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Honi Soit

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Honi Soit
2023 logo
Cover from 2023
Owner(s)University of Sydney Students' Representative Council
EditorValerie Chidiac, Aidan Elwig Pollock, Victoria Gillespie, Ariana Haghighi, Sandra Kallarakkal, Zeina Khochaiche, Simone Maddison, Angus McGregor, Amelia Raines
Political alignmentLeft-wing
CityCamperdown, New South Wales
Honi Soitstand outside Manning House

Honi Soitis thestudent newspaperof theUniversity of Sydney.First published in 1929, the newspaper is produced by an elected editorial team and a select group of reporters sourced from the university's populace.[2]Its name is an abbreviation of theAnglo-Normanphrase "Honi soit qui mal y pense",meaning" shamed be (the person) who thinks evil of it ".[3]



Format and organisation


Published as part of the activities of the University of SydneyStudents' Representative Council(SRC),Honi Soitis atabloid-sized publication incorporating a mixture of campus-specific and broader political articles.

Issues are published weekly during university semesters, typically containing a topicalfeature article;letters to the editors; campus news; political analysis; investigative journalism; culture and reviews; and comedy and satire.

Special editions are published yearly, includingElection Honi,devoted towards covering the annualStudents' Representative Councilelections;Women's Honidedicated to women's issues and edited autonomously by the SRC's Women's Collective (WoCo);ACAR Honi,dedicated to platforming culturally diverse voices and edited by the Autonomous Collective Against Racism (ACAR); andQueer Honi,dedicated to coveringLGBTissues and edited by the Queer Action Collective (QuAC).

The final edition each year is typically presented as a spoof or parody of an existing newspaper. These editions were traditionally sold on the streets of Sydney to raise money for charity as part of the university's Commemoration Day festivities, though this practice has been discontinued since the 1970s.

Honi Soitis the first and only weekly student newspaper inAustralia.



Honihas a strong history of irreverence, often printing humorous and satiric stories alongside traditional journalistic pieces. This has in turn inspired breakaway satiric publicationsOzmagazine andThe Chaser.

The paper's comedy articles have appeared in the mainstream press. In 2012, an article in the comedy section (then calledThe Soin,parodyingThe Sun) was featured byPeter FitzsimmonsinThe Sydney Morning Herald.[4]In 2013, theHeraldreprinted a popular tongue-in-cheek list of Sydney's worstbus routes,which had originally appeared inHoni.[5]

It has become tradition for the final pages of the paper to be presented as a satirical newspaper, most frequently going by the name ofThe Garter Press,a play on theOrder of the Garterfrom whichHoni Soitderives its name.



The office of editor is highly sought after, and was originally filled by single honorary appointment for outstanding merit in the field of writing. Since the 1980s editors have been annually elected by fellow students as a "ticket" of up to 10 candidates during SRC elections, with two or more groups campaigning for the role. Guest editors will normally be nominated for the annual autonomous editions by the relevant interest groups on campus.[citation needed]

For a time until 1966, editors of the paper were given a yearly scholarship of £100 (roughly equivalent to $2,700 in 2014)[6]by media tycoonRupert Murdoch,[7]and the SRC began to pay editors a small allowance instead from this point on.[8][9]Today, editors of Honi Soit receive a fortnightly stipend of $509.

Notable past editors includeLex Banning,Bob Ellis,Victoria Zerbst,Verity Firth,Sam Langford,Laurie Oakes,Kip Williams,Craig Reucassel,Hannah Ryan, andKeith Windschuttle.[10][11]





Honi Soitwas created in 1929 to counterbalance ongoing criticism of Sydney University's students in the Australian media, which came to a head when students were alleged to have dressed a soldier's statue on theCenotaphin women's underwear during a graduation festival.[12][13][9]The Sydney Morning Heraldreferred to the incident as a "vulgar desecration", and students were described as "educated louts" for their actions.[14]

A 1929 edition ofHonisought to address the ongoing outrage with the stinging retort:[9]

"We expected gross exaggeration, and even invention, from certain Sydney journals. What we did not expect was that the journals which can generally be relied upon for sane, safe news would also exaggerate and distort in such a manner as to utterly mislead the general public... Even our apology was sneered at. That apology, we might point out, was accepted by theReturned Soldiers' League."

