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Hiking in theSan Juan Mountains,Colorado
A hiker enjoying the view of theAlps

Hikingis a long, vigorouswalk,usually ontrailsorfootpathsin the countryside. Walking for pleasure developed in Europe during the eighteenth century.[1]Religiouspilgrimageshave existed much longer but they involve walking long distances for a spiritual purpose associated with specific religions.

"Hiking" is the preferred term inCanadaand theUnited States;the term "walking"is used in these regions for shorter, particularly urban walks. In the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, the word" walking "describes all forms of walking, whether it is a walk in the park orbackpackingin theAlps.The word hiking is also often used in the UK, along withrambling,hillwalking,andfell walking(a term mostly used for hillwalking in northern England). The termbushwalkingis endemic to Australia, having been adopted by the Sydney Bush Walkers club in 1927.[2]In New Zealand a long, vigorous walk or hike is calledtramping.[3]It is a popular activity with numeroushiking organizationsworldwide, and studies suggest that all forms of walking have health benefits.[4][5]

TheKarhunkierros( "Bear's Round" ), an 80 km (50 mi) long hiking trail through theOulanka National ParkinKuusamo,Finland

In the United States, Canada, the Republic of Ireland, and the United Kingdom, hiking means walking outdoors on a trail, or off trail, for recreational purposes.[6]A day hike refers to a hike that can be completed in a single day. However, in the United Kingdom, the word walking is also used, as well as rambling, while walking in mountainous areas is calledhillwalking.InNorthern England,Including theLake DistrictandYorkshire Dales,fell walking describes hill or mountain walks, asfellis the common word for both features there.

Hiking sometimes involves bushwhacking and is sometimes referred to as such. This specifically refers to difficult walking through dense forest, undergrowth, or bushes where forward progress requires pushing vegetation aside. In extreme cases of bushwhacking, where the vegetation is so dense that human passage is impeded, amacheteis used to clear a pathway. The Australian term bushwalking refers to both on and off-trail hiking.[7]Common terms for hiking used by New Zealanders aretramping(particularly for overnight and longer trips),[8]walking or bushwalking.Trekkingis the preferred word used to describe multi-day hiking in the mountainous regions of India, Pakistan, Nepal, North America, South America, Iran, and the highlands ofEast Africa.Hiking along-distance trailfrom end-to-end is also referred to as trekking and asthru-hikingin some places.[9]In North America, multi-day hikes, usually withcamping,are referred to asbackpacking.[6]


Hiking fashion, 11 July 1932

The poetPetrarchis frequently mentioned as an early example of someone hiking. Petrarch recounts that on April 26, 1336, with his brother and two servants, he climbed to the top ofMont Ventoux(1,912 meters (6,273 ft), a feat which he undertook for recreation rather than necessity.[10]The exploit is described in a celebrated letter addressed to his friend and confessor, the monkDionigi di Borgo San Sepolcro,composed some time after the fact. However, some have suggested that Petrarch's climb was fictional.[11][12]

Jakob Burckhardt,inThe Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy(in German in 1860) declared Petrarch "a truly modern man", because of the significance of nature for his "receptive spirit"; even if he did not yet have the skill to describe nature.[13]Petrarch's implication that he was the first to climb mountains for pleasure, and Burckhardt's insistence on Petrarch's sensitivity to nature have been often repeated since. There are also numerous references to Petrarch as an "alpinist",[14]althoughMont Ventouxis not a hard climb, and is not usually considered part of the Alps.[15]This implicit claim of Petrarch and Burckhardt, that Petrarch was the first to climb a mountain for pleasure since antiquity, was disproven byLynn Thorndikein 1943.[16]: 69–74 Mount Ventoux was climbed byJean Buridan,on his way to the papal court inAvignonbefore the year 1334, "in order to make some meteorological observations".[17][18]There were ascents accomplished during theMiddle Ages;[19][16]: 69–74 Lynn Thorndike mentions that "a book on feeling for nature in Germany in the tenth and eleventh centuries, noted various ascents and descriptions of mountains from that period", and that "in the closing years of his life archbishopAnno II, Archbishop of Cologne(c. 1010 – 1075) climbed his beloved mountain oftener than usual ".[16]: 71–72 

