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Hen Ogledd

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Yr Hen Ogledd(Welsh pronunciation:[ərˌheːnˈɔɡlɛð]), meaningthe Old North,is thehistorical regionthat was inhabited by theBrittonic peopleofsub-Roman Britainin theEarly Middle Ages,nowNorthern Englandand the southernScottish Lowlands,alongside the fellow Brittonic CelticKingdom of Elmet.Its population spoke a variety of theBrittonic languageknown asCumbricwhich is closely related to, if not a dialect ofOld Welsh.Thepeople of Walesand the Hen Ogledd considered themselves to be one people, and both were referred to asCymry('fellow-countrymen') from the Brittonic wordcombrogi.The Hen Ogledd was distinct from the parts ofGreat Britaininhabited by thePicts,Anglo-Saxons,andScoti.

The major kingdoms of the Hen Ogledd wereElmet,Gododdin,Rheged,and theKingdom of Strathclyde(Welsh:Ystrad Clud). Smaller kingdoms includedAeronandCalchfynydd.Eidyn,Lleuddiniawn,andManaw Gododdinwere evidently parts of Gododdin. The laterAnglekingdoms ofDeiraandBerniciaboth had Brittonic-derived names, suggesting they may have been Brittonic kingdoms originally. All the kingdoms of the Hen Ogledd except Strathclyde were gradually either integrated or subsumed by the emerging Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, Gaelic Scots and fellow Brittonic Picts by about 800; Strathclyde was eventually incorporated into the risingMiddle Irish-speakingKingdom of Scotlandin the 11th century.

The memory of the Hen Ogledd remained strong in Wales after its fall, and indeed the term came into being in Wales after the destruction of the Brittonic kingdoms of the north. Welsh tradition included genealogies of theGwŷr y Gogledd,or Men of the North, and several important Welsh dynasties traced their lineage to them. A number of important early Welsh texts were attributed to the Men of the North, such asTaliesin,Aneirin,Myrddin Wyllt,and theCynfeirddpoets. Heroes of the north such asUrien,Owain mab Urien,andCoel Henand his descendants feature in Welsh poetry and theWelsh Triads.


Almost nothing is reliably known of Central Britain before c. 550. There had never been a period of long-term, effectiveRomancontrol north of theTyneSolwayline, and south of that line effective Roman control began to erode before the traditionally given date of departure of theRoman militaryfromRoman Britainin 407. It was noted in the writings ofAmmianus Marcellinusand others that there was ever-decreasing Roman control from about AD 100 onward, and in the years after 360 there was widespread disorder and the large-scale permanent abandonment of territory by the Romans.[citation needed]

By 550, the region was controlled by nativeBrittonic-speaking peoples except for the eastern coastal areas, which were controlled by the Anglian peoples ofBerniciaandDeira.To the north were thePicts(now also accepted as Brittonic speakers prior to Gaelicisation) with theGaelickingdom ofDál Riatato the northwest. All of these peoples would play a role in the history of the Old North.[citation needed]

Historical context[edit]

From a historical perspective, wars were frequently internecine, and Britons were aggressors as well as defenders, as was also true of the Angles, Picts, andGaels.[citation needed]However, those Welsh stories of the Hen Ogledd that tell of Britons fighting Anglians have a counterpart, told from the opposite side. The story of the demise of the kingdoms of the Old North is the story of the rise of the Kingdom ofNorthumbriafrom two coastal kingdoms to become the premier power in Britain north of theHumberand south of theFirth of Clydeand theFirth of Forth.

The interests of kingdoms of this era were not restricted to their immediate vicinity. Alliances were not made only within the same ethnic groups, nor were enmities restricted to nearby different ethnic groups. An alliance of Britons fought against another alliance of Britons at theBattle of Arfderydd.Áedán mac GabráinofDál Riataappears in theBonedd Gwŷr y Gogledd,a genealogy among the pedigrees of the Men of the North.[1]TheHistoria Brittonumstates thatOswiu,king of Northumbria, married a Briton who may have had some Pictish ancestry.[2][3]A marriage between the Northumbrian and Pictish royal families would produce the Pictish kingTalorgan I.Áedán mac Gabráin fought as an ally of the Britons against the Northumbrians.Cadwallon ap Cadfanof theKingdom of Gwyneddallied withPenda of Merciato defeatEdwin of Northumbria.