Honi Soit's first edition outlined the paper's editorial position and objectives:[15]

"We areiconoclasts.We do not believe – O Heresy! – that the under-graduate is the most important member of the community. We refuse to pander exclusively to him. Indeed, we will not pander to anyone. We make our appeal also to the great General Public. "

Featured in the first edition was a letter to the editor asking whether men should pay women students' tram fares, to which the paper responded that it had "asked several Women Undergrads about it and one has promised to give us her views on the subject. We should also like to hear some Senior Men's views on the same point."[16]Also discussed in the edition were the ethics of advertisement, with the paper being published for free and advertising only "reputable firms whom we can strongly recommend to your custom."[17]

The new paper sought to paint the undergraduate varsity in a more favourable light, giving voice to the student's successes and their progressive opinions, a role which it has continued to pursue to the present.

Cultural developments


With the onset ofthe Great Depression,the rise of thelabour movementand the growth of thecounterculture,Honi's left-wing and often radical voice helped the publication grow from its roots as a small university publication, with the paper and its alumni eventually playing a pivotal role in the culture of both Australia andBritain.

An important line of demarcation forHonicame in the 1960s with editorsRichard Walshand Peter Grose's premature resignation to foundOzmagazine, a humorous publication in Australia and (later) Britain which came into conflict with legal authorities in both countries.[7]However,Ozdid play a strong role in defining the comedic and radical sensibilities of future generations ofHoni.

Honibecame intricately associated with theSydney Pushduring the 1960s, turning its focus from arts to politics for the first time, and a number of radical editors followed Walsh's tenure.[8][18]

In 1967Honiwas implicated in the development of the Anti-Vietnam movement in Australia, being blamed for road blockades that led to the infamous"run the bastards over"affair during a visit by American PresidentLyndon B. Johnson.[19]The paper was described as "filthy and scurrilous" in the Legislative Council of NSW for their stance against the war, and former editor Richard Walsh was denied entry to the United States in 1966 for his outspokenness on the issue.[9]Despite this, the tide of public opinion eventually turned inHoni's favour as the Vietnam War progressed, largely vindicating their editorial position (seeOpposition to the Vietnam War, Public opinion).

Being a left-wing student publication also putHoniat the forefront of the counterculture in Australia, with editorial content often directed towards defending the rights of women, people of colour,[20]LGBT people, and adherents of communism, at times when such views were still widely controversial.[9][12][21][22][23][24]

The radicalism ofHoniduring the 1960s was not without its consequences. By 1967 the paper found itself without willing advertisers to fund its publication, and faced calls for its disestablishment from members of the University Senate. However the SRC declared the paper had become far too important to let it perish, and provided temporary funding on the condition that the publication be restructured back towards a more traditional newspaper, instating conservative editorKeith Windschuttleto placate critics.[9]

Modern day


Honi Soitretains its position in the Australian media landscape as a hub ofcounter-culturaljournalism and left-wing activism,[11]though its long list of preeminent alumni and position as a leading student publication have somewhat softened its public image, being described byThe Sydney Morning Heraldas a "venerable institution" in 2013.[25]Current incarnations are comparable to the American publicationVicefor their blend of arts, news and cultural reporting.

The 2013 "Vagina Soit" cover was used by gender equality and gender-based violence advisor Alison Shepherd-Smith inKenyato raise awareness offemale genital mutilation,showing a class of women what a variety of vaginas look like.[26]



Since its inceptionHonihas been an important training ground for many Australian journalists, politicians, satirist, writers, and entertainers. Former contributors include art criticRobert Hughes,poetLes Murray,film-makerBruce Beresford,OZmagazine co-founderRichard Walsh,media personalityClive James,feministGermaine Greer,journalistsBob EllisandLaurie Oakes,Prime MinisterMalcolm Turnbull,High Court JudgeMichael Kirby,authorMadeleine St John,historianKeith Windschuttle,theatre directorKip Williams,intellectualDonald Horne,broadcasterAdam Spencer,philosopherGeorge Molnar,[27]various members of comedy troupeThe Chaser,and journalistAvani Dias.[11]

Former Prime MinisterTony Abbotthas namedHoni Soitas the impetus for his initial entry into politics, having been inspired to begin writing to the paper by a "quirky" edition which "demonstrated how to build a nuclear bomb".[28]



As a counter-cultural publication,Honihas a long history of generating controversy dating back to its founding issue. The constant controversy surrounding the paper was lampooned in a 1967 edition which contained a cutout "special libel coupon" that would make it easier for readers to "sueHoni Soitfor all it's got (two battered typewriters) ".[29]