Other early examples of individuals hiking or climbing mountains for pleasure include the Roman Emperor, Hadrian, who ascended Mount Etna during a return trip from Greece in 125 CE. In 1275, Peter III of Aragon claimed to have reached the summit of Pic du Canigou, a 9134-foot mountain located near the southern tip of France. The first ascent of any technical difficulty to be officially verified took place on June 26, 1492, when Antoine de Ville, a chamberlain and military engineer for Charles VIII, King of France, was ordered to ascend Mont Aiguille. Because ropes, ladders and iron hooks were used during the ascent, this event is widely recognized as being the birth of mountaineering. Conrad Gessner, a 16th Century physician, botanist and naturalist from Switzerland, is widely recognized as being the first person to hike and climb for sheer pleasure.[20]

However, the idea of taking a walk in the countryside only really developed during the 18th century in Europe, and arose because of changing attitudes to the landscape and nature associated with theRomantic movement.[21]In earlier times walking generally indicated poverty and was also associated with vagrancy.[22]: 83, 297 In previous centuries long walks were undertaken as part of religious pilgrimages and this tradition continues throughout the world.

German-speaking world


The Swiss scientist and poetAlbrecht von Haller's poemDie Alpen(1732) is an historically important early sign of an awakening appreciation of the mountains, though it is chiefly designed to contrast the simple and idyllic life of the inhabitants of theAlpswith the corrupt and decadent existence of the dwellers in the plains.[23]

Numerous travellers explored Europe on foot in the last third of the 18th century and recorded their experiences. A significant example isJohann Gottfried Seume,who set out on foot fromLeipzigto Sicily in 1801, and returned to Leipzig via Paris after nine months.[24]

United Kingdom

Claife Station, built at one ofThomas West's 'viewing stations', to allow visiting tourists and artists to better appreciate the picturesqueLake District,Cumbria,England.

Thomas West,a Scottish priest, popularized the idea of walking for pleasure in his guide to the Lake District of 1778. In the introduction he wrote that he aimed

to encourage the taste of visiting the lakes by furnishing the traveller with a Guide; and for that purpose, the writer has here collected and laid before him, all the select stations and points of view, noticed by those authors who have last made the tour of the lakes, verified by his own repeated observations.[25]

To this end he included various 'stations' or viewpoints around the lakes, from which tourists would be encouraged to enjoy the views in terms of their aesthetic qualities.[26]Published in 1778 the book was a major success.[27]

Map ofRobert Louis Stevenson's walking route in theCévennes,France, taken fromTravels with a Donkey in the Cévennes(1879), a pioneering classic ofoutdoor literature.

Another famous early exponent of walking for pleasure was the English poetWilliam Wordsworth.In 1790 he embarked on an extended tour of France, Switzerland, and Germany, a journey subsequently recorded in his long autobiographical poemThe Prelude(1850). His famous poemTintern Abbeywas inspired by a visit to theWye Valleymade during awalking tourofWalesin 1798 with his sisterDorothy Wordsworth.Wordsworth's friendColeridgewas another keen walker and in the autumn of 1799, he and Wordsworth undertook a three-week tour of the Lake District.John Keats,who belonged to the next generation ofRomantic poetsbegan, in June 1818, a walking tour of Scotland, Ireland, and the Lake District with his friendCharles Armitage Brown.

More and more people undertook walking tours through the 19th century, of which the most famous is probablyRobert Louis Stevenson's journey through theCévennesin France with a donkey, recorded in hisTravels with a Donkey(1879). Stevenson also published in 1876 his famous essay "Walking Tours". The subgenre oftravel writingproduced many classics in the subsequent 20th century. An early American example of a book that describes an extended walking tour is naturalistJohn Muir'sA Thousand Mile Walk to the Gulf(1916), a posthumously published account of a long botanizing walk, undertaken in 1867.