Conquest and defeat did not necessarily mean the extirpation of one culture and its replacement by another. The Brittonic region of northwestern England was absorbed by Anglian Northumbria in the 7th century, yet it would re-emerge 300 years later as South Cumbria, joined with North Cumbria (Strathclyde) into a single state.

Societal context[edit]

The organisation of the Men of the North wastribal,[note 1]based onkinshipgroups of extended families, owing allegiance to a dominant "royal" family, sometimes indirectly through client relationships, and receiving protection in return. ForCelticpeoples, this organisation was still in effect hundreds of years later, as shown in the IrishBrehon law,the WelshLaws of Hywel Dda,and theScottishLaws of the Brets and Scots.TheAnglo-Saxon lawhad culturally different origins, but with many similarities toCeltic law.Like Celtic law, it was based on cultural tradition, without any perceivable debt to the Roman occupation of Britain.[note 2]

A primaryroyal court(Welsh:llys) would be maintained as a "capital", but it was not the bureaucratic administrative centre of modern society, nor the settlement orcivitasof Roman rule. As the ruler and protector of his kingdom, the king would maintain multiple courts throughout his territory, travelling among them to exercise his authority and to address the needs of his people, such as in the dispensing of justice. This ancient method of dispensing justice survived as a part of royal procedure until the reforms ofHenry II(reigned 1154–1189) modernised the administration of law.


Modern scholarship uses the term "Cumbric" for the Brittonic language spoken in the Hen Ogledd. It appears to have been very closely related toOld Welsh,with some local variances, and more distantly related toCornish,Bretonand the pre-Gaelic form ofPictish.There are no surviving texts written in the dialect; evidence for it comes from placenames, proper names in a few earlyinscriptionsand later non-Cumbric sources, two terms in theLeges inter Brettos et Scottos,and the corpus of poetry by thecynfeirdd,the "early poets", nearly all of which deals with the north.[4]

Thecynfeirddpoetry is the largest source of information, and it is generally accepted that some part of the corpus was first composed in the Hen Ogledd.[4]However, it survives entirely in later manuscripts created in Wales where the oral tradition continued on, and it is unknown how faithful they are to the originals. Still, the texts do contain discernible variances that distinguish the speech from the Welsh dialects. In particular, these texts contain a number ofarchaisms– features that appear to have once been common in all Brittonic varieties, but which later vanished from Welsh and theSouthwestern Brittonic languages.[4]In general, however, the differences appear to be slight, and the distinction between Cumbric and Old Welsh is largely geographical rather than linguistic.[5]

Cumbric gradually disappeared as the area was conquered by the Anglo-Saxons, and later the Scots andNorse,though it survived in theKingdom of Strathclyde,centred at Alt Clut in what is nowDumbartonin Scotland.Kenneth H. Jacksonsuggested that it re-emerged inCumbriain the 10th century, as Strathclyde established hegemony over that area. It is unknown when Cumbric finally became extinct, but the series ofcounting systems of Brittonic originrecorded in Northern England since the 18th century have been proposed as evidence of a survival of elements of Cumbric;[5]though the view has been largely rejected on linguistic grounds, with evidence pointing to the fact that it was imported to England after theOld Englishera.[6][7]

Welsh tradition[edit]

One of the traditional stories relating to the genealogies of Welsh dynasties derived fromCuneddaand his sons as "Men of the North". Cunedda himself is held to be the progenitor of the royal dynasty of the Kingdom of Gwynedd, one of the largest and most powerful of the medieval Welsh kingdoms, and an ongoing connection to the Hen Ogledd. Cunedda genealogy shows him as a descendant of one ofMagnus Maximus' generals, Paternus, who Maximus appointed as commander at Alt Clut. The Welsh and the Men of the North may have seen themselves as one people. TheWelshname for themselves,Cymry,derives from this ancient relationship, although this is debatable, as while Gwynedd seemed to have good relationships with them, and with Ceredigion, it is unknown how the other Welsh Kingdoms saw them, since they were not unified themselves, especially the southern Kingdoms likeDyfedandYstrad Tywi,which had heavy Irish presence at the time. 'Cymry' was a term that referred to both the Welsh and the Men of the North but was sometimes applied to others such as the Picts and the Irish as well.[8][9][10]It is derived from the Brittonic word combrogoi,which meant "fellow-countrymen", and it is worth noting in passing that itsBretoncounterpartkenvroizstill has this original meaning of "compatriots". The word began to be used as an endonym by the Men of the North during the early 7th century (and possibly earlier),[11]and was used throughout theMiddle Agesto describe theKingdom of Strathclyde.Before this, and for some centuries after, the traditional as well as the more literary term wasBrythoniaid,recalling the still older time when all on the island remained a unity.Cymrysurvives today in the native name for Wales (Cymru,land of theCymry), and in the English county nameCumbria,both meaning "homeland", "mother country".

