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Hope not Hate

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Hope not Hate
Founded2004;20 years ago(2004)
FounderNick Lowles
TypeCivil rights campaign group
Anti-hate organisation
FocusHate groups
Civil rights
Area served
United Kingdom
ProductCampaigning, lobbying, media, research
Key people
Nick Lowles (Chief Executive)
Jenny Levene(Deputy Director)
Ruth Smeeth(a director)

Hope not Hate(stylised asHOPE not hate) is anadvocacy groupbased in the United Kingdom which campaigns againstracismandfascism.[1][2][3]It has also mounted campaigns againstIslamic extremismandantisemitism.It is self-described as a "non-partisan, non-sectarian organisation."[4] The group was founded in 2004 by Nick Lowles, a former editor of theanti-fascistmagazineSearchlight(from which it split in late 2011). It is backed by various politicians and celebrities,[5][6]and it has also been backed by severaltrade unions.[7]

History and personnel


Hope not Hate was founded in 2004 by Nick Lowles, former editor of the anti-fascistSearchlightmagazine.[8][9][10]Having experienced street racism as a child, Lowles got involved with the anti-fascist movement as a student volunteer atSheffield University.[11][12]Before he became editor, he was an freelance investigative journalist, working in television, including onBBC Panorama,World in Action,Channel Four Dispatches and MacIntyre Undercover. Between 1999 and 2011 Lowles was co-editor, and then editor, ofSearchlightmagazine. He was awarded an MBE in 2016 for his services in tackling extremism. The Deputy Director is Jemma Levene,[13]who previously worked as Head of Campaigns at Jewish cultural education charity SEED, and at theOrthodox Unionin New York.[14]The Political Organiser is Liron Velleman, Policy Officer for theJewish Labour Movement.[15]

Hope not Hate functioned as part ofSearchlightuntil 2011, when the organisations split.[5][1][16][17]As a standalone organisation, Hope not Hate took with it two of the three units ofSearchlight:Searchlight Educational Trust (SET), a charity; and Searchlight Information Services (SIS), its research and investigative function. The organisation now consists of Hope not Hate Educational Ltd (a charitable wing) and Hope not Hate Ltd (focused on campaigning and investigative work).[18]From 2010 to 2015,[19]Ruth Smeethworked as Deputy Director; since then, she has been a director.[20]



HNH is funded by parochial money, charitable trusts,trade unionfunding and individual donations. HNH receives no government or EU funding.[21]

During late 2012 and early 2013, the Searchlight Educational Trust (SET), which later renamed itself to Hope not Hate Educational (HNH Ed: the charitable wing of Hope not Hate),[22]) received three separate payments totaling £66,000 thanks to a funding agreement signed by theDepartment for Communities and Local Government.Conditions in the funding agreement prohibited the funds to be spent on anything other than "educational work", which also included a prohibition on political campaigning. The focus of the allocated funds was to establish community partnerships in four key areas which were prone toEDLactivity, including sharing positive local stories and strengthening community bonds.[23]



Far right and Islamophobia


The organisation encourages voters to support alternatives tofar-rightextremist movements; it also publishes allegations of violent activities byanti-Muslimorganisations[24][25]such as theEnglish Defence League.It presented a 90,000-person petition to theEuropean Parliamentprotesting against the election ofNick Griffinas anMEP.[26]

Following the murder ofJo Cox,Hope not Hate launched a nationwide #MoreInCommon campaign, with the blessing of the MP's family, hosting meetings across the UK which focused on healing divisions which were caused by theEU Referendum,culminating in 85+ events on the weekend of 3/4 September 2016.[27]In December 2016The Guardiannewspaper joined a Hope not Hate training workshop, revealing the work which was undertaken by its community workers on the doorsteps in south Wales.[28]

The organisation has increasingly focused on community-based campaigning, with a particular focus on building what it calls "community resilience"[29]and focusing more on women voters.[30]It has launched initiatives in support of British foods, Hate Crime Awareness Week, and reported extensively on the activities of the anti-Muslimcounterjihadmovement ofRobert Spencer,Pamela Geller,and bloggers such as "Fjordman".[31][32]It linked hundreds ofEDLandNational Frontsupporters in this network with support for the Norwegian killerAnders Behring Breivik.[33]