Due toindustrialisationin England, people began to migrate to the cities where living standards were often cramped and unsanitary. They would escape the confines of the city by rambling about in the countryside. However, the land in England, particularly around the urban areas ofManchesterandSheffield,was privately owned andtrespasswas illegal. Rambling clubs soon sprang up in thenorthand began politically campaigning for the legal 'right to roam'. One of the first such clubs was 'Sunday Tramps' founded by Leslie White in 1879. The first national grouping, the Federation of Rambling Clubs, was formed in London in 1905 and was heavily patronized by thepeerage.[28]

Access to Mountainsbills,that would have legislated the public's 'right to roam' across some private land, were periodically presented toParliamentfrom 1884 to 1932 without success. Finally, in 1932, the Rambler's Right Movement organized amass trespassonKinder ScoutinDerbyshire.Despite attempts on the part of the police to prevent the trespass from going ahead, it was successfully achieved due to massive publicity. However, the Mountain Access Bill that was passed in 1939 was opposed by many walkers' organizations, includingThe Ramblers,who felt that it did not sufficiently protect their rights, and it was eventually repealed.[29]

The effort to improve access led after World War II to theNational Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949,and in 1951 to the creation of the firstnational parkin the UK, thePeak District National Park.[30]The establishment of this and similar national parks helped to improve access for all outdoors enthusiasts.[31]TheCountryside and Rights of Way Act 2000considerably extended theright to roamin England and Wales.[32][33]

United States

Thoreauwalked 34 miles (55 km) toMount Wachusett,shown here.

An early example of an interest in hiking in the United States isAbel Crawfordand his son Ethan's clearing of a trail to the summit ofMount Washington, New Hampshirein 1819.[34]This 8.5-mile path is the oldest continually used hiking trail in the United States. The influence of British and EuropeanRomanticismreached North America through thetranscendentalist movement,and bothRalph Waldo Emerson(1803–82) andHenry David Thoreau(1817–62) were important influences on the outdoors movement in North America. Thoreau's writing on nature and on walking include the posthumously published "Walking" (1862) ".[35]His earlier essay "A Walk to Wachusett"(1842) describes a four-daywalking tourThoreau took with a companion from Concord, Massachusetts to the summit ofMount Wachusett,Princeton, Massachusettsand back. Established in 1876, theAppalachian Mountain Clubhas the distinction of being the oldest hiking club in America. It was founded to protect the trails and mountains in the northeastern United States. Prior to its founding, four other hiking clubs had already been established in America. This included the very short-lived (first) Rocky Mountain Club in 1875, the White Mountain Club of Portland in 1873, the Alpine Club of Williamstown in 1863, and the Exploring Circle, which was established by four men from Lynn, Massachusetts in 1850. Although not a hiking club in the same sense as the clubs that would emerge later, the National Park Service recognizes the Exploring Circle as being "the first hiking club in New England."[36]All four of these clubs would disband within a few years of their founding.[20]

Despite clubs such as the Appalachian Mountain Club, hiking during the early twentieth century was still primarily in New England,San Francisco,and the Pacific Northwest. Eventually, there were similar clubs formed in the Midwest and following the Appalachian range. As interest grew hiking culture was spread throughout the nation.[1]

The Scottish-born, American naturalistJohn Muir(1838 –1914), was another important early advocate of the preservation of wilderness in the United States. He petitioned theU.S. Congressfor the National Park bill that was passed in 1890, establishing Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks. TheSierra Club,which he founded, is now one of the most important conservation organizations in the United States. The spiritual quality and enthusiasm toward nature expressed in his writings inspired others, including presidents and congressmen, to take action to help preserve large areas of undeveloped countryside.[37]He is today referred to as the "Father of the National Parks".[38]In 1916, the National Park Service was created to protect national parks and monuments.[39][40][41]

In 1921,Benton MacKaye,a forester, conceived the idea of what would become America's first National Scenic Trail, theAppalachian trail(AT). The AT was completed in August 1937, running from Maine to Georgia. ThePacific Crest Trail( "PCT" ) was first explored in the 1930s by theYMCAhiking groups and was eventually registered as a complete border to border trail from Mexico to Canada.[42]



Pilgrimageroutes are now treated by some walkers as long-distance routes, and the route taken by the BritishNational TrailtheNorth Downs Wayclosely follows that of thePilgrims' WaytoCanterbury.[43]

The Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela

The ancient pilgrimage, theCamino de Santiago,or Way of St. James, has become more recently the source for a number of long-distance hiking routes. This is a network ofpilgrims' waysleading to the shrine of theapostleSaint James the Greatin thecathedral of Santiago de CompostelainGaliciain northwestern Spain. Many follow its routes as a form of spiritual path or retreat for their spiritual growth.