Many of the traditional sources of information about the Hen Ogledd survive in Welsh tradition, and bards such asAneirin(the reputed author ofY Gododdin) are thought to have been court poets in the Hen Ogledd.

Nature of the sources[edit]

A listing of passages from the literary and historical sources, particularly relevant to the Hen Ogledd, can be found in SirEdward Anwyl's articleWales and the Britons of the North.[12]A somewhat dated introduction to the study of old Welsh poetry can be found in his 1904 articleProlegomena to the Study of Old Welsh Poetry.[13]

Literary sources[edit]

Stories praising a patron and the construction of flattering genealogies are neither unbiased nor reliable sources of historically accurate information. However, while they may exaggerate and make apocryphal assertions, they do not falsify or change the historical facts that were known to the bards' listeners, as that would bring ridicule and disrepute to both the bards and their patrons. In addition, the existence of stories of defeat andtragedy,as well as stories of victory, lends additional credibility to their value as sources of history. Within that context, the stories contain useful information, much of it incidental, about an era of British history where very little is reliably known.

Historical sources[edit]

These sources are not without deficiencies. Both the authors and their later transcribers sometimes displayed a partisanship that promoted their own interests, portraying their own agendas in a positive light, always on the side of justice and moral rectitude. Facts in opposition to those agendas are sometimes omitted, and apocryphal entries are sometimes added.

While Bede was a Northumbrian partisan and spoke with prejudice against the native Britons, hisEcclesiastical History of the English Peopleis highly regarded for its effort towards an accurate telling of history, and for its use of reliable sources. When passing along "traditional" information that lacks a historical foundation, Bede takes care to note it as such.[16]

TheDe Excidio et Conquestu BritanniaebyGildas(c. 516–570) is occasionally relevant in that it mentions early people and places also mentioned in the literary and historical sources. The work was intended to preach Christianity to Gildas' contemporaries and was not meant to be a history. It is one of the few contemporary accounts of his era to have survived.

Place names[edit]

Brittonic place names in Scotland south of the Forth and Clyde, and in Cumberland and neighbouring counties, indicate areas of Hen Ogledd inhabited by Britons in the early Middle Ages.

Isolated locations of later British presence are also indicated by place names ofOld EnglishandOld Norseorigin. In Yorkshire, the names ofWalden,WaltonandWalburn,from Old Englishwalas"Britons or Welshmen", indicate Britons encountered by the Anglo-Saxons, and the name ofBirkby,from Old NorseBreta"Britons", indicates a place where the Vikings met Britons.[17]

Dubious and fraudulent sources[edit]

TheHistoria Regum BritanniaeofGeoffrey of Monmouthis disparaged aspseudohistory,though it looms large as a source for the largely fictionalchivalric romancestories known collectively as theMatter of Britain.The lack of historical value attributed to theHistorialies only partly in the fact that it contains so many fictions and falsifications of history;[note 3]the fact that historical accuracy clearly was not a consideration in its creation makes any references to actual people and places no more than a literary convenience.

TheIolo Manuscriptsare a collection of manuscripts presented in the early 19th century by Edward Williams, who is better known asIolo Morganwg.Containing various tales, anecdotal material and elaborate genealogies that connect virtually everyone of note with everyone else of note (and with many connections toArthurand Iolo's native region ofMorgannwg), they were at first accepted as genuine, but have since been shown to be an assortment of forged or doctored manuscripts, transcriptions, and fantasies, mainly invented by Iolo himself. A list of works tainted by their reliance on the material presented by Iolo (sometimes without attribution) would be quite long.

