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German half-hour sand glass, first quarter of the 16th century, bronze-gilt and silver-gilt, height: 8.3 cm, diameter: 8.4 cm,Metropolitan Museum of Art(New York City)
A winged hourglass as a literal depiction of the Latin phrasetempus fugit( "time flies" )

Anhourglass(orsandglass,sand timer,orsand clock) is a device used to measure the passage oftime.It comprises twoglassbulbs connected vertically by a narrow neck that allows a regulated flow of a substance (historicallysand) from the upper bulb to the lower one due togravity.Typically, the upper and lower bulbs are symmetric so that the hourglass will measure the same duration regardless of orientation. The specific duration of time a given hourglass measures is determined by factors including the quantity and coarseness of the particulate matter, the bulb size, and the neck width.

Depictions of an hourglass as a symbol of the passage of time are found in art, especially on tombstones or other monuments, from antiquity to the present day. The form of a winged hourglass has been used as a literal depiction of the Latin phrasetempus fugit( "time flies" ).



Sarcophagusdated c. 350, representing the wedding of Peleus and Thetis (observe the magnification with the object held by Morpheus in his hands)

The origin of the hourglass is unclear. Its predecessor theclepsydra,orwater clock,is known to have existed inBabylonand Egypt as early as the 16th century BCE.[1]

Middle Ages[edit]

Temperancebearing an hourglass; detail Lorenzetti'sAllegory of Good Government,1338

There are no records of the hourglass existing in Europe prior to theLate Middle Ages;the first documented example dates from the 14th century, a depiction in the 1338 frescoAllegory of Good GovernmentbyAmbrogio Lorenzetti.[2]

Use of the marine sandglass has been recorded since the 14th century. The written records about it were mostly from logbooks of European ships.[3]In the same period it appears in other records and lists of ships stores. The earliest recorded reference that can be said with certainty to refer to a marine sandglass dates fromc. 1345,in a receipt of Thomas de Stetesham, clerk of the King's shipLa George,in the reign ofEdward IIIof England; translated from the Latin, the receipt says: in 1345:[4][5]

The same Thomas accounts to have paid at Lescluse, in Flanders, for twelve glass horologes ( "pro xii. orlogiis vitreis" ), price of each 4½ gross', in sterling 9s.Item, For four horologes of the same sort ( "de eadem secta" ), bought there, price of each five gross', making in sterling 3s.4d.[6][4][5]

Marine sandglasseswere popular aboard ships, as they were the most dependable measurement of time while at sea. Unlike the clepsydra, hourglasses using granular materials were not affected by the motion of a ship and less affected by temperature changes (which could cause condensation inside a clepsydra).[7]While hourglasses were insufficiently accurate to be compared againstsolar noonfor the determination of a ship'slongitude(as an error of just four minutes would correspond to one degree of longitude),[7]they were sufficiently accurate to be used in conjunction with achip logto enable themeasurement of a ship's speed in knots.

The hourglass also found popularity on land as an inexpensive alternative to mechanical clocks.[7]Hourglasses were commonly seen in use in churches, homes, and work places to measure sermons, cooking time, and time spent on breaks from labor.[3]Because they were being used for more everyday tasks, the model of the hourglass began to shrink. The smaller models were more practical and very popular as they made timing more discreet.

After 1500, the hourglass was not as widespread as it had been. This was due to the development of the mechanical clock, which became more accurate, smaller and cheaper, and made keeping time easier.[citation needed]The hourglass, however, did not disappear entirely. Although they became relatively less useful as clock technology advanced, hourglasses remained desirable in their design. The oldest known surviving hourglass resides in theBritish Museumin London.[3]

Not until the 18th century didJohn Harrisoncome up with amarine chronometerthat significantly improved on the stability of the hourglass at sea. Taking elements from the design logic behind the hourglass, he made a marine chronometer in 1761 that was able to accurately measure the journey from England to Jamaica accurate within five seconds.[citation needed]

19th century hourglass


Little written evidence exists to explain why its external form is the shape that it is. The glass bulbs used, however, have changed in style and design over time. While the main designs have always beenampoulein shape, the bulbs were not always connected. The first hourglasses were two separate bulbs with a cord wrapped at their union that was then coated in wax to hold the piece together and let sand flow in between.[8]It was not until 1760 that both bulbs were blown together to keep moisture out of the bulbs and regulate the pressure within the bulb that varied the flow.[7]


While some early hourglasses actually did usesilicasand as the granular material to measure time, many did not use sand at all. The material used in most bulbs was "powderedmarble,tin/leadoxides, [or] pulverized, burnt eggshell ".[3]Over time, different textures of granule matter were tested to see which gave the most constant flow within the bulbs. It was later discovered that for the perfect flow to be achieved the ratio of granule bead to the width of the bulb neck needed to be 1/12 or more but not greater than 1/2 the neck of the bulb.[9]

Practical uses[edit]

A contemporary sand timer made of inexpensive plastic

Hourglasses were an early dependable and accurate measure of time. The rate of flow of the sand is independent of the depth in the upper reservoir, and the instrument will not freeze in cold weather.[3]From the 15th century onwards, hourglasses were being used in a range of applications at sea, in the church, in industry, and in cookery.

