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History of the Macedonian language

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Thehistory of the Macedonian languagerefers to the developmental periods of current-dayMacedonian,anEastern South Slavic languagespoken on the territory ofNorth Macedonia.The Macedonian language developed during the Middle Ages from theOld Church Slavonic,the common language spoken by Slavic people.[further explanation needed]

In 1903Krste Petkov Misirkovwas the first to argue for the codification of a standard literary Macedonian language in his bookZa makedonckite raboti(On Macedonian Matters).Standard Macedonianwas formally proclaimed anofficial languageon 2 August 1944 by theAnti-Fascist Assembly for the National Liberation of Macedonia(ASNOM). Itscodificationfollowed in the year after.

According toMacedonian scholars,the history of the Macedonian language can be divided into nine developmental stages.[1][2]Blaže Koneskidistinguishes two different periods in the development of the Macedonian language, namely, old from the 12th to the 15th century and modern after the 15th century.[3]According to theMacedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts(MANU), the development of the Macedonian language involved two different scripts, namely theGlagoliticandCyrillicscripts.[4]

Overview of periods




For many centuries, Slavic people who settled on the Balkans spoke their own dialects and used other dialects or languages to communicate with other people.[5]The "canonical"Old Church Slavonicperiod of the development of Macedonian started in the 9th century and lasted until the first half of the 11th century. During this periodcommon to all Slavic languages,Greek religious texts were translated to Old Church Slavonic (based on a dialect spoken inThessaloniki).[1][6][7]TheMacedonian recensionof Old Church Slavonic also appeared around that period in theFirst Bulgarian Empireand was referred to as such due to works of theOhrid Literary School,with its seat inOhrid,current-dayNorth Macedonia.[8]

The 11th century saw the fall of the Proto-Slavic linguistic unity and the rise of Macedonian dialects, which were still within the borders of the Bulgarian-Macedonian dialect continuum.[9]The Macedonian recension ofChurch Slavonicdeveloped between the 11th and 13th century and during this period, in addition to translation of canonical texts, religious passages were created including praising texts and sermons (слова/беседи) of saints such asSaint Clement of Ohrid.These texts use linguistic features different from Church Slavonic and since the language was characteristic of the region of current-day North Macedonia, this variant can also be referred to as Old Macedonian Church Slavonic.[10]

This period, whose span also included the Ottoman conquest, witnessed grammatical and linguistic changes that came to characterize Macedonian as a member of theBalkan sprachbund.[10][1]This marked a dialectal differentiation of the Macedonian language in the 13th century that largely reflected Slavic and Balkan characteristics and saw the formation of dialects that are preserved in modern-day Macedonian.[5][9]During the five centuries ofOttoman rulein Macedonia, loanwords from Turkish entered the Macedonian language, which by extension had anArabo-Persianorigin.[11]While the written language remained static as a result of Turkish domination, the spoken dialects moved further apart. Only very slight traces of texts written in the Macedonian language survive from the 16th and 17th centuries.[12]The first printed work that included written specimens of the Macedonian language was a multilingual "conversational manual", that was printed during the Ottoman era.[13]It was published in 1793 and contained texts written by a priest in the dialect of the Ohrid region. In theOttoman Empire,religion was the primary means of social differentiation, with Muslims forming the ruling class and non-Muslims the subordinate classes.[14]In the period between the 14th and 18th century, the Serbian recension of Church Slavonic prevailed on the territory and elements of the vernacular language started entering the language of church literature from the 16th century.[9]

The earliest lexicographic evidence of the Macedonian dialects, described as Bulgarian,[15][16]can be found in a lexicon from the 16th century written in the Greek Alpha bet.[17]The concept of the variousMacedonian dialectsas a part of the Bulgarian language can be seen also from early vernacular texts from Macedonia such as the four-language dictionary ofDaniel Moscopolites,the works ofKiril PeichinovichandYoakim Karchovski,and some vernacular gospels written in the Greek Alpha bet. These written works influenced by or completely written in the local Slavicvernacularappeared in Macedonia in the 18th and beginning of the 19th century and their authors referred to their language as Bulgarian.[18]

The earliest texts showing specifically Macedonian phonetic features areOld Church Slavonicclassical texts written inGlagoliticwhich date from the 10th to 11th centuries (Codex Zographensis,Codex Assemanianus, Psalterium Sinaiticum). By the 12th century the Church SlavonicCyrillicbecome the main Alpha bet. Texts reflecting vernacular Macedonian language features appear in the second half of the 16th century (translations of the sermons of the Greek writer Damascene Studite).[19]