TheFrench Wayis the most popular of the routes and runs fromSaint-Jean-Pied-de-Porton the French side of thePyreneestoRoncesvalleson the Spanish side and then another 780 kilometres (480 mi) on to Santiago de Compostela through the major cities ofPamplona,Logroño,BurgosandLeón.A typical walk on theCamino francéstakes at least four weeks, allowing for one or two rest days on the way. Some travel the Camino on bicycle or on horseback. Paths from the cities ofTours,Vézelay,andLe Puy-en-Velaymeet at Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port.[44]The French long-distance pathGR 65(of theGrande Randonnéenetwork), is an important variant route of the oldChristianpilgrimageway.

TheAbraham Pathis a cultural route believed to have been the path ofIslamic,Christian,andJewishpatriarchAbraham's ancient journey across theAncient Near East.[45]The path was established in 2007 as a pilgrimage route betweenUrfa, Turkey,possibly his birthplace, and his final destination of the desert ofNegev.


Mount Kilimanjaro,Tanzania
TheKing Talal DaminJerashlies along the Jordan Trail inJordan
Youth hiking in Israel

National parksare often important hiking destinations, such asNational Parks of England and Wales;of Canada;of New Zealand,of South Africa,etc.

Frequently, nowadays long-distance hikes (walking tours) are undertaken along long-distance paths, including theNational Trailsin England and Wales, theKungsleden(Sweden) and theNational Trail Systemin the United States. TheGrande Randonnée(France), Grote Routepaden, or Lange-afstand-wandelpaden (The Netherlands), Grande Rota (Portugal), Gran Recorrido (Spain) is a network oflong-distance footpathsin Europe, mostly in France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Spain. There are extensive networks in other European countries of long-distance trails, as well as in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Nepal, and to a lesser extent other Asiatic countries, like Turkey, Israel, and Jordan. In the Alps of Austria, Slovenia, Switzerland, Germany, France, and Italy walking tours can be made from 'hut-to-hut', using an extensive system ofmountain huts.

In the late 20th-century, there has been a proliferation of official and unofficial long-distance routes, which mean that hikers now are more likely to refer to using a long-distance way (Britain), trail (US),The Grande Randonnée(France), etc., than setting out on a walking tour. Early examples of long-distance paths include theAppalachian Trailin the US and thePennine Wayin Britain.

Organized hiking clubs emerged in Europe at approximately the same time as official hiking trails. These clubs established and upheld their own paths during the 19th and 20th centuries, prioritizing the development of extended hiking routes. In 1938, the first long-distance hiking trail in Europe, the Hungarian National Blue Trail, was established in the Hungarian wilderness, stretching approximately 62 miles (100 km).


A hiker at the Goecha La Trek, inWest Sikkimdistrict of Sikkim.

In the Middle East, theJordan Trailis a 650 km (400 miles) long hiking trail in Jordan established in 2015 by the Jordan Trail Association. AndIsraelhas been described as "a trekker's paradise" with over 9,656 km (6,000 miles) of trails.[46]

TheLycian Wayis a markedlong-distance trailin southwestern Turkey around part of the coast of ancientLycia.[47]It is over 500 km (310 mi) in length and stretches fromHisarönü(Ovacık), nearFethiye,toGeyikbayırıinKonyaaltıabout 20 km (12 mi) fromAntalya.It was conceived by Briton Kate Clow, who lives in Turkey. It takes its name from the ancient civilization, which once ruled the area.[47]

TheGreat Himalaya Trailis a route across theHimalayas.The original concept of the trail was to establish a single long distance trekking trail from the east end to the west end ofNepalthat includes a total of roughly 1,700 kilometres (1,100 mi) of path. The proposed trail will link together a range of the less explored tourism destinations of Nepal's mountain region.[48]

Latin America


InLatin America,PeruandChileare important hiking destinations. TheInca Trail to Machu Picchuin Peru is very popular and apermit is required.The longest hiking trail in Chile is the informal 3,000 km (1,850 mi)Greater Patagonia Trailthat was created by a non-governmental initiative.[49]



In Africa a majortrekkingdestination[50]isMount Kilimanjaro,adormantvolcanoinTanzania,which is the highestmountain in Africaand the highest single free-standing mountain in the world: 5,895 metres (19,341 ft) above sea level and about 4,900 metres (16,100 ft) above its plateau base.[51]


