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Kurbet language,Cypriot Turkishin Cyprus andNorth Cyprus,Vlax Romani language,Albanian language,Serbian languageandBalkan Gagauz Turkishin the Balkans, alsoCrimean Tatar languagein Crimea.
Cultural Muslims,Serbian Orthodox Church

Gurbeti(alsoKurbetorKurbator غربتی in Persian) are a sub-group of theRomani peopleliving inCyprusandNorth Cyprus,[1]Turkey,Crimea,Albania,Kosovo,Serbiaand the formerYugoslavia[2][3]whose members areEastern Orthodoxand predominantlyMuslim Roma.[4][5]The Gurbeti make up approximately two thirds of the population of Roma inMačva,many of whom work in agriculture.[4]In Kosovo, other Romani groups viewed the Gurbeti negatively.[6]

Muslim Gurbeti at Cyprus


In the 1960Constitution of Cyprusthey were considered as part of theTurkish Cypriotcommunity.[7]Once the Gurbeti lived all over Cyprus. After 1975, with theThird Vienna Agreementthey migrated, along with the majority of the Turkish Cypriots toNorthern Cyprus.Immigration to the United Kingdom and Turkey has also taken place. They describe themselves as Turkish in terms of ethnicity and speakKurbet languageandCypriot Turkish.[8]In the 17th century, some migrated to Ottoman Rumelia.[9]In the Republic of Cyprus most live in the area ofAgios Antoniosin Limassol, and in the villages ofMakounta,StavrokonnouandPolis-Chrysochouin Paphos.[7]Persons belonging to the Roma community remain social and economically marginalised despite some government efforts.[10]

Gurbeti in the Balkans


InVuk Stefanović Karadžić's Serbian dictionary, the wordGurbetmeans "Gypsy foreign workers". The word is derived from Turkishgurbet,meaning "emigrate".[11]The first mentions of nomadic Roma attributed as Gurbeti ancestors, fromOttoman Cyprus,is from the 17th century.[9]In 1941, most of the Yugoslav Roma settled permanently, with the exception of the Gurbeti in Montenegro.[3]

However, other sources about the Gurbeti have said that their Ancestors once came from Moldova and Wallachia, at the end of the 1850s afterSlavery in Romaniaand settled in the Balkan, and speak a Vlax dialect.[12]

In other parts at the Balkans like in Bulgaria, Albania, North Macedonia, Serbia and Greece, the Gurbet are calledPečalbarstvo.[13]



Ottoman sources from 16th century mentioned from Gurbet aTurkomanClanclan who lived inDulkadiroğlu, Kahramanmaraş.[14]



The Gurbeti in the Balkans share some cultural features with theKalderaš,but also with otherXoraxane,who adopted Turkish culture since the Ottoman time. The majority of Gurbeti areCultural Muslimswhile others belong to theSerbian Orthodox Church,and partly assimilated into society. They speakKurbet languageandCypriot Turkishin Northern Cyprus, andVlax Romani language,Albanian language,Serbian languageandRumelian Turkishat the Balkans.



There is a Gurbeti diaspora, such as in Austria and Germany; these were recent migrants, mostly Gastarbeiter unskilled workers, and have since integrated into Austrian and German society. Some of the Gurbeti men married Austrian and German women. The Host population did not see them as Roma, only as Yugoslavian.[12]



TheirKurbetis a variety ofPara-Romani.[15]In Kosovo, the Gurbeti speech have either a dominant Serbian substratum, or Albanian substratum. TheDžambazi(Acrobatics and Horse trading) nomadic Muslim Romani group, speak a sub-dialect ofKurbet.The origin of the Romani loan words in Croatian are most likely from Gurbeti, who settled predominantly from Bosnia and Herzegovina.[16]Rade Uhlik translated theGospel of Lukeinto Bosnian Gurbeti asO keriben pal e Devleskre bičhade.This was published by the British and Foreign Bible Society in 1938, and published in Belgrade.



While theEarly Romanipeople traces back to theIndian Subcontinent,[17]alsoGene flowfrom theOttoman Turksspilled over and established a higher frequency of the Y-haplogroupsJ and E3bin Balkan Roma Groups.[18]The Greek Doctor A. G. Paspati made the statement in his Book, that Turks married often Roma Woman.[19]Greeks and Slavs DNA also influenced the Balkan Roma people.[20]Also, the genetics ofPeoples of the Caucasusinfluenced the Genetic impact of Roma people.[21]


