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A porcelainhibachi
North American "Hibachi" cast iron grill

Thehibachi(Japanese:Hỏa bát,fire bowl)is a traditionalJapaneseheating device. It is abrazierwhich is a round, cylindrical, or box-shaped, open-topped container, made from or lined with aheatproof materialand designed to hold burningcharcoal.It is believedhibachidate back to theHeian period(794 to 1185).[1]It is filled with incombustibleash,and charcoal sits in the center of the ash.[2]To handle the charcoal, a pair of metalchopstickscalledhibashi(Que cời than,fire chopsticks)is used, in a way similar to Westernfire ironsortongs.[3]Hibachiwere used for heating, not for cooking.[3]It heats byradiation,[4]and is too weak to warm a whole room.[2]Sometimes, people placed atetsubin(Thiết bình,iron kettle)over thehibachito boil water fortea.[3]Later, by the 1900s, some cooking was also done over thehibachi.[5]: 251 

Traditional Japanese houses were wellventilated(or poorlysealed), socarbon monoxide poisoningor suffocation fromcarbon dioxidefrom burning charcoal were of lesser concern.[2]Nevertheless, such risks do exist, and proper handling is necessary to avoid accidents.[5]: 255 [6]Hibachimust never be used in airtight rooms such as those in Western buildings.[6]: 129 

InNorth America,the termhibachirefers to a smallcooking stoveheated by charcoal (called ashichirinin Japanese),[1]or to an ironhot plate(called ateppanin Japanese) used inteppanyakirestaurants.[1]

See also



  1. ^abc"'Hibachi' Probably Doesn't Mean What You Think It Does ".Japanese Food Guide.5 May 2021.
  2. ^abcDresser, Christopher (1882).Japan: Its architecture, art, and art manufactures.London: Longmans, Green, and Co. pp. 22–23.hdl:2027/yale.39002009493082.
  3. ^abcHough, Walter (1928)."Collection of heating and lighting utensils in the United States National Museum".Bulletin of the United States National Museum.141.Washington D.C.: United States National Museum, Smithsonian Institution: 83–84.hdl:2027/uiug.30112032539204.
  4. ^Tsujimoto, Kennosuke (1935).Noãn phòng cũng に đài sở dụng nguồn nhiệt と đau xót hóa than tố の hại độc と này の đối sách ( thứ nhất )[Heat sources for heating and kitchen, hazards of carbon monoxide and their prevention].Kaji to eisei ( gia sự と vệ sinh )(in Japanese).11(1): 27.doi:10.11468/seikatsueisei1925.11.25.ISSN1883-6615.(bibliographic data:[1])
  5. ^abArnold, Edwin (1904). "The Japanese Hearth". In Singleton, Esther (ed.).Japan as seen and described by famous writers.New York: Dodd, Mead and company. pp. 250–256.hdl:2027/hvd.32044013638895.
  6. ^abOsaka thị lập vệ sinh thí nghiệm sở (Osaka City sanitary laboratories) (1940).Than hỏa trúng độc の lời nói – đau xót hóa than tố trúng độc.Kaji to eisei ( gia sự と vệ sinh )(in Japanese).16(2): 126–128.doi:10.11468/seikatsueisei1925.16.2_123.ISSN1883-6615.(bibliographic data:[2])