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Other namesHyperlipoproteinemia, hyperlipidaemia[1]
A 4-ml sample of hyperlipidemic blood in avacutainerwithEDTA.Left to settle for four hours without centrifugation, the lipids separated into the top fraction.
Differential diagnosisHypertriglyceridemia

Hyperlipidemiais abnormally high levels of any or alllipids(e.g.fats,triglycerides,cholesterol,phospholipids) orlipoproteinsin theblood.[2]The termhyperlipidemiarefers to the laboratory finding itself and is also used as an umbrella term covering any of various acquired or genetic disorders that result in that finding.[3]Hyperlipidemia represents a subset ofdyslipidemiaand a superset ofhypercholesterolemia.Hyperlipidemia is usually chronic and requires ongoing medication to control blood lipid levels.[3]

Lipids (water-insoluble molecules) are transported in aproteincapsule.[4]The size of that capsule, orlipoprotein,determines its density.[4]The lipoprotein density and type ofapolipoproteinsit contains determines the fate of the particle and its influence onmetabolism.

Hyperlipidemias are divided into primary and secondary subtypes. Primary hyperlipidemia is usually due to genetic causes (such as a mutation in a receptor protein), while secondary hyperlipidemia arises due to other underlying causes such asdiabetes.Lipid and lipoprotein abnormalities are common in the general population and are regarded as modifiable risk factors forcardiovascular diseasedue to their influence onatherosclerosis.[5]In addition, some forms may predispose toacute pancreatitis.



Hyperlipidemias may basically be classified as either familial (also called primary[6]) when caused by specific genetic abnormalities or acquired (also called secondary)[6]when resulting from another underlying disorder that leads to alterations in plasma lipid and lipoprotein metabolism.[6]Also, hyperlipidemia may beidiopathic,that is, without a known cause.[7]

Hyperlipidemias are also classified according to which types of lipids are elevated, that ishypercholesterolemia,hypertriglyceridemiaor both incombined hyperlipidemia.Elevated levels ofLipoprotein(a)may also be classified as a form of hyperlipidemia.[8]

Familial (primary)


Familial hyperlipidemias are classified according to theFredricksonclassification, which is based on the pattern of lipoproteins onelectrophoresisorultracentrifugation.[9]It was later adopted by theWorld Health Organization(WHO).[10]It does not directly account forHDL,and it does not distinguish among the differentgenesthat may be partially responsible for some of these conditions.[citation needed]

Fredrickson classification of hyperlipidemias
OMIM Synonyms Defect Increased lipoprotein Main symptoms Treatment Serum appearance Estimated prevalence
Type I a 238600 Buerger-Gruetz syndrome or familial hyperchylomicronemia Decreasedlipoprotein lipase(LPL) Chylomicrons Acute pancreatitis,lipemia retinalis,eruptive skinxanthomas,hepatosplen Omega ly Diet control Creamy top layer One in 1,000,000[11]
b 207750 Familial apoprotein CII deficiency AlteredApoC2
c 118830 LPLinhibitor in blood
Type II a 143890 Familial hypercholesterolemia LDL receptordeficiency LDL Xanthelasma,arcus senilis,tendon xanthomas Bile acid sequestrants,statins,niacin Clear One in 500 for heterozygotes
b 144250 Familial combined hyperlipidemia DecreasedLDL receptorand increasedApoB LDLandVLDL Statins, niacin,fibrate Turbid One in 100
Type III 107741 Familial dysbetalipoproteinemia Defect inApo E 2synthesis IDL Tuberoeruptive xanthomas and palmar xanthomas Fibrate, statins Turbid One in 10,000[12]
Type IV 144600 Familial hypertriglyceridemia Increased VLDL production and decreased elimination VLDL Can causepancreatitisat high triglyceride levels Fibrate, niacin, statins Turbid One in 100
Type V 144650 Increased VLDL production and decreasedLPL VLDL and chylomicrons Niacin, fibrate Creamy top layer and turbid bottom
Relative prevalence of familial forms of hyperlipoproteinemia[13]

Type I


Type I hyperlipoproteinemia exists in several forms:

Type I hyperlipoproteinemia usually presents in childhood with eruptive xanthomata and abdominal colic. Complications include retinal vein occlusion, acute pancreatitis, steatosis, and organ Omega ly, and lipemia retinalis.

Type II


Hyperlipoproteinemia type II is further classified into types IIa and IIb, depending mainly on whether elevation in the triglyceride level occurs in addition to LDL cholesterol.

Type IIa

This may be sporadic (due to dietary factors), polygenic, or truly familial as a result of a mutation either in theLDL receptorgene onchromosome 19(0.2% of the population) or theApoBgene (0.2%). The familial form is characterized bytendon xanthoma,xanthelasma,and premature cardiovascular disease. The incidence of this disease is about one in 500 for heterozygotes, and one in 1,000,000 for homozygotes.[citation needed]

HLPIIa is a rare genetic disorder characterized by increased levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood due to the lack of uptake (no Apo B receptors) of LDL particles. This pathology, however, is the second-most common disorder of the various hyperlipoproteinemias, with individuals with a heterozygotic predisposition of one in every 500 and individuals with homozygotic predisposition of one in every million. These individuals may present with a unique set of physical characteristics such as xanthelasmas (yellow deposits of fat underneath the skin often presenting in the nasal portion of the eye), tendon and tuberous xanthomas, arcus juvenilis (the graying of the eye often characterized in older individuals), arterial bruits, claudication, and of course atherosclerosis. Laboratory findings for these individuals are significant for total serum cholesterol levels two to three times greater than normal, as well as increased LDL cholesterol, but their triglycerides and VLDL values fall in the normal ranges.[citation needed]

