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Han–Xiongnu War

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Han–Xiongnu War
Hán hung chiến tranh

Emperor Wudispatching the diplomatZhang QiantoCentral Asia,Mogao Cavesmural, 8th century
Date133 BC – 89 AD
90–91 AD(punitive campaign)

Han victory

  • Destruction of Xiongnu steppe hegemony and vassalization of Southern Xiongnu
Han dynasty
Xin dynasty(9–23 AD)
Tributary and allied forces:
Southern Xiongnu[3]
Commanders and leaders
Junchen Chanyu
Yizhixie Chanyu
Hunye ChanyuSurrendered
Zhizhi Chanyu
...and others
Emperor Wu of Han
GeneralWei Qing
GeneralHuo Qubing
GeneralDou Gu
GeneralBan Chao
GeneralDou Xian
GeneralLi Guang
...and others

TheHan–Xiongnu War,[5]also known as theSino–Xiongnu War,[6]was a series ofmilitary conflictsfought over two centuries (from133 BCto89 AD) between theChineseHan Empireand thenomadicXiongnuconfederation, although extended conflicts can be traced back as early as200 BCand ahead as late as188 AD.

TheChinese civilizationinitially clashed with nomadic tribes that would later become the Xiongnu confederation during theWarring States period,and various northernstatesbuilt elongated fortifications (which later became theGreat Wall) to defend against raids from theMongolian Plateau.The unifiedQin dynasty,whoconquered all other statesunder theFirst Emperor,dispatched GeneralMeng Tianin215 BCina successful campaignto expel the Xiongnu from theOrdos region.However, thesubsequent civil warsfollowing Qin dynasty's collapse gave the Xiongnu tribes, who were then unified into a large confederacy underModu Chanyu,the opportunity to reinvade the Ordos region. After theWestern Han dynastywas established in202 BC,Emperor Gaotried to fight off Xiongnu invasions but had himself trapped in an ambush during theBattle of Baideng,and atrucewas negotiated. Decades ofde jure"peace" then ensued then followed with the Chinese gifting "marriage alliance"to appease the Xiongnu, who still raided Chinese borderlands routinely.

However, starting from the reign of the seventh Han ruler,Emperor Wu,the Han Empire began to change from a relatively passive foreign policy to a proactively offensive strategy seeking to permanently remove the northern threat. The tension fully escalated in 133 BC when the Han army unsuccessfully tried toambush Xiongnu raiders at Mayi,and retaliatory raids intensified. Emperor Wu then started deploying newer generations of military commanders and launched severalexpeditionsto control theOrdos Loop,Hexi CorridorandWestern Regions,eventually pushing the Xiongnu north beyond theGobi Desertwitha decisive campaign in 119 BC.After the death of Emperor Wu in87 BC,the conflict de-escalated to mostly small border conflicts, althoughEmperor XuanandYuanhad each sanctioned major offensives against the Xiongnu during their reigns. The overall strategic Han successes against the Xiongnu allowed the Chinese toproject their influencedeeply intoCentral Asia,which eventually led to the establishment ofa regional protectoratein60 BC.For the Xiongnu, the situation deteriorated with each setback, leading to erosion of thechanyu's prestige and dominance, and the subsequent internalpower strugglesfurther weakened the confederation, fracturing it into various self-ruling factions. The Han Empire then adhered to adivide and rulestrategy, usingmarriage alliances(such as that ofWang ZhaojuntoHuhanye) to recruit some against others.

During theinterregnumXin dynasty,Wuzhuliuchanyu waged war in11 ADafterWang Mang,whousurpedthe Han throne and attempted to split the Xiongnu by installing 15 new chanyu. Wang Mang mobilized 300,000 troops against Xiongnu and forcedGoguryeo,Wuhuanand various Western Regions city-states to sendconscriptsand provisions, which led to the mass defection of thesevassal states.After theEastern Han dynastywas established in25 AD,the Chinese initially found their hands full after the chaotic civil war and could not afford any full-scale mobilizations against the Xiongnu raids, they therefore resorted to continue lobbying amongst Xiongnu faction rulers instead. This continued for another two decades until46 AD,when repeated natural disasters severely weakened the Xiongnu and forced them to flee north from an attack by Wuhuan. Xiongnu then permanently split in48 ADinto two groups, known as the Northern and Southern Xiongnu, respectively. The Southern Xiongnu eventually submitted to the Han Empire and becameauxiliariesagainst the Northern Xiongnu, who continued to resist and was eventually evicted westwards by the further expeditions by the Han Empire and its vassals, as well as the rise of other hostileDonghustates likeXianbei.In89 AD,GeneralDou Xianled 50,000 cavalry on an expedition that decisively defeated the Northern Xiongnu's main force, causing it to split further. In91 AD,Northern Chanyuwas defeated in theBattle of the Altai Mountains,and they fled west intoDzungaria,where they continued causing sporadic troubles until151 ADwhen a 4,000-strong Han militia was enough to defeat them, causing them to flee further west into Central Asia where they disappeared fromhistorical records.Southern Xiongnu, on the other hand, continued cycles of "rebel then resubmit" under the Eastern Han dynasty until as late as theYellow Turban Rebellion,but from 89 AD onwards the Han Empire's main concern had already switched to theQiang people,who had become a bigger threat than the Xiongnu.


During theWarring States period,theQin,Zhao,andYanstates conquered various nomadic territories inhabited by the Xiongnu and other Hu peoples.[7]They strengthened their new frontiers with elongated wall fortifications.[8]By 221 BC, the Qin ended the chaoticEastern Zhouperiod by conquering all other states andunifying China proper.In 215 BC,Qin Shi Huangordered GeneralMeng Tianto set out against theXiongnutribes, situated in theOrdos region,and establish a frontier region at theOrdos Loop.[9]Believing that the Xiongnu were a possible threat, the emperor launched a pre-emptive strike against the Xiongnu with the intention of expanding his empire.[9]Later that year (215 BC), General Meng Tian succeeded indefeating the Xiongnu and driving them from the Ordos region,seizing their territory as result.[10]After the catastrophic defeat at the hands of Meng,ToumanChanyu and his followers fled far into theMongolian Plateau.[11]Fusu(Prince of Qin) and General Meng Tian were stationed at a garrison inSuideand soon began the construction of thewalled defences,connecting them with the old walls built by Qin, Yan and Zhao states.[12]The fortified walls ran fromLiaodongtoLintao,thus enclosing the conquered Ordos region,[10]safeguarding theQin empireagainst the Xiongnu and other northern nomadic people.[8]Due to the northward expansion, the threat that the Qin empire posed to the Xiongnu ultimately led to the state formation of the many tribes towards a confederacy.[7]

However, after the sudden death of Qin Shi Huang, the ensuing political corruption and chaos during the short reign ofQin Er Shiwould lead to various anti-Qin rebellions, eventually bringing about the collapse of the Qin dynasty. Amassive civil warthen erupted between various reinstated states, withLiu Bangeventually victorious to establish theHan dynasty.During the transitional years between Qin and Han, while the Chinese were mainly focused towards the interior of their nation, the Xiongnu took the opportunity to retake theterritory north of the wall.[7]The Xiongnu frequently led incursions to the Han frontier and had considerable political influence over the border regions.[13]In response,Emperor Gaozuled a Han army against the Xiongnu in 200 BC, pursuing them as far as Pingcheng (present-dayDatong,Shanxi) before being ambushed by Modu Chanyu's cavalry.[13]His encampment was encircled by the Xiongnu, but Emperor Gaozu escaped after seven days.[14]After realizing that a military solution was not feasible for the time being, Emperor Gaozu sent Liu Jing to negotiate peace with Modu Chanyu.[14]In 198 BC, amarriage alliancewas concluded between the Han and the Xiongnu,[14]but this proved far from effective as the incursions in the frontier regions continued.[15][16][17]



