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History of Vojvodina

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Vojvodina(Serbian:Војводина orVojvodina;Hungarian:Vajdaság;Slovak:Vojvodina;Romanian:Voivodina;Croatian:Vojvodina;Rusyn:Войводина) is anautonomous provincelocated in northernSerbia.It consists of thePannonian Plainin the south, and theDanubeandSava(part of theMačvaregion that belongs to Vojvodina is located south of Sava) rivers in the north.



The name"Vojvodina"(Војводина) in theSerbian languagesimply means "voivodeship"or"duchy".Its original historical name in 1848 was"Serbian Voivodeship"(Serbian Vojvodina). The Serbian language uses two more varieties of the wordVojvodina.These varieties areVojvodovina(Војводовина), andVojvodstvo(Војводство), the latter being an equivalent to the Polish word for province,województwo(voivodeship).

As for the names of the three historical and geographical regions of which Vojvodina is composed,Syrmiawas named after the ancient Roman city ofSirmium,Bačkawas named after the town ofBač,andBanatwas named after the ruling titleBan.

Territory of present-day Vojvodina throughout history


Banat, Bačka and Syrmia:Throughout history, the territory of present-day Vojvodina (including regions of Banat, Bačka and Syrmia) has been (entirely or partially) a part of:

Mačva:Through the history, the region of Mačva (whose northern part is within present-day Vojvodina) has been a part of: theRoman Empire(1st-4th century), theByzantine Empire(4th-5th century; 5th-7th century; 11th-12th century), theHun Empire(5th century), theSlavic-controlled territories(7th-9th century), theBulgarian Empire(9th-11th century), theKingdom of Hungary(12th-13th century; 14th century; 15th century; 16th century), theState of Serb king Stefan Dragutin(13th-14th century), theSerbian Empire(14th century), theState of Nikola Altomanović(14th century), theMoravian Serbia(14th century), theSerbian Despotate(15th century), theOttoman Empire(15th century; 16th-18th century; 18th-19th century), theHabsburg monarchy(1718–39), theKarađorđe's Serbia(1804–13), the vassalPrincipality of Serbia(1815–78), the independentPrincipality of Serbia(1878–82), theKingdom of Serbia(1882–1918), theKingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes(1918–29), theKingdom of Yugoslavia(1929–1941), theNedić's Serbia(1941–1944), theSocialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia(1944–92), theFederal Republic of Yugoslavia(1992–2003), andSerbia and Montenegro(2003–06). Since 2006, the region is part of independentSerbia.

An autonomous region namedSerbian Vojvodinawas proclaimed in theMay Assembly,which was organized by local Serbs in 1848. Due to the advance of the Hungarian army in 1849 and disagreements between Serb leaders, the autonomous Serb region ceased to exist in 1849 and the remains of its army joined the Austrian imperial army. Later that year (1849), after the Austrian and Russian armies defeated the Hungarians, a separate Habsburg crownland named theVoivodeship of Serbia and Banat of Temeschwarwas formed. It existed from 1849 to 1860 and covered a larger territory than the original Serbian Vojvodina. AfterWorld War I,in 1918, the Assembly of local Serbs, Bunjevci and other Slavs of Banat, Bačka and Baranja declared the secession of these regions from theKingdom of Hungaryand the creation of an administrative province namedBanat, Bačka and Baranja,which joined the Kingdom of Serbia. Its borders with newly independent Hungary were defined by theTreaty of Trianon(1920). In 1929 the region became a province of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia namedDanube Banovina.From 1944 to 1945 until the breakup of Yugoslavia it was an autonomous province, of socialist Serbia and Yugoslavia. Together with Kosovo and Metohija, Vojvodina enjoyed highly autonomous status between 1974 and 1990.

Early history

Ancient peoples (Illyrians,Dacians,Celts,Sarmatians,and others) in the territory of modern Vojvodina.

The territory of present-day Vojvodina has been inhabited since thePaleolithicperiod.Indo-Europeanpeoples moved into this area during three migration waves, in 4200 BC, 3300 BC, and 2800 BC.

Before theRomanconquest in the 1st century BC, Indo-European peoples ofIllyrian,ThracianandCelticorigin inhabited the region. Some of the important tribes that lived in the territory of present-day Vojvodina were:Agatirses,Dacians(Thracian tribes),Amantini,Breuci,Pannonians(Illyrian tribes), andSkordisces(Celtic tribe). The later Roman province of Pannonia was named after one of the Illyrian tribes from the region – the Pannonians.



