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History of the Chinese language

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The earliesthistorical linguisticevidence of the spokenChinese languagedates back approximately 4500 years,[1]while examples of the writing system that would becomewritten Chineseare attested in a body of inscriptions made on bronze vessels andoracle bonesduring theLate Shangperiod (c. 1250– 1050 BCE),[2][3]with the very oldest dated toc. 1200 BCE.[4]


Proto-Sinitic (before 1250 BCE)[edit]

One hypothetical scenario for the homeland and spread of Proto-Sino-Tibetan speakers between 3250 and 1600 BCE, based on a 2019 database of comparative archaeological data developed byLaurent Sagartet al.[5]

The oldest attestedwritten Chinese—comprising theoracle bone inscriptionsmade during the 13th century BCE by theShang dynastyroyal house in modernAnyang,Henan—is also the earliest direct evidence of theSinitic languages.Most experts agree that Sinitic languages share a common ancestor with theTibeto-Burman languages,forming the primarySino-Tibetanfamily. However, the precise placement of Sinitic within Sino-Tibetan is a matter of debate.[6]Reconstructing the common ancestor of all Sino-Tibetan languages, known asProto-Sino-Tibetan—a language last spoken thousands of years before the historical record—has been challenging. Even thoughChinese charactersarelogographsthat do not encode the sounds of speech directly, written Chinese allows for the partial reconstruction of how ancient forms of the language sounded. No such evidence exists for earlier stages, including where Sinitic would have split from other branches of Sino-Tibetan.[7]There are several reasons that thecomparative methodconventionally used inhistorical linguisticshas had limited success in reconstructing the history of Sino-Tibetan compared to the results achieved with other major language families likeIndo-European:[8]

  1. Relatively few Sino-Tibetan languages, of which Chinese is one, have written traditions old enough to provide useful comparative evidence.
  2. In areas where Sino-Tibetan languages are spoken, there have historically been high rates of population transfer. This has resulted in manyareal featuresshared between languages, making it difficult to determine which relationships—not onlycognatesin vocabulary, but also grammatical features—arephylogenetic.
  3. Languages that make heavier use ofmorphologygenerally provide more data useful in historical comparisons, i.e. the conjugated and derived forms of words. Compared to Indo-European languages like Latin, Greek, and Sanskrit, Sino-Tibetan languages are highlyisolatingand exhibit very little morphology, making it difficult to identify cognates.

Pre-Classical period (1300–500 BCE)[edit]

Old Chinese,sometimes known as "Archaic Chinese", is ancestral to all current Chinese languages. The first known use of the Chinese writing system is divinatory inscriptions into tortoise shells andoracle bonesduring theShang dynasty(1766–1122 BCE). During the first half of theZhou dynasty(1122–256 BCE), writing descended from the Shang is found texts including inscriptions on bronze artefacts, theClassic of Poetry,the history of theBook of Documents,and portions of theI Ching.Phonetic elements found in the majority of Chinese characters also provide hints to their Old Chinese pronunciations, as do the pronunciations of borrowed Chinese characters in Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese.[citation needed]Old Chinese was not whollyuninflected.It possessed a rich sound system in which aspiration or rough breathing differentiated the consonants, but was probably still without tones. Work on reconstructing Old Chinese started withQing dynastyphilologists.[citation needed]

Classical period (500 BCE – 1 CE)[edit]

Words in Old Chinese were generallymonosyllabic;as such, each character denoted an independent word.[9]Affixescould be added to form a new word, which was often written with the same single character. In many cases, the pronunciations then diverged due to the systematicsound changescaused by the affixes. For example, many modern readings reflect thedeparting tonepresent inMiddle Chinese,which many scholars now believe is areflexof aderivational suffix/*-s/that served a range of semantic functions in Old Chinese. This is possibly the only example ofinflectional morphologyextant in what was otherwise ananalytic language:[10][11]

Evolution of character senses as caused by the Old ChineseĐi thanh(qùshēng)
Character OC[α] MC[β] mod. Gloss
Truyền[12] *drjon drjwen' chuán 'to transmit'
*drjons drjwenH zhuàn 'a record'
Ma[12] *maj ma 'to grind'
*majs maH 'grindstone'
Túc[13] *sjuk sjuwk 'to stay overnight'
*sjuks sjuwH xiù 'celestial mansion'
Nói[14] *hljot sywet shuō 'speak'
*hljots sywejH shuì 'exhort'

Another common sound change occurred between voiced and voiceless initials, though the phonemic voicing distinction has disappeared in most modern varieties. This is believed to reflect an Old Chinesede-transitivisingprefix, but scholars disagree on whether the voiced or voiceless form reflects the original root. Each pair of examples below reflects two words of opposite transitivity.[citation needed]