The expansion of theHan empireunderEmperor Wu's reign (r. 141–87 BC)

By the reign ofEmperor Wu,theHan empirewas prospering and the national treasury had accumulated large surpluses.[18]However, burdened by the frequent Xiongnu raids at the frontier of the Han empire, the emperor abandoned the policies of his predecessors to maintain peace with the Xiongnu early in his reign.[19]In 136 BC, after continued Xiongnu incursions near the northern frontier, Emperor Wu had a court conference assembled.[20][21]The faction supporting war against the Xiongnu was able to sway the majority opinion by making a compromise for those worried about stretching financial resources on an indefinite campaign:in an engagement along the border near Mayi,Han forces would lureJunchen Chanyuover with wealth and promises of defections in order to eliminate him and cause political chaos for the Xiongnu.[20][21]Emperor Wulaunched his military campaigns against the Xiongnu in 133 BC.[22][23]

In 133 BC, the Xiongnu forces led by the Chanyu[a]were lured into a trap at Mayi, while a Han army of about 300,000 troops laid inambush against the Xiongnu.[23]Wang Hui ( vương khôi ) led this campaign and commanded a force of 30,000 men strong, advancing fromDaiwith the intention of attacking the Xiongnu supply route.[24]Han Anguo ( Hàn An quốc ) and Gongsun He ( Công Tôn Hạ ) commanded the remaining forces and advanced towards Mayi.[24]Junchen Chanyuled his army of 100,000 men towards Mayi, but he became increasingly suspicious of the situation.[24]When the ambush failed, because Junchen Chanyu realized he was about to fall into a trap and fled back north, the peace was broken and the Han court resolved to engage in full-scale war.[21][25][26]In light of this battle, the Xiongnu became aware of the Han court's intentions to go to war.[23]By that point the Han empire was long consolidated politically, militarily, and economically, and was led by an increasingly pro-war faction in the imperial court.[27]

Skirmishes at the northern frontier[edit]

In the autumn of 129 BC, a Han force of 40,000 cavalrymen launched a surprise attack against the Xiongnu in the frontier markets, where masses of Xiongnu people visited to trade.[28]In 128 BC, GeneralWei Qingled 30,000 men to battle at the regions north ofYanmenand came out victorious.[29]The next year (127 BC), the Xiongnu invaded Liaoxi, killing its governor, and advanced towards Yanmen.[30]Han Anguo mobilized 700 men, but was defeated and withdrew toYuyang.[30]Thereafter,Wei Qingmoved out with a force and captured some Xiongnu troops, causing the main force of the Xiongnu to withdraw.[30]Meanwhile, Li Xi had led a force across the frontier and also captured some of the Xiongnu troops.[30]

Early campaigns by the Han empire[edit]

Emperor Wu of Han

Between 127 and 119 BC, Emperor Wu ordered the generalsWei QingandHuo Qubingto lead several large-scale military campaigns against the Xiongnu.[23]Leading campaigns involving tens of thousands of troops, GeneralWei Qingcaptured theOrdos Desertregion from the Xiongnu in 127 BC and GeneralHuo Qubingexpelled them from theQilian Mountainsin 121 BC, gaining the surrender of many Xiongnu aristocrats.[31][32]The Han court also sent expeditions, ranging to over 100,000 troops, into Mongolia in 124 BC, 123 BC, and 119 BC,[33]attacking the heart of Xiongnu territory. Following the successes of these 127–119 BC campaigns, Emperor Wu wrote edicts in which he heavily praised the two generals for their achievements.[34]

Ordos Loop[edit]

In 127 BC, GeneralWei Qinginvaded and retook full control of theOrdosregion.[35][36]Earlier that year, he had departed fromYunzhongtowards Longxi to invade the Xiongnu in Ordos.[28]After the conquest, about 100,000 people resettled in the Ordos.[28]In the region, twocommanderieswere established,WuyuanandShuofang.[28][37]With the oldQinwalled fortifications in their control, the Han set out to repair and extend the walls.[38]In 126 BC, the Xiongnu sent out three forces of 30,000 troops each to raid Dai, Dinxiang, and Shang.[35]In that same year (126 BC), GeneralWei Qingadvanced from Gaoque into Mongolia with 30,000 men and inflicted defeat to the Xiongnu forces of theTuqi King[b]and captured 15,000 men along with 10 tribal chiefs.[39]In the autumn of 126 BC, the Xiongnu raided Dai once again; they took some prisoners and killed a Han military commander.[39]

Southern Gobi Desert[edit]

During the spring of 123 BC, GeneralWei Qingset off to Mongolia with an army to attack the Xiongnu; they marched back victorious toDingxiang.[40]Two months later, the Han army advanced towards the Xiongnu again, but this time the Xiongnu were prepared for the invasion by the Han forces.[40]However, hereafter, due to the military expeditions that the Han empire undertook, the Xiongnu moved their capital and retreated to the far northern regions of theGobi Desert.[40]

Hexi Corridor[edit]

The ruins of aHanrammed-earth watchtower inDunhuang

In the Battle of Hexi (121 BC), the Han forces had inflicted a major defeat to the Xiongnu.[41]Emperor Wudesired to place firm control over theHexi Corridorand decided to launch a large military offensive to purge the Xiongnu from the area.[38]The campaign was undertaken in 121 BC by GeneralHuo Qubing.[42]Departing from Longxi that year, GeneralHuo Qubingled light cavalry through five Xiongnu kingdoms, conquering the Yanzhi and Qilian mountain ranges from the Xiongnu.[28]

In the spring of 121 BC, Huo set out from Longxi and advanced into the territory of theXiutuKing ( Hưu chư vương ), beyond the Yanzhi Mountains.[43]About 18,000 Xiongnu cavalry were captured or killed.[43]

That summer (121 BC), Huo advanced into the Anshan Desert to invade the regions at theQilian Mountains.[43]At the Qilian Mountains, the Hunye King ( hồn Tà Vương ) saw the deaths of over 30,000 troops in battle against the Han, while 2800 of his troops were captured.[44]

Distraught by the huge losses and fearing the wrath of the Xiongnu Chanyu, the Xiutu King and the Hunye King planned to surrender to the Han forces of GeneralHuo Qubing.[45]However, the Xiutu King suddenly changed his mind and fled with his followers.[45]GeneralHuo Qubingand the Hunye King gave chase and killed Xiutu and his 8000 troops.[45]In the end, the Hunye King and 40,000 Xiongnu soldiers surrendered,[28][41][44][45]which also led to the Xiongnu tribes of Hunye and Xiutu submitting to the rule of the Han empire.[46][47]Due to the series of victories, the Han had conquered a territory stretching from theHexi CorridortoLop Nur,thus cutting the Xiongnu off from theirQiangallies.[48]In 111 BC, a major Qiang–Xiongnu allied force was repelled from the Hexi Corridor.[49]Hereafter, four commanderies were established in the Hexi Corridor—Jiuquan,Zhangye,Dunhuang,andWuwei—which were populated with Han settlers.[48][49]