During the voyage ofFerdinand Magellanaround the globe, 18 hourglasses from Barcelona were in the ship's inventory, after the trip had been authorized by KingCharles I of Spain.[10]It was the job of a ship's page to turn the hourglasses and thus provide the times for the ship's log. Noon was the reference time for navigation, which did not depend on the glass, as the sun would be at itszenith.[11]A number of sandglasses could be fixed in a common frame, each with a different operating time, e.g. as in a four-way Italian sandglass likely from the 17th century, in the collections of the Science Museum, in South Kensington, London, which could measure intervals of quarter, half, three-quarters, and one hour (and which were used in churches, for priests and ministers to measure lengths of sermons).[12]

Modern practical uses[edit]


While hourglasses are no longer widely used for keeping time, some institutions do maintain them. Both houses of theAustralian Parliamentuse three hourglasses totime certain procedures,such asdivisions.[13]

Sand timers are sometimes included with boardgames such asPictionaryandBogglethat place time constraints on rounds of play.

Symbolic uses[edit]

PirateChristopher Moody's "Bloody Red" jack,c. 1714

Unlike most other methods of measuring time, the hourglass concretely represents the present as being between thepastand thefuture,and this has made it an enduring symbol of time as a concept.

The hourglass, sometimes with the addition of metaphorical wings, is often used as a symbol that human existence is fleeting, and that the "sands of time"will run out for every human life.[14]It was used thus onpirateflags, to evoke fear through imagery associated with death. In England, hourglasses were sometimes placed in coffins,[15]and they have graced gravestones for centuries. The hourglass was also used inalchemyas a symbol forhour.

The formerMetropolitan Borough of GreenwichinLondonused an hourglass on its coat of arms, symbolising Greenwich's role as the origin ofGreenwich Mean Time (GMT).The district's successor, theRoyal Borough of Greenwich,uses two hourglasses on itscoat of arms.

Modern symbolic uses[edit]

Hourglass cursor
Hourglass cursor

Recognition of the hourglass as a symbol of time has survived its obsolescence as a timekeeper. For example, the American television soap operaDays of Our Lives(1965–present) displays an hourglass in its opening credits, with narration byMacdonald Carey:"Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives."

Various computergraphical user interfacesmay change thepointerto anhourglasswhile the program is in the middle of a task, and may not accept user input. During that period of time, other programs, such as those open in other windows, may work normally. When such an hourglass does not disappear, it suggests a program is in aninfinite loopand needs to be terminated, or is waiting for some external event (such as the user inserting a CD).

Unicodehas anHOURGLASSsymbol atU+231B(⌛).

In the 21st century, theExtinction symbolcame into use as a symbol of theHolocene extinctionandclimate crisis.The symbol features an hourglass to represent time "running out" for extinct and endangered species, and also to represent time "running out" forclimate change mitigation.

Hourglass motif[edit]

Diagram of "hourglass" motif from carved stone tablet,Solomon Islands

Because of its symmetry, graphic signs resembling an hourglass are seen in the art of cultures which never encountered such objects. Vertical pairs of triangles joined at the apex are common inNative Americanart; both in North America,[16]where it can represent, for example, the body of theThunderbirdor (in more elongated form) an enemy scalp,[17][18]and in South America, where it is believed to represent aChunchojungle dweller.[19]InZulutextiles they symbolise a married man, as opposed to a pair of triangles joined at the base, which symbolise a married woman.[20]Neolithicexamples can be seen among Spanishcave paintings.[21][22]Observers have even given the name "hourglass motif" to shapes which have more complex symmetry, such as a repeating circle and cross pattern from theSolomon Islands.[23]Both the members of Project Tic Toc, from television series theTime Tunneland theChallengers of the Unknownuse symbols of the hourglass representing either time travel or time running out.

