the iron broom.)

The White-Boned Demon was a character in theMing-eranovelJourney to the West,an evil shapeshifting being, and was a popular derogatory nickname for Jiang Qing.

In March of the same year, (1978), Guo defied illness to attend the First National Science Conference, the first of its kind to be held since the end of the Cultural Revolution. He was visibly frail and it would be the last time he was seen in public before his death three months later.

Guo was awarded theStalin Peace Prizein 1951.


Guo was held in high regard in Chinese contemporary literature, history and archaeology. He once called himself the Chinese answer toGoetheand this appraisal was widely accepted.Zhou Yangsaid: "You are Goethe, but you are the Goethe of the New Socialist Era of China." ( "Ngươi là Goethe, nhưng ngươi là xã hội chủ nghĩa thời đại tân Trung Quốc Goethe.")[8]

He was criticised as the first of "Four Contemporary Shameless Writers".[9][10][11]For example, he spoke highly ofMao Zedong's calligraphy, to the extent that he justified what the Party Leader had written mistakenly.[12]And during theCultural Revolution,he published a book calledLi BaiandDu Fuin which he praised Li Bai while belittling Du Fu, which was thought to flatter Mao Zedong.[13]His attitude to theGang of Fourchanged sharply before and after its downfall.[14][15]

In his private life, he was also known to have affairs with many women, whom he abandoned shortly afterwards. One of them, Li Chen (Lập thầm), allegedly committed suicide after his betrayal, although this is disputed.[16]


Guo Muoruo and Sato Tomiko with their children

Guo had five children (four sons and a daughter) withSato Tomikoand six with Yu Liqun (four sons and two daughters). An article published in the 2000s said that eight out of the eleven were alive, and that three have died.[17]

With Sato Tomiko (listed chronologically in the order of birth):

  • son Guo Hefu (Quách cùng phu) (December 12 (or 31, according to other sources) 1917, Okayama - September 13, 1994). A chemist, he moved from Japan to Taiwan in 1946 and to mainland China in 1949. He was the founder of the Institute of Chemical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.[18]
  • son Guo Bo (Quách bác) (born 1920), a renowned architect and photographer. He came to China in 1955, invited by his father, and worked inShanghai,where he participated in the design of many of its famous modern buildings.[18]Guo Bu is also known as a photographer of Shanghai's heritage architecture;[18]an album of his photographic work has been published as a book.[19]
  • son Guo Fusheng (Quách phúc sinh).
  • daughter Guo Shuyu (Quách thục vũ), a Japanese-language teacher, now deceased.
  • son Guo Zhihong (Quách chí hoành).

With Yu Liqun (listed chronologically in the order of birth):

  • son Guo Hanying (Quách hán anh) (born 1941, Chongqing). An internationally published theoretical physicist.[18]
  • daughter Guo Shuying (Quách thứ anh).[20]She published a book about her father.[21]
  • son Guo Shiying (Quách thế anh) (1942 - April 22, 1968). In 1962, while a philosophy student atBeijing University,he created an "underground" "X Poetry Society". In the summer of 1963 the society was exposed and deemed subversive. Guo Shiying was sentenced tore-education through labor.While working at a farm inHenanprovince, he developed interest in agriculture. Returning to Beijing in 1965, he enrolled at Beijing Agricultural University. In 1968, kidnapped byRed Guardsand "tried" by their "court" for his poetry-society activity years before he jumped out of the window of the third-floor room where he was held and died at the age of 26. His father in his later writing expressed regret for encouraging his son to return to Beijing from the farm, thinking that it indirectly led to his death.[6][22]
  • son Guo Minying (Quách dân anh), (November 1943, Chongqing - April 12, 1967). His death is described as an unexpected suicide.[22]
  • daughter Guo Pingying (Quách bình anh)
  • son Guo Jianying (Quách kiến anh) (born 1953).