The Romans conquered this region in the 1st century BC. Opposing Roman rule, the Illyrian tribes started an uprising in 6 AD. The leaders of this uprising wereBatonandPines,the first named individuals known to be from the present-day Vojvodina territory. TheBanatregion was a part of the Roman provinceDacia,while theSyrmiaregion was part of the provincePannonia.

Sirmium(todaySremska Mitrovica) was an importantRomantown. It developed into the economic capital of Roman Pannonia and later became one of the four capital cities of the Roman Empire during theTetrarchy.SixRoman Emperorswere born in this city or in its surroundings:Decius Traian(249–251),Aurelian(270–275),Probus(276–282),Maximianus Herculius(285–310),Constantius II(337–361) andGratian(367–383). These emperors mostly were Romanized Illyrians by origin.

Although the southern and eastern parts of present-day Vojvodina (Syrmia and Banat) were part of the Roman Empire, the north-western parts (Bačka) were inhabited and ruled by theIazyges,an Iranian tribe.



TheHunsdrove the Romans out of Pannonia after A.D. 395. The rule of the Huns lasted a little over half a century, and the region then became part of theByzantine Empire.Much ofSyrmiawas part of theByzantine province of Pannoniain the 6th century; its capital wasSirmium.The area was later conquered by theGepidsand, for a short time, Sirmium became a capital of the Gepid Kingdom. In 567, the Gepids were defeated by theAvarswho established their rule over the region.


Voivodship (duchy) ofSalan,9th century.

Slavs(Severans,Abodrites,Braničevci,Timočani,andSerbs) settled in the territory of present-day Vojvodina in the 6th and 7th centuries AD, but pockets of Romanized population remained in the area. Serbs were recorded in northernBanatfrom the year 567. In the beginning of the 9th century, Syrmia was for the short time part of the state ofLjudevit Posavski(Pannonian Duchy or Pannonian Croatia) and after the Frankish conquest of the region, the Bulgarian Empire conquered its eastern part.

In the 9th century, the territory of present-day Vojvodina became a part of theBulgarian Empire.According to theGesta Hungarorum,Salan,a Bulgarianvoivod(duke), ruled the territory ofBačka,and his capital city wasTitel.Another Bulgarian voivod,Glad,ruled inBanat,but there are no other sources mentioning them except from the Gesta, which was written three hundred years later, so their existence is questionable. By the Gesta Ungarorum, Glad's descendant wasAjtonyor Ahtum, voivod ofBanat,the last ruler who opposed the establishment of theKingdom of Hungary.Ajtony was probably anOrthodox Christian,and the modern historiography views him as a Hungarian tribal chief.

In the 11th century, the ruler of Syrmia wasSermon,a vassal of the Bulgarian emperorSamuil,who ruled from Ohrid. Sermon produced his own golden coins in present-daySremska Mitrovica.After the Bulgarian Empire was defeated by the Byzantine Empire, Sermon was captured and killed because he chose not to co-operate with the new authorities.

Kingdom of Hungary and medieval Serbs


TheHungarians(orMagyars) arrived in thePannonian Plainduring the last decade of the 9th century. Hungarian rule was established in parts of the territory of present-day Vojvodina, beginning from the 10th century. Bačka came under Hungarian rule in the 10th century after the Hungarians defeated Salan. Banat came under Hungarian rule in the 11th century after the defeat ofAhtum,while Syrmia came under Hungarian rule in the 12th century after theKingdom of Hungaryconquered it from the Byzantines. Before the Hungarian conquest, a province of the Byzantine Empire namedTheme Sirmiumexisted in the territory of Syrmia.

In the 13th century, the territory of present-day Vojvodina was divided into several counties:Bač(Bacsensis) andBodrog(Bodrogiensis), both in the region ofBačka,Syrmia(Sirmiensis) andVukovar(Vukovariensis), both in the region ofSyrmia,andKovin(Covinum) in the region ofBanat.

Kingdom of Syrmia

Stefan Dragutin,king of Syrmia (1282–1316).

