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The Yellow River Breaches its CoursebyMa Yuan,Song dynasty
Traditional ChineseHoa Hạ
Simplified ChineseHoa Hạ
Literal meaningbeautiful grandeur

Huaxiais a historical concept representing theChinese nation,and came from the self-awareness of acommon cultural ancestryby the various confederations ofpre-Qinethnic ancestors ofHanpeople.


The earliest extant authentic attestation of theHuaxiaconcept is in theZuo Zhuan,a historical narrative and commentary authored before 300 BCE.[1][2]In Zuo zhuan, Huaxia refers to the central states ( Trung Quốczhōngguó)[a][b]in the Yellow River valley, dwelt by the Huaxia people, ethnically equivalent toHan Chinesein pre-imperial discourses.[8][9]

According to the ConfucianKong Yingda,xià(Hạ'grand') signified the 'greatness' (Đại) in the ceremonial etiquettes of thecentral states,whilehuá(Hoa'flower', 'blossom') was used in reference to the beauty (Mỹ) in thehanfuclothing that the denizens from those states wore.[c][11][12][13]



TheHan-erahistorianSima Qianasserts that "Xia" was the name of the stateenfeoffedto legendary kingYu the Great,and Yu used its name as hissurname.[14]In modern historiography, Huaxia refers to a confederation of tribes living along theYellow Riverwho were the ancestors of what later became theHanethnic group in China.[15][16]During theWarring States(475–221 BCE), the self-awareness of the Huaxia identity developed and took hold in ancient China.[16]Initially,Huaxiadefined mainly a civilized society that was distinct and stood in contrast to what wasperceived as the barbaricpeoples around them.[17]The Huaxia identity arose in the Eastern Zhou period as a reaction to the increased conflict with the Rong and Di peoples who migrated into the Zhou lands and extinguished some Zhou states.[18]

Modern usage[edit]

Although still used in conjunction, theChinese charactersforhuaandxiaare also used separately as autonyms.

The official Chinese names of both thePeople's Republic of China(PRC) and theRepublic of China(ROC) use the termHuaxiain combination with the termZhongguo(Trung Quốc, Trung Quốc,translated as "Middle Kingdom" ), that is, asZhonghua(Trung Hoa, Trung Hoa).[19]The PRC's official Chinese name isZhonghua Renmin Gongheguo(Trung Hoa nhân dân nước cộng hoà), while that of the ROC isZhonghua Minguo(Trung Hoa dân quốc). The termZhongguois confined by its association to a state, whereasZhonghuamainly concerns culture.[20]The latter is being used as part of the nationalist termZhōnghuá Mínzúwhich is an all Chinese nationality in the sense of a multi-ethnicnational identity.

The termHuaren(Người Hoa) for a Chinese person is an abbreviation ofHuaxiawithren(Người,person).[21]Huarenin general is used for people of Chinese ethnicity, in contrast toZhongguoren(Người Trung Quốc) which usually (but not always) refers to citizens of China.[20]Although some may useZhongguorento refer to the Chinese ethnicity, such usage is not common in Taiwan.[20]In overseas Chinese communities in countries such asSingaporeandMalaysia,HuarenorHuaqiao(overseas Chinese) is used as they are also not citizens of China.[22][23]

See also[edit]


  1. ^For instance,Du YuexplainszhuxiaChư hạ "the various grand states" andzhuhuaChư hoa "various flourishing states" aszhongguoTrung Quốc "the central states"[3][4][5][6]
  2. ^Theritual bronzevesselHe zun(Gì tôn) is the oldest known actifact containingzhōngguó,written as𠁩 hoặc;therezhōngguóapparently refers only to theShang's immediate domain conquered by theZhou[7]
  3. ^Kong Yingda annotates this Zuozhuan's passageDuệ không mưuHạ,Di không loạnHoa."the borderers may not plot against thegranddomains; the aliens may not sow chaos among theflourishingcountries. "[10]