  • Guo's residencein Beijing, near Shicha Lake (Shichahai), where he lived after the war with his second (or third, if the arranged marriage is to be counted) wife, Yu Liqun, is preserved as a museum.[23]
  • Guo andSato Tomiko's house inIchikawa, Chiba,Japan, where they lived from 1927 to 1937, is a museum as well.[24]Due to the Guo Moruo connection, Ichikawa chose to establishsister cityrelations withLeshanin 1981.[25]



This is a select bibliography. A fuller bibliography may be found in:A Selective Guide to Chinese Literature, 1900-1949,edited byMilena Doleželová-Velingerováet al.[27]

Poetry, stories, novellas, plays[edit]

  • 1921:Goddess: Songs and Poems(Nữ thần: Kịch khúc thơ ca tập).[28]English translation:Selected Poems from the Goddesses,A. C. Barnes and John Lester, tr., Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1958.[29]
  • 1926, 1932:Olives(Quả trám), Shanghai: Chuangzao she chubanshe bu, 1929 (book series: Chuangzao she congshu).[30]
  • 1928, 1932:Fallen Leaves(Lá rụng: Mạt nếu tiểu thuyết hí khúc tập), Shanghai: Xin zhong guo shu ju, 1932.[31]
  • 1936:Chu Yuan: Five Acts(Khuất Nguyên: Năm mạc kịch);.[32]English translation:Chu Yuan: A Play in Five Acts,Yang XianyiandGladys Yang,tr., Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1953; 2nd edition, 1978; Honolulu: University Press of the Pacific, 2001.[33]
  • 1946: "Under the Moonlight", in:The China Magazine(formerlyChina at War), June 1946; reprinted in: Chi-Chen Wang, ed.,Stories of China at War,Columbia University Press, 1947; reprinted: Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1975.[34][35]
  • 1947:Laughter Underground(Ngầm tiếng cười), Shanghai and Beijing: Hai yan shu dian[36]- selected stories.
  • 1959:Red Flag Ballad(Hồng kỳ ca dao), Beijing Shi: Hongqi zhazhi she (= Red Flag Magazine), 1959; English translation:Songs of the Red Flag,Yang Zhou, tr., Peking, Foreign Languages Press, 1961.[37]


Guo wrote nine autobiographical works:[38]

  • 1947:My Youth(Ta thơ ấu), Shanghai.[39]
    • French translation:Autobiographie: mes années d'enfance,tr.Pierre Ryckmans,Paris, Gallimard, 1970.[40]
    • German translation:Kindheit: Autobiographie,tr. Ingo Schäfer, Frankfurt am Main: Insel, 1981.[41]
  • Before and After the Revolution(Fanzheng qianhou).
  • 1930, 1931:The Black Cat and the Tower(Mèo đen cùng tháp), Shanghai, 1930.[42]- often referred to just asBlack Cat(Mèo đen).
  • The First Outing of Kuimen(Chuchu Kuimen).
  • My Student Years(Wode xuesheng shidai).
  • 1932:Ten Years of Creation(Sáng tạo mười năm), Shanghai: Xian dai shu ju, 1932.[43]
  • 1938:Sequel to Ten Years of Creation(Sáng tạo mười năm tục biên), Shanghai: Bei xin shuju. (book series: Chuangzuo xin kan).
  • On the Road of the Northern Expedition(Beifa Tuci).
  • Sóng lớn khúc /Hongbo qu.

Historical, educational, and philosophical treatises[edit]

  • 1935, rev. ed., 1957: Hai chu kim văn từ đại hệ đồ lục khảo thích, nghiên cứu và giải thích văn tự cổ /Liang Zhou jin wen ci da xi tu lu kao shi(Corpus of Inscriptions on Bronzes from the Two Zhou [Chou] Dynasties), Beijing: Ke xue chu ban she, 1957 ( khảo cổ học chuyên mục. Giáp loại = Archaeological monograph series).[44]
  • 1950: "Report on Culture and Education", in:The First Year of Victory,Peking, Foreign Languages Press.[45]
  • 1951:Culture and Education in New China,Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1951 (joint authors: Chien Chun-jui, Liu Tsun-chi, Mei Tso, Hu Yu-chih, Coching Chu and Tsai Chu-sheng).[46]
  • 1982: Giáp cốt văn hợp tậpJiaguwen Heji(Oracle Collection), Shanghai: Zhonghua shuju, 1978–1983, 13 volumes (edited withHu Houxuan)[47]- collection of 41,956 oracle bone inscriptions from Yinxu.