In 2012, the group published original research which looked at the attitudes of voters towards far-right political parties in the UK, which concluded that nearly half of those who were polled by aPopulus Ltdsurvey supported the creation of anEnglish nationalist,anti-Muslim political party.[34][35]Nick Lowles claimed in 2012 that politicians, including theLabour Party,need to address the way they talk about immigration and move away from encouraging "hate speech".[36]Liz Fekete,of theInstitute of Race Relations,has said that Lowles has not taken a hard enough line in rejecting narratives that portray Muslim men as disproportionately responsible forchild sexual grooming.[37]

The organisation updated its research in February 2016, noting that: "Respondents to the newFear and HOPE 2016survey were much more positive about personal and national progress, more economically secure, and less anxious about identity change. "Afurther poll,one week after theBrexitvote, revealed that nearly two-thirds (63%) of those polled believed Britain was "more divided as a result of the Referendum vote and more people think there are more tensions between communities than when asked the same question in February".

Following a 26,000 signature petition which Hope not Hate handed to the UK Home Secretary, on 26 June 2013, the US-based anti-Muslim bloggers Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller were banned from entering the UK.[38]Geller and Spencer had been due to speak at anEnglish Defence Leaguemarch in Woolwich, south London, where DrummerLee Rigbywas murdered.Home SecretaryTheresa Mayinformed Spencer and Geller that their presence in the UK would "not be conducive to the public good".[39]The decision, which they cannot appeal, may be reviewed in between three and five years.[40]Similarly, Hope Not Hate condemned an EDL solidarity demonstration outside the Israeli embassy to which they had invited an American rabbi, with Lowles writing "While many in the Jewish community have understandable concerns about the rise of Islamic fundamentalism, it is important to remember that the EDL are not our friends".[41]

In 2013, Hope not Hate was one of the founding organisations of an anti-child sexual exploitation initiative called CAASE (Community Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation), featuring many Muslim and Christian organisations, victim support groups, survivors organisations, and local community networks. The network was founded in response to multiple "grooming" cases which were reported by the British press.[42]

In October 2021, the organisation revealed that aConservative Partyboroughcouncillorand activist Tim Wills inWorthingwas also a supporter of the far-right and racist organisationPatriotic Alternative.The party announced that "Cllr Tim Wills has been suspended pending the outcome of an investigation".[43]

In 2023 HNH has uncovered allegedly inflammatory historicsocial mediaposts made by Tory London mayoral candidate,Susan Hall.[44]

Islamic extremism


In November 2013, the organisation unveiled research into theal-MuhajirounIslamic extremist network: in a 60-page report,Gateway to Terror,authored by Nick Lowles and Joe Mulhall, it alleged that with its partner networks al-Muhajiroun had sent up to 300 fighters to Syria, linked a further seventy individuals to terrorism offences or suicide bombings, plus proof of what it said was links to theWestgate shopping mall attackin Kenya, connections toal-Shabaaband a plot by French security services to killAbu Hamzain the late 1990s.[45][46][47]

On 16 October 2014, the organisation launched a new blog, Generation Jihad, which it said would "be a forum to monitor, expose and understand militant jihadism and extreme Islamism".[48]

OnceAnjem Choudarywas found guilty of inviting support for theIslamic Statein August 2016, Hope not Hate updated its research and revealed that Choudary and his extremist groups had motivated at least a hundred people from Britain to pursue terrorism.[49] More recently, it has also focused onIslamist extremists[10]and issues of communal division, such asgrooming.[50][51][52]



In 2013, the organisation initiated a nationwide consultation among its supporters about theUK Independence Party(UKIP).[53]The move attracted considerable criticism from some on the right.[54]It went on to campaign vociferously against UKIP during the run-up to the2014 European elections.[55]

On 20 March 2019,Catherine Blaiklock,founder of theBrexit Party,resigned from the party afterThe Guardianenquired about deleted anti-Muslim messages from herTwitteraccount from before she took on the role.[56]Blaiklock's deleted tweets were recovered by Hope not Hate and passed toThe Guardian.[56]

In November 2019, Hope not Hate said "An election has just been called for the 12th December 2019 and our priority is clear – we're going to be taking on Nigel Farage and his Brexit party, to make sure they don't win any seats."[57]The organisation funded research, along withBest for Britain,used to encourage pro-Remain tactical voting.[58]