Modern era


The latter half of the 18th century saw the rise of modern literary Macedonian.Macedonian dialectsstarted being used during this period for ecclesiastical and didactic works although the vernacular used was referred to as "Bulgarian" by writers.[10]Writers of that period, namelyJoakim KrchovskiandKiril Pejchinovikopted for writing in their dialects since they wanted to make the language of the first printed books understandable to the people. The southern half of the Macedonian dialectal territory inAegean Macedoniaused the Greek Alpha bet.[9]The first half of the 19th century saw therise of nationalism among South Slavs under the Ottoman Empire.[20]Bulgarian and Macedonian Slavs wanted to createtheir own Churchand schools, which would use a common modern Macedono-Bulgarian literary standard.[21][22]The national elites active at that time used mainly ethnolinguistic principles to differentiate between Slavic-Bulgarian and Greek groups.[23]Initially, every ethnographic subgroup in the Macedonian-Bulgarian linguistic area wrote in its own local dialect and choosing a "base dialect" for the new standard was not an issue.[24]

During the period between 1840 and 1870, there was a struggle to define a dialectal base of the vernacular used, with two different literary centers arising – one in current-day northeastern Bulgaria and one in current-day southwestern North Macedonia. The two centers had opposing views concerning the dialectal basis that should be used as the new common standard language for the Macedonian and Bulgarian Slavic people due to the vast differences between western Macedonian and eastern Bulgarian dialects.[21]During this period, Macedonian intellectuals who proposed the creation of a Bulgarian literary language based on Macedonian dialects emerged.[10]

By the early 1870s, anindependent Bulgarian autocepholous churchand a separateBulgarian ethnic communitywas recognized by the Ottoman authorities. Linguistic proposals for a common language were rejected by the Bulgarian Movement, proclaiming Macedonian a "degenerate dialect" and stating that Macedonian Slavs should learn standard Bulgarian.[21]The same period also saw the rise of the "Macedonists" who argued that the Macedonian language should be used for the Macedonian Slavs, who they saw as a distinct people on the Balkans.[25]Poetry written in theStruga dialectwith elements fromRussianalso appeared.[9]At that time, textbooks were also published and they used either spoken dialectal forms of the language or a mixed Bulgarian-Macedonian language.[25]

Revival era

Krste Petkov Misirkov(pictured) was the first to outline the distinctiveness of the Macedonian language in his bookZa makedonckite raboti(On the Macedonian Matters), published in 1903.

In 1875,Gjorgji Pulevski,inBelgradepublished a book calledDictionary of Three Languages(Rečnik od tri jezika,Речник од три језика) which was a phrasebook composed in a "question-and-answer" style in Macedonian,AlbanianandTurkish,all three spelled inCyrillic.Pulevski wrote in his native eastern Tarnovo dialect and his language was an attempt at creating a supra-dialectal Macedonian norm, based on his own native localGaličnik dialect.This marked the first pro-Macedonian views expressed in print.[26]

Between 1892 and 1894 the maganizeLoza,which was run byIMROrevolutionaries, used a distinct style of writing for their monthly magazine: they dropped the usage of the letterya(Я) andbig yus(Ѫ) and instead used the letter i forje(J), while also taking some inspiration fromSerbian grammar.[27][non-primary source needed]

Krste Petkov Misirkov's bookZa makedonckite raboti(On Macedonian Matters) published in 1903, is the first attempt to create a separate literary language.[21]With the book, the author proposed a Macedonian grammar and expressed the goal of codifying the language and using it in schools. The author postulated the principle that thePrilep-Bitola dialectbe used as a dialectal basis for the formation of the Macedonian standard language; his idea however was not adopted until the 1940s.[10][9]The book was met with opposition and initial prints at the printing press in Sofia were destroyed.[21][26][28]

Prior to thecodificationof thestandard languages(incl.Standard Macedonian), the boundaries between the South Slavic languages had yet to be "conceptualized in modern terms" and the linguistic norms were still in the process of development (including the Bulgarian standard language).[29][25]Thus, the creation of boundaries within the South Slavic linguistic continuum is "relatively recent", with the distinction between Bulgarian and Serbian still being contested in 1822 among European Slavists.[26]

The period after theFirst Balkan Warand between the two World Wars saw linguists outside the Balkans publishing studies to emphasize that Macedonian is a language distinct from Serbo-Croatian and Bulgarian.[10]In the interwar period, the territory of today's North Macedonia became part of theKingdom of Yugoslaviaand the local vernacular fell under the influence of Serbo-Croatian.[30]In 1934, theComintern issued a resolutionwhich supported the codification of a separate Macedonian language.[31]During the World wars Bulgaria's short annexations over Macedonia saw two attempts to bring the Macedonian dialects back towards Bulgarian linguistic influence.[32]


Decision about the proclamation of the Macedonian as an official language on 2 August 1944.