Other nonfiction[edit]

  • Appeal and Resolutions of the First Session of the World Peace Council: Berlin; February 21–26, 1951; Kuo Mo-jo's Speech at the World Peace Council,Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1951.[48]
  • Kuo Mo-jo, "The Struggle for the Creation of New China's Literature" in:Zhou Enlai,The People's New Literature: Four Reports at the First All-China Conference of Writers and Artists,Peking: Cultural Press, 1951.[49]




  1. ^"Raise a glass to painter Fu Baoshi, MA".chinadaily.cn.Retrieved2018-10-26.
  2. ^abcdefghijklmnDavid Tod Roy,"Kuo Mo-jo: The Early Years". Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1971. No ISBN.
  3. ^abcYan Lu. "Re-understanding Japan: Chinese Perspectives, 1895-1945". University of Hawaii Press, 2004. ISBN0-8248-2730-9Partial text on Google Books
  4. ^Guo, Moro (2002).Hai chu kim văn từ đại hệ khảo thích, nghiên cứu và giải thích văn tự cổ[Corpus of Inscriptions on Bronzes from the Two Zhou Dynasties] (in Traditional Chinese). Khoa học nhà xuất bản.ISBN978-7-03-010656-8.
  5. ^The Westernization of Chinese Theatre(CCTV)
  6. ^ab- Portraits of China's historical figuresArchived2009-03-25 at theWayback Machine(This article contains portraits of a number of people who participated in the Cultural Revolution - as actors or as victims - painted by Xu Weixin, and biographical comments).
  7. ^《 Quách Mạt Nhược lúc tuổi già năm tháng 》: Quách dân anh cùng quách thế anh[Guo Moruo's late years: Guo Minying and Guo Shiying].Xinhua News.2004-07-22. Archived fromthe originalon 2009-02-25.Retrieved2008-11-10..This article is based on the bookFeng, Xigang ( phùng tích mới vừa ) (2004).Quách Mạt Nhược lúc tuổi già năm tháng[Guo Moruo's Late Years] (in Simplified Chinese). Trung ương văn hiến nhà xuất bản.ISBN7-5073-1622-X.
  8. ^Wu, Dongping ( Ngô đông bình ) (2006-03-01).Hiện đại danh nhân hậu đại[The heirs of the famous people of our times] (in Chinese). Hubei People's Press. Archived fromthe originalon 2006-04-25.
  9. ^Hu, Zhiwei ( hồ chí vĩ ) (1987).Hắc ám cùng quang minh: Eo biển hai bờ sông đối lập.Taiwan:Đài Loan thương vụ ấn thư quán[Taiwan Commercial Press].
  10. ^Bo, Huang ( hoàng sóng ) (2008).Chân thật cùng ảo ảnh: Cận đại văn nhân tung hoành nói.Taiwan:Tú uy tin tức khoa học kỹ thuật cổ phần công ty hữu hạn.ISBN9789862211168.
  11. ^Mou, Zongsan ( mưu tông tam ) (1980).Chính nói cùng trị nói.Đài Loan:Đài Loan học sinh thư cục.p. 6.
  12. ^Guo, Moruo.Hồng kỳ phóng qua đinh giang(in Chinese).Chủ tịch cũng không tâm trở thành thơ gia hoặc từ gia, nhưng hắn thơ từ lại thành thơ từ đỉnh núi. Chủ tịch càng vô tâm trở thành thư gia, nhưng hắn nét mực lại thành thư pháp đỉnh núi. Tỷ như này đầu 《 thanh bình nhạc 》 nét mực mà nói, ' hoàng lương ' viết làm ' hoàng lương ', vô tâm trung đem lương tự đơn giản hoá. Long nham nhiều viết một cái long tự. ' phân điền phân mà thật vội ' hạ không có câu điểm. Đây là tùy ý rơi chứng cứ. Nhưng mà bức tranh chữ này viết đến cỡ nào sinh động, cỡ nào tiêu sái, cỡ nào lỗi lạc. Mỗi một chữ cùng toàn bộ độ dài đều tràn ngập hào phóng không kềm chế được cách mạng ý vị. Ở chỗ này cho chúng ta làm văn học nghệ thuật công tác người, thậm chí làm bất luận cái gì công tác người, một cái khắc sâu gợi ý ∶ đó chính là người nhân tố đệ nhất, chính trị công tác đệ nhất, tâm lý công tác đệ nhất, bắt sống tư tưởng đệ nhất, ' bốn cái đệ nhất ' nguyên tắc, cực kỳ linh hoạt mà, cực kỳ cụ thể mà hiện ra hạ chúng ta trước mắt.