Hope not Hate have commented regularly on antisemitism allegations in the Labour Party. In June 2019, the group condemnedLisa Forbesafter she was found to have 'liked' a post onFacebooksaying thatTheresa Mayhad a "Zionist Slave Master's agenda".[59]In July 2019, Lowles said that there had been "an appalling lack of understanding of the hurt and fear felt by Jewish party members and the Jewish community".[60]He also said that "the leadership should start listening to people like theJewish Labour Movementand bringing forward substantial organisational and cultural change. "[61]In November 2019, Lowles was reported to have written to every member of Labour'sNational Executive Committee,urging them to bar suspended MPChris Williamsonfrom defending his seat at the following month's general election and to expel him from the party.[62]

Anti-LGBTQ+ hate


Hope not Hate has provided analysis of anti-LGBTQ+ hate movements, and has describedKellie-Jay Keen-Minshullas "a leading voice in the antitrans movement" who has "increasingly found support from and an overlap in views with the far right."[63][64]



In February 2016, Nick Lowles was not invited to aNational Union of Studentsevent due to opposition by the NUS Black Students campaign, which said that he was Islamophobic.[65][importance?]

In November 2016, Hope not Hate published an incorrect press release about a report on the extent of abusive social media following themurder of Jo CoxMP by a right-wing extremist. According to an investigation byThe Economist,"The report itself gave a confusing impression of the number of tweets that celebrated Ms Cox’s murder" and that "Hope Not Hate’s mistake is to take xenophobic Brexit-related tweets (which are plentiful, though a tiny fraction of the whole) and add them to tweets celebrating the murder of an MP (which as far as we can establish were very rare) to make a single tally of hatred. It then compounds the error by focusing on Ms Cox in the report’s headline and the initial press release."[66]A corrected version of the release was subsequently sent to all other media for the report's official launch, and the original article was withdrawn.[67]

In December 2016, the British politicianNigel Farageaccused the group of being "extremists" who "masquerade as being lovely and peaceful but actually pursue violent and very undemocratic means", after Jo Cox's widower husband Brendan Cox had chosen Hope not Hate as one of three beneficiaries of her memorial fund.[68]The group responded by setting up acrowdfundedappeal for a legal fund to sue Farage over the remarks.[68]Hope Not Hate proceeded to issue a claim against Farage forlibel.In November 2017, shortly before the libel case came to court, it was settled as Farage agreed to withdraw his comments.[69]

In August 2019, Assistant Editor of theDaily TelegraphPhilip Johnston criticised the group for not doing enough to acknowledge that theUnited Kingdomwas "among the least racist, least extreme and most inclusive [countries] in the world".[70]

During the2024 United Kingdom riots,Nick Lowles falsely claimed that acid was being thrown at Muslim women in the streets ofMiddlesbrough.Lowles later apologised for this error, afterCleveland Policeconfirmed no such incident had been recorded. Conservative MPNeil O'Briencalled Lowles' behaviour "incredible irresponsible".[71]


Author and activistMatthew F. Collins

The campaign publishes an eponymous bi-monthly magazine; in 2011 it commissioned an opinion poll on electoral attitudes towardsEnglish identity,faith and race, published as theFear and Hopesurvey.[72][73]In 2012 it issued a report on thecounterjihadmovement, theCounter-Jihad Report;[31][32]and in the same year produced a 75th anniversary guide to theBattle of Cable Street.[74]In 2011Matthew Collins,a formerNational FrontandBritish National Partymember and part of the group's investigative team, publishedHate: My Life in the British Far Right(ISBN978-1-84954-327-9). In June 2014 Collins and Hope not Hate published original research into what they termed a far-right,Christian fundamentalistorganisation,Britain First,revealing its links toLoyalist paramilitariesinNorthern Irelandand preparation for conflict, after the group held controversial "Christian Patrols" and "mosque invasions" in various cities in the UK.[75][76][77]In response, Britain First issued a press release threatening "direct action" against any journalist repeating "any inaccuracies or lies peddled by Hope Not Hate".[78]

Notable supporters


Prominent supporters of Hope not Hate have included businessmanLord Sugar,boxerAmir Khan,singerBeverly Knight,actress and screenwriterMeera Syal,TV presenterFiona Phillips,MP [2015-19] and former anti-fascist organiserRuth Smeeth,chefSimon Rimmer,songwriterBilly Bragg,entrepreneurLevi Roots,singerSpeech Debelle,actress and singerPaloma Faith,presenterDermot O'Leary,BaronessGlenys Kinnock,comedianEddie Izzard,murdered MPJo Cox,[79][80][81]and SwedishTetra PakheiressSigrid Rausing.[82]

See also

  • Red Flare
  • The Walk-In,2022 TV series about Hope Not Hate's role in foiling a plot to murder a British MP


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