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Hârnis a campaign setting for fantasyrole-playing games,designed byN. Robin Crossby,and published byColumbia Gamesin 1983.

In 1998 Crossby founded Kelestia Productions (KP), an electronic publishing e-company. KP and CGI now independently produce printed and online materials for use with Hârn-based role-playing campaigns and fiction.

The role-playing game,HârnMaster,was developed specifically for use with Hârn. It enables players, gamemasters, and writers to develop character descriptions that exploit the deep level of detail found in Hârn.



The campaign world of Hârn was first described in the setHârn(1983) from Columbia Games, which presented a folio with a general overview, with background, history, and religion of the island of Hârn along with the small Hârndex encyclopaedia, and a map of Hârn drawn by N. Robin Crossby. Shannon Appelcline described that "Hârn was broadly based on Norman England, with some fantasy elements appearing through dwarves, elves and orcs. It was low magic and [...] tried to create a genuinely real setting, based on careful research and consideration."[1]: 182 



Hârn is an island off the western coast of the region ofVenârivè(the northwestern part of the continent ofLýthia) on the planetKèthîra,but as Hârn has traditionally been the focus of the setting, many people refer to the world as Hârn or HârnWorld. Hârn is notable for several reasons:

  • It has no 'evil' versus 'good' aspect that dominates many other FRPGs.
  • It has a high level of detail and internal consistency. A large number of individual cities, fortifications, towns,manorsand adventure locations have been described down to the names of the peasant families residing there. In its immense detail it rivals other game worlds known for their depth, such asTekumel.
  • It is also notable for its high level of realism and a concomitant low level ofmagic.Its societies are, for the most part, modeled closely on Earth during theMiddle Ages(specifically, that ofNormanBritain). Nonetheless, it has many of the standard trappings of fantasy, such aselves,dwarves,orcs,wizards,etc. Many of these have a unique Hârnic spin.
  • The written history and events of Hârn are current up to a specific point in time (midnight on the first day of the year 720), and there is no intention of "advancing" the official timeline beyond this point. The individual game masters control the history and events that occur after this point. Thus, all Hârn games are unique but spring from a common starting point.

The island of Hârn has seven human kingdoms and two kingdoms ruled by other species. In Alpha betical order, these are:

  • Azadmereis the home of theKhuzdul,the Hârnic dwarves.
  • Chybisais viewed as a struggling independent monarchy or a breakaway county of Kaldor.
  • Evaelis located along the southern coast and is the forest home of the reclusiveSindarian,the Hârnic elves.
  • Kaldoris afeudalkingdom with a weak king. Located at the hub of four trade routes, it is a power in the east. It is perhaps the most detailed of all of the kingdoms.
  • Kandayis a stolid,chivalrickingdom situated in the western part of the island of Hârn.
  • Melderynis the most ancient kingdom on Hârn, reputedly founded by wizards. It is located in the southeastern part of the island and claims a monopoly on trade with the Lythian continent.
  • The northern land ofOrbaalwas once a collection of peaceful princedoms inhabited by the Jarin people (analogues of the BritishCelts) until it was conquered by the Ivinians (analogous to theVikings). Now the Jarin are brutally suppressed, but some plot rebellion.
  • Rethemis widely viewed as the "evil kingdom" but this is because its rulers value might and merit over birth and privilege (or, possibly, because its largest town was the base for a crusade by the church of the death-god Morgath). It is a kingdom born of war and beset by enemies on all sides.
  • Thardarose from the ashes of the former Corani Empire (as did Kanday and Rethem) and is the island's only non-monarchist state; itspatron-client social structureis superficially similar to that ofRoman Republic.Petty corruption and patronage are rife. The Republic is very ambitious in its territorial claims.

The island is also home to over a dozen human "barbarian" tribal nations and many bands of Hârnic orcs, known asgârgún.

The planet Kèthîra, on which Hârn is situated, is one of seven linked parallel worlds collectively known asKeléstia.Among the other worlds in the family are Terra (or Earth); Yàsháin, a high-magic world which is the afterlife of Kèthîra; Midgaad, a parallel ofTolkien'sMiddle-earth;and the Blessed Realm, a parallel of the land of the same name in Tolkien's works. It is suggested that the ancestors of Kèthîra's elves and dwarves came from Midgaad to Kèthîra; in the case of the elves this is a stopping off point on a longer journey to the Blessed Realm. Kèthîra's Sinái retain the custom of building swan-shaped ships in which they sail to the Blessed Realm when they weary of their time on Hârn (in this case sailing through a periodically appearing interworld portal known as theNimeliantoff Hârn's northeastern coast).