Backpacksare commonly used on hikes

The equipment required for hiking depends on a variety of factors, including local climate. Day hikers often carry water, food, a map, hat, and rain-proof gear.[6]Hikers have traditionally worn sturdyhiking boots[6]for stability over rough terrain. In recent decades this has become less common as somelong-distance hikershave switched totrail running shoes.[52]Boots are still commonly used in mountainous terrain.The Mountaineersclub recommends a list of "Ten Essentials"equipment for hiking, including a compass, sunglasses, sunscreen, aflashlight,a first aid kit, afire starter,and a knife.[53]Other groups recommend items such as hat, gloves, insect repellent, and anemergency blanket.[54]AGPS navigation devicecan also be helpful androute cardsmay be used as a guide.Trekking polesare also recommended, especially when carrying a heavy backpack.[55]Winter hiking requires a higher level of skill and generally more specialized gear than in other seasons (see winter hiking below).

Proponents ofultralight backpackingargue that long lists of required items for multi-day hikes increases pack weight, and hence fatigue and the chance of injury.[56]Instead, they recommend reducing pack weight, to make hiking long distances easier. Even the use of hiking boots on long-distances hikes is controversial among ultralight hikers, because of their weight.[56]

Hiking times can be estimated byNaismith's ruleorTobler's hiking function,while distances can be measured on a map with anopisometer.Apedometeris a device that records the distance walked.

Hiking with children

The hiking family in 1973

TheAmerican Hiking Societyadvises that parents with young children should encourage them to participate in decision-making about route-finding and pace.[57]Alisha McDarris, writing inPopular Science,suggests that, whilst hiking with children poses particular challenges, it can be a rewarding experience for them, particularly if a route is chosen with their interests in mind.[58]

Young children are prone to becoming fatigued more rapidly than adults, requiring fluids and energy-rich foods more frequently, and are also more sensitive to variations in weather and terrain. Hiking routes may be chosen with these factors in mind, and appropriate clothing, equipment and sun-protection need to be available.[59][60]

Environmental impact

Parts of many hiking trails aroundLake Mohonk,New York State, US, include stairways which can prevent erosion

Natural environmentsare often fragile and may be accidentally damaged, especially when a large number of hikers are involved. For example, years of gathering wood can strip an alpine area of valuable nutrients, and can cause deforestation;[61]and some species, such asmartensorBighorn Sheep,are very sensitive to the presence of humans, especially around mating season. Generally, protected areas such as parks have regulations in place to protect the environment, so as to minimize such impact.[61]Such regulations include banning wood fires, restrictingcampingto established campsites, disposing or packing outfaecal matter,and imposing a quota on the number of hikers. Many hikers espouse the philosophy ofLeave No Trace,following strict practices on dealing withfood waste,food packaging, and other impacts on the environment.[62] Human feces are often a major source of environmental impact from hiking,[61]and can contaminate the watershed and make other hikers ill. 'Catholes' dug 10 to 25 cm (4 to 10 inches) deep, depending on local soil composition and covered after use, at least 60 m (200 feet) away from water sources and trails, are recommended to reduce the risk of bacterial contamination.

Fire is a particular source of danger, and an individual hiker can have a large impact on an ecosystem. For example, in 2005, a Czech backpacker accidentally started a fire that burnt 5% ofTorres del Paine National Parkin Chile.[63]



Because hikers may come into conflict with other users of the land or may harm the natural environment, hiking etiquette has developed.

  • When two groups of hikers meet on a steep trail, a custom has developed in some areas whereby the group moving uphill has theright-of-way.[64]
  • Various organizations recommend that hikers generally avoid making loud sounds, such as shouting or loud conversation, playing music, or the use of mobile phones.[64]However, in bear country, hikers use intentional noise-making as a safety precaution to avoid startling bears.
  • TheLeave No Tracemovement offers a set of guidelines for low-impact hiking: "Leave nothing but footprints. Take nothing but photos. Kill nothing but time. Keep nothing but memories".[65]
  • Hikers are advised not to feed wild animals, because they will become a danger to other hikers if they become habituated to human food, and may have to be killed, or relocated.[66]


Hiking on anarête,Ötztal Alps,Austria; an example of a hiking route that involvessure-footedness,and ahead for heights

Hiking can be hazardousbecause of terrain, inclement weather, becoming lost, or pre-existing medical conditions. The dangerous[67]circumstances hikers can face include specific accidents or physical ailments. It is especially hazardous in high mountains, crossing rivers and glaciers, and when there is snow and ice. At times hiking may involvescrambling,as well as the use of ropes, ice axes and crampons and the skill to properly use them.