The St Michael's College hoax


In 2009Honipublished a feature article, 'The Mystery of St Michael's'[30]later uncovered as ahoax,which claimed a fire in 1992 at St Michael's College, a now derelict residential college adjacent to the university's Architecture building, had killed 16 students. It was implied that a cover-up by theCatholic Churchhad stifled widespread awareness of the tragedy. Editors were later forced to retract the story.[31]

"Vagina Soit"


In August 2013, the newspaper made international headlines after printing a cover featuring photographs of 18 vulvae. The newspaper was pulled from stands within hours after it was decided the censoring of the images was not sufficient. This was due to the fact that black bars placed over certain parts of the vulvae were not completely opaque.[32]

A statement released by the female editors stated 'We are tired of society giving us a myriad of things to feel about our own bodies. We are tired of having to attach anxiety to our vaginas. We are tired of vaginas being either artificially sexualised (porn) or stigmatised (censorship and airbrushing). We are tired of being pressured to be sexual, and then being shamed for being sexual.'[33]

Allegations against Tony Abbott


The paper became a point of contention in the lead up to the 2013 Australian federal election, as a standing record of the allegedly violent and anti-social conduct of Prime Ministerial candidateTony Abbottduring his time at University.[34][35]Abbott became the 28thPrime Minister of Australia.

ANZAC Day criticism


In 1958Honicaused a media outrage over a story calling for the end of the ANZAC Day holiday. The paper argued that the national holiday was no longer treated as a veneration to the casualties of war, but rather as a national celebration and an excuse for inebriation, backing up the claims with photographs of drunken revellers at memorial events.[36]Despite widespread calls from the media for the editor to be sacked, the SRC resisted.[37]The affair was the basis for the playThe One Day of the YearbyAlan Seymour.[38]

A report by the Department of Veterans' Affairs in 2012 found the prevailing public sentiment to agree with the allegations made byHoni,with participants stating the "excessive use of alcohol and 'yobbo' behavior... detract from the original spirit of the day and negatively impact on the veteran commemorations".[39]

Pro-North Korea Article


In August 2018,Honigained media attention when it emerged that they had published an article by former University of Sydney lecturer Jay Tharappel, which praised the regime inNorth Korea.[40]Tharappel's article claimed that North Korea was an "egalitarian" society, which was benefiting from the "past sacrifice" of its citizens and remained "necessarily authoritarian" due to its antagonism with the United States.[41]

The article drew further criticism from Jewish organisations, after it became known Tharappel had engaged in alleged antisemitic behaviour, including making tendentious comments on Facebook aboutthe Holocaust.The 2018 editors refused to retract the article.[40]

Other controversies


In 1945, the Christian Societies of the university drew media attention after they called for the paper's editors to be sacked for publishing information about birth control, and for misquoting the Bible.[42]These complaints were supported by the then Rector of St John's College who suggested its distributors be arrested, though police did not pursue the matter.[43]

In 1950, printersConsolidated Pressrefused to produce an edition ofHonidue to an article relating to an employee of theCommonwealth Police(now theAustralian Security Intelligence Organisationand theAustralian Federal Police), for fear it constituted a breach of national security.[44]

In 1952, fights broke out at Sydney University, including in theHoni Soitoffice, after the newspaper published reports of drunkenness and savagehazing ritualsat the university's ecclesiastical colleges. The brawls were caused by members of the colleges attempting to remove the paper from circulation, going so far as to chase a truck delivering copies out of the university grounds. Police were eventually called in to control the situation.[45][46]

In 1970,Honipublished confidential intelligence files that showed theAustralian Security Intelligence Organisationhad blocked the appointment of one of its former editors,Hall Greenland,from a job in the public service.[47]Greenland went on to become aWalkley Award-winning journalist.