In addition to the island of Hârn itself, products have been released covering the nearby regions ofShôrkýnè(a large feudal kingdom with a weak king) andIvínia(an analogue of Scandinavia complete with fjords, Vikings, and a religion similar to that of the old Norse).

Other products have been released detailing the island kingdom ofChélemby,a mixed-Ivínian trading state (an analogue of the medieval Scandinavian trading state ofVisby). A product detailing the nearby Hârbáaler kingdom ofLédenheimis also available.

Most recently, a product has been released which details the whole sub-continental region ofVenârivè(an area roughly equivalent to Europe, theMediterranean,and theMiddle-East). This product provides the basis for adventuring and exploration beyond the island of Hârn, and puts the island and its cultures in their wider context.



In the September 1983 edition ofDragon(Issue 77),Roger Mooreliked the Hârn game system. He admired the map, which he called, "beautiful. If you are a fan of fantasy cartography, the map makes a wonderful addition to one’s collection, having lots of legible detail and a well worked out ecological system and geography." Moore was also quite impressed with the booklet called theHarndexthat listed all sorts of interesting information on people and places. He noted some similarities to the work ofJ.R.R. Tolkien,but pointed out that gamemasters could easily expunge that material if they wished. He concluded by recommending the Hârn game system to "experienced referees who don’t mind using a largely prefabricated universe with a few minor alterations to suit their own campaign tastes... State of the art? It could be better, but it is very good."[2]

Three years later, in the March 1986 edition ofDragon(Issue 107), Eric Pass reviewed some of the supplementary material that had been published, namely theCities ofHârn supplement,Encyclopedia Harnica #1-#13and the regional moduleIvinia.Pass liked all of them, saying, "All of these products are richly detailed and fully consistent. The only complaint I with this material is the [high] prices." He concluded that "This material is a savior for the hard-pressed GM whose players expect and demand detailed playing environments and backgrounds. All of the supplements contain well-constructed, consistent, interesting information that will take hours to absorb. Keep a notebook by your side as you read, because you’ll get all sorts of ideas for play."[3]

Ten years later, in the May 1996 edition ofDragon(Issue 229),Rick Swanreviewed the rereleased and revisedHarn Worldboxed set. Swan admitted that it "emphasizes culture and economics at the expense of magic and monsters, making it less appealing to hack ’n’slashers than to veterans who take their games seriously." He also conceded that the rules system was very complex: "Unwieldy? Perhaps. To callHarn Worldambitious is like calling the Grand Canyon a large hole. "But Swan recommended theHarn Worldsystem to experienced players, saying, "If you’ve outgrown dungeon crawls, you might be ready to jump in."[4]

In his 2023 bookMonsters, Aliens, and Holes in the Ground,RPG historian Stu Horvath noted, "All of this material is methodical and internally consistent. Nothing else in the mid '80s, and a good deal after, right up to now, comes close to providing the amount of detail inHârn.Depth and breadth. There are like a millionForgotten Realmsbooks, and it is still no contest. "[5]



Columbia published most of thecanonmaterial about Hârn in the early 1980s; at that point (around the time the first edition of the Harnmaster rules was published) the interval between new products lengthened and some scheduled products were never completed (such as the Trierzon and Azeryan regional modules). The setting was sustained throughout the 1990s and early 2000s by fan-created material, popularly called "fanon." The high quality and consistency of the fanon products, as well as the interactivity of message fora such as HarnList andHârnForumhave kept the setting alive.

Hârnic fanon, although independently written, is notable for its goal of staying consistent with the hundreds of pages of canon material spread over more than twenty years of publication. In many instances high quality art was produced and professional grade layout and design was done to make the material look similar to products produced by the publishers. There are points of confusion regarding the sanctioning and format of fanon. Both CGI and Kelestia have different fanon guidelines.




  1. ^Appelcline, Shannon (2011).Designers & Dragons.Mongoose Publishing.ISBN978-1-907702-58-7.
  2. ^Moore, Roger(September 1983). "Harn universe is worth the price".Dragon(77).TSR, Inc.:66–67.
  3. ^Pass, Eric (March 1986). "Harn was just the start: A look at what Columbia Games has done lately".Dragon(107).TSR, Inc.:28.
  4. ^Swan, Rick(May 1996). "Roleplaying Reviews".Dragon(229).TSR, Inc.:114.
  5. ^Horvath, Stu (2023).Monsters, Aliens, and Holes in the Ground.Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. p. 122.ISBN9780262048224.