  13. ^Quách Mạt Nhược lúc tuổi già nét bút hỏng: Vì tự bảo vệ mình ngay trên bàn tiệc hướng giang thanh hiến thơ.Tin tức ngọ báo. 2006-10-16.Retrieved2009-02-01.
  14. ^Quách Mạt Nhược (1976-05-12).Thủy Điệu Ca Đầu · chúc mừng giai cấp vô sản cách mạng văn hóa tròn mười năm(in Chinese).Tứ hải 《 thông tri 》 biến / văn cách cuốn phong vân / đấu tranh giai cấp cương cử / đả đảo Lưu thiếu kỳ Lưu cùng lâm / mười tái mưa thuận gió hoà / hỉ thấy sơn hoa rực rỡ / oanh thoi gấm cần / truất truất tân mầm tráng / thiên hạ khải hoàn ca thanh / tẩu tư phái / phấn bọ ngựa cánh tay / Đặng Tiểu Bình / mưu toan lùi lại / nại "Lật lại bản án" không được ưa chuộng / "Tam hạng vì cương" phê thấu / phục hồi hành vi phạm tội giận thảo / động mà đi lôi đình / chủ tịch huy bàn tay khổng lồ / đoàn kết tiến nhanh quân
  15. ^Guo, Moruo (1976-10-21).Thủy Điệu Ca Đầu · dập nát bốn người giúp(in Chinese).Đại khoái nhân tâm sự / bắt được bốn người giúp / chính trị lưu manh tên lưu manh văn hoá / trương xuân kiều quân sư quạt mo trương / còn có tinh sinh bạch cốt / tự so tắc thiên Võ hậu / thiết chổi quét mà quang / soán đảng đoạt quyền giả / một gối mộng hoàng lương / dã tâm đại / âm mưu độc / quỷ kế cuồng / thật là tội đáng chết vạn lần / hãm hại Mao Trạch Đông hồng thái dương / người nối nghiệp là tuấn kiệt / di chí kế thừa quyết đoán / công tích gì huy hoàng / ủng hộ hoa chủ tịch / ủng hộ đảng trung ương
  16. ^Xie, Bingying ( tạ băng oánh ) (1984-06-15).-{ với }- lập thầm chi tử.《 truyện ký văn học 》 thứ sáu mươi năm cuốn thứ sáu kỳ(in Traditional Chinese). Liên hợp báo.
  17. ^Quách Mạt Nhược chi nữ nói tỉ mỉ phụ thân chuyện cũ[Guo Moruo's daughter recalls details about events in her father's life] (in Simplified Chinese). 2003-08-17. Archived fromthe originalon 2020-08-07.Retrieved2008-11-13.
  18. ^abcdTrưởng tử quách cùng phu[Guo Hefu – the eldest son]. Archived fromthe originalon 2007-09-17.Retrieved2008-11-16.,and following chapters, from the bookWu, Dongping ( Ngô đông bình ) (2006).Hiện đại danh nhân hậu đại[The heirs of the famous people of our times]. Hubei People's Press.ISBN7-216-04476-2.
  19. ^Guo Bu, "Zheng zai xiao shi de Shanghai long tang (The Fast Vanishing Shanghai Lanes)". Shanghai Pictorial Publishing House (1996).ISBN7-80530-213-8.(In Chinese and English)
  20. ^USTC Newsletter 2001 No.2Archived2008-12-01 at theWayback Machine(2005-08-14)
  21. ^Guo, Shiying ( quách thứ anh ) (2000).Phụ thân ta Quách Mạt Nhược[My father Guo Moruo]. Liaoning People's Press.ISBN7-205-05644-6..The book's cover and table of contents are available on amazon.cn.