Honi Soitwas frequently in conflict with the police from the 1950s through to the 1970s for publication of what was considered indecent material, generally depicting nudity or erotica in various forms, often published to specifically antagonise the authorities.[21]Having won over public opinion by the mid 1970s,Honicontinued its practice of occasionally featuring nudity up until the 1990s with little interference.[9]

In 1995, the editors (including The Chaser'sCharles Firth) used their colour pages to create an advertisement for Union Board candidate Nick Purtell. The editors were fined $360 (the cost of an advertisement) and asked to apologise for the misuse of advertising space. The editors printed an apology in size 4 font, then ran a full page ad in support of their actions. Mr Purtell did not manage to get elected.[9]This incident was recalled by Charles Firth in the ABC documentaryUni.[48][49]

In 1995,Honi Soitreprinted a controversial article fromRabelais Student Media,itsLa Trobe Universitycounterpart, entitled "The Art of Shoplifting" —one of seven student newspapers to do so in the wake ofRabelaiseditors being prosecuted by state censors.

In their last edition for 2005, the editors produced "Hx", an imitation of the free "Mx"tabloid. They used their colour pages to present a biting satire of quality commercial media, with rarely seen images of dead and wounded Iraqis juxtaposed against vacuous magazine style copy, such as" Fashion From the Front Line ". The inclusion of images of dead and mutilated civilian casualties shocked many readers.[9]This same year the paper was accused of having turned from its radical roots by comedianJonathan Bigginsafter it published a critical recap of hisWharf Revue.[50]

De-classifiedU.S. National Security Agencydocuments were published byHoniin 2013, which showed the paper had been suspected by intelligence agencies of operating under Soviet influence.[51]

In 2016, the editors produced a satire spoof of broadsheet newspaperThe Australianfor their last edition for the year. The issue, complete with replica masthead, featured a front-page splash aboutRupert Murdochdying and satirical parody opinion pieces from journalists at the paper.[52][53][54]The prank was acknowledged byThe Australian's CEO Nicholas Gray.[55]

On Tuesday 16 May 2023, hundreds of copies ofQueer Honi,the annual autonomous edition ofHoni Soitproduced by the Queer Action Collective, were stolen from stands. Hundreds more were taken the following day.Honi Soitestimated that nearly a thousand copies were stolen, almost half of the paper's print run.Honinoted that "With the paper's masthead being" Fagi Soit "and featuring a cover image of a trans woman's torso tattooed with slurs, the theft is, in Honi's view, a targeted attack against queer expression".[56]