On 2 August 1944 at the firstAnti-fascist Assembly for the National Liberation of Macedonia(ASNOM) meeting, the Macedonian language was declared an official language.[10][28]With this, Macedonian became the last of the major Slavic languages to achieve a standard literary form.[6]As such, it served as one of the three official languages of Yugoslavia from 1945 to 1991.[4]The first official Macedonian grammar was developed by Krume Kepeski in 1946. One of the most important contributors in the standardisation of the Macedonian literary language wasBlaže Koneski.Most of the codification of Standard Macedonian took place between 1945 and 1950 (Friedman, 1998). Some contemporary linguists argued that during its codification, the Macedonian language wasSerbianized,specifically in terms of its orthography.[33][34][35][36][37]The standardization of Macedonian established a second standard language within a dialect continuum comprising Macedonian, Bulgarian and theTorlakiandialects,[38]itself a legacy of the linguistic developments during the height of thePreslavandOhridliterary schools.[39]There are some researchers who hold that the standardization of Macedonian was done with the need to differentiate from Serbian and Bulgarian in mind but the dialects chosen for the base of the standard language had never yet been covered by an existing standard, so the codification of Macedonian was not exactly a separation from an existing pluricentric language.[40]Some argue that the codification was done intentionally on the variant most unlike Standard Bulgarian (i.e. thePrilep-Bitola dialect),[41]while others argue that this view does not take into account the fact that a Macedoniankoiné languagewas already in existence.[42]The policy is argued to stem from the works of Misirkov, who suggested that Standard Macedonian should abstract on those dialects "most distinct from the standards of the other Slavonic languages".[43]

"Ilinden" magazine published in the Aegean Macedonian linguistic norm in Bucharest.

After theTito–Stalin splitin 1948, under the auspices of someAegean Macedonianintellectuals inBucharest,anti-Yugoslav Alpha bet, grammar, and primer closer to Bulgarian, purported to be "purified" of the Serbo-Croatian loanwords of the "language of Skopje" were created.[44][45]TheCommunist Party of Greeceled byNikos Zahariadistook the side of theCominform.After the defeat of communists in theGreek Civil Warin 1949, a hunt forTitoistspies began in the midst of Greek political immigrants - civil war refugees, living in socialist countries in Eastern Europe. As a result, the Greek communist publisher "Nea Ellada" issued a Macedonian grammar (1952) and developed a different Alpha bet. Between 1952 and 1956, the Macedonian Department of "Nea Ellada" published a number of issues in this literary standard, officially called "Macedonian language of the Slavomacedonians from Greek or Aegean Macedonia". This failed attempt of codification included the Ъ, Ь, Ю, Я, Й and was merely alinguistic normof the Bulgarian language.[46]The grammar was prepared by a team headed byAtanas Peykov.[47]The Aegean Macedonian norm made some Aegean emigrants unable to adopt the Macedonian standard language in Yugoslavia, where many of them settled.[45]The Soviet-Yugoslav rapprochement from the mid-1950s helped to put this codification to an end.[45]The end of Moscow's support for the contestation of standard Macedonian's legitimacy from abroad coincided with the period of excerption for the Macedonian dictionary of Blaže Koneski, which according to Christian Voss, marked the turning poing of the Serbianisation of Macedonian.[35]Thus, the Aegean codification did not gain widespread acceptance.[48]However, the printed editions of the refugees from Aegean Macedonia in Eastern Europe published until 1977 continued to be written in this linguistic norm.