Kingdoms and regions[edit]

Major kingdoms[edit]

Places in the Old North that are mentioned as kingdoms in the literary and historical sources include:

  • Alt Clutor Ystrad Clud – a kingdom centred at what is nowDumbartonin Scotland. Later known as Strathclyde, and possibly even later as Cumbria, it was one of the best attested of the northern British kingdoms. It was also the last surviving, as it operated as an independent realm into the 11th century before it was finally absorbed by theKingdom of Scotland.[21]
  • Elmet– centred in westernYorkshirein northern England. It was located south of the other northern British kingdoms, and well east of present-day Wales, but managed to survive into the early 7th century.[22]
  • Gododdin– a kingdom in what is now southeastern Scotland and northeastern England, the area previously noted as the territory of theVotadini.They are the subjects of the poemY Gododdin,which memorialises adisastrous raidby an army raised by the Gododdin on the Angles ofBernicia.[23]
  • Rheged– a major kingdom that evidently included parts of present-dayCumbria,though its full extent is unknown. It may have covered a vast area at one point, as it is very closely associated with its kingUrien,whose name is tied to places all over northwestern Britain.[24]

Minor kingdoms and other regions[edit]

Several regions are mentioned in the sources, assumed to be notable regions within one of the kingdoms if not separate kingdoms themselves:

  • Aeron– a minor kingdom mentioned in sources such asY Gododdin,its location is uncertain, but several scholars have suggested that it was in theAyrshireregion of southwest Scotland.[25][26][27][28]It is frequently associated withUrien Rheged,and may have been part of his realm.[29]
  • Calchfynydd( "Chalkmountain" ) – almost nothing is known about this area, though it was likely somewhere in the Hen Ogledd, as an evident ruler,Cadrawd Calchfynydd,is listed in theBonedd Gwŷr y Gogledd.William Forbes Skenesuggested an identification withKelso(formerly Calchow) in theScottish Borders.[30]
  • Eidyn– this was the area around the modern city ofEdinburgh,then known asDin Eidyn(Fort of Eidyn). It was closely associated with the Gododdin kingdom.[31]Kenneth H. Jacksonargued strongly thatEidynreferred exclusively to Edinburgh,[32]but other scholars have taken it as a designation for the wider area.[33][34]The name may survive today in toponyms such asEdinburgh(Dunedin in Gaelic, Din Eidyn inCumbric,andCarriden(fromCaer Eidyn)), located fifteen miles to the west.[35]Din Eidyn was besieged by the Angles in 638 and was under their control for most of the next three centuries.[31]
  • Manaw Gododdin– the coastal area south of theFirth of Forth,and part of the territory of the Gododdin.[23]The name survives in Slamannan Moor and the village ofSlamannan,inStirlingshire.[36]This is derived fromSliabh Manann,the 'Moor of Manann'.[37]It also appears in the name ofDalmeny,some 5 miles northwest ofEdinburgh,and formerly known as Dumanyn, assumed to be derived fromDun Manann.[37]The name also survives north of the Forth in Pictish Manaw as the name of theburghofClackmannanand the eponymous county ofClackmannanshire,[38]derived fromClach Manann,the 'stone of Manann',[37]referring to a monument stone located there.
  • Novant– a kingdom mentioned inY Gododdin,presumably related to the Iron AgeNovantaetribe of southwestern Scotland.[39][40]
  • Regio Dunutinga– a minor kingdom or region inNorth Yorkshirementioned in theLife of Wilfrid.It was evidently named for a ruler named Dunaut, perhaps theDunaut ap Paboknown from the genealogies.[41]Its name may survive in the modern town ofDent,Cumbria.[42]

Kingdoms that were not part of the Old North but are part of its history include:

Possible kingdoms[edit]

The following names appear in historical and literary sources, but it is unknown whether or not they refer to British kingdoms and regions of theHen Ogledd.

