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Harmost(fromAncient Greekἁρμοστής(harmostḗs)'joiner, adaptor') was aSpartanterm for amilitary governor.The Spartan generalLysanderinstituted several harmosts during the period ofSpartan hegemonyafter the end of thePeloponnesian Warin 404 BC. They were sent into their subject or conquered towns, partly to keep them in submission, and partly to abolish thedemocratic formof government, and establisholigarchiesinstead.

Although in many cases they were ostensibly sent for the purpose of abolishing the tyrannical government of a town and restoring freedom, they were accused of acting like kings or tyrants themselves,[citation needed]such that the grammarianDionysiusthought[citation needed]that harmost was merely another word for "king".

In thepeace of Antalcidasthe Lacedaemonians pledged to reestablish free governments in their subject towns, but they nevertheless continued to install harmosts in them.[1]EvenXenophon,generally pro-Spartan, censured the Spartans for the manner in which they allowed their harmosts to govern.[2]

It is uncertain how long the office of an harmost lasted; but considering that a governor of the same kind, who was appointed by the Lacedaemonians inCythera,with the title ofCytherodikes,held his office only for one year,[3]it is not improbable that the office of harmost was of the same duration.

TheThebansalso used the term during theTheban hegemony.

There is an earlier use of the word in a scholium toPindar's odes, but the meaning isn't explained. It has been proposed that these were officials sent as overseers into thePerioeci.[4]

See also



  1. ^Polybius 4.27
  2. ^XenophonDe Rep. Lac. C.14
  3. ^Thucydides 4.53
  4. ^A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,Perioeci