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Homorganic consonant

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Places of articulation (passive & active):
1. Exo-labial, 2. Endo-labial, 3. Dental, 4. Alveolar, 5. Post-alveolar, 6. Pre-palatal, 7. Palatal, 8. Velar, 9. Uvular, 10. Pharyngeal, 11. Glottal, 12. Epiglottal, 13. Radical, 14. Postero-dorsal, 15. Antero-dorsal, 16. Laminal, 17. Apical, 18. Sub-apical

Inphonetics,ahomorganic consonant(fromhomo-"same" andorgan"(speech) organ" ) is aconsonantsound that is articulated in the sameplace of articulationas another. For example,[p],[b]and[m]are homorganic consonants of one another since they share thebilabialplace of articulation. Consonants that are not articulated in the same place are calledheterorganic.

Articulatory position[edit]

Descriptive phonetic classification relies on the relationships between a number of technical terms that describe the way sounds are made; and one of the relevant elements involves that place at which a specific sound is formed and voiced.[1]Inarticulatory phonetics,the specific "place of articulation" or "point of articulation" of aconsonantis that point of contact where anobstructionoccurs in thevocal tractbetween an active (moving) articulator (typically some part of the tongue) and a passive (stationary) articulator (typically some part of the roof of the mouth). Along with themanner of articulationandphonation,this gives the consonant its distinctive sound.

Similar articulatory position[edit]

Consonants that have a similar or the same place of articulation, such as the alveolar sounds (n, t, d, s, z, l) inEnglish,are said to be homorganic.

Homorganic nasal rule[edit]

A homorganic nasal rule is thepoint of articulation of the initial sound being assimilated by the last sound in a prefix[clarification needed].An example of the rule is found inYorubain whichba"meet" becomesmba"is meeting", andsun,"sleep" becomesnsun"is sleeping".

Consonant clustering[edit]

Two or more consonant sounds may appear sequentially linked or clustered as either identical consonants or homorganic consonants that differ slightly in the manner of articulation, as when the first consonant is africativeand the second is astop.[2]

In some languages, a syllable-initial homorganic sequence of a stop and a nasal is quite uncontroversially treated as a sequence of two separate segments; and the separate status of the stop and the nasal is quite clear. InRussian,the stop + nasal sequences are just one of the possible types amongst many different syllable-initial consonant sequences that occur.[3]In English, nasal + stop sequences within amorphememust be homorganic.[4]

Consonant length[edit]

In languages as diverse asArabic,TamilandIcelandic,there is a phonological contrast between long and short consonants,[5]which are distinguishable from consonant clusters. Inphonetics,geminationhappens when a spokenconsonantis pronounced for an audibly longer period of time than a shortconsonant.

Consonant length is distinctive in some languages. InJapanese,for example, tới た (kita) means 'came; arrived', while thiết った (kitta) means 'cut; sliced'. The romanization ortransliterationof the sound of each Japanese word produces the misleading impression of a doubled consonant.

See also[edit]



  • Aronoff, Mark and Janie Rees-Miller. (2003).The Handbook of Linguistics.Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing.ISBN978-1-4051-0252-0;OCLC 185384910
  • Ladefoged, Peter;Maddieson, Ian(1996).The Sounds of the World's Languages.Oxford: Blackwell.ISBN0-631-19815-6.
  • Ravid, Dorit Diskin, Hava Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot and Ruth Aronson Berman. (2005).Perspectives on Language and Language Development: Essays in Honor of Ruth A. Berman.Dordrecht: Springer (Kulwer Academic).ISBN978-1-4020-7903-0;OCLC 55220212

External links[edit]