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Hard-core predicate

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Incryptography,ahard-core predicateof aone-way functionfis apredicateb(i.e., a function whose output is a single bit) which is easy to compute (as a function ofx) but is hard to compute givenf(x).In formal terms, there is noprobabilistic polynomial-time (PPT) algorithmthat computesb(x)fromf(x)with probabilitysignificantly greaterthan one half over random choice ofx.[1]: 34 In other words, ifxis drawn uniformly at random, then givenf(x),any PPT adversary can only distinguish the hard-core bitb(x)and a uniformly random bit with negligibleadvantageover the length ofx.[2]

Ahard-core functioncan be defined similarly. That is, ifxis chosen uniformly at random, then givenf(x),any PPT algorithm can only distinguish the hard-core function valueh(x)and uniformly random bits of length|h(x)|with negligible advantage over the length ofx.[3][4]

A hard-core predicate captures "in a concentrated sense" the hardness of invertingf.

While a one-way function is hard to invert, there are no guarantees about the feasibility of computing partial information about thepreimagecfrom the imagef(x).For instance, whileRSAis conjectured to be a one-way function, theJacobi symbolof the preimage can be easily computed from that of the image.[1]: 121 

It is clear that if aone-to-one functionhas a hard-core predicate, then it must be one way.Oded GoldreichandLeonid Levin(1989) showed how every one-way function can be trivially modified to obtain a one-way function that has a specific hard-core predicate.[5]Letfbe a one-way function. Defineg(x,r) = (f(x), r)where the length ofris the same as that ofx.Letxjdenote thejthbit ofxandrjthejthbit ofr.Then

is a hard core predicate ofg.Note thatb(x, r)= <x, r> where <·, ·> denotes the standardinner producton thevector space(Z2)n.This predicate is hard-core due to computational issues; that is, it is not hard to compute becauseg(x, r)isinformation theoreticallylossy. Rather, if there exists an algorithm that computes this predicate efficiently, then there is another algorithm that can invertfefficiently.

A similar construction yields a hard-core function withO(log |x|)output bits. Supposefis a strong one-way function. Defineg(x, r)=(f(x), r)where |r| = 2|x|. Choose a length functionl(n)=O(log n)s.t.l(n)n.Let

Thenh(x, r):=b1(x, r) b2(x, r)... bl(|x|)(x, r)is a hard-core function with output lengthl(|x|).[6]

It is sometimes the case that an actual bit of the inputxis hard-core. For example, every single bit of inputs to the RSA function is a hard-core predicate of RSA and blocks ofO(log |x|)bits ofxare indistinguishable from random bit strings in polynomial time (under the assumption that the RSA function is hard to invert).[7]

Hard-core predicates give a way to construct apseudorandom generatorfrom anyone-way permutation.Ifbis a hard-core predicate of a one-way permutationf,andsis a random seed, then

is a pseudorandom bit sequence, wherefnmeans the n-th iteration of applyingfons,andbis the generated hard-core bit by each roundn.[1]: 132 

Hard-core predicates of trapdoor one-way permutations (known astrapdoor predicates) can be used to constructsemantically securepublic-key encryption schemes.[1]: 129 

See also

  • List-decoding(describes list decoding; the core of the Goldreich-Levin construction of hard-core predicates from one-way functions can be viewed as an algorithm for list-decoding theHadamard code).


  1. ^abcdGoldwasser, S.andBellare, M."Lecture Notes on Cryptography"Archived2012-04-21 at theWayback Machine.Summer course on cryptography, MIT, 1996-2001
  2. ^Definition 2.4 inLindell, Yehuda."Foundations of Cryptography 89-856"(PDF).Computer Science, Bar Ilan University.Bar Ilan University. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 19 January 2022.Retrieved11 January2016.
  3. ^Goldreich's FoC, vol 1, def 2.5.5.
  4. ^Definition 3 inHolenstein, Thomas; et al."Complete Classification of Bilinear Hard-Core Functions"(PDF).IACR eprint.IACR.Retrieved11 January2016.
  5. ^O. Goldreich and L.A. Levin,A Hard-Core Predicate for all One-Way Functions,STOC 1989, pp25–32.
  6. ^Goldreich's FoC, vol 1, Theorem 2.5.6.
  7. ^J. Håstad,M. Naslund,The Security of all RSA and Discrete Log Bits (2004):Journal of the ACM, 2004.
  • Oded Goldreich,Foundations of Cryptography vol 1: Basic Tools,Cambridge University Press, 2001.