History of the Macedonian Alpha bet

Decision about the Macedonian Alphabet 1 May 1945. Note it is written on Bulgarian typewriter using Й[49][50]and there are hand-written Ѕ, Ј and Џ, and diacritics added to create Ѓ and Ќ.[51]The rejection of the Ъ, together with the adoption of Ј, Џ, Љ and Њ, led to accusations of "Serbianization".[52][53][54]

In the 19th and first half of the 20th century, Macedonian writers started writing texts in their own Macedonian dialects usingBulgarianandSerbian Cyrillicscripts. In South Macedonia, theGreek Alpha betwas also widespread and used by Macedonian writers who finished their education at Greek schools.[55]The period between the two World Wars saw the usage of the Alpha bets of the surrounding countries including theAlbanianone depending on where the writers came from. During that period, the typewriter available to writers was also a determining factor for which Alpha bet would be used.[56]The official Macedonian Alpha bet was codified on 5 May 1945 by the Presidium of theAnti-fascist Assembly for the National Liberation of Macedonia(abbreviated as ASNOM in Macedonian) headed byBlaže Koneski.[57]

Political views on the language through history




Politicians and scholars from North Macedonia, Bulgaria and Greece have opposing views about the existence and distinctiveness of the Macedonian language. Through history and especially before its codification, Macedonian has been referred to as a variant of Bulgarian,[58]Serbian[42]or a distinct language of its own.[59][60]During the late 19th/early 20th century, Greeks claimed that Macedonian dialects were "a corrupted version ofancient Macedonian".[61]Historically, after its codification, the use of the language has been a subject of different views in Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece. In the interwar period, Macedonian was treated as a South Serbian dialect in Yugoslavia in accordance with claims made in the 19th century but the government permitted its use in dialectal literature.[10]The 1940s saw opposing views on the Macedonian language in Bulgaria; while its existence was recognized in 1946-47 and allowed as the language of instruction in schools inPirin Macedonia,the period after 1948 saw its rejection and restricted domestic use.[21]

Until 1999, Macedonian had never been recognized as a minority language in Greece and attempts to have Macedonian-language books introduced in education have failed.[21]For instance, a Macedonian primerAbecedarwas published in 1925 inAthensbut was never used and eventually, most copies were destroyed.[10]ProfessorChristina Kramerargues that Greek policies have largely been based on denying connection between the Macedonian codified standard and that of the Slavophone minority in the country and sees it as "clearly directed towards the elimination of Macedonian".[21]The number of speakers of Macedonian in Greece has been difficult to establish since part of the Slavophone Greek population is also considered speakers of Bulgarian by Bulgarian linguists.[58][62][63]In recent years, there have been attempts to have the language recognized as a minority language in Greece.[64]In Albania, Macedonian was recognized after 1946 and mother-tongue instructions were offered in some village schools until grade four.[21]

Autonomous language dispute


Bulgarian scholars have and continue to widely consider Macedonian part of theBulgarian dialect area.In many Bulgarian and international sources before the World War II, theSouth Slavic dialect continuumcovering the area of today'sNorth MacedoniaandNorthern Greecewas referred to as a group of Bulgarian dialects. Some scholars argue that the idea of linguistic separatism emerged in the late 19th century with the advent ofMacedonian nationalismand the need for a separate Macedonian standard language subsequently appeared in the early 20th century.[65][66]Local variants used to name the language were alsobalgàrtzki,bùgarskiorbugàrski;i.e. Bulgarian.[67]

Although Bulgaria was the first country to recognize the independence of the Republic of Macedonia, most of its academics, as well as the general public, regarded the language spoken there as a form of Bulgarian.[2]Dialect experts of the Bulgarian language refer to the Macedonian language asмакедонска езикова формаi.e. Macedonian linguistic norm of the Bulgarian language.[68]In 1999 the government in Sofia signed aJoint Declarationin the official languages of the two countries, marking the first time it agreed to sign a bilateral agreement written in Macedonian.[21]As of 2019, disputes regarding the language and its origins are ongoing in academic and political circles in the countries. Macedonian is still widely regarded as a dialect by Bulgarian scholars, historians and politicians alike including theGovernment of Bulgariaand theBulgarian Academy of Sciences,which denies the existence of a separate Macedonian language and declares it a written regional form of the Bulgarian language.[69][70]Similar sentiments are also expressed by the majority of the Bulgarian population.[25]The current international consensus outside of Bulgaria is that Macedonian is anautonomous languagewithin theEastern South Slavicdialect continuum.[68][71]As such, the language is recognized by 138 countries of theUnited Nations.[4]