North of the Gobi[edit]

Paintedceramic statuesofChinese cavalrymenand infantrymen, from the Western Han period (202 BC – 9 AD)

TheBattle of Mobei(119 BC) saw Han forces invade the northern Gobi Desert, as well as areas north of the Gobi.[41]In 119 BC, two separate expeditionary forces led by the Han generalsWei QingandHuo Qubingmobilized towards the Xiongnu.[41][50]The two generals led the campaign to theKhangai Mountainsand theOrkhon Valley,where they forced the Chanyu to flee north of theGobi Desert.[31][51]The two forces together comprised 100,000 cavalrymen,[52][53]140,000 horses,[52][53]and few hundred thousand infantry.[53]They advanced into the desert in pursuit of the main force of the Xiongnu.[23]The military campaign was a major Han military victory against Xiongnu,[54]where the Xiongnu were driven from the Gobi Desert.[55]The Xiongnu casualties ranged from 80 to 90 thousand troops, while the Han casualties ranged from 20 to 30 thousand troops.[56]In the aftermath, the Han forces had lost around 100,000 horses during the campaign.[56]

During this campaign,Huo Qubing's elite troops had set off from Dai to link up withLu Bode's forces in Yucheng, after which they advanced further and engaged theTuqi King of the Left[c]and his army.[56]Huo Qubing's army encircled and overran their enemy, killing around 70,000 Xiongnu,[41]including the Tuqi King of the Left.[57]He then went on to conduct a series of rituals upon arrival at theKhentii Mountainsto symbolize the historic Han victory, then continued his pursuit as far asLake Baikal.[58]

Wei Qing's army, setting off from Dingxiang, encounteredYizhixie Chanyu's army.[52]Wei Qing ordered his troops to arrange heavy-armouredchariotsin a ring formation,[56]creatingmobile fortressesthat provided archers, crossbowmen, and infantry protection from the Xiongnu's cavalry charges, and allowing the Han troops to utilize their ranged weapons' advantages. A 5000-strong cavalry was deployed to reinforce the array against any Xiongnu attack.[56]The Xiongnu charged the Han forces with a 10,000-strong vanguard cavalry.[59]The battle solidified into a stalemate until dusk, when a sandstorm obscured the battlefield.[59]Subsequently, Wei Qing sent in his main forces and overwhelmed the Xiongnu.[56]The Han cavalry used the low visibility as cover and encircled the Xiongnu army from both flanks, but Yizhixie Chanyu and a contingent of troops broke through and escaped.[56]

Control over the Western Regions[edit]

With the Han conquest of the Hexi Corridor in 121 BC, the city-states at theTarim Basinwere caught in between the onslaught of the war, with much shifting of allegiance.[60]There were several Han military expeditions undertaken to secure the submission of the local kings to the Han empire; the Han took control of the regions for strategic purposes while the Xiongnu needed the regions as a source of revenue.[60][61]Due to the ensuing war with the Han empire, the Xiongnu were forced to extract more crafts and agricultural foodstuffs from the Tarim Basin urban centres.[62]By 115 BC, the Han had set upcommanderiesatJiuquanandWuwei,while extending the oldQinfortifications from Lingju to the area west ofDunhuang.[23]From 115 to 60 BC, the Han and Xiongnu competed for control and influence over these states,[63]which saw the rise of power of the Han empire over eastern Central Asia with the decline of that of the Xiongnu's.[64]The Han empire brought the states ofLoulan,Jushi(Turfan),Luntai(Bügür),Dayuan(Ferghana), andKangju(Soghdiana) intotributary submissionbetween 108 and 101 BC.[65][66]The long-walled defence line that now stretched all the way toDunhuangprotected the people, guided caravans and troops to and from Central Asia, and served to separate the Xiongnu from their allies, the Qiang people.[67]

Tomb of Chinese generalHuo Qubing(died 117 BC): statue of a horse stomping a Xiongnu warrior, with detail of the head of the vanquished Xiongnu warrior.[68][69]

In 115 BCZhang Qianwas once again dispatched to theWestern Regionsto secure military alliances against the Xiongnu.[70][71]He sought out the various states in Central Asia, such as theWusun.[70]He came back without achieving his goals, but he gained valuable knowledge about the Western Regions like in his previous travels.[71]Emperor Wureceived reports from Zhang about the large and powerfulhorses of Ferghana.[72]These horses were known as "heavenly horses"[72][73]or "blood-sweating horses".[73]Zhang brought back some of these horses to the Han empire.[71]The emperor thought thatthe horses were of high importance to fightthe Xiongnu.[73]The refusal of theDayuankingdom, a nation centred inFerghana,to provide the Han empire with the horses and the execution of a Han envoyled to conflict;[74]the Han forces brought Dayuan into submission in 101 BC.[70][75]The Xiongnu, aware of this predicament, had tried to halt the Han advance, but they were outnumbered and suffered defeat.[76]

General Zhao Ponu ( Triệu phá nô ) was sent on an expedition in 108 BC to invadeJushi(Turfan), a critical economic and military stronghold of the Xiongnu in the Western Regions.[76]After he conquered the region, the Han forces repelled all Xiongnu attacks to regain control over Jushi.[76]When King Angui acceded the throne ofLoulan,the kingdom—which was the easternmost state of the Western Regions—became increasingly apprehensive towards the Han.[77]Their policies became somewhat anti-Han in nature and supportive towards the Xiongnu, such as allowing the killing of passing Han envoys to happen and revealing Han military logistics.[77][78]In 77 BC, King Angui received the Han emissaryFu Jieziand held a banquet for the envoy, who came under the guise of bringing many coveted gifts.[77]During the banquet, Fu Jiezi requested a private discussion with King Angui, which was a pretence for the assassination of the Loulan ruler by two of Fu Jiezi's officers.[77]Amid the cries of horror, Fu Jiezi proclaimed an admonition[d]to the Loulan aristocracy and beheaded the dead king.[77]The Han court informed Weituqi—who was an ally of the Han—of his brother's death, had him escorted back fromChang'anto Loulan, and installed him as the new monarch of the kingdom, which was renamedShanshan.[77][79]Thereafter, the royal seat was relocated to the southern parts ofShanshan(present-dayKargilikorRuoqiang), outside the sphere of Xiongnu influence.[78]

The Xiongnu practised marriage alliances with Han dynasty officers and officials who defected to their side. The older sister of the Chanyu (the Xiongnu ruler) was married to the Xiongnu GeneralZhao Xin,the Marquis of Xi who was serving the Han dynasty. The daughter of the Chanyu was married to the Han Chinese GeneralLi Lingafter he surrendered and defected.[80][81]TheYenisei KirghizKhagans claimed descent from Li Ling. Another Han Chinese General who defected to the Xiongnu wasLi Guangliwho also married a daughter of the Chanyu.

Decline of the Xiongnu[edit]

Ceramicstatues of a prancing horse (foreground) and a cavalryman on horseback (background),Eastern Hanperiod (25–220 AD)

Due to the many losses inflicted on the Xiongnu, rebellion broke out and their enslaved rose up in arms.[82]Around 80 BC, the Xiongnu attacked theWusunin a punitive campaign and the Wusun monarch requested military support from the Han empire.[83]In 72 BC, the joint forces of theWusunand Han invaded the territory of the Luli King[e]of the Right.[82]Around 40,000 Xiongnu people and many of their livestock were captured before their city was sacked.[82]The very next year, various tribes invaded and raided the Xiongnu territory on all fronts; Wusun from the west,Dinglingfrom the north, andWuhuanfrom the east.[82]The Han forces set out in five columns and invaded from the south. According toHanshu,this event marks the beginning of Xiongnu decline and the dismantlement of the confederation.