Evolution of character transitivity pairs from Old Chinese
Character OC[α] MC[β] mod. Gloss
Thấy[15] *kens kenH jiàn 'to see'
*gens henH xiàn 'to appear'
Bại[15] *prats pæjH bài[a] 'to defeat'
*brats bæjH 'to be defeated'
Chiết[16] *tjat tsyet zhé 'to bend'
*djat dzyet shé 'to be broken by bending'

Eastern Han period (1–300 CE)[edit]

Middle Chinese (300–1100)[edit]

Middle Chinesewas a form of Chinese used during theSui,Tang,andSong dynastiesbetween the 4th and 10th centuries. It can be divided into two periods: Early Middle Chinese is documented in theQieyun(601), the firstrime dictionary,and a later revision in theGuangyun(1008). Late Middle Chinese is reflected byrime tablessuch as theYunjing.The evidence for the pronunciation of Middle Chinese comes from several sources: modern dialect variations, rime dictionaries, foreigntransliterations,rime tables constructed by ancient Chinese philologists to summarize the phonetic system, and Chinese phonetic translations of foreign words.

Early Modern Chinese (1100–1900)[edit]

The development of Chinese has been complex. The prevalence of Mandarin throughout northern China is due in part to the open plains of northern China, in contrast to the mountains and rivers of southern China that enabled greater linguistic diversity.[citation needed]Moreover, Mandarin, calledGuanhua('officials' speech') was at first based on theNanjing dialect,and became the dominant vernacular in northern China during the early Qing. It was gradually challenged by the variety used byscholar-officialsof Beijing. In the 17th century, the Qing began setting uporthoepyacademies to conform pronunciation to the Beijing standard, but had little success.[citation needed]

Modern Chinese (1900–present)[edit]

During the late 19th century, the Beijing dialect finally replaced the Nanjing dialect in the imperial court. For the general population, although varieties of Mandarin were already widely spoken in China, a single standard of Mandarin did not exist. Non-Mandarin speakers in southern China continued to use their local varieties in most aspects of life. The area where the new Beijing court dialect was used was thus fairly limited.[citation needed]

This situation changed with the creation of an elementary school education system committed to teachingStandard Chinesein bothmainland Chinaand Taiwan, but notHong KongorMacau.At the time that it was being widely introduced in these places, theBritish colonyof Hong Kong did not use it at all. In Hong Kong, Macau,Guangdongand parts ofGuangxi,Cantoneseremains the everyday language used in business and education. The Chinese language has adopted a wide array of foreign words, which have been adapted to Chinese dialects and pronunciation, referred to as thesinificationof foreign words.[citation needed]

After the establishment of theKuomintang(KMT), the 1913Commission on the Unification of Pronunciationplanned to useGuanhuaas the basis of a national dialect, redubbing it asGuoyu('national language').[17]Continuing previous policies, the People's Republic of China sought to further standardize a common language, now dubbedStandard Chinese,for national and political unity. The "Decision of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee and State Council Concerning Elimination of Illiteracy" of March 1956 solidified the Communist Party's plans to reform the country'straditional charactersto asimplifiedwriting system to improveliteracy.[18]

Besides the standard writing systems promoted by the government, no other written form of Chinese has seen widespread use to an extent comparable to that of Standard Chinese.[19]


  1. ^abAccording toBaxter's 1992 reconstructionof Old Chinese
  2. ^abUsingBaxter's transcriptionfor Middle Chinese
  1. ^In this case, the pronunciations have converged in Standard Chinese, but they have not in other varieties.



  1. ^Norman 1988,p. 4.
  2. ^Kern 2010,p. 1.
  3. ^Keightley 1978,p. xvi.
  4. ^Bagley 2004;Boltz 1999,p. 109.
  5. ^Sagart et al. 2019,pp. 10319–10320.
  6. ^Thurgood & LaPolla 2017,p. 5;Handel 2015,p. 37–38.
  7. ^Norman 1988,pp. 12–16.
  8. ^Handel 2015,p. 40–41.
  9. ^Norman 1988,p. 58.
  10. ^Zhang, Shuya (2022),"Rethinking the*-ssuffix in Old Chinese: with new evidence from Situ Rgyalrong "(PDF),Folia Linguistica,56(s43–s1): 129–167,doi:10.1515/flin-2022-2014,ISSN0165-4004,S2CID248002645
  11. ^Baxter 1992,pp. 315–317.
  12. ^abBaxter 1992,p. 315.
  13. ^Baxter 1992,p. 316.
  14. ^Baxter 1992,pp. 197, 305.
  15. ^abBaxter 1992,p. 218.
  16. ^Baxter 1992,p. 219.
  17. ^DeFrancis 1984,p. 224.
  18. ^DeFrancis 1984,p. 295.
  19. ^Norman 1988,p. 3.

Works cited[edit]