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Hymn to Enlil

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Figure of standing male worshiper, 2750-2600 B.C. (when Enlil was considered the most powerful god) from the "square temple" atEshnunna
Feather robed and turbaned archer figure of Ashur (a later development of Enlil) superimposed on a sun disc

TheHymn to Enlil,Enlil and the Ekur (Enlil A),Hymn to the Ekur,Hymn and incantation to Enlil,Hymn to Enlil the all beneficentorExcerpt from an exorcismis aSumerianmyth,written onclay tabletsin the late third millennium BC.[1]



Fragments of the text were discovered in theUniversity of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropologycatalogue of theBabyloniansection (CBS) from their excavations at thetemplelibraryatNippur.Themythwas first published using tablet CBS 8317, translated byGeorge Aaron Bartonin 1918 as "Sumerian religious texts" in "Miscellaneous Babylonian Inscriptions",number ten, entitled" An excerpt from anexorcism".[2]The tablet is 3.4 by 2.75 by 1.2 inches (8.6 by 7.0 by 3.0 cm) at its thickest point. A larger fragment of the text was found on CBS tablet number 14152 and first published by Henry Frederick Lutz as "A hymn and incantation to Enlil" in "Selected Sumerian and Babylonian Texts", number 114 in 1919.[3]Barton's tablet had only containted lines five to twenty four of the reverse of Lutz's, which had already been translated in 1918 and was used to complete several of his damaged lines.[2]

Edward Chierapublished tablet CBS 7924B from the hymn in "Sumerian Epics and Myths".[4]He also worked withSamuel Noah Kramerto publish three other tablets CBS 8473, 10226, 13869 in "Sumerian texts of varied contents" in 1934. The name given this time was "Hymn to theEkur",suggesting the tablets were" parts of a composition which extols the ekur of Enlil at Nippur, it may, however be only an extract from a longer text ".[5]Further tablets were found to be part of the myth in theHilprechtcollection at theUniversity of Jena,Germany,numbers 1530, 1531, 1532, 1749b, 2610, 2648a and b, 2665, 2685, 1576 and 1577.[6]Further tablets containing the text were excavated atIsin,modern Ishan al-Bahriyat, tablet 923.[7]Another was found amongst the texts in theIraq Museum,tablet 44351a.[8]Others are held in the collections of theAbbey of MontserratinBarcelonaand theAshmoleaninOxford.[7][9]

Other translations were made from tablets in the Nippur collection of theMuseum of the Ancient OrientinIstanbul(Ni).Samuel Noah Krameramongst others worked to translate several others from the Istanbul collection including Ni 1039, 1180, 4005, 4044, 4150, 4339, 4377, 4584, 9563 and 9698.[10][11]More were found atHenri de Genouillac's excavations atKish(C 53).[12]Another tablet of the myth (Si 231) was excavated atSipparin the collections of theIstanbulArchaeological Museum.[13]SirCharles Leonard Woolleyunearthed more tablets atUrcontained in the "Ur excavations texts" from 1928.[14]Other tablets and versions were used to bring the myth to its present form with the latest translations presented byThorkild Jacobsen,Miguel Civil and Joachim Krecher.[7][13][15]



The hymn, noted by Kramer as one of the most important of its type,[16]starts with praise for Enlil in his awe-inspiring dais:

Enlil's commands are by far the loftiest, his words are holy, his utterances are immutable! The fate he decides is everlasting, his glance makes the mountains anxious, his... reaches into the interior of the mountains. All the gods of the earth bow down to father Enlil, who sits comfortably on the holy dais, the lofty engur, to Nunamnir, whose lordship and princeship are most perfect. TheAnnanukienter before him and obey his instructions faithfully.[7]

The hymn develops by relating Enlil founding and creating the origin of the city of Nippur and his organization of the earth.[17]In contrast to the myth ofEnlil and Ninlilwhere the city exists before creation, here Enlil is shown to be responsible for its planning and construction, suggesting he surveyed and drew the plans before its creation:

When you mapped out the holy settlement on the earth, You built the city Nippur by yourself, Enlil. The Kiur, your pure place. In the Duranki, in the middle of the four quarters of the earth, you founded it. Its soil is the life of the land (Sumer)[1]

The hymn moves on from the physical construction of the city and gives a description and veneration of itsethicsand moral code:

The powerful lord, who is exceedingly great in heaven and earth, who knows judgement, who is wise. He of great wisdom takes his seat in theDuranki.In princeship he makes theKiur,the great place, come forth radiantly. In Nippur, the 'bond' of heaven and earth, he establishes his place of residence. The City - its panorama is a terrifying radiance. To him who speaks mightily it does not grant life. It permits no inimical word to be spoken in judgement, no improper speech, hostile words, hostility, and unseemingliness, no evil, oppression, looking askance, acting without regard, slandering, arrogance, the breaking of promises. These abominations the city does not permit. The evil and wicked man do not escape its hand. The city, which is bestowed with steadfastness. For which righteousness and justice have been made a lasting possession.[1]

The last sentence has been compared by R. P. Gordon to the description ofJerusalemin theBook of Isaiah(Isaiah 1:21), "the city of justice, righteousness dwelled in her" and in theBook of Jeremiah(Jeremiah 31:23), "O habitation of justice, and mountain of holiness."[18]The myth continues with the city's inhabitants building a temple dedicated to Enlil, referred to as theEkur.The priestly positions and responsibilities of the Ekur are listed along with an appeal for Enlil's blessings on the city, where he is regarded as the source of all prosperity:

Without the Great Mountain, Enlil, no city would be built, no settlement would be founded; no cow-pen would be built, no sheepfold would be established; no king would be elevated, no lord would be given birth; no high priest or priestess would performextispicy;soldiers would have no generals or captains; no carp-filled waters would... the rivers at their peak; the carp would not... come straight up from the sea, they would not dart about. The sea would not produce all its heavy treasure, no freshwater fish would lay eggs in the reedbeds, no bird of the sky would build nests in the spacious land; in the sky the thick clouds would not open their mouths; on the fields, dappled grain would not fill the arable lands, vegetation would not grow lushly on the plain; in the gardens, the spreading forests of the mountain would not yield fruits. Without the Great Mountain, Enlil, Nintud would not kill, she would not strike dead; no cow would drop its calf in the cattle-pen, no ewe would bring forth... lamb in its sheepfold; the living creatures which multiply by themselves would not lie down in their...; the four-legged animals would not propagate, they would not mate.[7]

A similar passage to the last lines above has been noted in the Biblical Psalms (Psalms 29:9) "The voice of the Lord makes hinds to calve and makes goats to give birth (too) quickly".[19]The hymn concludes with further reference to Enlil as a farmer and praise for his wife,Ninlil:

When it relates to the earth, it brings prosperity: the earth will produce prosperity. Your word means flax, your word means grain. Your word means the early flooding, the life of the lands. It makes the living creatures, the animals (?) which copulate and breathe joyfully in the greenery. You, Enlil, the good shepherd, know their ways... the sparkling stars. You married Ninlil, the holy consort, whose words are of the heart, her of noble countenance in a holy ma garment, her of beautiful shape and limbs, the trustworthy lady of your choice. Covered with allure, the lady who knows what is fitting for the E-kur, whose words of advice are perfect, whose words bring comfort like fine oil for the heart, who shares the holy throne, the pure throne with you, she takes counsel and discusses matters with you. You decide the fates together at the place facing the sunrise. Ninlil, the lady of heaven and earth, the lady of all the lands, is honoured in the praise of the Great Mountain.[7]

Andrew R. Georgesuggested that the hymn to Enlil "can be incorporated into longer compositions" as with theKesh temple hymnand "the hymn to temples in Ur that introduces aShulgi hymn."[20]



The poetic form and laudatory content of the hymn have shown similarities to theBook of Psalmsin theBible,particularly Psalm 23 (Psalms 23:1–2) "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want, he maketh me to lie down in green pastures."[21]Line eighty four mentions:

Enlil, if you look upon the shepherd favourably, if you elevate the one truly called in the Land, then the foreign countries are in his hands, the foreign countries are at his feet! Even the most distant foreign countries submit to him.[7]

and in line ninety one, Enlil is referred to as a shepherd:

Enlil, faithful shepherd of the teeming multitudes, herdsman, leader of all living creatures.[7]

The shepherd motif originating in this myth is also found describingJesusin theBook of John(John 10:11–13).[22]Joan Westenholznoted that "The farmer image was even more popular than the shepherd in the earliest personal names, as might be expected in an agrarian society." She notes that both Falkenstein and Thorkild Jacobsen consider the farmer refers to the king of Nippur; Reisman has suggested that the farmer or 'engar' of the Ekur was likely to beNinurta.[23]The term appears in line sixty