Internal discord between the Xiongnu[edit]

As the Xiongnu economic and military situation deteriorated, the Xiongnu were willing to renew peace during the reigns ofHuyandi Chanyu(r. 85–69 BC) andXulüquanqu Chanyu(r. 68–60 BC), but the Han court gave only one option, tributary submission.[84]After Xulüquanqu Chanyu's death in 60 BC,[85]a Xiongnu civil war broke out in 57 BC over the succession, which fully fragmented the Xiongnu confederation with many contenders.[86]In the end, onlyZhizhi ChanyuandHuhanye Chanyusurvived the struggle to power.[87]After Zhizhi Chanyu (r. 56–36 BC) had inflicted serious losses against his rival Huhanye Chanyu (r. 58–31 BC), Huhanye and his supporters debated whether to request military protection and become a Han vassal.[88]In 53 BC, Huhanye decided to do so and surrendered to the reign of the Han empire.[88][89][90]

GeneralChen TangandProtector GeneralGan Yanshou, acting without explicit permission from the Han court,killed Zhizhi Chanyuat his capital city (present-dayTaraz,Kazakhstan) in 36 BC.[91][92]Taking the initiative, Chen Tang had forged an imperial decree, which led to the mobilization of 40,000 troops in two columns.[93]The Han forces besieged and defeated the forces ofZhizhi Chanyu,and afterwards beheaded him.[93]His head was sent to the Han capitalChang'an.[94]On return to Chang'an, the two officers faced legal enquiries for forging a decree, but were pardoned.[95]Chen and Gan received modest rewards, although the Han court was reluctant to do so due to the precedent that this event set.[91][92]

Collapse of power[edit]

In 74 AD, GeneralBan Chao(left) captured King Douti ofKashgarand replaced him with King Yule (right), who was granted the name Zhong.

In 9 AD, the Han officialWang Mangusurped theHanthrone and proclaimed a new Chinese dynasty, known asXin.[96]He regarded the Xiongnu as lowly vassals and relations rapidly deteriorated.[97][96]During the winter 10 to 11 AD, Wang amassed 300,000 troops along the northern frontier, which forced the Xiongnu to defer launching large-scale attacks.[97][98]Although Han rule was restored in August 25 AD byEmperor Guangwu,[99]its grip over theTarim Basinhad weakened.[100]The Xiongnu had taken advantage of the situation and gained control over theWestern Regions.[101][102]

The first half of the 1st century BC witnessed several succession crises for the Xiongnu leadership, allowing the Han empire to reaffirm its control over the Western Regions.[103][104]Huduershi Chanyu was succeeded by his son Punu ( bồ nô ) in 46 AD, thus breaking the late Huhanye's orders that only a Xiongnu ruler's brother was a valid successor.[105]Bi ( so ), the Rizhu King of the Right and Huduershi's nephew, was outraged and was declared a rival Chanyu by eight southern Xiongnu tribes in 48 AD.[105]The Xiongnu confederation fell apart in theNorthern XiongnuandSouthern Xiongnu,and Bi submitted to the reign of the Han empire in 50 AD.[105]The Han took control of the Southern Xiongnu under Bi, which had 30–40 thousand troops and a population of roughly twice or thrice the size.[106]

Between 73 and 102 AD, GeneralBan Chaoled several expeditions in the Tarim Basin, re-establishing Han control over the region.[101]At the capital of Shanshan by Lop Nur, Ban Chao and a small party of his men slaughtered a visiting Northern Xiongnu embassy to Shanshan.[107]Ban Chao presented their heads to King Guang of Shanshan, who was overwhelmed by the ordeal, whereupon he sent hostages to Han.[107]When Ban Chao traveled further to Yutian (Khotan), King Guangde received him with little courtesy.[107]The king's soothsayer told the king that he should demand Ban Chao's horse, so Ban Chao killed the soothsayer for the insult.[107]Impressed by the ruthlessness that he witnessed, the king killed a Xiongnu agent and offered submission to Han.[107]Going further westward, Ban Chao and his party arrived at Shule.[107]Earlier, King Jian of Qiuci had deposed the former king and replaced him with his officer Douti.[107]In 74 AD, Ban Chao's forces captured King Douti ofKashgar(Shule sơ lặc ), both a puppet ofKucha(Qiuci quy 玆) and an ally of the Xiongnu.[108]Local opponents to the new regime had offered support to the Han.[107]Tian Lü (Ban Chao's officer) took Douti captive and Ban Chao put Zhong (a prince of the native dynasty) on the throne.[107]Ban Chao, insisting on leniency, send Douti back to Qiuci unharmed.[107]

In 73 AD, GeneralDou Guand his army departed fromJiuquanand advanced towards the Northern Xiongnu,defeating the Northern Xiongnuand pursuing them as far asLake Barkolbefore establishing a garrison atHami.[109]In 74 AD, Dou Gu retook Turfan from the Xiongnu.[109]The Han campaigns resulted in the retreat of the Northern Xiongnu toDzungaria,while Ban Chao was threatening and bringing the city-states at theTarim Basinto submission under the Han empire once again.[101]In 74 AD, the King ofJushisubmitted to the Han forces under GeneralDou Guas the Xiongnu were unable to engage the Han forces.[108]

Later in the year (74 AD), the kingdoms ofKarasahr(Yanqi nào kỳ ) andKuchawere forced to surrender to the Han empire.[108]Although Dou Gu was able to evict the Xiongnu fromTurfanin 74 AD, the Northern Xiongnu soon invaded theBogda Mountainswhile their allies fromKarasahrandKuchakilled theProtector GeneralChen Muand his men.[110]As a result, the Han garrison at Hami was forced to withdraw in 77 AD, which was not reestablished until 91 AD.[110][111]

Final stages[edit]

In 89 AD, GeneralDou Xianled a Hanexpeditionagainst the Northern Xiongnu.[112][113]The army advanced from Jilu, Manyi, and Guyang in three great columns. In the summer, the forces, comprising a total of 40,000 troops, assembled at Zhuoye Mountain.[114]Near the end of the campaign, Dou's forces chased theNorthern Chanyuinto theAltai Mountains,killing 13,000 Xiongnu and accepting the surrender of 200,000 Xiongnu from 81 tribes.[112][113]A light cavalry of 2000 was sent towards the Xiongnu at Hami, capturing the region from them.[112]GeneralDou Xianmarched with his troops in a triumphal progress to the heartland of the Northern Xiongnu's territory and engraved an inscription commemorating the victory onMount Yanran,before returning to Han.[114]The Han victory in the campaign of 89 AD resulted in the destruction of the Xiongnu state.[115]In 2017, a joint Sino-Mongolian archaeological expedition rediscovered theInscription of Yanranin theKhangai Mountainsof central Mongolia.[116]


Mingqi(Chinese funerary statuette) of a youngCentral Asianman, withScythian-type caftan and conical hat reminiscent of early 3rd century CEKushans.Later Han,3rd century CE.Guimet Museum(MA 4660).[117]

