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The charts below show the way in which theInternational Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)representsMalagasypronunciations in Wikipedia articles. For a guide to adding IPA characters to Wikipedia articles, seeTemplate:IPAandWikipedia:Manual of Style/Pronunciation § Entering IPA characters.

IPA Orthography nearest English equivalent
b b bill
d d dill
d͡z j heads~ hedge[1]
ɖʐ dr Jill ~drill[2]
f f fill
ɡ g gill
h h hill ~ ill
k k skill
l l lill
m m mill
n n nil
ŋ song
p p spill
r r rill (trilled)
s s sill ~shill[1]
t t still
t͡s ts cats~ catch[1]
ʈʂ tr chill ~trill[2]
v v villa
z z blaze ~ beige[1]
IPA Example Note
ˈˌ stress (placed before stressed syllable)
IPA Orthography nearest English equivalent
a a fat ~ father
e e pet ~ plate
i i, y seat
o ô, ao, oa old
u o coot
aj ai, ay eye;Danishej
aw ao Lao,often low
ej ei, ey grey
uj oy phooey!; Frenchgrenouille
Reduced vowels
ə a sofa
ə̥ a paternal (whispered)
ʲ y, i Preceding consonant ispalatalized,i.e. pronounced as if a 'y' followed it; similar to minion
ʷ o quick but not fully rounding the lips
ː (long vowel)


  1. ^abcd/tsdzsz/vary between these sounds, depending on speaker and situation. The latter is especially common when followed by the vowel/i/,including its reduced form[ʲ].That is,[sʲ]is generally closer to Englishshill.
  2. ^abAs the Malagasy spellings ‹tr, dr› suggest,/ʈʂɖʐ/may be released into a trill, depending on speaker and situation.

See also[edit]