  22. ^ab《 Quách Mạt Nhược lúc tuổi già năm tháng 》: Quách dân anh cùng quách thế anh[Guo Moruo's late years: Guo Minying and Guo Shiying]. 2004-07-22. Archived fromthe originalon 2009-02-25.Retrieved2008-11-10.This article is based on the bookFeng, Xigang ( phùng tích mới vừa ) (2004).Quách Mạt Nhược lúc tuổi già năm tháng[Guo Moruo's Late Years] (in Chinese). Trung ương văn hiến nhà xuất bản.ISBN7-5073-1622-X.
  23. ^Former Residence of Guo Moruo
  24. ^Quách Mạt Nhược kỷ niệm quán[Guo Moruo's Memorial House] (in Japanese). City of Ichikawa.
  25. ^City of Ichikawa:Leshan CityArchived2009-08-28 at theWayback Machine
  26. ^BadraieArchived2016-03-05 at theWayback Machine
  27. ^Doleželová-Velingerová, Milena;et al., eds. (1988–1990).A Selective Guide to Chinese Literature, 1900–1949.Vol. 1–4. Leiden: E. J. Brill.
  28. ^Nü shen: ju qu shi ge ji (Book, 1921),worldcat. Retrieved 15 June 2022.
  29. ^Selected poems from The Goddesses (Book, 1984),worldcat. Retrieved 15 June 2022.
  30. ^Ganla(Book, 1929),worldcat. Retrieved 15 June 2022.
  31. ^Xiao pin wen yan jiu (Book, 1932),worldcat. Retrieved 15 June 2022.
  32. ^Chʻü Yüan (book, 1936),worldcat. Retrieved 15 June 2022.
  33. ^Chu Yuan: a play in five acts (Book, 2001),worldcat. Retrieved 15 June 2022.
  34. ^Kuo Mo-jo,"Under the Moonlight",The China Magazine(formerlyChina at War), June 1946; reprinted in: Chi-Chen Wang, ed.,Stories of China at War,Columbia University Press, 1947; reprinted: Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1975. Retrieved 15 June 2022.
  35. ^Chi-Chen Wang, ed.,Stories of China at War,Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1975. Retrieved 15 June 2022.
  36. ^Di xia de xiao sheng (Book, 1947),worldcat. Retrieved 15 June 2022.
  37. ^Songs of the Red Flag (Book, 1961),worldcat. Retrieved 15 June 2022.
  38. ^Michelle Loi,"L'œuvre autobiographique d'un écrivain chinois moderne: Guo Moruo (Kouo Mo-jo)",Revue de littérature comparée,2008/1 (n° 325), pp. 53-65. Retrieved 24 May 2022.
  39. ^Wo de tong nian(Book, 1947),worldcat.org. Retrieved 15 June 2022.
  40. ^Autobiographie mes années d'enfance (Book, 1970),worldcat.org. Retrieved 15 June 2022.
  41. ^Kindheit: Autobiographie (Book, 1981),worldcat.org. Retrieved 15 June 2022.
  42. ^Hei mao yu ta(Book, 1931),worldcat.org. Retrieved 15 June 2022.
  43. ^Chuangzao shi nian (book, 1932),worldcat.org. Retrieved 15 June 2022.
  44. ^"Guo Moruo" entry,Merriam Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature,1995 edition.
  45. ^The First Year of Victory (Book, 1950),worldcat.org. Retrieved 15 June 2022.
  46. ^Culture and Education in New China (book, 1951),worldcat.org. Retrieved 15 June 2022.
  47. ^[Jiaguwen heji Jiaguwen Heji (Book, 1978)], worldcat.org. Retrieved 15 June 2022.
  48. ^Appeal and Resolutions of the First Session of the World Peace Council: Berlin; February 21-26, 1951; Kuo Mo-jo's Speech at the World Peace Council (Book, 1951),worldcat.org. Retrieved 15 June 2022.
  49. ^The People's New Literature: Four Reports at the First All-China Conference of Writers and Artists (Book, 1951),worldcat.org. Retrieved 15 June 2022.
  50. ^Cho Wen-chün: A Play in Three Acts (Book, 1974),worldcat.org. Retrieved 15 June 2022.