Between 1282 and 1316 theSerbianKingStefan Dragutinruled theKingdom of Syrmia,which consisted of the north-western parts of present-dayCentral Serbia(includingMačva,Braničevo,Podrinje,etc.), south-western part of present-day Vojvodina (northern part of the region of Mačva),[citation needed]as well asUsoraandSoliin present-dayBosnia and Herzegovina.His capital cities wereDebrc(betweenBelgradeandŠabac) andBelgrade.At that time, the nameSyrmiawas a designation for two territories:Upper Syrmia(present-daySyrmia) andLower Syrmia(present-dayMačva). The Kingdom of Syrmia under the rule of Stefan Dragutin was located in Lower Syrmia. Another local ruler,Ugrin Čak,ruled over Upper Syrmia,Slavonija,BačkaandBanat,and his residence was inIlok.At first, Stefan Dragutin was a vassal of the Hungarian king, but after the central power in the Kingdom of Hungary collapsed, both, Stefan Dragutin and Ugrin Čak became de facto independent rulers.[citation needed]Stefan Dragutin died in 1316, and was succeeded by his son, KingVladislav II(1316–25), while Ugrin Čak died in 1311. Vladislav II was defeated by the king of Serbia,Stefan Dečanski,in 1324, and after this, Lower Syrmia became a subject of dispute between the Kingdom of Serbia and the Kingdom of Hungary. After the death of Ugrin Čak, Upper Syrmia, southern Bačka and south-western Banat were placed under authority of the Hungarian king.

Serbian despots


Though Serbs were part of the aboriginal Slavic population in the territory of present-day Vojvodina (especially in Syrmia), an increasing number ofSerbsbegan settling from the 14th century onward. Serbian despotsStefan LazarevićandĐurađ Brankovićalso had their personal possessions in the territory of present-day Vojvodina (and Pannonian part of present-day Belgrade), which includedZemun,Slankamen,Kupinik,Mitrovica,Bečej,andVeliki Bečkerek,which were given to the despot Stefan Lazarević (who was a tertiary vassal or a majordomo of Sigismund) in 1404 by Hungarian kingSigismund.[27]In 1417,Apatinis also mentioned among his personal possessions. Later in the 15th century, the Serbian despot Đurađ Branković became the single largest landowner in the Kingdom of Hungary, possessing estates as far afield in the Banat, Transylvania and the region around Debrecen. For that he received the title of baron in theKingdom of Hungary.However, after Branković's dealings with the Turks were discovered in 1455 (leading among other things to Hunyadi's defeat at the battle of Kosovo), his estates were confiscated and placed under the stewardship of Hunyadi (who was acting regent at the time).

After theOttoman EmpireconqueredSerbian Despotate(in 1459),titulardespots of Serbia has received from Hungarian kings territory of late Đurađ Branković and they have continued to control parts of the territory of present-day Vojvodina until Ottoman conquest in 1526. The residence of the despots wasKupinik(today Kupinovo) inSyrmia,while other important places that were in possession of the despots includedSlankamen,Berkasovo,Bečkerek,etc. The Serbian despots in Syrmia were:Vuk Grgurević(1471–85),Đorđe Branković(1486–96),Jovan Branković(1496–1502),Ivaniš Berislav(1504–14), andStevan Berislav(1520–35). The last two titular despots of Serbia,Radič Božić(1527–28) andPavle Bakić(1537) did not rule in the territory of present-day Vojvodina, but had possessions in the territories of present-dayRomaniaand Hungary. According to people's tradition,Stefan Štiljanovićwas also an (unofficial) Serbian despot (from 1537 to 1540). His residence was in the town ofMorovićin Syrmia. The fact that titular Despots of Serbia controlled the territory of present-day Vojvodina, but also the presence of large Serb population, are the reasons because in many historical records and maps, which were written and drawn between 15th and 18th centuries, territory of present-day Vojvodina was namedRascia(Serbia) andLittle Rascia(Little Serbia). See alsoRascians.[citation needed]

Ottoman Empire, Jovan Nenad and Radoslav Čelnik

Monument toEmperor Jovan NenadinSubotica.
Serbian Empire ofJovan Nenad,1526–27.

TheOttoman Empiretook control of the territory of present-day Vojvodina following theBattle of Mohácsof 1526 and the conquest ofBanatin 1552.[28]This turbulent period caused a massive depopulation of this region, with most of theHungariansand CatholicCroats(Šokci) fled to the north, and were replaced by Serb and Muslim inhabitants.