In 90 AD, GeneralDou Xianhad encamped at Wuwei.[5]He sent Deputy Colonel Yan Pan with 2000 light cavalry to strike down the final Xiongnu defenses in the Western Regions, capturing Yiwu and receiving the surrender of Jushi.[5]Major Liang Feng was dispatched to capture the Northern Chanyu, which he did, but he was forced to leave him behind as Dou Xian had already broken camp and returned to China.[5]In the tenth month of 90 AD, Dou Xian sent Liang Feng and Ban Gu to help the Northern Chanyu make preparations for his planned travel as he wished to submit to the Han court in person the following month.[118]

However, this never came to pass as Dou Xian dispatched General Geng Kui and Shizi of the Southern Xiongnu with 8,000 light cavalry to attack the Northern Chanyu, encamped at Heyun ( hà vân ), in 90 AD.[118]Once the Han forces arrived at Zhuoye Mountains, they left their heavy equipment behind to launch a swift pincer movement towards Heyun.[118]Geng Kui attacked from the east via theKhangai Mountainsand Ganwei River ( cam hơi hà ), while Shizi attacked from the west via the Western Lake ( Tây Hải ).[118]The Northern Chanyu—said to be greatly shocked by this—launched a counterattack, but he was forced to flee and left his family and seal behind.[118]The Han killed 8,000 men and captured several thousands.[118]In 91 AD, General Geng Kui and Major Ren Shang with a light cavalry of 800 advanced further via the Juyan Gol (Juyansai) into the Altai Mountains, where the Northern Chanyu had encamped.[118]At the Battle of Altai Mountains, they massacred 5000 Xiongnu men and pursued the Northern Chanyu until he escaped to an unknown place.[118]By 91 AD, the last remnants of the Northern Xiongnu had migrated west towards theIli Rivervalley.[119]

The Southern Xiongnu—who had been situated in the Ordos region since about 50 AD—remained within the territory of the Han empire as semi-independent tributaries.[120]They were dependent to the Han empire for their livelihood as indicated by a memorial[f]from the Southern Chanyu to the Han court in 88 AD.[121]Following the military successes against the Xiongnu, GeneralBan Chaowas promoted to the position ofProtector Generaland stationed inKuchain 91 AD.[122]At the remote frontier, Ban Chao reaffirmed absolute Han control over theWestern Regionsfrom 91 AD onwards.[112]



The statueHorse Stepping on a Xiongnu Soldier( mã đạp Hung nô ), dated to theWestern Han period,from the tomb of GeneralHuo Qubingnear present-dayXi'an

Chao Cuowas one of the first known ministers to suggest toEmperor Wenthat Han armies should have a cavalry-centric army to counter the nomadicXiongnuto the north, since Han armies were still primarily infantry with cavalry andchariotsplaying a supporting role.[123]He advocated the policy of "using barbarians to attack barbarians", that is, incorporating surrendered Xiongnu and other nomadic tribes into the Han military, a suggestion that was eventually adopted, especially with the establishment of dependent states of different nomads living on the Han empire's frontiers.[124]

In a memorandum entitledGuard the Frontiers and Protect the Bordersthat he presented to the throne in 169 BC, Chao compared the relative strengths of Xiongnu and Han battle tactics.[125]In regards to the Han armies, Chao deemed the Xiongnu horsemen better prepared for rough terrain due to their betterhorses,better with horseback archery, and better able to withstand the elements and harsh climates.[126][127]However, on level plains, he regarded Xiongnu cavalry inferior especially when faced with Hanshockcavalry and chariots as the Xiongnu are easily dispersed.[126]He emphasized that the Xiongnu were incapable of countering the superiorequipmentand weaponry.[126]He also noted that in contrast the Han armies were better capable to fight in disciplined formations.[126]According to Chao, the Xiongnu were also defenseless against coordinated onslaughts of arrows—especially long-ranged and in unison—due to their inferior leather armour and wooden shields.[126][127]When dismounted in close combat, he believed that the Xiongnu, lacking the ability as infantry, would be decimated by Han soldiers.[126][127]

DuringEmperor Jing's reign, the Han court initiated breeding programs for military horses and established 36 large government pastures in the border regions, extending fromLiaodongtoBeidi.[128]In preparation for the military use of the horses, the best breeds were selected to partake military training.[128]The Xiongnu frequently raided the Han government pastures, because the military horses were of great strategic importance for the Han military against them.[128]By the time of Emperor Wu's reign, the horses amounted to well over 450,000.[128]

At the start of Emperor Wu's reign, the Han empire had astanding armycomprising 400,000 troops, which included 80,000 to 100,000 cavalrymen, essential to the future campaigns against the Xiongnu.[129]However, by 124 BC, that number had grown to a total of 600,000 to 700,000 troops, including 200,000 to 250,000 cavalrymen.[129]In order to sustain the military expeditions against the Xiongnu and its resulting conquests, Emperor Wu and his economic advisors undertook many economic and financial reforms, which proved to be highly successful.[129]

In 14 AD, Yan Yu presented the difficulties of conducting extended military campaigns against the Xiongnu.[63]For a 300-day campaign, each Han soldier needed 360 liters of dried grain.[63]These heavy supplies had to be carried by oxen, but experience showed that an ox could only survive for about 100 days in the desert.[63]Once in the territory of the Xiongnu, the harsh weather would also prove to be very inhospitable for the Han soldiers, who could not carry enough fuel for the winter.[63]For these reasons, according to Yan Yu, military expeditions seldom lasted longer than 100 days.[63]

For their western campaigns against the Xiongnu, the Han armies exacted their food supplies from the Western Regions.[130]This placed a heavy burden to the western states, thus the Han court decided to initiate agricultural garrisons in Bugur and Kurla.[130]DuringEmperor Zhao's reign (r. 87–74 BC), the agricultural garrison in Bugur was expanded to accommodate the heavy Han military presence which was the natural result of the empire's westward expansion.[130]DuringEmperor Xuan's reign (r. 74–49 BC), the farming soldiers in Kurla were increased to 1500 under Protector-GeneralZheng Ji's administration in order to support the military expeditions against the Xiongnu in Turfan.[130]Immediately after the Han conquest of Turfan, Zheng established an agricultural garrison in Turfan.[130]Even though, the Xiongnu unsuccessfully tried to prevent the Han from making Turfan into a major economic base by military force and threats.[130]


Belt Buckle withnomadic-inspiredzoomorphic design,manufactured in China for theXiongnu.Mercury-gildedbronze(a Chinese technique). North China, 3rd-2nd century BC.[131][132]

In 162 BC, the Xiongnu troops ofLaoshang Chanyuhad invaded and driven the Yuezhi from their homeland; the Chanyu had theYuezhimonarch executed and hisskull fashioned into a drinking cup.[61][133]Thus the Han court decided it was favourable to send an envoy to the Yuezhi to secure a military alliance.[134]In 138 BC, the diplomatZhang Qianleft with an envoy and headed towards the Yuezhi encampments.[61][135]However, the envoy was captured by the Xiongnu and held hostage.[61][134]A decade went by, until Zhang Qian and some of his convoy escaped.[61][134]They travelled to the territories ofFerghana(DayuanÐại Uyên ),Soghdiana(KangjuKhang cư ), andBactria(DaxiaĐại hạ ), ultimately finding the Yuezhi forces north of theAmu River.[134]Despite their efforts, the envoy could not secure a military alliance.[72][134]As the Yuezhi had settled in those new lands for quite some time, they had almost no desire to wage a war against the Xiongnu.[72][134]In 126 BC, Zhang Qian headed to theHexi Corridorin order to return to his nation.[35]While traveling through the area, he was captured by the Xiongnu, only to escape a year later and return to China in 125 BC.[50]

