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Harra of Arhab

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Harra of Arhab
Sana'a volcanic field[1]
Sana'a-'Amranvolcanic field[1]
Highest point
Elevation3,100 m (10,200 ft)
Mountain typeVolcanic field
Last eruption500 CE ± 100 years[2][3][4]

The mainlyQuaternaryHarra of Arhabis the northernmost, historically activevolcanic field(Arabic:حَرَّة,romanized:Ḥarrah) inYemen.Also known as the "Sana'a-'Amranvolcanic field ", or simply the" Sana'a volcanic field ",[1]it has erupted in ancient times.[2][3][4]



The field is located on a 1500 km2volcanic plateau. The plateau contains a few small (older)stratovolcanoesand 60volcanic cones.The field is arranged on a north-northwest line. Youngerbasalticrocks from thePliocene-Holocene(northern end of the field), overlieRhyoliticrocks from theOligocene-Miocene,which covers most of the field. The volcano is located 30 km (19 mi) north of Yemen's capital city, Sana'a.[2][3][4]



A historical eruption in 200 AD (a VEI 2) took place on the flank of an older cinder cone (Jabal Zebib). Another eruption from the volcano in around 500 AD took place on the south flank of Kaulet Hattabcinder cone.It produced a lava flow that travelled for 9 km (5.6 mi), and caused some damage.[2][3][4]

See also



  1. ^abc"Harra of Arhab volcano".Volcano Discovery.
  2. ^abcdNeumann van Padang, Maur (1963),Catalogue of the active volcanoes and solfatara fields of Arabia and the Indian Ocean,vol. 16,Rome:IAVCEI,pp. 1–64,OCLC886615186
  3. ^abcdDavison, I.; Al-Kadasi, M.; Al-Khirbash, S.; Al-Subbary, A. K.; Baker, J.; Blakey, S.; Bosence, D.; Dart, C.; Heaton, R.; McClay, K.; Menzies, M.; Nichols, G.; Owen, L.; Yelland, A. (1994-11-01). "Geological evolution of the southeastern Red Sea Rift margin, Republic of Yemen".Geological Society of America Bulletin.106(11): 1474–1493.Bibcode:1994GSAB..106.1474D.doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1994)106<1474:GEOTSR>2.3.CO;2.
  4. ^abcdBaker, J. A.; Menzies, M. A.; Thirlwall, M. F.; Macpherson, C. G. (1997-10-01)."Petrogenesis of Quaternary intraplate volcanism, Sana'a, Yemen: implications for plume-lithosphere interaction and polybaric melt hybridization".Journal of Petrology.38(10): 1359–1390.doi:10.1093/petroj/38.10.1359.