Soon after the Battle of Mohács,Jovan Nenad,a leader of the Serb mercenaries, established his rule inBačka,northernBanatand a small part ofSyrmia.[29]He created an ephemeral independent state, withSuboticaas its capital. At the pitch of his power, Jovan Nenad proclaimed himself Serbian Emperor in Subotica. Taking advantage of the extremely confused military and political situation, the Hungarian noblemen from the region joined forces against him and defeated the Serbian troops in the summer of 1527. Emperor Jovan Nenad was assassinated and his state collapsed.

After the assassination of Jovan Nenad, the general commander of his army,Radoslav Čelnik,moved with part of the former emperor's army from Bačka to Syrmia, and acceded into the Ottoman service. Radoslav Čelnik then ruled over Syrmia as Ottoman vassal and took for himself the title of the duke of Syrmia, while his residence was inSlankamen.

During the Ottoman rule, most of the inhabitants of the territory of present-day Vojvodina region were Serbs.[28]During that time, villages were mostly populated with Serbs, while cities were mostly mixed with variousMuslimpopulations including islamized Serbs.[citation needed]Eyalet of Temeşvar(Turkish province) existed inBanatafter 1552, while theSanjak of Syrmiaand theSanjak of Szegedexisted inSyrmiaandBačka.In 1594 Serbs inBanatstaged an uprising opposing Ottoman rule. This was one of three largest Serbian uprisings in history, and the largest before theFirst Serbian Uprisingled byKarađorđe.

Habsburg Rule


Hungarian Crown Land (1699–1849)


TheHabsburg monarchytook control of the territory of present-day Vojvodina among other lands by the treaties ofKarlovci(1699) andPožarevac(1718). The areas adjacent to the Ottoman territory (entireSyrmiaand easternBačka) were incorporated into theMilitary Frontier(itsSlavonian,Tisa,andDanubesections), while western Bačka was incorporated into the Habsburg Kingdom of Hungary. TheBanat of Temeswarwas established as a separate military province of the Habsburg monarchy in 1718, and remained under military administration until 1751, whenMaria Theresaintroduced a civil administration. The Banat province was abolished in 1778. The southern part of the Banat remained inside the Military Frontier (Banat Krajina) until it was abolished in 1871. In 1745, northern Syrmia was incorporated into theKingdom of Slavonia,a Habsburg land, mainly inhabited by Serbs and Croats. (According to 1790 data, population of the Kingdom of Slavonia was composed of:Serbs(46.8%),Croats(45.7%),Hungarians(6.8%), etc.) The south-eastern parts of Syrmia remained within the Military Frontier.

The end of the Ottoman rule dramatically altered the demographic character of the territory of present-day Vojvodina region, as much of the ethnic Serb population had been decimated through warfare. The Muslim population also fled from the region and some of them found refugee in Ottoman Bosnia. The Serbianpatriarch,Arsenije III Čarnojević,fearing the revenge of the Ottomans for the Serbian rebellion, immigrated in the last decade of the 17th century to the Habsburg monarchy with about 60–70,000 Serb refugees, but they mostly settled in the territory of what is now Republic of Hungary and only small part of them settled in western Bačka in present-day Vojvodina. However, because of this event, theHabsburg Emperorpromised religious freedom to all Serbs in the Habsburg Monarchy, as well as the right to elect their own "voivod"(military and civil governor). Much of the territory of present-day Vojvodina where Serbs lived was incorporated into the Military Frontier.

Serbian (Illyrian Nation) privileges in the Habsburg monarchy - a book from 1732. Serbs were a recognized nation in the Habsburg Monarchy.

The emperor also recognized Serbs as one of the official nations of the Habsburg monarchy and he recognized the right of Serbs to have territorial autonomy within one separate voivodship. This right, however, was not realized before therevolution in 1848–49.The immigration of Serbs to the Habsburg monarchy was maintained during the 18th century. In 1687, the northern parts of the region were settled by ethnicBunjevci.

During theKuruc War(1703–11) ofFrancis II Rakoczi,the territory of present-day Vojvodina was a battlefield between Hungarian rebels and local Serbs who fought on the side of the Habsburg Emperor. Serbs inBačkasuffered the greatest losses. Hungarian rebels burned Serbian villages and many Serbs were expelled from Bačka.[citation needed]Darvas,the prime military commander of the Hungarian rebels, which fought against Serbs in Bačka, wrote: "We burned all large places ofRascia,on the both banks of the riversDanubeandTisa". During the Habsburg rule many non-Serb colonists also settled in the territory of present-day Vojvodina. They were mainly (Catholic)GermansandHungarians,but alsoRuthenians,Slovaks,Romanians,and others. TheDonauschwaben,orDanube Swabiansestablished many settlements in the area during the reign ofMaria Theresa.