Its great farmer is the good shepherd of the Land, who was born vigorous on a propitious day. The farmer, suited for the broad fields, comes with rich offerings; he does not...... into the shining E-kur.[7]

Wayne Horowitz discusses the use of the wordabzu,normally used as a name for an abzu temple, god, cosmic place or cultic water basin. In the hymn to Enlil, its interior is described as a 'distant sea':

Its (Ekur's)me's (ordinances) aremes of theAbzuwhich no-one can understand. Its interior is a distant sea which 'Heaven's Edge' cannot comprehend.[24]

The foundations of Enlil's temple are made oflapis lazuli,which has been linked to the"soham"stone used in theBook of Ezekiel(Ezekiel 28:13) describing the materials used in the building of"Eden,theGarden of god"perched on"the mountain of the lord",Zion,and in theBook of Job(Job 28:6–16)"The stones of it are the place of sapphires and it hath dust of gold".[25]Mosesalso saw God's feet standing on a"paved work of a sapphire stone"in (Exodus 24:10). Precious stones are also later repeated in a similar context describing decoration of the walls ofNew Jerusalemin theApocalypse(Revelation 21:21).[26]

You founded it in theDur-an-ki,in the middle of the four quarters of the earth. Its soil is the life of the Land, and the life of all the foreign countries. Its brickwork is red gold, its foundation islapis lazuli.You made it glisten on high.[25]

Along with theKesh Temple Hymn,Steve Tinney has identified the Hymn to Enlil as part of a standard sequence ofscribaltraining scripts he refers to as theDecad.He suggested that "the Decad constituted a required program of literary learning, used almost without exception throughout Babylonia. The Decad thus included almost all literary types available in Sumerian."[27][28]