  1. ^"Roma flee Turkish-occupied Northern Cyprus; anti-Gypsyism breaks out in the South".European Roma Rights Centre.
  2. ^Guy, Will (2001).Between Past and Future.University of Hertfordshire Press.p. 52.ISBN978-1-902806-07-5.
  3. ^abRamet, Sabrina P.; Vjeran Pavlaković (2005).Serbia Since 1989.University of Washington Press.p. 383.ISBN978-0-295-98538-1.
  4. ^abCvorovic, Jelena (May–August 2006)."Gypsies Drown in Shallow Water: Oral Narratives among Macva Gypsies".Journal of Folklore Research.43(2): 129–148.doi:10.2979/JFR.2006.43.2.129.JSTOR3814870.S2CID144395001.Retrieved1 March2022.
  5. ^Rushton, J. Philippe; Jelena Čvorović; Trudy Ann Bons (January–February 2007). "General mental ability in South Asians: Data from three Roma (Gypsy) communities in Serbia".Intelligence.35(1): 1–12.doi:10.1016/j.intell.2006.09.002.
  6. ^Etnološki pregled: Revue d'etnologie.Vol. 10–12. 1972. p. 30.
  7. ^abEuropean Commission, Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers; Symeou, Loizos; Pelekani, Chryso (2019).Civil society monitoring report on implementation of the national Roma integration strategies in Cyprus: focusing on structural and horizontal preconditions for successful implementation of the strategy.Brussels: Publications Office of the European Union. p. 13.doi:10.2838/209345.ISBN978-92-79-90574-2.
  8. ^"KIBRIS'TAKİ GURBETLERİN GİZLİ DİLİ"(PDF).Rıdvan Öztürk. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 8 July 2017.
  9. ^abHelena Kanyar-Becker 2003: "In addition, in the XVIIth century, one begins to find mentions of nomadic Rroma, who were from Ottoman Cyprus - the ancestors of the present-day Gurbeti in Yugoslavia."
  10. ^Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (2020)."Fifth Opinion on Cyprus".Council of Europe.Strasbourg: Secretariat of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities Council of Europe. p. 4.
  11. ^Đura Daničić, Jugoslavenska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti 1891: "U Vukovu rječniku. GUBBET, m. Ciganin skitač, arap. tur. ghurbet, ise\avane. — isporedi gurbetaš, gurbetin."
  12. ^ab"Gurbet [Rombase]".Archived fromthe originalon 9 September 2019.Retrieved30 August2021.
  13. ^Hristov Petko (January 2015)."The Balkan gurbet/pecalbarstvo - past and present".Glasnik Etnografskog instituta.63(3): 551–563.doi:10.2298/GEI1503551H.S2CID188243396.
  14. ^Yılgür, Egemen (January 2021)."Turcoman Gypsies in the Balkans: Just a Preferred Identity or More?".Romani History and Culture Festschrift in Honour of Prof. Dr. Veselin Popov / Hristo Kyuchukov, Sofiya Zahova, Ian Duminica.
  15. ^Sabine Hornberg; Christian Brüggemann (2013).Die Bildungssituation von Roma in Europa.Waxmann Verlag. pp. 58–.ISBN978-3-8309-7841-1.
  16. ^Schrammel-Ambrosch-Halwachs 2005, p. 85
  17. ^Melegh, Bela I.; Banfai, Zsolt; Hadzsiev, Kinga; Miseta, Attila; Melegh, Bela (2017)."Refining the South Asian Origin of the Romani people".BMC Genetics.18(1): 82.doi:10.1186/s12863-017-0547-x.PMC5580230.PMID28859608– viaResearchGate.
  18. ^Bánfai, Zsolt; Melegh, Béla I.; Sümegi, Katalin; Hadzsiev, Kinga; Miseta, Attila; Kásler, Miklós; Melegh, Béla (13 June 2019)."Revealing the Genetic Impact of the Ottoman Occupation on Ethnic Groups of East-Central Europe and on the Roma Population of the Area".Frontiers in Genetics.10:558.doi:10.3389/fgene.2019.00558.PMC6585392.PMID31263480.
  19. ^Paspati, A. G.; Hamlin, C. (1860)."Memoir on the Language of the Gypsies, as Now Used in the Turkish Empire".Journal of the American Oriental Society.7:143–270.doi:10.2307/592158.JSTOR592158.
  20. ^Martínez-Cruz, Begoña; Mendizabal, Isabel; Harmant, Christine; De Pablo, Rosario; Ioana, Mihai; Angelicheva, Dora; Kouvatsi, Anastasia; Makukh, Halyna; Netea, Mihai G.; Pamjav, Horolma; Zalán, Andrea; Tournev, Ivailo; Marushiakova, Elena; Popov, Vesselin; Bertranpetit, Jaume; Kalaydjieva, Luba; Quintana-Murci, Lluis; Comas, David (2016)."Origins, admixture and founder lineages in European Roma".European Journal of Human Genetics.24(6): 937–943.doi:10.1038/ejhg.2015.201.PMC4867443.PMID26374132– viaResearchGate.
  21. ^Bánfai, Zsolt; Ádám, Valerián; Pöstyéni, Etelka; Büki, Gergely; Czakó, Márta; Miseta, Attila; Melegh, Béla (2018)."Revealing the impact of the Caucasus region on the genetic legacy of Romani people from genome-wide data".PLOS ONE.13(9): e0202890.Bibcode:2018PLoSO..1302890B.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0202890.PMC6130880.PMID30199533– viaResearchGate.