The Xiongnu attempted to negotiate peace several times, but every time the Han court would accept nothing less than tributary submission of the Xiongnu.[136]Tributary relations with the Han comprised out of several things.[137]Firstly, the Chanyu or his representative was required to come pay homage to the Han court.[137]Secondly the heir apparent or a prince needed to be delivered to the Han court as hostage.[137]Thirdly, the Chanyu had to present tribute to the Han emperor and in return will receive imperial gifts.[137]Accepting the tributary system meant that the Xiongnu were lowered to the status of outer vassal, while the marriage alliance meant that the two nations were regarded as equal states.[137][138]In 119 BC,Yizhixie Chanyu(126–114) sent an envoy, hoping to achieve peaceful relations with the Han.[136]However, the peace negotiations collapsed, since the Han court disregarded his terms and gave him the option to become an outer vassal instead, which infuriated Yizhixie Chanyu.[136]In 107 BC,Wuwei Chanyu(114–105) also attempted to negotiate peaceful relations and even halted the border raids.[136]In response, the Han disregarded his terms and demanded that the Chanyu sent his heir apparent as a hostage toChang'an,which once again led to the breakdown of the peace negotiations.[136]

In 53 BC, Huhanye Chanyu decided to submit to the Han court.[137]He sent his son Zhulouqutang ( chu khắc cừ đường ), the Tuqi King of the Right, as hostage to the Han court in 53 BC.[137]In 52 BC, he formally requested through the officials at the Wuyuan commandery to have an audience with the Han court to pay homage.[137]Thus, the next year (51 BC), he arrived at court and personally paid homage toEmperor Xuanduring theChinese New Year.[137]In 49 BC, he traveled to the Han court for a second time to pay homage to the emperor.[121]In 53 BC, Zhizhi Chanyu also sent his son as hostage to the Han court.[139]In 51 and 50 BC, he sent two envoys respectively to Han to present tribute, but failed to personally come to the Han court to pay homage.[139]Therefore, he was rejected by the Han court, leading to the execution of a Han envoy in 45 BC.[140]In 33 BC, Huhanye Chanyu came to the Han court to pay homage again.[139]During his visit, he asked to become an imperial son-in-law.[139]Instead of granting him this request,Emperor Yuandecided to give him a court lady-in-waiting.[139]Thus, the Han court allowed Huhanye Chanyu to marry LadyWang Zhaojun.[139][140]Yituzhiyashi ( y đồ trí nha sư ), the son of Huhanye and Wang Zhaojun, became a vocal partisan for the Han empire within the Xiongnu realm.[141]Although peaceful relations were momentarily achieved, it fully collapsed when the Han officialWang Mangcame to power.[106][142]

When Bi, the Southern Chanyu, decided submit to the Han in 50 AD, he sent a princely son as hostage to the Han court and prostrated to the Han envoy as he received the imperial edict from them.[143]During the Eastern Han period, the tributary system had made some significant changes, which placed the Southern Xiongnu more tightly under regulation and supervision of the Han.[143]The Chanyu was required to send tribute and a princely hostage annually, while an imperial messenger would be dispatched to escort the previous princely hostage back.[144]The Southern Xiongnu were resettled inside the empire at the northern commanderies and were overseen by a Han prefect, who acted as an arbiter in their legal cases and monitored their movements.[145]Attempts by Punu, the Northern Chanyu, to establish peaceful relations with the Han empire always failed, because the Northern Xiongnu were unwilling to come under Han's tributary system and the Han court had no interest to treat them along the same lines as the Southern Xiongnu instead of dividing them.[146]


Commanderies of the Han empire, 2 AD

In 169 BC, the Han minister Chao Cuo presented to Emperor Wen a memorandum on frontier defence and the importance of agriculture.[147]Chao characterized the Xiongnu as people whose livelihood did not depend on permanent settlement and were always migrating.[148]As such, he wrote, the Xiongnu could observe the Han frontier and attack when there were too few troops stationed in a certain region.[148]He noted that if troops are mobilized in support, then few troops will be insufficient to defeat the Xiongnu, while many troops will arrive too late as the Xiongnu will have retreated by then.[148]He also noted that keeping the Xiongnu mobilized will be at a great expense, while they will just raid another time after dispersing them.[148]To negate these difficulties, Chao Cuo elaborated a proposal, which in essence suggested thatmilitary-agricultural settlementswith permanent residents should be established to secure the frontier and that surrendered tribes should serve along the frontier against the Xiongnu.[148]

When Emperor Wu made the decision to conquer the Hexi Corridor, he had the intention to separate the Xiongnu from the Western Regions and from theQiangpeople.[149]In 88 BC, the Xianling tribe of the Qiang people sent an envoy to the Xiongnu, proposing a joint-attack against the Han in the region as they were discontented that they had lost the fertile lands at Jiuquan and Zhangye.[149]It had often been the meeting place between the Xiongnu and the Qiang before the Han empire had conquered and annexed the Hexi Corridor.[149]In 6 BC, Wang Shun ( vương Thuấn ) andLiu Xinnoted that the frontier commanderies of Jiuquan, Zhangye, and Dunhuang were established by Emperor Wu to separate the then-powerful Chuoqiang tribe of the Qiang people from the Xiongnu.[149]The Chuoqiang tribe and its king, however, eventually submitted to the Han empire and took part in the campaigns against the Xiongnu.[150]

In 119 BC, when the Xiongnu suffered a catastrophic defeat by the Han armies, the Chanyu moved his court (located in present-day Inner Mongolia) to another location north.[151][152]This had the desired result that the Xiongnu were separated from the Wuhuan people, which also prevented the Xiongnu from exacting many resources from the Wuhuan.[151]The Han court placed the Wuhuan in tributary protection and resettled them in five northeastern commanderies, namelyShanggu,Yuyang,Youbeiping(present-dayHebei),Liaoxi,andLiaodong(present-dayLiaoning).[153]A new office, the Colonel-Protector of the Wuhuan, was established in Shanggu in order to prevent contact between the Wuhuan with the Xiongnu and to use them to monitor the Xiongnu activities.[153]Nevertheless, the effective Han control over the Wuhuan was lacking through much of the Western Han period, since the Xiongnu had considerable military and political influence over the Wuhuan while relations between the Wuhuan and Han often remained strained at best.[154]This can be exemplified by a situation in 78 BC, when the Xiongnu led a punitive campaign against the Wuhuan, resulting in General Fan Mingyou ( phạm minh hữu ) leading a Han army to impede further incursions.[155]When they learned that the Xiongnu had left by the time the army arrived, the Han court ordered Fan to attack the Wuhuan instead, killing 6000 Wuhuan men and three chieftains, since the Wuhuan had recently raided Han territory.[155]Only in 49 AD, when 922 Wuhuan chieftains submitted during Emperor Guangwu's reign, did many of the Wuhuan tribes come under tributary system of the Han empire.[156]The Han court provided for the Wuhuan and in return the Wuhuan tribes guarded the Han frontier against the Xiongnu and other nomadic peoples.[156][157]