See also[edit]


Antique sandglasses
  1. ^Balmer, R. T. (1979). "The invention of the sand clock".Endeavour.3(3): 118–122.doi:10.1016/0160-9327(79)90100-5.
  2. ^Frugoni, Chiara (1988).Pietro et Ambrogio Lorenzetti.Scala Books. p. 83.ISBN0-935748-80-6.
  3. ^abcdeMills, A.A.; Day, S.; Parkes, S. (1996)."Mechanics of the sandglass"(PDF).European Journal of Physics.Vol. 17, no. 3. pp. 97–109.Bibcode:1996EJPh...17...97M.doi:10.1088/0143-0807/17/3/001.
  4. ^abAnthony John Turner (1993).Of Time and Measurement: Studies in the History of Horology and Fine Technology.Ashgate Publishing Company.ISBN978-0-86078-378-7.
  5. ^abNicolas, Nicholas Harris (1847).A History of the Royal Navy, from the earliest times to the wars of the French revolution, vol. II.London: Richard Bentley. p. 476.
  7. ^abcdBalmer, R.T. "The Operation of Sand Clocks and Their Medieval Development." Technology and Culture, Vol. 19, No. 4 (Oct., 1978), pp. 615–632.
  8. ^"How hourglass is made - material, manufacture, making, history, used, components, machine, History, Raw Materials".
  9. ^Peterson, Ivars. "Trickling sand: how an hourglass ticks". Science News, Vol. 144, No. 11 (September 11, 1993). p. 167
  10. ^Pigafetta (1874).The First Voyage Around the World, 1519-1522.Hakluyt Society Press. pp. A12.
  11. ^Bergreen, Laurence (2003).Over the Edge of the World: Magellan's Terrifying Circumnavigation of the Globe.William Morrow.ISBN0-06-621173-5.
  12. ^"Four-way sand glass, Italian, 17th century, image no. 10325648".The Science Museum.Archived fromthe originalon 1 November 2014.Retrieved1 November2014.
  13. ^Senate of Australia (26 March 1997)."Official Hansard"(PDF):2472. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 29 April 1998.{{cite journal}}:Cite journal requires|journal=(help)
  14. ^Room, Adrian (1999).Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable.New York: HarperCollinsPublishers."Time is getting short; there will be little opportunity to do what you have to do unless you take the chance now. The phrase is often used with reference to one who has not much longer to live. The allusion is to the hourglass."
  15. ^Ewbank, Thomas(1857).A Descriptive and Historical Account of Hydraulic and Other Machines for Raising Water, Ancient and Modern With Observations on Various Subjects Connected with the Mechanic Arts, Including the Progressive Development of the Steam Engine. Vol. 1.New York: Derby & Jackson. p. 547."Hour-glasses were formerly placed in coffins and buried with the corpse, probably as symbols of mortality—the sands of life having run out. SeeGent. Mag.vol xvi, 646, and xvii, 264. "
  16. ^Splendid Heritage: treasures of native american artArchived2016-05-03 at theWayback Machine(search on "hourglass" )
  17. ^Wishart, David J.(ed.)Encyclopedia of the Great PlainsUniversity of Nebraska Press (2004)ISBN0-8032-4787-7,p125
  18. ^Philip, NeilThe Great Mystery: Myths of Native America,Clarion Books (2001)ISBN0-395-98405-X,p64-65
  19. ^Wilson, Lee AnnNature Versus CultureinTextile Traditions of Mesoamerica and the Andes: An Anthology(ed. Schevill, M.B. et al.), University of Texas Press (1996)ISBN0-292-77714-0
  20. ^An African Valentine: The Bead Code of the ZulusArchived2008-05-18 at theWayback Machine,edunetconnect
  21. ^Greenman, E.F.The Upper Palaeolithic and the New WorldinCurrent AnthropologyVol. 4, No. 1 (Feb., 1963), pp. 41-91 (NB: includes reviews disputing the central thesis and methodology)- via JSTOR (subscription)
  22. ^Image, "Croquis 1872" (click to enlarge)Archived2008-12-08 at theWayback Machineat colonias.iespana.es
  23. ^Craig, BarryA Stone Tablet from Buka IslandArchived2008-10-03 at theWayback MachineinArchaeological Studies of the Middle and Late Holocene, Papua New Guinea (Technical Report 20)(ed. Specht, Jim & Attenbrow, Val) Australian Museum (2007)ISSN1835-4211

Further reading[edit]


  • Branley, Franklyn M. (1993).Keeping time: From the beginning and into the twenty-first century.Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.ISBN9780395477779.
  • Cowan, Harrison J. (1958). "Time and its measurement: From the stone age to the nuclear age".Cleveland.65.New York: The World Publishing Company.Bibcode:1958tmfs.book.....C.
  • Guye, Samuel; Henri, Michel; Dolan, D.; Mitchell, S. W. (1970). "Time and space: Measuring instruments from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century".Time and Space. Measuring Instruments from the Fifteenth to the Nineteenth Century.New York: Praeger Publishers.Bibcode:1971tsmi.book.....G.
  • Smith, Alan (1975). "Clocks and watches: American, European and Japanese timepieces". New York: Crescent Books.{{cite journal}}:Cite journal requires|journal=(help)


  • Morris, Scot (September 1992). "The floating hourglass".Omni.p. 86.
  • Peterson, Ivars (September 11, 1993). "Trickling sand: how an hourglass ticks".Science News.

External links[edit]