Naming dispute


The Greek scientific and local community was opposed to using the denomination Macedonian to refer to the language in light of theGreek-Macedonian naming dispute.The term is often avoided in the Greek context, and vehemently rejected by most Greeks, for whomMacedonianhas very different connotations. Instead, the language is often called simply "Slavic" or "Slavomacedonian" (translated to "Macedonian Slavic" in English). Speakers themselves variously refer to their language asmakedonski,makedoniski( "Macedonian" ),[72]slaviká(Greek:σλαβικά,"Slavic" ),dópiaorentópia(Greek:εντόπια,"local/indigenous [language]" ),[73]balgàrtzki(Bulgarian) or "Macedonian" in some parts of the region ofKastoria,[74]bògartski( "Bulgarian" ) in some parts of Dolna Prespa[67]along withnaši( "our own" ) andstariski( "old" ).[75]With thePrespa agreementsigned in 2018 between theGovernment of North Macedoniaand theGovernment of Greece,the latter country accepted the use of the adjective Macedonian to refer to the language using a footnote to describe it as Slavic.[76]


See also



  1. ^abcSpasov, Ljudmil (2007). "Периодизација на историјата на македонскиот писмен јазик и неговата стандардизација во дваесеттиот век" [Periodization of the history of the Macedonian literary language and its standardization in the twentieth century].Filološki Studii(in Macedonian).5(1). Skopje:St. Cyril and Methodius University:229–235.ISSN1857-6060.
  2. ^Koneski, Blazhe (1967).Историја на македонскиот јазик[History of the Macedonian Language] (in Macedonian). Skopje: Kultura.
  3. ^Friedman 2001,p. 435
  4. ^abc"Повелба за македонскиот јазик"[Charter for the Macedonian language](PDF)(in Macedonian). Skopje:Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.3 December 2019. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 3 August 2022.Retrieved18 March2020.
  5. ^abUsikova 2005,p. 103
  6. ^abBrowne, Wayles; Vsevolodovich Ivanov, Vyacheslav."Slavic languages".Encyclopædia Britannica.Retrieved18 March2020.
  7. ^"Old Church Slavonic language".Encyclopædia Britannica.Retrieved18 March2020.
  8. ^Horace Gray Lunt, Old Church Slavonic Grammar, Walter de Gruyter, 2001.ISBN3110162849,p. 4.
  9. ^abcdefUsikova 2005,p. 106
  10. ^abcdefghiFriedman 2001,p. 436
  11. ^Friedman 2001,p. 438
  12. ^abLunt, H. (1953) "A Survey of Macedonian Literature" inHarvard Slavic Studies,Vol. 1, pp. 363-396
  13. ^abLunt, H. (1952)Grammar of the Macedonian Literary Language(Skopje)
  14. ^abLunt, H. (1986) "On Macedonian Nationality" inSlavic Review,Vol. 45, pp. 729-734
  15. ^"Bulgarians" were they called by the Greeks of Macedonia and "Bulgarian" was their dialect termed, as is shown by the 16th century "Macedonian Dictionary", a glossary of 301 Slavic words and phrases that were current in the region of Kastoria. For more see: Nikolaos P. Andriōtēs, The Federative Republic of Skopje and its language, Volume 77 of Macedonian Bibliotheca, Edition 2, Society for Macedonian Studies, 1991, p. 19.
  16. ^The dictionary presented in the monument includes words and expressions apparently collected for the purpose of direct communication. It is a manual drawn up by a Greek who has visited settlements where he had to communicate with the local population... The dictionary homepage states: ἀρхὴἐ ν βοσλγαρίοις ριμά τον εἰςκῑ νῆ γλόταἐ pointed out by Al.Nichev, kῑλῆ ὴγιῶηηα' (Nichev 1085, p. 8), i.e.,'koine language', common language in the sense of "national language". This heading of the dictionary Al. Nitchev translates as 'The beginning of words by the Bulgarians, which (words) refer to the vernacular'... The designation of the dictionary as "Bulgarian words" is written not in the original dialect but is in Greek language and should not have been transmitted as a title in Bulgarian. However, the designation "Bulgarian words" translates well the original Greek designation "Βουλγάρος ρήματα", because of which I accept and use this title, with the proviso that it is translated from Greek. For more see: Лилия Илиева, Българският език в предисторията на компаративната лингвистика и в езиковия свят на ранния европейски модернизъм, Университетско издателство „Неофит Рилски “, Благоевград;ISBN978-954-680-768-7,2011, стр. 53-55. Lilia Ilieva, Bulgarian in the Prehistory of Comparative Linguistics and in the Linguistic World of Early European Modernism, University Publishing House "Neofit Rilski", Blagoevgrad;ISBN978-954-680-768-7,2011, pp. 53-55.(in Bulgarian).
