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Helmut Bischoff

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Helmut Bischoff
Born1 March 1908
Glogau,Province of Silesia
German Empire
Died5 January 1993(1993-01-05)(aged 84)
AllegianceNazi GermanyNazi Germany

Helmut Hermann Wilhelm Bischoff(1 March 1908 – 1 January 1993) was aGermanSS-Obersturmbannführer,Gestapoofficer andNazi government official.DuringWorld War II,he was the leader ofEinsatzkommando 1/IVinPolandand later headed theGestapooffices inPoznań(Posen) andMagdeburg.

From 1943 to 1945 Bischoff served as a senior deputy toSS-ObergruppenführerHans Kammlerand was the chief of security for Germany'sV-weapons program.He later commanded theSicherheitsdienst(SD) at theMittelbau-Dora concentration camp.Following the war, Bischoff would spend nearly a decade inSoviet captivity.He was repatriated toWest Germanyin 1955. Between 1967 and 1970 Bischoff was a defendant in theEssen-Dora war crimes trial.

Early life


Bischoff was born on 1 March 1908 in thetownofGlogauin theProvince of Silesia,then a part of theGerman Empire(now:Głogów, Poland). He was the son of a prosperousmetzgermeister(master butcher) and attended theGlogauGymnasium.From 1923–1925 Bischoff was a member ofJungwiking,theyouth-wingof theViking League,anultra-nationalistandantisemiticparamilitary groupassociated with thefar-rightOrganisation Consulmovement. After graduating from gymnasium, Bischoff went on tostudy lawatLeipzig University(where he was a member of theLeipziger Burschenschaft Dresdendia) and theUniversity of Geneva.

It was during his time as a law student that Bischoff first became active in theNazi movement.He joined theNazi Partyin March 1930 (Member # 203 122) and theSturmabteilung(SA) in 1933. After receiving hisdoctorate of jurisprudence(Dr. jur.), Bischoff returned to his nativeLower Silesiaand worked as anassessorat thedistrict courtoffices inSchweidnitzandStrehlen.[1]By 1934, Bischoff had also begun serving as aconfidential informant(Vertrauensmann) for theSicherheitsdienst(SD), the Nazi Party's internalintelligence service.



After completing hislegal clerkship,Bischoff joined theSchutzstaffel(SS) in November 1935 (SS # 272 403). He entered theGestaposhortly afterward and served as chief of the organization's district bureau inLiegnitzuntil October 1936. Bischoff went on to lead the Gestapo departments inHarburg-Wilhelmsburg(1936-1937) andKöslin(1937-1939).[2]By the outbreak ofWorld War IIhe had risen to the rank ofSturmbannführer(Major) in theAllgemeine-SS.

Einsatzgruppe IV


During theinvasion of Polandin September 1939, Bischoff served as the commander ofEinsatzkommando 1/IV(a sub-unit ofLothar Beutel'sEinsatzgruppe IV) which was deployed in the northern Polish territories ofPomerania,Warsaw,BiałystokandPolesie.Bischoff's unit was involved in the bloodypacification of Bydgoszcz(Bromberg) along with themass-killing of ethnic Polescarried out as part ofOperation Tannenberg,the Naziethnic cleansingcampaign targeting Poland'sintelligentsiaand other members of the nation's elite.

On 27 September 1939 Bischoff and hisEinsatzkommandostaged a raid on the town ofPułtusk.The action ended with the mass-expulsion of the town's largeJewish populationfrom their homes, followed by theirdeportationacross theNarew Riverinto theSoviet-occupiedeast.[3]In October 1939Einsatzgruppe IVwas placed under the command ofSS-StandartenführerJosef Albert Meisingerand stationed inWarsaw,where it took part in the initial round-up of the city's Jewish residents, setting in motion their eventualghettoization.