See also



  1. ^abcMiguel Ángel Borrás; Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (2000).Joan Goodrick Westenholz, The Foundation Myths of Mesopotamian Cities: Divine Planners and Human Builder in "La fundación de la ciudad: mitos y ritos en el mundo antiguo".Edicions UPC. pp. 48–.ISBN978-84-8301-387-8.Retrieved3 June2011.
  2. ^abGeorge Aaron Barton (1918).Miscellaneous Babylonian inscriptions, p. 60.Yale University Press.Retrieved23 May2011.
  3. ^Henry Frederick Lutz (1919).Selected Sumerian and Babylonian texts, pp. 54-.The University Museum.Retrieved3 June2011.
  4. ^Edward Chiera (1964).Sumerian epics and myths, 102 B.The University of Chicago Press.Retrieved28 May2011.
  5. ^Edward Chiera; Samuel Noah Kramer; University of Pennsylvania. University Museum. Babylonian Section (1934).Sumerian texts of varied contents, p. 4-.The University of Chicago Press.Retrieved3 June2011.
  6. ^Samuel Noah Kramer; Ines Bernhardt (1961).Sumerische literarische Texte aus Nippur, pp. 19-20, 3 15, 3 16, 3 17, 3 18, 3 19.Akademie-Verlag.Retrieved3 June2011.
  7. ^abcdefghi"ETCSL Enlil and the Ekur Bibliography".Archived fromthe originalon 2006-09-25.Retrieved2011-06-03.
  8. ^Cuneiform texts of varying content. (Texts in the Iraq Museum 9, 13). Leiden: Brill, 1976.
  9. ^Ashmolean Museum (1923).Oxford editions of cuneiform inscriptions, Volume 11, 31.Oxford university press, Clarendon.
  10. ^Samuel Noah Kramer (1944).Sumerian literary texts from Nippur: in the Museum of the Ancient Orient at Istanbul, 37 & 56.American Schools of Oriental Research.Retrieved28 May2011.
  11. ^Muazzez Cig; Hatice Kizilyay (1969).Sumerian literary tablets and fragments in the archeological museum of Istanbul-I, 68, 1f, 94 & 114.Tarih Kurumu Basimevi.Retrieved28 May2011.
  12. ^Henri de Genouillac(1924).Premières recherches archéologiques à Kich: Mission d'Henri de Genouillac 1911 - 1912. Rapport sur les travaux et inventaires, fac-similés, dessins, photographies et plans, C 53.Édouard Champion.Retrieved2 June2011.
  13. ^abFalkenstein, Adam., Sumerische Götterlieder (Volume 1 of 2): Abhandlungen der Heidelberg Akademie der Wissenschaften - philosophisch-historische Klasse Jahrgang 1959, 1, 1, pl. 1f, 2f and 4, Abhandlung, Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 1959.
  14. ^British museum and Pennsylvania University. University museum. Joint expedition to Mesopotamia; Pennsylvania University. University museum (1928).Ur excavations texts... 6 65, 6 371, 6 *14 and 6 *63.British museum.Retrieved28 May2011.
  15. ^Thorkild Jacobsen (23 September 1997).The Harps that once--: Sumerian poetry in translation.Yale University Press.ISBN978-0-300-07278-5.Retrieved4 June2011.
  16. ^Samuel Noah Kramer (1964).The Sumerians: their history, culture and character.University of Chicago Press. pp. 205–.ISBN978-0-226-45238-8.Retrieved3 June2011.
  17. ^Samuel Noah Kramer (1972).Sumerian mythology: a study of spiritual and literary achievement in the third millennium B.C.University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 15–.ISBN978-0-8122-1047-7.Retrieved4 June2011.
  18. ^R. P. Gordon (1995)."The place is too small for us": the Israelite prophets in recent scholarship.Eisenbrauns. pp. 48–.ISBN978-1-57506-000-2.Retrieved3 June2011.
  19. ^Marten Stol; F. A. M. Wiggermann (2000).Birth in Babylonia and the Bible: its Mediterranean setting.BRILL. pp. 27–.ISBN978-90-72371-89-8.Retrieved4 June2011.
  20. ^A. R. George (1992).Babylonian topographical texts.Peeters Publishers. pp. 3–.ISBN978-90-6831-410-6.Retrieved3 June2011.
  21. ^C. Hassell Bullock (1 September 2007).An Introduction to the Old Testament Poetic Books.Moody Publishers. pp. 45–.ISBN978-0-8024-4157-7.Retrieved3 June2011.
  22. ^Johannes Beutler; Robert T. Fortna (15 December 2005).The Shepherd Discourse of John 10 and Its Context.Cambridge University Press. pp. 38–.ISBN978-0-521-02060-2.Retrieved4 June2011.
  23. ^Antonio Panaino; Andrea Piras (2004).Schools of oriental studies and the development of modern historiography: proceedings of the Fourth annual symposium of the Assyrian and Babylonian intellectual heritage project held in Ravenna, Italy, October 13-17, 2001.Mimesis Edizioni. pp. 285–.ISBN978-88-8483-206-1.Retrieved3 June2011.
  24. ^Wayne Horowitz (1998).Mesopotamian cosmic geography.Eisenbrauns. pp. 308–.ISBN978-0-931464-99-7.Retrieved3 June2011.
  25. ^abRichard S. Hess (June 1999).Zion, city of our God.Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. pp. 100–.ISBN978-0-8028-4426-2.Retrieved14 June2011.
  26. ^Jane Garry; Hasan M. El-Shamy (2005).Archetypes and motifs in folklore and literature: a handbook.M.E. Sharpe. pp. 198–.ISBN978-0-7656-1260-1.Retrieved14 June2011.
  27. ^Niek Veldhuis (2004).Religion, literature, and scholarship: the Sumerian composition Nanše and the birds, with a catalogue of Sumerian bird names.BRILL. pp. 63–.ISBN978-90-04-13950-3.Retrieved3 June2011.
  28. ^Tinney, Steve., On the Curricular Setting of Sumerian Literature, Iraq 61: 159-172. Forthcoming Elementary Sumerian Literary Texts. MC.

Further reading

  • Falkenstein, Adam, Sumerische Götterlieder (Abhandlungen der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.-hist. Kl., Jahrgang 1959, 1. Abh.). Carl Winter UniversitätsVerlag: Heidelberg, 5-79, 1959.
  • Jacobsen, Thorkild, The Harps that Once... Sumerian Poetry in Translation. Yale University Press: New Haven/London, 151-166: translation, pp 101–111, 1987.
  • Reisman, Daniel David, Two Neo-Sumerian Royal Hymns (Ph.D. dissertation). University of Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, 41-102, 1970.
  • Römer, W.H.Ph., 'Review of Jacobsen 1987', Bibliotheca Orientalis 47, 382-390, 1990.