Because of this colonization, Serbs lost the absolute ethnic majority in the region,[citation needed]and territory of present-day Vojvodina became one of the most ethnically diverse regions of Europe. However, there was also some emigration from the territory of present-day Vojvodina: after the Tisa-Moriš section of the Military Frontier was abolished, many Serbs from the north-eastern parts of Bačka left this region and immigrated to Russia (notably toNew SerbiaandSlavo-Serbia) in 1752, and this region was then populated with new Hungarian settlers. Many Hungarians came after 1867,[citation needed]when theAustro-Hungarian Compromisewas reached and Austria-Hungary as a dual monarchy was established. Serbs, however, remained the single largest ethnic group in the territory of present-day Vojvodina, until the second half of 20th century, when they became the absolute majority again.

"The long 19th century"(1789–1914) was marked by rapid population increase, prosperity, sustained economic development, expansion of the transportation infrastructure, and despite the birth of the various national and reform movements also of relatively peaceful inter-ethnic relations and the reconstruction of the educational system. It was a period of integration into Europe, both economically and spiritually.

Between the 16th and 19th centuries, territory of present-day Vojvodina was the cultural centre of the Serbian people. Especially important cultural centres were:Novi Sad,Sremski Karlovci,and the monasteries ofFruška Gora.In the first half of the 19th century, Novi Sad was the largest Serb city; in 1820 this city had about 20,000 inhabitants, of whom two-thirds were Serbs. Novi Sad had an elected mayor that was alternately German or Serb. TheMatica Srpskamoved to that town fromBudapestin 1864. The SerbiangymnasiumsofNovi SadandSremski Karlovciwere at the time considered to be among the best in the Habsburg Kingdom of Hungary. Novi Sad has been referred to as "the SerbAthens"for this reason.

Revolutions and Serbian autonomy

Proclamation of Serbian Vojvodina in 1848 in Sremski Karlovci.
Proclaimed borders of theSerbian Voivodshipin 1848.

Economical and cultural development was only interrupted by theRevolutionsin 1848–49. The human and material losses in theBačkaandBanatregions were the greatest in the entireAustrian Empire.During the Revolution, the Hungarians demanded national rights and autonomy within the Austrian Empire. However, they did not recognize the national rights of other nationalities which lived in the Kingdom of Hungary at that time; according to data from 1842, only 38% of the inhabitants of theKingdom of HungarywereHungarians,with the rest of the population being Slavs, Romanians, and Germans.

Wishing to express their national individuality and confronted with the new Hungarian authorities,Serbsdeclared the constitution of theSerbian Voivodship(Serbian Duchy) at the May Assembly inSremski Karlovci(May 13–15, 1848). The Serbian Voivodship consisted ofSyrmia,Bačka,Banat,andBaranjaregions. The Serbs also formed a political alliance with theCroats"based on freedom and perfect equality". They also recognized theRomaniannationality. The metropolitan of Sremski Karlovci,Josif Rajačić,was electedpatriarch,whileStevan Šupljikacthe firstvoivod(duke). A National committee was formed as the new government of theSerbian Voivodship.Instead of the old feudal regime a new reign was founded based on the national boards with the HeadSerbian National Boardpresiding.

The Hungarian government replied by the use of force: on June 12, 1848, a war between Serbs and Hungarians started. Austria took the side of Hungary at first, demanding from the Serbs to "go back to being obedient". Serbs were aided by volunteers fromSerbia.A consequence of this war, was the expansion of the conservative factions. Since the Austrian court turned against the Hungarians in the later stage of revolution, the feudal and clerical circles of the Voivodship formed an alliance with Austria and became a tool of theViennesegovernment. Serbian troops from the Voivodship then joined the Habsburg army and helped in crushing the revolution in the Kingdom of Hungary. With the help ofImperial Russia,the forces of reaction smothered the revolution in the summer of 1849, defeating all the national and social movements in the Habsburg Monarchy.