Poznań & Magdeburg


Following the dissolution ofEinsatzgruppe IVin November 1939, Bischoff was transferred to thenewly annexed Polish territoryofReichsgau Warthelandand served as chief of theGestapofor the city ofPoznań(Posen). In this capacity Bischoff was also the actingcommandantof theFort VII concentration camp,which was initially called "KZ Posen" and in 1939 became "Übergangslager(transit camp) Fort VII ". While primarily a detention center, Fort VII also served as a regular execution site for many local Poles, Jews and thephysically or mentally disabled.Prisoners usually remained in the camp for about six months, before being sentenced to death, a long prison term or transfer to a larger concentration camp.[4]

Bischoff was promoted to the rank ofSS-Obersturmbannführer(Lieutenant Colonel) in September 1941 and returned toGermany,where he had been appointed chief of the State Police Headquarters (Staatspolizeileitstelle) inMagdeburg.Bischoff played a central role in orchestrating thedeportation of the Jewsfrom Magdeburg and the nearby towns ofStendal,Dessau,BernburgandAschersleben.Hundreds of German Jews were deported by theSS and security servicesbetween November 1942 and March 1943. The initial wave of deportees were routed mainly to theghettoesofTheresienstadtandWarsaw,while later rail transports were dispatched directly toAuschwitz-Birkenau.[5]

V-weapons security chief


In December 1943 Bischoff was reassigned to theSS-Main Economic and Administrative Office(SS-WVHA) and attached to thegeneral staffofSS-ObergruppenführerHans Kammler,ostensibly as a representative of theOrganisation Todt.Kammler was the director ofAmtsgruppe C(Buildings and Works), the organization tasked with managing the extensivecivilandmilitary engineeringprojects of the SS-WVHA. This included the construction of factories, storehouses and other manufacturing facilities for Germany's varioussecret weapons programs.

Most of Germany'sV-1 flying bombsandV-2 ballistic missileswere produced atMittelwerk,a major armaments factory housed in an elaborate tunnel system in theHarz Mountainsthat had been built, and was partially administered, byAmtsgruppe C.The complex and dangerous work performed to assemble the V-weapons themselves was done under brutal conditions in the tunnels by thousands ofslave-laborers(mainlyRussians,PolesandFrench,among other nationalities) drawn from the inmate population of the adjunctMittelbau-Dora concentration camp.

Bischoff was appointed by Kammler to serve as "Defense Officer" (Abwehrbeauftragter) forGermany'sV-weaponsprogram. As chief of security, Bischoff managedcounter-intelligenceoperations by the German security services meant to conceal the Nazi missile production program's existence fromAllied intelligence.Bischoff was also responsible for preventing organized attempts by Mittelwerk'sprisoner-laborersto sabotage theV-weaponsduring the assembly process.[6]



In February 1944 theSS police and security servicesin theNordhausen district(which surroundedMittelwerkand the adjunct camp ofMittelbau-Dora) were placed under the authority of Bischoff's organization, now headquartered inIlfeld.Counter-sabotage operations began soon after, mainly targeting the numerousresistance organizationsoperating among the prisoners working in the tunnels atMittelwerkand those imprisoned in the camp at Dora.[7]

At Bischoff's direction, Mittelbau-Dora'sPolitische Abteilung(Political Department) had the leaders of the camp'sRussian,FrenchandCommunistinmates rounded up in November 1944 and interned insolitary confinement.Many of those taken into custody were interrogated undertorturewith some later being executed.[8]In February 1945 theSS administrationof Mittelbau-Dora was reorganized under formerAuschwitzcommandantRichard Baer.Under this new arrangement, Bischoff took over as chief of the camp'sSicherheitsdienst(SD) bureau.

As chief of the camp's SD, Bischoff supervised a wave ofexecutionsat Mittelbau-Dora in March 1945 that saw hundreds of prisoners, mostlySoviet POWs,killed in a series ofmass-hangings.He also ordered the surviving leadership of the camp'sresistance organizationsto be shot byfiring squadprior to the liberation of Mittelbau-Dora by theUS Armyin April 1945.[9]In all, roughly 20,000 people died at eitherMittelwerkorMittelbau-Dorabetween 1943 and 1945.



Following theGerman defeat,Bischoff went into hiding inBavariaandHamburgbefore returning toMagdeburg,where he was identified and arrested by theSoviet security servicesin January 1946. Bischoff was interned atNKVD Special Camp No. 1nearMühlberguntil September 1948 when he was transferred toNKVD Special Camp No. 2(formerly theBuchenwald concentration camp) outside ofWeimar.

