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Haplology(fromGreekἁπλόοςhaplóos"simple" andλόγοςlógos,"speech" ) is, in spoken language, theelision(elimination or deletion) of an entiresyllableor a part of it throughdissimilation(a differentiating shift that affects two neighboring similar sounds). The phenomenon was identified by AmericanphilologistMaurice Bloomfieldin the 20th century.[1]Linguists sometimes jokingly refer to the phenomenon as "haplogy",anautology.[2]As a general rule, haplology occurs in English adverbs of adjectives ending in "le", for examplegentlelygently;ablelyably.


  • Basque:sagarrardosagardo('apple cider')
  • German:ZaubererinZauberin(female 'wizard' or 'magician'; male: der Zauberer; female ending -in); this is a productive pattern applied to other words ending in (spelt)-erer.
  • Dutch:narcissismenarcisme('narcissism')
  • French:fémininitéféminité('femininity')
  • English:
    • Old EnglishEngla landEngle londEngland[1]
    • Old Englishcyning→ Englishking
    • morphophonologymorphonology[3]
    • conservativismconservatism
    • mononomialmonomial
    • urine analysisurinalysis
    • Colloquial (non-standard andeye dialectspellings signalled by *):
      • library(RP:/ˈlaɪbrəri/) → *libry/ˈlaɪbri/
      • particularly→ *particuly
      • probably→ *probly
      • February→ *Feburyor *Febr(u)y(compare e.g.Austrian GermanFeber)
      • representative→ *representive
      • authoritative→ *authoritive
      • deteriorate→ *deteriate
  • Latin:
    • nutritrixnutrix('nurse')
    • idololatriaidolatria(henceidolatry)
  • Biological Latin:
  • Homeric Greek:amphiphoreus(ἀμφιφορεύς) →amphoreus(ἀμφορεύς) ('two-handled pitcher,amphora')[5]
  • Arabic:
    • tataqātalūna(تَتَقَاتَلُونَ) →taqātalūna(تَقَاتَلُونَ) ('you are fighting each other')[6]
    • * ʾaʾkulu(*أَأْكُلُ) →ʾākulu(آكُلُ) ('I eat')
  • Spanish:impudiciciaimpudicia('lack of modesty', i.e. the nominal form ofimpúdico,'immodest')[7]
  • Portuguese:
    • idadosoidoso(aged person, senior)
    • femininismofeminismo(feminism)
    • Colloquially in sequences likecampo pequenopronounced like "campequeno" orfaculdade de letraspronounced like "faculdadletras".
  • Italian:
    • tragico-comicotragicomico('tragicomic')
    • domani mattinadomattina('tomorrow morning')


The reverse process is known asreduplication,the doubling of phonological material.

See also[edit]


  1. ^ab"Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day for February 6, 2008".Merriam-Webster Online.Retrieved2008-02-06.
  2. ^U. Pani Shad; et al. (1971)."Glossary of linguistic terminology".In Zwicky, Arnold M.; Salus, Peter H.; Binnick, Robert I.; Vanek, Anthony L. (eds.).Studies out in Left Field: Defamatory essays presented toJames D. McCawleyon his 33rd or 34th birthday.Linguistic Research. p. 125.Reprinted as:U. Pani Shad; et al. (1992)."Glossary of linguistic terminology".In Zwicky, Arnold M.; Salus, Peter H.; Binnick, Robert I.; Vanek, Anthony L. (eds.).Studies out in Left Field: Defamatory essays presented toJames D. McCawleyon his 33rd or 34th birthday.John Benjamins. p. 125.doi:10.1075/z.63.ISBN978-90-272-2111-7.
  3. ^Trubetskoy, N.S.(1969)."Appendix II: Thoughts on Morphonology".In Baltaxe (transl.), Christiane A. M. (ed.).Principles of Phonology.Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. p. 305.ISBN0-520-01535-5.By morphonology or morphophonology we understand, as is well known, the study of the utilization in morphology of the phonological means of language.Translated from the German (Grundzüge der Phonologie,Prague, 1939).
  4. ^"Mammal Species of the World - Browse: Nycteridae".bucknell.edu.Retrieved2010-06-19.
  5. ^Hock, Hans Henrich (1986). "Sound change: Dissimilation, haplology, metathesis".Principles of Historical Linguistics.De Gruyter. p. 109.ISBN3-11-010600-0.
  6. ^Kaye, Alan (1987). "Arabic". In Bernard Comrie (ed.).The World's Major Languages.Oxford University Press. p.567.ISBN0-19-520521-9.
  7. ^"DRAE entry for 'impudicicia'".Diccionario de la lengua española Vigésima tercera edición(in Spanish).Retrieved2017-11-02.


  • Crowley, Terry. (1997)An Introduction to Historical Linguistics.3rd edition. Oxford University Press.