  1. ^Zuo zhuan,"Duke Xiang, year 26, zhuan".text: "Sở thấtHoa Hạ. "translation:"Chulost [the political allegiance of / the political influence over] theflourishingandgrand[states]. "
  2. ^Shi, Jie (2020).Modeling Peace: Royal Tombs and Political Ideology in Early China,chapter 3 "Integration of Ethnic Han and non-Han". New York: Columbia University Press. note 8 to chapter 3. page 341 of 466
  3. ^Zuozhuan"Duke Min - 1st year - zhuan"quote:" Chư hạ thân mật không thể bỏ cũng "translation:" The various grand states are close intimates and can not be abandoned "
  4. ^Du Yu,Chunqiu Zuozhuan - Collected Explanations,"Vol. 4"p. 136 of 186.quote: "Chư hạ Trung Quốc cũng"
  5. ^Zuozhuan"Duke Xiang - 4th year - zhuan"quote:" Chư hoa tất phản bội "translation:" The various flourishing states would surely revolt "
  6. ^Chunqiu Zuozhuan - Collected Explanations,"Vol. 15".p. 102 of 162quote: "Chư hoa Trung Quốc"
  7. ^Zhi (2004). p. 198
  8. ^Esherick, Joseph (2006). "How the Qing Became China". Empire to Nation: Historical Perspectives on the Making of the Modern World. Rowman & Littlefield.
  9. ^Shi (2020) p. 140, 142 of 466
  10. ^Zuozhuan,"Duke Ding - 10th year - zhuan"
  11. ^Chunqiu Zuozhuan Zhengyi,"vol. 56" quote: "Hạ, đại cũng. Trung Quốc có lễ nghi to lớn, cố xưng hạ; có phục chương chi mỹ, gọi chi hoa. Hoa, hạ một cũng."p. 70of 118
  12. ^Liu Xue điểu ( Lưu học diêu ) (2005).Trung Quốc văn hóa sử bài giảng(in Chinese). Taipei: Biết thư phòng xuất bản tập đoàn. p. 9.ISBN978-9-867-64065-9.Thời cổ Viêm Hoàng chi trụ thường tự xưng, “Hoa Hạ” có khi lại làm “Chư hạ” 《 Tả Truyện 》 định công mười năm ( tây nguyên trước 500 năm ) có: Duệ không mưu hạ, di không loạn hoa. Đối với này câu này sơ rằng: Trung Quốc có lễ nghi to lớn, cố xưng hạ; có phục chương chi mỹ, gọi chi hoa.
  13. ^Zhu, Ruixi; Zhang, Bangwei; Liu, Fusheng; Cai, Chongbang; Wang, Zengyu (2016).A Social History of Medieval China.Cambridge University Press.ISBN978-1-107-16786-5.To quote an ancient text, "there is grand ceremonial etiquette so it is called xia (Hạ), and there is the beauty of apparel which is called hua (Hoa). "[1] (And that's how China is also called huaxia [Hoa Hạ].) [...] [1] 'The Tenth Year of Duke Ding of Lu' (Định công mười năm), Zuo Qiuming's Commentary on Spring and Autumn Annals (Tả Truyện), explained by Yan Shigu (Nhan sư cổ,581–645).
  14. ^Sima Qian's discussionon "Annals of Xia" inRecords of the Grand Historian:Vũ vi tự họ, sau đó phân phong, dùng quốc vi họ
  15. ^Cioffi-Revilla, Claudio; Lai, David (1995). "War and Politics in Ancient China, 2700 BC to 722 BC".The Journal of Conflict Resolution.39(3): 471–72.doi:10.1177/0022002795039003004.S2CID156043981.
  16. ^abGuo, Shirong; Feng, Lisheng (1997). "Chinese Minorities". In Selin, Helaine (ed.).Encyclopaedia of the history of science, technology and medicine in non-western cultures.Dordrecht: Kluwer. p. 197.ISBN978-0-792-34066-9.During the Warring States (475–221 BC), feudalism was developed and the Huaxia nationality grew out of the Xia, Shang, and Zhou nationalities in the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River. The Han evolved from the Huaxia.
  17. ^Holcombe, Charles (2010).A history of East Asia: From the origins of civilization to the twenty-first century.Cambridge University Press. p. 7.ISBN978-0-521-73164-5.Initially, Huaxia seems to have been a somewhat elastic cultural marker, referring neither to race nor ethnicity nor any particular country but rather to "civilized," settled, literate, agricultural populations adhering to common ritual standards, in contrast to "barbarians."
  18. ^Wu, Xiaolong (2017).Material Culture, Power, and Identity in Ancient China.Cambridge University Press. pp. 13–14.ISBN978-1-107-13402-7.
  19. ^Holcombe, Charles (2011).A history of East Asia: From the origins of civilization to the twenty-first century.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 7.ISBN978-0-521-73164-5.Zhongguo — […] Today, Zhongguo is probably the closest Chinese-language equivalent to the English word China. Even so, both the modern People's Republic of China, on the mainland, and the Republic of China (confined to the island of Taiwan since 1949) are still officially known, instead, by a hybrid combination of the two ancient terms Zhongguo and Huaxia: ZhonghuaTrung Hoa.
  20. ^abcHui-Ching Chang; Richard Holt (2014-11-20).Language, Politics and Identity in Taiwan: Naming China.Routledge. pp. 162–64.ISBN978-1-13504635-4.
  21. ^Solé-Farràs, Jesús (2013).New Confucianism in twenty-first century China: The construction of a discourse.London: Routledge.ISBN978-1-13473908-0.HuarenNgười Hoaequivalent to a 'Chinese person'—huaHoais the abbreviation of Huaxia, a synonym of ZhongguoTrung Quốc(China), and renNgườiis 'person'.
  22. ^Sheng Lijun (30 June 2002).China and Taiwan: Cross-strait Relations Under Chen Shui-bian.Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. p. 53.ISBN978-981-230-110-9.
  23. ^Karl Hack, Kevin Blackburn (30 May 2012).War Memory and the Making of Modern Malaysia and Singapore.NUS Press. p. 96.ISBN978-9971-69-599-6.