Austrian Crown Land (1849–1860)


After the defeat of the revolution, by a decision of the Austrianemperor,in November 1849, a separate Austrian crown land known as theVoivodship of Serbia and Tamiš Banatwas formed as the political successor of the Serbian Voivodship. The crown land consisted of the parts ofBanat,BačkaandSyrmiaregions. An Austrian governor seated inTemeswarruled the area, and the title of voivod (duke) belonged to the emperor himself. The full title of the emperor was "Grand Voivodof the Voivodship of Serbia "(German:Großwoiwode der Woiwodschaft Serbien). Even after this crown land was abolished, the emperor kept this title until the end of theHabsburg monarchyin 1918. The Voivodship's two official languages became German and "Illyrian" (what would becomeSerbo-Croatian), but in practice it was mainly German.

Voivodship of Serbia and Tamiš Banat,surrounded in green (Wojwodowina und Banat), 1849–1860.

The ethnic composition of the Voivodship looked as follows:

The Voivodship was ethnically very mixed, since the southern parts of Syrmia, Banat and Bačka with compact Serb settlements were not included into it, while eastern Banat, with a Romanian majority was added to it. Some Serbs saw this as a divide and rule tactic byViennato dilute the Serbs in the Voivodship and create an autonomous region Serbian only in name, precisely by leaving out the regions with the most Serbian concentration. Yet, Serbian (Illyrian) language was official in the Voivodship, and Serbs participated in large number in the regional administration. After the abolishment of the Voivodship, both, Serbs and Romanians protested against this act, while Hungarians and Germans supported the abolishment. Vojvodina remained Austrian Crown land until 1860, whenEmperor Franz Josephdecided that it will be a Hungarian Crown land again.[30]

Hungarian Crown Land (1860–1918)


In 1860, the Voivodship of Serbia and Tamiš Banat was abolished and most of its territory (Banat and Bačka) was incorporated into the Habsburg Kingdom of Hungary, although direct Hungarian rule began only in 1867, when the Kingdom of Hungary gained autonomy within the newly formedAustria-Hungary.Unlike Banat and Bačka, the Syrmia region was in 1860 incorporated into theKingdom of Slavonia,another separate Habsburg crown land. However, the Kingdom of Slavonia was too incorporated into the Kingdom of Hungary in 1868. By 1881, territory of the former Voivodship of Serbia and Tamiš Banat was administratively divided into five counties:Bačka-Bodrog(Bács-Bodrog),Syrmia(Szerém),Torontal(Torontál),Tamiš(Temes), andKaraš-Severin(Krassó-Szörény). Syrmia county was part of the autonomous regionCroatia-Slavonia.

After the Voivodship was abolished, one Serb politician,Svetozar Miletić,appeared in the political sphere. He demanded national rights for Serbs and other non-Hungarian peoples of the Kingdom of Hungary, but he was arrested and imprisoned because of his political demands.

During the second half of the 19th century the region'sSerb,Hungarian,German,Croat,andSlovakfarmers turned it into the most productive agricultural region of the Kingdom; its food products were exported all over Europe.

Serbia and Yugoslavia

parts of Banat, Bačka and Baranja recognized as a territory of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes at a 1919–20 Paris Peace Conference.
Danube Banovinain 1931.

At the end of World War I, the Austro-Hungarian Empire collapsed. On October 29, 1918, Syrmia became a part of the newly formedState of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs.On October 31, 1918, theBanat Republicwas proclaimed inTimișoara,and the government of Hungary recognized its independence. This republic was short-lived; after several days,Serbiantroops enteredBanatand crushed the Republic.

On November 25, 1918, the Assembly of Serbs, Bunjevci, and other Slavs of Vojvodina inNovi Sadproclaimed the unification of Vojvodina (Banat, Bačka and Baranja) with theKingdom of Serbia(The assembly numbered 757 deputies, of whom 578 wereSerbs,84Bunjevci,62Slovaks,21Rusyns,6Germans,3Šokci,2Croats,and 1Hungarian). Most deputies of the assembly were Serbs, and other local Slavs, since they mostly came from Slavic-inhabited parts of Banat, Bačka and Baranja, and not from areas with non-Slavic (Romanian, German or Hungarian) populations. The assembly also formed a local provincial government (People's Administration) and parliament (Great People's Council), which administered Banat, Bačka and Baranja until March 11, 1919. One day before the Assembly of Serbs, Bunjevci, and other Slavs of Banat, Bačka and Baranja, on November 24, the Assembly ofSyrmiaalso proclaimed the unification of Syrmia with Serbia. On December 1, 1918, Vojvodina became part of theKingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes,later renamed theKingdom of Yugoslavia.

