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Electrumcoinage of Miletus, around the birth of Histiaeus. Circa 600-550 BC.
Coinage of Miletus at the time of Histiaeus. AR Obol (9mm, 1.07 g). Forepart of lion left, head right. Stellate and floral design within incuse square. Late 6th-early 5th century BC.

Histiaeus(Ancient Greek:Ἱστιαῖος,died 493 BC), the son of Lysagoras, was a Greek ruler ofMiletusin the late 6th century BC. Histiaeus wastyrantof Miletus underDarius I,king ofPersia,who had subjugated Miletus and the otherIonianstates inAsia Minor,and who generally appointed Greeks as tyrants to rule the Greek cities ofIoniain his territory.[1]

Scythian campaign of Darius I (circa 513 BC)[edit]

The Greeks under Histiaeus preserve the bridge of Darius I across theDanuberiver. 19th century illustration.

According toHerodotus,[2]Histiaeus, along with the other Chiefs/Tyrants under Darius' rule, took part in thePersian expeditionagainst theScythians,and was put in charge of defending the bridge that Darius' troops had placed across theDanubeRiver. The Scythians attempted to persuade Histiaeus and the others to abandon the bridge; one faction, led byMiltiadesofAthens,at that time tyrant of theChersonese,wanted to follow the Scythians' advice. However, Histiaeus argued that they should stay, as they owed their positions as tyrants to Darius and would surely be overthrown if he were killed.

Instead, according to Herodotus, Histiaeus suggested that they pretend to follow the Scythian plan. So Histiaeus was sent as an ambassador to the Scythians to tell them that the tyrants would accept the Scythian plan, while the rest of the tyrants acted as if they were demolishing the bridge. Histiaeus persuaded the Scythians to look for the Persian forces.

Herodotus writes that while the Scythians were away, the Persians returned to the Danube and Histiaeus organised the ships to successfully ferry them across the river.

During the expedition, Histiaeus' troops had started building a settlement at Myrcinus (site of the laterAmphipolis) on theStrymonRiver. After returning with Darius toSardis,Darius asked Histiaeus what he wanted in return for his service. Histiaeus responded that he wanted to be given control overMyrcinus,to which Darius agreed.

However, the Persian commanderMegabazussuspected Histiaeus' interest in the strategically important area, which controlled key roads from Persian controlled territory intoEurope,as well as known sources ofsilverandtimber.Nevertheless, Darius considered Histiaeus to be loyal, and asked him to come back toSusawith him as a friend and advisor. Histiaeus' nephew and son-in-lawAristagoraswas left in control of Miletus.[3]

Ionian revolt (499-494 BC)[edit]

However, according to Herodotus, Histiaeus was unhappy having to stay in Susa, and made plans to return to his position as King of Miletus by instigating arevolt in Ionia.[3]In 499 BC, he shaved the head of his most trusted slave,tattooed a message on his head, and then waited for his hair to grow back.The slave was then sent to Aristagoras, who was instructed to shave the slave's head again and read the message, which told him to revolt against the Persians. Aristagoras, who was disliked by his own subjects after an expedition toNaxosended in failure, followed Histiaeus' command, and with help from theAtheniansandEretrians,attacked and burned Sardis.[3]When Darius learned of the revolt, he sent for Histiaeus, who pretended to have no knowledge of its origins, but asked to be sent back to Miletus to put down the revolt. Herodotus writes that Darius permitted him to leave.

On his way back, Histiaeus went to Sardis, where thesatrapArtaphernessuspected Histiaeus' role in the revolt, forcing Histiaeus to flee toChios.Histiaeus tried unsuccessfully to build a fleet while on Chios. He then returned to Miletus with the aim of becoming tyrant once more. However, the Miletians did not want a return to tyranny and exiled him toLesbos.There, he gathered some ships and, according to Herodotus, began committing acts ofpiracyin theBlack Seaand theAegean Seafrom a base inByzantium.

Meanwhile, the Persians defeated the leaders of the Ionian revolt at theBattle of Ladein 494 BC. When Histiaeus learned of this he left Byzantium, and his troops attacked Chios, blockadedThasosand then attempted to land on the mainland to attack the Persians. After joining a Greek force in battle against the Persians, he was captured by the Persian general,Harpagusin 493 BC. The satrapArtaphernesdid not want to send him back to Susa, where he suspected that Darius would pardon him, so he executed him by impaling, and sent his head to Darius.[3]According to Herodotus, Darius still did not believe Histiaeus was a traitor and gave his head an honourable burial.

See also[edit]


  1. ^Waters, Matt (2014).Ancient Persia: A Concise History of the Achaemenid Empire, 550–330 BCE.Cambridge University Press. p. 83.ISBN9781107009608.
  2. ^Herodotus. (2003). "The Histories,Book 5. "Trans. Aubrey De Selincourt. Rev. John Marincola. London: Penguin Group.ISBN0-14-044908-6
  3. ^abcdWaters, Matt (2014).Ancient Persia: A Concise History of the Achaemenid Empire, 550–330 BCE.Cambridge University Press. pp. 85–86.ISBN9781107009608.

External links[edit]