When the Hunye King surrendered to the Han in 121 BC, the Han court resettled all the 40,000 Xiongnu people from the Hexi Corridor into the northern frontier regions.[158]The Hexi Corridor proved to be an invaluable region, since it gave direct access and became the base of military operations into theWestern Regions[48]Possession of the Western Regions was economically critical to the Xiongnu, since they exacted many of their necessary resources from the western states.[159]The diplomat Zhang Qian suggested to the emperor to establish diplomatic relations with the western states.[160]He proposed to try convince theWusunin reoccupying their former territory in the Hexi Corridor and to form an alliance with them against the Xiongnu.[160]In 115 BC, Zhang Qian and his men were sent towards the Western Regions, but they did not succeed in convincing the Wusun to relocate.[161]They were, however, successful in establishing contact with the many states, such as Wusun, Dayuan (Ferghana),Kangju(Soghdiana),Daxia(Bactria), andYutian(Khotan).[161]Although the Han empire tried to diplomatically sway the western states over the years, it met with little success due to the Xiongnu's influence over the Western Regions at the time.[162]Therefore, from 108 BC onwards, the Han resorted to conquest in order to bring the western states to submission.[163]

Since Loulan (Cherchen) was the closest western state to Han, it was key for the Han empire's expansion into Central Asia.[164]Turfan (Jushi), on the other hand, was the Xiongnu's entrance into the Western Regions.[165]By conquering Loulan and Turfan, the Han empire would gain two critical locations in the Western Regions, achieving direct access to theWusunin theIli Rivervalley andDayuan(Ferghana) betweenSyrandAmu Darya.[164]This happened in 108 BC, when General Zhao Ponu conquered these two states.[164]The farthest-reaching invasion wasLi Guangli's campaignagainstFerghana.[66]If the Han armies succeeded in conquering Ferghana, the Han empire would demonstrate certain military might to the western states and consolidate its control, while gaining many of the famedFerghana horses.[164]The Xiongnu were aware of the situation and attempted to stop the invasion, but they were defeated byLi Guangli's forces.[164]After a campaign that lasted four years, Li Guangli conquered Ferghana in 101 BC.[164]

The control over Turfan, however, often fluctuated due to its proximity to the Xiongnu.[166]In 90 BC, General Cheng Wan ( thành vãn ) led the troops of six western states against Turfan to prevent it from allying the Xiongnu.[166]The fact that the forces used comprised solely from the troops of the western states was, asLewis (2007)remarked, a clear indication of the political influence that the Han empire had over the region.[167]Cheng was a former Xiongnu king himself, but he had submitted to the Han and was ennobled as Marquis of Kailing ( khai lăng hầu ).[166]As a result of the expedition, the Han court received the formal submission of Turfan later in the year (90 BC).[166]This victory was significant in the sense that Turfan's location was the closest to the Xiongnu of all the western states, thereby they lost their access into the Western Regions with this Han conquest.[167]

In 67 BC, the Han empire gained absolute control over theTurfan Depressionafter inflicting asignificant defeatto the Xiongnu.[166]During the former Xiongnu rule of the Western Regions, the area was under the jurisdiction of the Rizhu King ( ngày trục vương ) with the office "Commandant in Charge of Slaves".[168]However, in 60 BC, the Rizhu King surrendered to Protector GeneralZheng Ji.[168]Afterwards (60 BC), the Han imperial court established theProtectorate of the Western Regions.[70][166][169]The Han empire, now in absolute control of theWestern Regions,placed it under the jurisdiction of itsProtector General.[170][171]As its dominance of the area was established, the Han were effectively controlling the trade and shaping the early history of what would be known as theSilk Road.[70]

In 25 AD,Liu Xiuwas established as Emperor Guangwu, restoring the Han throne after a usurpation by the Han officialWang Mang,thus initiating the Eastern Han period.[98]During his reign, the Han empire began to abandon its offensive strategy against the Xiongnu, which allowed the latter to frequently raid the northern frontier.[172]It resulted in large migrations southwards, which led to the depopulation of the frontier regions.[172]During the Eastern Han period, various nomadic peoples were resettled in these frontier regions, serving the Han empire as cavalry against the Xiongnu.[172]With his primary focus still towards the interior of the empire, Emperor Guangwu declined several requests from the western states to re-establish the office ofProtector-General of the Western Regions.[173]Early in Emperor Guangwu's reign, King Kang of Yarkand united neighbouring kingdoms to resist the Xiongnu.[174]At the same time, he protected the Han officials and people of the former Protector-General, who were still left behind after Wang Mang's reign.[174]In 61 AD, Yarkand was conquered by Khotan and the western states fell in conflict with each other.[174]Taking this opportunity, the Northern Xiongnu recovered their control over the Western Regions, which threatened the security of the Hexi Corridor.[174]In 73 AD, GeneralDou Guwas sent on a punitive expedition to the Xiongnu and inflicted them a considerable defeat.[109]Immediately, the fertile lands of Hami (Yiwu) was reoccupied and an agricultural garrison established.[109]The next year (74 AD), he expelled the Xiongnu from Turfan and reoccupied the state.[109]The recovery of Hami and Turfan facilitated the re-establishment of the Protector-General, since these important locations were key points to control the Western Regions.[109]

See also[edit]

  • Book of Han,a classical historiographical work covering the early history of the Han empire
  • Han dynasty in Inner Asia,expansion of realm and influence of the Han dynasty in Inner Asia
  • Han–Nanyue War,a military campaign launched by Emperor Wu against Nanyue
  • Gojoseon–Han War,a military campaign launched by Emperor Wu against Gojoseon
  • The Emperor in Han Dynasty,a 2005 Chinese television series based on the life story of Emperor Wu
  • Li Ling,a Han military leader and defector to the Xiongnu
  • Records of the Grand Historian,a classical historiographical work written in this era
  • Sima Qian,author of theRecords of the Grand Historianwho was punished for defending Li Ling
  • Su Wu,a Han statesman and diplomat who was a captive of the Xiongnu for about two decades


  1. ^In the Xiongnu hierarchy, the Chanyu was the supreme leader (Lewis 2007,131).
  2. ^Second to the Chanyu in power were the Tuqi Kings; the Tuqi Kings are also called the "Wise Kings", where the Xiongnu word for "Tuqi" means "Wise" (Lewis 2007,131).
  3. ^The Tuqi King of the Left was generally designated as the successor of the Chanyu (Lewis 2007,131).
  4. ^The translation given byHulsewé (1979,90) is as follows: "TheSon of Heavenhas sent me to punish the king, by reason of his crime in turning against Han. It is fitting that in his place you should enthrone his younger brother Wei-t'u-ch'i who is at present in Han. Han troops are about to arrive here; do not dare to make any move which would result in yourselves bringing about the destruction of your state. "
  5. ^Second to the Chanyu in power were the Tuqi Kings, followed by the Luli Kings (Lewis 2007,131).
  6. ^The translation given byLewis (2007,137) states: "Your servant humbly thinks back on how since his ancestor submitted to the Han we have been blessed with your support, keeping a sharp watch on the passes and providing strong armies for more than forty years. Your subjects have been born and reared in Han territory and have depended entirely on the Han for food. Each year we received gifts counted in the hundreds of millions [of cash]."