  17. ^'Un Lexique Macedonien Du XVIe Siecle',Giannelli, Ciro. Avec la collaboration de Andre Vaillant, 1958
  18. ^F. A. K. Yasamee "NATIONALITY IN THE BALKANS: THE CASE OF THE MACEDONIANS" in Balkans: A Mirror of the New World Order, Istanbul: EREN, 1995; pp. 121–132.
  19. ^abPrice, G. (2000)Encyclopedia of the Languages of Europe.(Oxford: Blackwell)ISBN0-631-22039-9
  20. ^Detrez, Raymond; Segaert, Barbara; Lang, Peter (2008).Europe and the Historical Legacies in the Balkans.Peter Lang. pp. 36–38.ISBN978-90-5201-374-9.Retrieved27 March2020.
  21. ^abcdefghijKramer 1999,p.?
  22. ^Bechev, Dimitar (13 April 2009).Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Macedonia Historical Dictionaries of Europe.Scarecrow Press. p. 134.ISBN978-0-8108-6295-1.Retrieved27 March2020.
  23. ^Theodora Dragostinova, From Rum Millet to Greek and Bulgarian Nations: Religious and National Debates in the Borderlands of the Ottoman Empire, 1870–1913. Ohio State University, 2011, Columbus, OH.
  24. ^"Венедиктов Г. К. Болгарский литературный язык эпохи Возрождения. Проблемы нормализации и выбора диалектной основы. Отв. ред. Л. Н. Смирнов. М.:" Наука ""(PDF).1990. pp. 163–170. (Rus.).Retrieved27 March2020.
  25. ^abcdNihtinen 1999,p.?
  26. ^abcVictor A. Friedman (1975)."Macedonian language and nationalism during the 19th and early 20th centuries"(PDF).Balcanistica.2:83–98. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 15 September 2006.Retrieved26 March2020.
  27. ^Loza Magazines between 1892 and 1894
  28. ^abPejoska-Bouchereau 2008,p. 146
  29. ^Joseph, Brian D. et al. When Languages Collide: Perspectives on Language Conflict, Competition and Coexistence; Ohio State University Press (2002), p.261
  30. ^Hupchick, Dennis P. (15 March 1995).Conflict and Chaos in Eastern Europe.Palgrave Macmillan. p. 143.ISBN0-312-12116-4.Retrieved27 March2020.
  31. ^Duncan Perry, "The Republic of Macedonia: finding its way" in Karen Dawisha and Bruce Parrot (eds.), Politics, power and the struggle for Democracy in South-Eastern Europe, Cambridge University Press, 1997, pp. 228-229.
  32. ^Thammy Evans, Philip Briggs, North Macedonia; Bradt Travel Guides, 2019;ISBN1784770841,p. 47.
  33. ^Friedman 1998,p.?
  34. ^Marinov, Tchavdar (25 May 2010)."Historiographical Revisionism and Re-Articulation of Memory in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"(PDF).Sociétés politiques comparées.25:7.S2CID174770777.Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 15 February 2020.
  35. ^abVoss C., The Macedonian Standard Language: Tito—Yugoslav Experiment or Symbol of "Great Macedonian" Ethnic Inclusion? in C. Mar-Molinero, P. Stevenson as ed. Language Ideologies, Policies and Practices: Language and the Future of Europe, Springer, 2016,ISBN0230523889,p. 126.
  36. ^De Gruyter as contributor. The Slavic Languages. Volume 32 of Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science (HSK), Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 2014, p. 1472.ISBN3110215470.
  37. ^Lerner W. Goetingen, Formation of the standard language – Macedonian in the Slavic languages, Volume 32, Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, 2014,ISBN3110393689,chapter 109.
  38. ^The Languages and Linguistics of Europe: A Comprehensive Guide.27 July 2011.Retrieved7 August2014.
  39. ^Florin Curta.Southeastern Europe in the Middle Ages;500–1250.; Cambridge. Pg 216
  40. ^Sussex, Roland; Cubberley, Paul (2006).The Slavic Languages.Cambridge University Press. p.70.ISBN1139457284.
  41. ^Trudgill, Peter (2002).Sociolinguistic variation and change.Edinburgh University Press. p. 120.ISBN0-7486-1515-6.Retrieved7 August2014.
  42. ^abComrie & Corbett 2002,p. 251