Further reading[edit]

  • Chen Xiaoming,From The May Fourth Movement to Communist Revolution: Guo Moruo and the Chinese Path to Communism,Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 2007.
  • Arif Dirlik,"Kuo Mo-jo and Slavery in Chinese History",in: Arif Dirlik,Revolution and History: The Origins of Marxist Historiography in China, 1919-1937,Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1978, pp. 137–179. Also onlinehere(UC Press E-Books Collection, 1982–2004).
  • Robert Elegant,"Confucius to Shelley to Marx: Kuo Mo-jo", in: Robert Elegant,China's Red Masters,New York: Twayne Publishers, 1951; reprinted: Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1971
  • Gudrun Fabian,"Guo Moruo: Shaonian shidai",4 November 2020, in:Kindlers Literatur Lexikon,Living Edition (i.e. online edition), Heinz Ludwig Arnold, ed.
  • Marian Galik,The Genesis of Modern Chinese Literary Criticism (1917–1930),Routledge, 1980 - includes chapter: "Kuo Mo-jo and his Development from Aesthetico-impressionist to Proletarian Criticism"
  • James Laughlin,New Directions in Prose and Poetry 19: An Anthology,New York: New Directions, 1966.
  • Jean Monsterleet,Sommets de la littérature chinoise contemporaine,Paris: Editions Domat, 1953. "Includes a general overview of the literary renaissance from 1917-1950, as well as sections on Novel (with chapters on Ba Jin, Mao Dun, Lao She and Shen Congwen), Stories and Essays (with chapters on Lu Xun, Zhou Zuoren, Bing Xin, and Su Xuelin), Theater (Cao Yu, Guo Moruo), and Poetry (Xu Zhimo, Wen Yiduo, Bian Zhilin, Feng Zhi, and Ai Qing). Source:General Literary Studies 1Archived2023-09-26 at theWayback Machine
  • Jaroslav Prusek, ed.,Studies in Modern Chinese Literature,Ostasiatische Forschungen, Schriften der Sektion fur Sinologie bei der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Heft 2. Berlin (East), Akademie Verlag, 1964
  • David Tod Roy,Kuo Mo-jo: The Early Years,Cambridge: Mass., Harvard University Press, 1971 (Harvard East Asian series, 55)
  • Shi Shumei,The Lure of the Modern: Writing Modernism in Semicolonial China, 1917-1937,Berkeley and Los Angeles, California: University of California Press, 2001, especially chapter "Psychoanalysis and Cosmopolitanism: The Work of Guo Moruo"
  • Yang Guozheng,"Malraux et Guo Moruo: deux intellectuels engagés",in:Présence d'André Malraux No. 5/6, Malraux et la Chine: Actes du colloque international de Pékin 18, 19 et 20 avril 2005(printemps 2006), pp. 163–172.


  • Quách Mạt Nhược học khan=Journal of Guo Moruo Studies,Century Journals Project - Literature/History/Philosophy (Series F): 1987 - 1993, at ebscohost

External links[edit]

Academic offices
New title President of theChinese Academy of Sciences
Succeeded by
Fang Yi
Vacant until 1979
President of theUniversity of Science and Technology of China
Succeeded by
Yan Jici
Vacant until 1980