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Hillel ben Eliakim

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Hillel ben Eliakim,known inHebrewtoTalmudscholars asRabbeinu Hillel,( "Our Rabbi Hillel" ), was aGreekrabbiandTalmudscholar. He lived during the 11th century and 12th century.

In his writings he mentions the name of his city, סלווידי. Some believe this refers toSilivri,others that it is a distortion ofSaloniki,and other opinions exist too.

He was a pupil ofRashi,and is mentioned byMordecai ben Hillel.

Hillel wrote the commentarySifre ve Sifra Perush RabbenutoMidrash,being a commentary onSifreiandSifra.[1]InSifrahe often quotes Rashi andIsaac ben Melchizedek.


  1. ^J. Starr,The Jews in the Byzantine Empire,New York 1939, pp. 61–62