  • Bryneich– this is the British name for theAnglo-Saxonkingdom ofBernicia.There was probably a British kingdom in this area before the Anglian kingdom, it this is uncertain.[43]
  • Deifror Dewr – this was the British name for Anglo-SaxonDeira,a region between theRiver Teesand theHumber.The name is of British origin, as with Bryneich, it is unknown if it represented an earlier British kingdom.[44]

See also[edit]


  1. ^The tribal domains were called kingdoms and were led by a king, but were not organised nation-states in the modern (or ancient Roman) sense of the word. The kingdoms might grow and shrink based on the transitory fortunes of the leading tribe and royal family, with regional alliances and enmities playing a part in the resulting organisation. This organisation was applicable to southern Wales of thepost-Romanera, where the royal inter-relationships of the kingdoms ofGlywysing,Gwent,andErgyngare so completely inter-twined that it is not possible to construct an independent history for any of them. When contention (i.e., war) occurred, it was between high-ranking individuals and their respective clients, in the manner of the contendingHouse of LancasterandHouse of Yorkduring theWars of the Rosesin the 15th century.
  2. ^"Anglo-Saxon law" is a modernneologismfor the Saxon Law of Wessex, the Anglian Law of Mercia, and theDanelaw,all of which were sufficiently similar to merit inclusion within this umbrella term. The laws of AnglianNorthumbriawere supplanted by the Danelaw, but were certainly similar to these. The origins ofEnglish lawhave been much studied. For example, the 12th centuryTractatus de legibus et consuetudinibus regni Angliae(Treatise on the laws and customs of the Kingdom of England) is thebook of authorityon Englishcommon law,and scholars have held that it owes a debt toNorman lawand toGermanic law,and not toRoman law.
  3. ^Scholarly works by reputable authors, such asLloyd's 1911A History of Wales from the Earliest Times to the Edwardian Conquest,contain numerous citations of Geoffrey's fabrications of history, never citing him as a source of legitimate historical information.[18]More recent works of history tend to spend less energy on Geoffrey'sHistoria,merely ignoring him in passing. InDavies's 1990A History of Wales,the first paragraph of page 1 discusses Geoffrey's prominence, after which he is occasionally mentioned as the source of historical inaccuracies and not as a source of legitimate historical information.[19]Earlier works might devote a few paragraphs detailing the proof that Geoffrey was the inventor of fictitious information, such as in James Parker'sThe Early History of Oxford,where persons such as Eldad, Eldod, Abbot Ambrius, and others are noted to be the result of Geoffrey's own imagination.[20]