  1. ^Thorpe, Will (1 August 2023)."Honi Soitthefts nothing new ".Honi Soit.Retrieved3 August2023.
  2. ^About Honi Soiton official website
  3. ^"Definition of HONI SOIT QUI MAL Y PENSE".Merriam-Webster.Retrieved27 April2023.
  4. ^FitzSimons, Peter (22 June 2013)."No ire, it's satire".Sydney Morning Herald.Retrieved25 June2013.
  5. ^"Pensioners, vomit and timetable hell: five of Sydney's worst bus trips".The Sydney Morning Herald.8 October 2013.
  6. ^"Inflation Calculator – RBA".30 October 2015.
  7. ^ab"Nocookies".The Australian.
  8. ^ab"Student activists at Sydney University 1960–1967: aproblem of interpretation".
  9. ^abcdefghi"Archived copy"(PDF).Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 6 August 2014.Retrieved9 March2014.{{cite web}}:CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  10. ^"Editors".Honi Soit.2 March 2014.Retrieved29 November2019.
  11. ^abcThompson, Owen (5 February 2014)."Student papers test the limits".The Sydney Morning Herald.Retrieved20 November2020.
  12. ^abClark, Jennifer (2008).Aborigines & Activism.Pearson Deutschland GmbH.ISBN9780980296570.
  13. ^Sherington, Geoffrey; Georgakis, Steve (2008).Sydney University Sport 1852–2007.Sydney University Press.ISBN9781920898915.
  14. ^"Governance: Our leadership".
  15. ^"Why We Publish" Honi Soit "".Honi Soit.3 May 1929.
  16. ^"Should Men Pay Women Students' Tram Fares?".Honi Soit.3 May 1929.
  17. ^"Ethics of Advertisement".Honi Soit.3 May 1929.
  18. ^"Australian Public Intellectual [API] Network".
  19. ^"LBJ came all the way – but few followed".The Sydney Morning Herald.11 November 2011.
  20. ^Curthoys, Ann (2002).Freedom Ride.Allen & Unwin.ISBN9781864489224.
  21. ^abBob Gould."Bob Gould archive. Deconstructing the 1960s and 1970s, June 30, 2000".
  22. ^"MS 4186 Freedom Ride Papers of Ann Curthoys".Archived fromthe originalon 14 June 2014.Retrieved9 March2014.
  23. ^Foley, Gary; Schaap, Andrew; Howell, Edwina (24 July 2013).The Aboriginal Tent Embassy.Routledge.ISBN9781135037871.
  24. ^"Land of the Greens: Hall Greenland".Honi Soit.27 April 2013.
  25. ^FitzSimons, Peter."No ire, it's satire".The Sydney Morning Herald.Retrieved25 June2013.
  26. ^Chrysanthos, Natassia (18 June 2017)."Banned Honi Soit cover used in Kenya to raise awareness of female genital mutilation".Honi Soit.Retrieved26 August2023.
  27. ^"George Molnar"(PDF).
  28. ^"NSW Young Liberals".
  29. ^"1967 Issue 02".University of Sydney Library.Retrieved30 April2019.
  30. ^The Mystery of St Michael'sArchived1 March 2011 at theWayback MachineHoni Soit, 11 August 2009 p 12
  31. ^FYI (editorial)Archived1 March 2011 at theWayback MachineHoni Soit, 19 August 2009, p 3
  32. ^"Sydney University student newspaper Honi Soit pulled after placing vaginas on the cover".News AU.
  33. ^"Are vulvas so obscene that we have to censor them?".The Guardian.22 August 2013.
  34. ^Marr, David (March 2013)."Political Animal: The Making of Tony Abbott".The Monthly.Archived fromthe originalon 8 July 2014.
  35. ^Snow, Deborah; Robertson, James (8 June 2013)."Swings and arrows of Abbott's outrageous uni life".The Sydney Morning Herald.Retrieved5 December2018.
  36. ^Havers, Geoffrey (24 April 1958)."Lest We Forget?".Honi Soit, University of Sydney Library.Retrieved30 April2019.
  37. ^"Editorial... The Anzac Article".Honi Soit, University of Sydney Library.6 May 1958.Retrieved30 April2019.
  38. ^Lake, Marilyn; Reynolds, Henry (August 2010).What's Wrong With Anzac?.NewSouth.ISBN9781742240022.
  39. ^"Anzac Day 'just a party for drunk yobbos' – Aussie attitude study".NewsComAu.
  40. ^abMatthews, Alice (29 August 2018)."USyd's student magazine is refusing to take down an article praising North Korea".ABC triple j.Retrieved31 August2018.
  41. ^""What I saw was a highly organised, egalitarian and energised society"".NewsComAu.Retrieved31 August2018.
  42. ^"Wilson Must Go, Catholics Demand –" Blasphemous, Obscene "".Honi Soit, University of Sydney Library.Honi Soit. 19 July 1945.Retrieved30 April2019.
  43. ^"19 Jul 1945 – THREAT TO SEIZE COLLEGE PAPER".Trove.19 July 1945.
  44. ^"21 Apr 1950 – Publication of" Honi Soit "Refused".Trove.21 April 1950.
  45. ^"25 Apr 1952 – 'Varsity Fights Over Letter".Trove.25 April 1952.
  46. ^"25 Apr 1952 – Uni. Paper Slates Morals".Trove.25 April 1952.
  47. ^"04 Jun 1970 – STUDENT BLOCKED".Trove.4 June 1970.
  48. ^Greg Hassall (8 April 2012)."Forgotten gems... remembering Uni".The Sydney Morning Herald.
  49. ^Uni Documentary – Episode 1 (2/8).11 January 2010.Archivedfrom the original on 21 December 2021 – via YouTube.
  50. ^"The youth of today: relaxed, comfortable and blissfully unaware".10 May 2005.
  51. ^"Trip from Cambridge to Moscow and [B% newspaper]HONI SOIT".Internet Archive.5 April 1945.
  52. ^"Honi Soit final edition".documentcloud.org.Retrieved5 November2016.
  53. ^"Student paper Honi Soit spoofs The Australian in final 2016 edition".Crikey.27 October 2016.Retrieved5 November2016.
  54. ^"Sydney Uni's Student Paper Has Devoted A Whole Edition To Trolling 'The Australian'".Junkee.28 October 2016.Retrieved5 November2016.
  55. ^"Even The Australian Gave Props To USyd's Absolutely Spot-On Piss-Take".Pedestrian.TV.Retrieved5 November2016.
  56. ^"Hundreds of copies of Queer Honi stolen in apparent queerphobic attack".Honi Soit.17 May 2023.Retrieved24 May2023.