  43. ^Dedaić, Mirjana N. et al.South Slavic Discourse Particles;John Benjamins Publishing (2010) p. 13
  44. ^Keith Brown, Macedonia's Child-grandfathers: The Transnational Politics of Memory, Exile, and Return, 1948-1998; Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington, 2003, p. 32.
  45. ^abcRoumen Daskalov, Tchavdar Marinov, Entangled Histories of the Balkans - Volume One: National Ideologies and Language Policies; BRILL, 2013;ISBN900425076X,pp. 479–480.
  46. ^Euangelos Kōphos, Speros Basil Vryonis, Nationalism and communism in Macedonia: civil conflict, politics of mutation, national identity; Center for the Study of Hellenism, A. D. Caratzas, 1993,ISBN0892415401,p. 203.
  47. ^The Macedonian Times, issues 51–62; MI-AN, 1999, p. 141.
  48. ^Sebastian Kempgen, Peter Kosta, Tilman Berger, Karl Gutschmidt as ed., The Slavic Languages. Volume 32 of Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science (HSK) Walter de Gruyter, 2014;ISBN3110215470,p. 1476.
  49. ^Проф. д-р Антони Стоилов и колектив, Крайно време е за сътрудничество. За езиковия спор, македонската литературна норма, Мисирков и възможностите за сътрудничество между езиковедите от Република Македония и Република България във В-к Култура – Брой 28 (2908), 21 юли 2017 г.
  50. ^Стефан Дечев: Българските и македонски политици задминаха националните историци; списание Marginalia, 24.06.2019 г.
  51. ^Кочев, Иван, Александров Иван, Документи за съчиняването на „македонския книжовен език ", сп. Македонски преглед, Македонски научен институт, стр. 5-22; кн. 4. 1991 г.
  52. ^When Blaze Koneski, the founder of the Macedonian standard language, as a young boy, returned to his Macedonian native village from the Serbian town where he went to school, he was ridiculed for his Serbianized language.Cornelis H. van Schooneveld, Linguarum: Series maior, Issue 20, Mouton., 1966, p. 295.
  53. ^...However this was not at all the case, as Koneski himself testifies. The use of the schwa is one of the most important points of dispute not only between Bulgarians and Macedonians, but also between Macedonians themselves – there are circles in Macedonia who in the beginning of the 1990s denounced its exclusion from the standard language as a hostile act of violent serbianization.For more see: Alexandra Ioannidou (Athens, Jena) Koneski, his successors and the peculiar narrative of a "late standardization" in the Balkans. in Romanica et Balcanica: Wolfgang Dahmen zum 65. Geburtstag, Volume 7 of Jenaer Beiträge zur Romanistik withThede Kahl,Johannes Kramer and Elton Prifti as ed., Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München AVM, 2015,ISBN3954770369,pp. 367-375.
  54. ^Kronsteiner, Otto, Zerfall Jugoslawiens und die Zukunft der makedonischen Literatursprache: Der späte Fall von Glottotomie? in: Die slawischen Sprachen (1992) 29, 142-171.
  55. ^Usikova 2005,p. 105.
  56. ^E. Kramer, Christina (January 2015). "Macedonian orthographic controversies".Written Language & Literacy.18(2): 287–308.doi:10.1075/wll.18.2.07kra.
  57. ^"Со решение на АСНОМ: 72 години од усвојувањето на македонската азбука".Javno(in Macedonian). 5 May 2017.Retrieved15 March2020.
  58. ^abInstitute of Bulgarian Language (1978).Единството на българския език в миналото и днес[The unity of the Bulgarian language in the past and today] (in Bulgarian).Sofia:Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.p. 4.OCLC6430481.
  59. ^Max K. Adler. Marxist Linguistic Theory and Communist Practice: A Sociolinguistic Study; Buske Verlag (1980), p.215
  60. ^Seriot 1997,pp. 270–271
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  64. ^"Report of the independent expert on minority issues, Gay McDougall Mission to Greece 8–16 September 2008"(PDF).Greek Helsinki Monitor.United Nations Human Rights Council.18 February 2009. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 17 June 2011.
  65. ^Fishman, Joshua A.; de Gruyter, Walter (1993).The Earliest Stage of Language Planning: The "First Congress" Phenomenon.Walter de Gruyter. pp. 161–162.ISBN3-11-013530-2.Retrieved7 August2014.
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