  1. ^Bromwich 2006, pp. 256–257
  2. ^Nennius(800),"Genealogies of the Saxon kings of Northumbria",inStevenson, Joseph(ed.),Nennii Historia Britonum,London: English Historical Society (published 1838), p. 50
  3. ^Nicholson, E. W. B. (1912),"The 'Annales Cambriae' and their so-called 'Exordium'",in Meyer, Kuno (ed.),Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie,vol. VIII, Halle: Max Niemeyer, p. 145
  4. ^abcKoch 2006, p. 516.
  5. ^abKoch 2006, p. 517.
  6. ^A Dictionary of English Folklore,Jacqueline Simpson, Stephen Roud, Oxford University Press, 2000,ISBN0-19-210019-X,9780192100191,Shepeherd's score,pp. 271
  7. ^Margaret L. Faull, Local Historian 15:1 (1982), 21–3
  8. ^Lloyd 1911,pp. 191–192.
  9. ^Lloyd, John Edward(1912).A History of Wales from the Earliest Times to the Edwardian Conquest.Longmans, Green. p.191.
  10. ^Phillimore, Egerton (1888),"Review of" A History of Ancient Tenures of Land in the Marches of North Wales "",in Phillimore, Egerton (ed.),Y Cymmrodor,vol. IX, London: Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, pp. 368–371
  11. ^Phillimore, Egerton (1891),"Note (a) to The Settlement of Brittany",in Phillimore, Egerton (ed.),Y Cymmrodor,vol. XI, London: Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion (published 1892), pp. 97–101
  12. ^Anwyl, Edward(July 1907 – April 1908),"Wales and the Britons of the North",The Celtic Review,vol. IV, Edinburgh: Norman Macleod (published 1908), pp. 125–152, 249–273
  13. ^ Anwyl, Edward(1904),"Prolegomena to the Study of Old Welsh Poetry",Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion (Session 1903–1904),London: Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion (published 1905), pp. 59–83
  14. ^Lloyd 1911:122–123, Notes on the Historical Triads, inThe History of Wales
  15. ^Rachel Bromwich (ed.),Trioedd Ynys Prydein(University of Wales Press,revised edition 1991)ISBN0-7083-0690-X.
  16. ^For a recent view of Bede's treatment of Britons in his work, see W. Trent Foley and N.J. Higham, "Bede on the Britons."Early Medieval Europe17.2 (2009): pp. 154–85.
  17. ^Jensen, Gillian Fellows (1978). "Place-Names and Settlement in the North Riding of Yorkshire".Northern History.14(1): 22–23.doi:10.1179/nhi.1978.14.1.19.
  18. ^Lloyd 1911,A History of Wales
  19. ^Davies 1990:1,A History of Wales
  20. ^Parker, James (1885),"Description of Oxford in Domesday Survey",The Early History of Oxford 727–1100,Oxford: Oxford Historical Society, p. 291
  21. ^Koch 2006, p. 1819.
  22. ^Koch 2006, pp. 670–671.
  23. ^abKoch 2006, pp. 823–826.
  24. ^Koch 2006, pp. 1498–1499.
  25. ^Koch 2006, pp. 354–355; 904.
  26. ^Bromwich 1978, pp. 12–13; 157.
  27. ^Morris-Jones, pp. 75–77.
  28. ^Williams 1968, p. xlvii.
  29. ^Koch 2006, p. 1499.
  30. ^Bromwich 2006, p. 325.
  31. ^abKoch 2006, pp. 623–625.
  32. ^Jackson 1969, pp. 77–78
  33. ^Williams 1972, p. 64.
  34. ^Chadwick, p. 107.
  35. ^Dumville, p. 297.
  36. ^Rhys, John(1904), "The Picts and Scots",Celtic Britain(3rd ed.), London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, p. 155
  37. ^abcRhys, John(1901), "Place-Name Stories",Celtic Folklore: Welsh and Manx,vol. II, Oxford: Oxford University, p. 550
  38. ^Rhys 1904:155,Celtic Britain,The Picts and the Scots.
  39. ^Koch 2006, pp. 824–825.
  40. ^Koch 1997, pp. lxxxii–lxxxiii.
  41. ^Koch 2006, p. 458.
  42. ^Koch 2006, p. 904.
  43. ^Koch 2006, pp. 302–304.
  44. ^Koch 2006, pp. 584–585.


Further reading[edit]

  • Alcock, Leslie.Kings and Warriors, Craftsmen and Priests in Northern Britain, AD 550–850.Edinburgh, 2003.
  • Alcock, Leslie. "Gwyr y Gogledd. An archaeological appraisal."Archaeologia Cambrensis132 (1984 for 1983). pp. 1–18.
  • Cessford, Craig. "Northern England and the Gododdin poem."Northern History33 (1997). pp. 218–22.
  • Clarkson, Tim.The Men of the North: the Britons of Southern Scotland.Edinburgh: John Donald, Birlinn Ltd, 2010.
  • Clarkson, Tim.Strathclyde and the Anglo-Saxons in the Viking Age.Edinburgh: John Donald, Birlinn Ltd, 2014.
  • Dark, Kenneth R.Civitas to Kingdom. British political continuity, 300–800.London: Leicester UP, 1994.
  • Dumville, David N. "Early Welsh Poetry: Problems of Historicity." InEarly Welsh Poetry: Studies in the Book of Aneirin,ed. Brynley F. Roberts. Aberystwyth, 1988. 1–16.
  • Dumville, David N. "The origins of Northumbria: Some aspects of the British background." InThe Origins of Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms,ed. S. Bassett. Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1989. pp. 213–22.
  • Higham, N.J. "Britons in Northern England: Through a Thick Glass Darkly."Northern History38 (2001). pp. 5–25.
  • Macquarrie, A. "The Kings of Strathclyde, c.400–1018." InMedieval Scotland: Government, Lordship and Community,ed. A. Grant and K.J. Stringer. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1993. pp. 1–19.
  • Miller, Molly. "Historicity and the pedigrees of north countrymen."Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies26 (1975). pp. 255–80.
  • Woolf, Alex. "Cædualla Rex Brettonum and the Passing of the Old North."Northern History41.1 (2004): 1–20.

External links[edit]