  1. ^Chang 2007b,8.
  2. ^Yü 1986,438.
  3. ^Graff 2002,pp. 39, 40.
  4. ^abcGraff 2002,p. 40.
  5. ^abcdWu 2013,71.
  6. ^Nara Shiruku Rōdo-haku Kinen Kokusai Kōryū Zaidan; Shiruku Rōdo-gaku Kenkyū Sentā (2007).Opening up the Silk Road: the Han and the Eurasian world.Nara International Foundation Commemorating the Silk Road Exposition. p. 23.ISBN978-4-916071-61-3.Retrieved2 February2013.
  7. ^abcCosmo 1999,892–893.
  8. ^abLewis 2007,59.
  9. ^abCosmo 1999,964.
  10. ^abBeckwith 2009,71.
  11. ^Beckwith 2009,71–72.
  12. ^Cheng 2005,15.
  13. ^abYü 1986,385–386.
  14. ^abcYü 1986,386.
  15. ^Yü 1986,388.
  16. ^Lewis 2007,132–136.
  17. ^Chang 2007a,152.
  18. ^Guo 2002,180.
  19. ^Lewis 2000,43.
  20. ^abCosmo 2002,211–214.
  21. ^abcYü 1986,389–390.
  22. ^Barfield 2001,25.
  23. ^abcdefGuo 2002,185.
  24. ^abcWhiting 2002,146.
  25. ^Cosmo 2002,214.
  26. ^Torday 1997,91–92.
  27. ^Chang 2007a,159.
  28. ^abcdefYü 1986,390.
  29. ^Whiting 2002,147.
  30. ^abcdWhiting 2002,148.
  31. ^abYü 1986,390.
  32. ^Cosmo 2002,237–239.
  33. ^Gernet 1996,120.
  34. ^Chang 2007a,189.
  35. ^abcWhiting 2002,149.
  36. ^Lovell 2006,71.
  37. ^Loewe 2009,69–70.
  38. ^abYamashita & Lindesay 2007,153–154.
  39. ^abWhiting 2002,151.
  40. ^abcWhiting 2002,151–152.
  41. ^abcdeTucker et al. 2010,109.
  42. ^Chang 2007a,5.
  43. ^abcWhiting 2002,152–153.
  44. ^abDeng 2007,53–54.
  45. ^abcdChang 2007a,201.
  46. ^Whiting 2002,153.
  47. ^Barfield 1981,50.
  48. ^abcYü 1986,391.
  49. ^abChang 2007b,8.
  50. ^abChristian 1998,196.
  51. ^Cosmo 2002,240.
  52. ^abcWhiting 2002,154.
  53. ^abcChang 1966,158.
  54. ^Loewe 2009,72.
  55. ^Barfield 1981,58.
  56. ^abcdefgWhiting 2002,154–155.
  57. ^Chang 1966,161.
  58. ^Sima & Watson, 1993.
  59. ^abWhiting 2002,155.
  60. ^abMillward 2006,21.
  61. ^abcdeGolden 2011,29.
  62. ^Cosmo 2002,250–251.
  63. ^abcdefYü 1986,390–391.
  64. ^Lewis 2007,137–138.
  65. ^Chang 2007b,174.
  66. ^abYü 1986,409–411.
  67. ^Loewe 2009,71.
  68. ^Qingbo, Duan (January 2023)."Sino-Western Cultural Exchange as Seen through the Archaeology of the First Emperor's Necropolis".Journal of Chinese History.7(1): 52.doi:10.1017/jch.2022.25.
  69. ^Maenchen-Helfen, Otto; Helfen, Otto (1 January 1973).The World of the Huns: Studies in Their History and Culture.University of California Press. pp. 369–370.ISBN978-0-520-01596-8.
  70. ^abcdeGolden 2011,30.
  71. ^abcHaar 2009,75.
  72. ^abcdLovell 2006,73.
  73. ^abcGolden 2011,29–30.
  74. ^Boulnois 2004,82.
  75. ^Millward 1998,25.
  76. ^abcYü 1994,132.
  77. ^abcdefHulsewé 1979,89–91.
  78. ^abBaumer 2003,134.
  79. ^Chang 2007a,225.
  80. ^Cosmo, Nicola Di."Aristocratic elites in the Xiongnu empire":161.Retrieved2019-01-11.{{cite journal}}:Cite journal requires|journal=(help)
  81. ^Monumenta Serica, Volume 52 2004,p. 81.
  82. ^abcdYü 1994,135.
  83. ^Zadneprovskiy 1999,460.
  84. ^Yü 2002,138.
  85. ^Barfield 1981,51.
  86. ^Lewis 2007,137.
  87. ^Spakowski 1999,216.
  88. ^abYü 1986,394–395.
  89. ^Psarras 2004,82.
  90. ^Grousset 2002,37–38
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  92. ^abLoewe 1986,211–213.
  93. ^abWhiting 2002,179.
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  95. ^Loewe 2006,60.
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  97. ^abBielenstein 1986,237.
  98. ^abTanner 2009,110.
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  112. ^abcdYü 1986,415.
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  115. ^Lewis 2007,138.
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  119. ^Yü 1986,405.
  120. ^Tanner 2009,116.
  121. ^abLewis 2007,137.
  122. ^Wintle 2002,99.
  123. ^Cosmo 2002,203–204.
  124. ^Yü 1967,14.
  125. ^Chang 2007b,18.
  126. ^abcdefLewis 2000,46–47.
  127. ^abcCosmo 2002,203.
  128. ^abcdChang 2007a,151–152.
  129. ^abcChang 2007a,86–88.
  130. ^abcdefYü 1986,419.
  131. ^Bunker, Emma C. (2002).Nomadic Art of the Eastern Eurasian Steppes: The Eugene V. Thaw and Other Notable New York Collections.Metropolitan Museum of Art. p. 100, item 67.
  132. ^Bunker, Emma C. (2002).Nomadic Art of the Eastern Eurasian Steppes: The Eugene V. Thaw and Other Notable New York Collections.Metropolitan Museum of Art. p. 29.
  133. ^Yü 1994,127.
  134. ^abcdefMillward 2006,20.
  135. ^Lewis 2007,21.
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  137. ^abcdefghiYü 1986,395.
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  139. ^abcdefYü 1986,398.
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  141. ^Bielenstein 1986,236.
  142. ^Yü 1986,398–399.
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  145. ^Yü 1986,401.
  146. ^Yü 1986,403–404.
  147. ^Chang 2007a,147.
  148. ^abcdeLewis 2000,46–48.
  149. ^abcdYü 1986,424.
  150. ^Yü 1986,424–425.
  151. ^abYü 1986,436–437.
  152. ^Lewis 2007,149.
  153. ^abYü 1986,437.
  154. ^Yü 1986,437–438.
  155. ^abYü 1986,438.
  156. ^abYü 1986,438–439.
  157. ^Lewis 2007,150.
  158. ^Yü 1986,407.
  159. ^Lewis 2007,140.
  160. ^abYü 1986,407–408.
  161. ^abYü 1986,408.
  162. ^Yü 1986,408–409.
  163. ^Yü 1986,409.
  164. ^abcdefYü 1986,409–410.
  165. ^Yü 1986,409 & 415.
  166. ^abcdefYü 1986,410–411.
  167. ^abLewis 2007,145.
  168. ^abYü 1986,411.
  169. ^Bowman 2000,12.
  170. ^Millward 2006,22.
  171. ^Chang 2007a,229.
  172. ^abcLewis 2007,25.
  173. ^Yü 1986,413.
  174. ^abcdYü 1986,414.


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Further reading[edit]

  • Yap, Joseph P. (2019).The Western Regions, Xiongnu and Han, from the Shiji, Hanshu and Hou Hanshu.ISBN978-1792829154.