Potential hazards involving physical ailments may include dehydration, frostbite, hypothermia, sunburn, sunstroke, ordiarrhea,[68]and such injuries as ankle sprains, or broken bones.[69]Hypothermiais a danger for all hikers and especially inexperienced hikers. Weather does not need to be very cold to be dangerous since ordinary rain or mist has a strong cooling effect. In high mountains a further danger isaltitude sickness.This typically occurs only above 2,500 metres (8,000 ft), though some are affected at lower altitudes.[70][71]Risk factors include a prior episode of altitude sickness, a high degree of activity, and a rapid increase in elevation.[70]

Other threats include attacks by animals (e.g., bears, snakes, andinsectsortickscarryingdiseasessuch asLyme) or contact with noxious plants that can cause rashes (e.g.,poison ivy,poison oak,poison sumac,orstinging nettles). Lightning is also a threat, especially on high ground.

Walkers in high mountains, and during winter in many countries, can encounter hazardous snow and ice conditions, and the possibility ofavalanches.[72]Year roundglaciersare potentially hazardous.[73]Fast flowing water presents another danger and a safe crossing may requires special techniques.[74]

In various countries, borders may be poorly marked. In 2009, Iran imprisoned three Americans for hiking across the Iran-Iraq border.[75]It is illegal to cross into the US on thePacific Crest Trailfrom Canada. Going south to north it is more straightforward and a crossing can be made, if advanced arrangements are made withCanada Border Services.Within theSchengen Area,which includes most of theE.U.,and associated nations like Switzerland and Norway, there are no impediments to crossing by path, and borders are not always obvious.[76]

Winter hiking

Snowshoers inBryce Canyon,Utah,U.S.
Cross-country skiing(includingSki touring) gives access to hiking trails in winter

Hiking in winter offers additional opportunities, challenges and hazards.Cramponsmay be needed in icy conditions, and anice axis recommended on steep, snow covered paths.Snowshoesandhiking poles,orcross country skisare useful aid for those hiking in deep snow.[77] An example of a close relationship between skiing and hiking is found in Norway, where TheNorwegian Trekking Associationmaintains over 400 huts stretching across thousands of kilometres of trails which hikers can use in the summer and skiers in the winter.[78]For longer routes in snowy conditions, hikers may resort toski touring,using specialised skis and boots for uphill travel.[79]In winter, factors such as shortened daylight, changeable weather conditions and avalanche risk can raise the hazard level of hiking.[80][81]

See also



  • Cross-country skiing– hiking snow with the aid of skis
  • Fell running– the sport of running over rough mountainous ground, often off-trail
  • Geocaching– an outdoor treasure-hunting game
  • Orienteering– a sport that involves navigation with a map and compass
  • Peak bagging– ticking-off a list of mountain peaks climbed
  • Pilgrimage– a journey of moral or spiritual significance
  • River trekking– a combination of trekking and climbing and sometimes swimming along a river
  • Rogaining– a sport of long-distance cross-country navigation
  • Snow shoeing– walking across deep snow on snow shoes
  • Thru-hiking– hiking an established long-distance hiking trail continuously in one direction
  • Trail blazing– using signages to mark a hiking route (known as way-marking in Europe)
  • Trail running– running on trails


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  • Amata, Joseph (2004).On Foot, A History of Walking.New York: New York University Press.ISBN9780814705025.See summary of contents
  • Berger, Karen(2017).Great Hiking Trails of the World.New York: Rizzoli.ISBN978-0-847-86093-7.
  • Chamberlin, Silas (2016).On the Trail: A History of American Hiking.Yale University Press.
  • Doran, Jeffrey J. (2023).Ramble On: How Hiking Became One of the Most Popular Outdoor Activities in the World.Amazon Digital Services LLC – Kdp.ISBN979-8373963923.
  • Gros, Frédéric (2014).A Philosophy of Walking.Translated by Howe, John. London, New York: Verso.ISBN9781781682708.
  • Solnit, Rebecca (2000).Wanderlust: a history of walking.New York: Viking.

This article incorporates text from a publication now in thepublic domain:Chisholm, Hugh,ed. (1911). "Haller, Albrecht von".Encyclopædia Britannica(11th ed.). Cambridge University Press.