TheTreaty of Versaillesof 1919 and theTreaty of Trianonof 1920 defined the borders of the Kingdom withRomaniaand Hungary. Vojvodina itself was internationally recognized as part of theKingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenesby theTreaty of Saint-Germainon September 10, 1919. According to these treaties, the Banat region was divided between Romania, Kingdom of SCS, and Hungary, while Bačka and Baranja were divided between the Kingdom of SCS and Hungary. These peace agreements would assign most Hungarian-inhabited and most Romanian-inhabited parts ofBanat, Bačka and Baranjato Hungary and Romania respectively. In 1921, unsatisfied with the decision of the 1920 peace treaty to assign these territories to Hungary, the South Slavic population of Baranja and north-west Bačka proclaimed the short-livedBaranya-Baja Republic.

Between 1929 and 1941, the region was known as theDanube Banovina,a province of theKingdom of Yugoslavia.The capital city wasNovi Sad.Danube Banovinaconsisted ofSyrmia,Bačka,Banat,Baranja,Šumadija,andBraničevoregions. The population of this province was composed of:SerbsandCroats(56.9%),Hungarians(18.2%),Germans(16.3%), and others.

World War II

Monument inNovi Saddedicated to Serb and Jewish civilians killed in 1942 raid.

TheAxis Powersoccupied the region between 1941 and 1944. Bačka and Baranja were attached to Horthy's Hungary, while Syrmia was attached to theIndependent State of Croatia.[31]A smallerDanube Banovina(includingBanat,Šumadija, and Braničevo) existed as part of Serbia between 1941 and 1944. The administrative centre of this smaller province wasSmederevo.Banat itself was a separate autonomous region ruled by its German minority. The occupying powers committed numerous crimes against the civilian population, especially againstSerbs,Jews and Roma; the Jewish population of Vojvodina was almost completely killed or deported. During the four years of occupation, about 50,000 people in Vojvodina were murdered, while more than 280,000 people were interned, arrested, violated or tortured. Most of them were civilians and were not members of the resistance movement. After theRed Armydrove out the German and Hungarian armies from Vojvodina in the autumn of 1944, communist partisans engaged in reprisals against perceived opponents with Hungarians bearing the brunt of the atrocities.[32]Yugoslav records state that some 5,000 Hungarians lost their lives but Hungarian sources estimate deaths at between 20,000-40,000.[32]All Hungarians were expelled fromŽabalj,ČurugandMošorin.Most of theethnic Germans were taken to concentration camps, and expelledfrom the country (Vojvodina included) after the end of the war.

Post war period


The region was politically restored in 1944 (incorporating Syrmia, Banat, Bačka, and Baranja) and became an autonomous province of Serbia in 1945. Instead of the previous name (Danube Banovina), the region regained its historical name of Vojvodina, while its capital city remainedNovi Sad.When the final borders of Vojvodina were defined, Baranja was assigned to Croatia, while the northern part of the Mačva region was assigned to Vojvodina.

At first, the province enjoyed only a small amount of autonomy within Serbia, but it gained extensive rights of self-rule under the 1974 constitution, which defined Vojvodina as one of the subjects of the Yugoslav federation, and also gave it voting rights equivalent to Serbia itself on the country's collective presidency.

Under the rule of Serbian presidentSlobodan Milošević,Vojvodina andKosovolost most of their autonomy in September 1990. After this, the Vojvodina was no longer a subject of the Yugoslav federation, but again only the autonomous province of Serbia, with limited autonomy. The outbreak of theYugoslav warscontributed to the increase of ethnic tensions, with many refugeeSerbs,RomaniandAshkaliwho were driven fromCroatia,Bosnia,andKosovobeing resettled in Vojvodina.

On May 13, 2000,Boško Perošević,the President of the Provincial Executive Council of Vojvodina, was assassinated in Novi Sad byMilivoje Gutović,a supposedly mentally ill security guard at an agricultural fair Perošević was opening that day.[citation needed]As Gutović was an alleged member of the anti-Milošević organizationOtpor!,it became a pretext for a government crackdown on the organization.

The fall of Milošević in 2000 created a new climate for reform in Vojvodina, with the province's ethnic minorities strongly supporting the new government in Belgrade. Following talks between the parties, the province was given increased autonomy by theomnibus lawin 2002. Vojvodina adopted a new flag in 2004.

See also



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