In January 1950 Bischoff was deported to theSoviet Union.He was sentenced to twenty five yearshard laborby amilitary tribunalinMoscowand sent to aGerman POW camplocated inSiberia.Bischoff would remain imprisoned in the USSR for the next five years. In October 1955 Bischoff would be among the last German prisoners of war and war criminals to be released from captivity by theSoviet Union.After resettling inWest Germany,Bischoff was employed by theGerman Red Cross-Tracing Servicefrom 1957 to 1965.[10]

Essen-Dora trial


On 17 November 1967 Bischoff and two other formerSS officerswho had served with him atMittelbau-Dora,wereindictedforwar crimesby the district court inEssen.The charges against Bischoff stemmed from his involvement in the series ofmass executionsthat occurred at Mittelbau-Dora between February–April 1945. He was also charged with the use oftortureon prisoners underinterrogation.Bischoff entered a plea ofnot guilty.[11]

The trial (known as theEssen-Dora Process) began in November 1967 and would continue for two and a half years. The proceedings included the testimony of over 300 witnesses, among them formerNazi Armaments MinisterAlbert Speerand the famed inventor of theV-2 rocket,Wernher von Braun,now a premierrocket scientistin theUnited States.The eminentEast Germanjurist Friedrich Karl Kaul served as counsel for the plaintiffs.

On 5 May 1970 the case against Bischoff waspostponedby the court due toreasons of his poor health.[12]He was thus able to avoid being formally convicted of war crimes. The case against Bischoff was dropped on the grounds that:

If the main hearings were to be continued, there were serious grounds for assuming that the defendant... would be accused of being guilty of murder in a manner which, according to experts, would lead to an excessive rise of blood pressure.[13]

Other attempts to prosecute Bischoff for his wartime activities also met with little success. An investigation by the district court ofWest Berlininto his involvement with theEinsatzgruppenkillings in Bydgoszczwas discontinued in 1971, citing alack of evidence.A further effort to prosecute Bischoff, this time for atrocities committed during his tenure as the Gestapo chief of Poznań, was likewise abandoned in 1976, once again owing to Bischoff's precarious health. Bischoff continued to reside inWest Germanyfor the remainder of his life. He died inHamburgon 1 January 1993.[14]


  1. ^Jens-Christian Wagner:Produktion des Todes: Das KZ Mittelbau-Dora,Göttingen 2001, S. 666.
  2. ^Ernst Klee:The Encyclopedia of persons to the Third Reich.Wer war was vor und nach 1945. Who was that before and after 1945. Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Zweite aktualisierte Auflage, Frankfurt am Main 2005, S. 51. Penguin Books, second edition, Frankfurt am Main 2005, p. 51.
  3. ^Ernst Klee:The Encyclopedia of persons to the Third Reich.Wer war was vor und nach 1945. Who was that before and after 1945. Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Zweite aktualisierte Auflage, Frankfurt am Main 2005, S. 51. Penguin Books, second edition, Frankfurt am Main 2005, p. 51.
  4. ^hospital Owinska and Fort VII in Poznanat deathcamps.org
  5. ^Alfred Gottwaldt, Diana Schulle:The Deportation of Jews from the German Reich 1941-1945 - An Annotated Chronology,Wiesbaden, 2005,ISBN3-86539-059-5.
  6. ^Ernst Klee:The Encyclopedia of persons to the Third Reich.Wer war was vor und nach 1945. Who was that before and after 1945. Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Zweite aktualisierte Auflage, Frankfurt am Main 2005, S. 51. Penguin Books, second edition, Frankfurt am Main 2005, p. 51.
  7. ^Jens-Christian Wagner,Production of Death: The Mittelbau-Dora,Göttingen, 2001 S. 666th.
  8. ^Sellier, Andre.A History of the Dora Camp.Chicago: Ivan R. Dee. 2003.
  9. ^"Mittelbau: Last Phase".Ushmm.org.Retrieved30 May2012.
  10. ^Jens-Christian Wagner,Production of Death: The Mittelbau-Dora,Göttingen, 2001 S. 666th.
  11. ^André Sellier:Forced Labor in the missile tunnel - History of the Dora camp,Lüneburg, 2000, p. 518.
  12. ^Ernst Klee:The Encyclopedia of the Third Reich persons,Fischer Taschenbuch 2005, S. 51, Quelle: 24 Js 549/61 (Z) OStA Köln. Penguin Books 2005, p. 51, source: 24 Js 549/61 (Z) OSTA Cologne.
  13. ^Ernst Klee:The Encyclopedia of the Third Reich persons,Fischer Taschenbuch 2005, S. 51, Quelle: 24 Js 549/61 (Z) OStA Köln. Penguin Books 2005, p. 51, source: 24 Js 549/61 (Z) OSTA Cologne.
  14. ^Sellier, Andre.A History of the Dora Camp.Chicago: Ivan R. Dee. 2003.