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Gurbani fromNitnemPothi Sahib

Gurbani(Punjabi:ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ,pronunciation:[ɡɝbaːɳiː],lit. the Guru's words) is a Sikh term, very commonly used bySikhsto refer to various compositions by theSikh Gurusand otherwriters of Guru Granth Sahib.In general, hymns in the central text of the Sikhs, theGuru Granth Sahib,are calledGurbani.AmongAmritdhariSikhs, a few texts fromDasam Granthwhich are read asNitnem,likeTav-Prasad SavaiyeandChaupai,are also consideredGurbani.In Adi Granth, Gurbani is a sound which comes directly from the Supreme and the text is a written form of the same in worldly language and scripts. It is also calledGuru’s Bani.[1]Gurbani are explanations of qualities of the Primal Lord and Soul which a Sikh should comprehend and with which they can attain the supreme state.

Sikh historical writings, unauthentic writings or apocryphal compositions written under the names of Sikh Gurus and other writings bySikhsare not considered Gurbani and are referred to asKachi Bani(ਕੱਚੀ ਬਾਣੀ; meaningadulterated verses).[2]


Sikhgutkafrom early 18th century

Gurbaniis composed of two words: 'Gur' and 'Bani'. Gur has multiple meanings depending on context. InGuru Granth Sahib,Guris used for multiple meanings, as per context of hymn. The common use ofGuris either for wisdom and internal conscious mind (referred to as Chitta or Antar Atma).[3]

Thereby Gurbani either meansthe speech of wisdomorthe speech of conscious mind.

Gurbani is directly received from inside after attaining a Supreme state, whereas the Granth or textual form is worldly language of the same. Gurbani is also referred to asDhur Ki Bani(ਧੁਰ ਕੀ ਬਾਣੀ; meaningthe speech from the Supreme house). In the Adi Granth, it is considered a source of spiritual knowledge which illuminates the mind and gives internal bliss. The one who comprehends Gurbani is also described as an Amritdhari. Gurbani is a source of truth with which the internal filth and sins get eradicated and one who find Gurbani sweet is in supreme state.

Extracts fromGuru Granth Sahibare called Gutkas (ਗੁਟਕਾ; meaningsmall books) containing sections of Gurbani. These Gutkas can vary from just a few pages to hundreds of pages and are used by the Sikhs to read these Banis on a daily basis.


Painting ofBhai Mani Singh(left) scribingGurbanialongsideGuru Gobind Singhdictating (right), artwork kept atTakht Damdama Sahib

Gurbani is not seen as mere intellectual, spiritual writings conjured by theSikh gurus,bhagats,bhatts,andgursikhs,but rather as divine word revealed by the creator itself.[4]As per Guru Arjan regarding the origin of gurbani:[4]

"Bani originated from thePrimordial One(dhurki bani), and removes all anxiety. "

— Guru Arjan,The Sikh View on Happiness: Guru Arjan’s Sukhmani(2020), page 36

Nitnem compositions[edit]

APothi Sahib(Nitnem prayerbook) is commonly wrapped in a similar cloth as a mark of respect
Historicalgutkamanuscript of theDasam Granthfrom the 18th century

The hymns of theJapji Sahib,Jaap Sahib,Tav-Prasad Savaiye,Chaupai SahibandAnand Sahibshould be read before sunrise daily according to theSikh Rehat Maryada.These are recited by initiated Sikhs atAmritvela(before 6 AM).Rehrasis read in the evening around sunset or after a day's work and finallyKirtan Sohilais read before going to bed. DoingNitnemis also commonly referred as doingpaath.[5]

Japji Sahib,Anand Sahib,andKirtan Sohilaare a part ofGuru Granth Sahib.Jaap Sahib,Tav-Prasad Savaiye,andChaupai Sahibwere all compiled byGuru Gobind Singhand found in theDasam Granth.Rehrasis a mix with hymns from both Guru Granth Sahib and Dasam Granth. A Sikh may add moreGurbanito their Nitnem and if done frequently thatGurbanibecomes a part of theirNitnem.

See also[edit]


  1. ^ਜਨੁ ਨਾਨਕੁ ਬੋਲੇ ਗੁਣ ਬਾਣੀ ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮਿ ਸਮਾਇਆ ॥੪॥੫॥
    Servant Nanak chants the Glorious Words of the Guru's Bani; through them, one is absorbed into the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||4||5||: Page 494, M5
  2. ^The Sikh Encyclopedia:APOCRYPHAL COMPOSITIONS
  3. ^ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ,Mahankosh, Bhai Kahn Singh Nabha
  4. ^abNayar, Kamala Elizabeth; Sandhu, Jaswinder Singh (2020).The Sikh View on Happiness: Guru Arjan’s Sukhmani.Bloomsbury Publishing. p. 36.ISBN9781350139886.
  5. ^Singha, H.S. (2008).Sikh Studies, Book 7(Fifth Impression ed.). New Delhi: Hemkunt Press: Sikhism a complete introduction. p. 88.ISBN9788170102458.