To manage persons with HLPIIa, drastic measures may need to be taken, especially if their HDL cholesterol levels are less than 30 mg/dL and their LDL levels are greater than 160 mg/dL. A proper diet for these individuals requires a decrease in total fat to less than 30% of total calories with a ratio of monounsaturated:polyunsaturated:saturated fat of 1:1:1. Cholesterol should be reduced to less than 300 mg/day, thus the avoidance of animal products and to increase fiber intake to more than 20 g/day with 6g of soluble fiber/day.[18]Exercise should be promoted, as it can increase HDL. The overall prognosis for these individuals is in the worst-case scenario if uncontrolled and untreated individuals may die before the age of 20, but if one seeks a prudent diet with correct medical intervention, the individual may see an increased incidence of xanthomas with each decade, and Achilles tendinitis and accelerated atherosclerosis will occur.[citation needed]

Type IIb

The high VLDL levels are due to overproduction of substrates, including triglycerides, acetyl-CoA, and an increase in B-100 synthesis. They may also be caused by the decreased clearance of LDL. Prevalence in the population is 10%.[citation needed]

Type III


This form is due to highchylomicronsand IDL (intermediate density lipoprotein). Also known asbroad beta diseaseordysbetalipoproteinemia,the most common cause for this form is the presence ofApoEE2/E2 genotype. It is due to cholesterol-rich VLDL (β-VLDL). Its prevalence has been estimated to be approximately 1 in 10,000.[12]

It is associated with hypercholesterolemia (typically 8–12 mmol/L), hypertriglyceridemia (typically 5–20 mmol/L), a normal ApoB concentration, and two types of skin signs (palmar xanthomata or orange discoloration of skin creases, and tuberoeruptive xanthomata on the elbows and knees). It is characterized by the early onset of cardiovascular disease and peripheral vascular disease. Remnant hyperlipidemia occurs as a result of abnormal function of the ApoE receptor, which is normally required for clearance of chylomicron remnants and IDL from the circulation. The receptor defect causes levels of chylomicron remnants and IDL to be higher than normal in the blood stream. The receptor defect is an autosomal recessive mutation or polymorphism.[citation needed]

Type IV


Familial hypertriglyceridemiais an autosomal dominant condition occurring in approximately 1% of the population.[19]

This form is due to hightriglyceridelevel. Other lipoprotein levels are normal or increased a little.[citation needed]

Treatment include diet control,fibratesand niacins.Statinsare not better than fibrates when lowering triglyceride levels.[citation needed]

Type V


Hyperlipoproteinemia type V, also known as mixed hyperlipoproteinemia familial or mixed hyperlipidemia,[20]is very similar to type I, but with highVLDLin addition to chylomicrons.

It is also associated with glucose intolerance and hyperuricemia.[citation needed]

In medicine, combined hyperlipidemia (or -aemia) (also known as "multiple-type hyperlipoproteinemia" ) is a commonly occurring form of hypercholesterolemia (elevated cholesterol levels) characterized by increased LDL and triglyceride concentrations, often accompanied by decreased HDL.[21]On lipoprotein electrophoresis (a test now rarely performed) it shows as a hyperlipoproteinemia type IIB. It is the most common inherited lipid disorder, occurring in about one in 200 persons. In fact, almost one in five individuals who develop coronary heart disease before the age of 60 has this disorder. The elevated triglyceride levels (>5 mmol/L) are generally due to an increase in very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), a class of lipoprotein prone to cause atherosclerosis.[citation needed]

Both conditions are treated with fibrate drugs, which act on the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), specifically PPARα, to decrease free fatty acid production. Statin drugs, especially the synthetic statins (atorvastatin and rosuvastatin) can decrease LDL levels by increasing hepatic reuptake of LDL due to increased LDL-receptor expression.

Unclassified familial forms


These unclassified forms are extremely rare:

Acquired (secondary)


Acquired hyperlipidemias (also called secondary dyslipoproteinemias) often mimic primary forms of hyperlipidemia and can have similar consequences.[6]They may result in increased risk of prematureatherosclerosisor, when associated with markedhypertriglyceridemia,may lead topancreatitisand other complications of thechylomicronemia syndrome.[6]The most common causes of acquired hyperlipidemia are:

Other conditions leading to acquired hyperlipidemia include:

Treatment of the underlying condition, when possible, or discontinuation of the offending drugs usually leads to an improvement in the hyperlipidemia.

Another acquired cause of hyperlipidemia, although not always included in this category, is postprandial hyperlipidemia, a normal increase following ingestion of food.[21][22]



Relation to cardiovascular disease


Hyperlipidemia predisposes a person toatherosclerosis.Atherosclerosis is the accumulation of lipids, cholesterol, calcium, fibrous plaques within the walls of arteries.[23]This accumulation narrows the blood vessel and reduces blood flow and oxygen to muscles of the heart.[23][24]Over time fatty deposits can build up, hardening and narrowing the arteries until organs and tissues don't receive enough blood to properly function.[25]If arteries that supply the heart with blood are affected, a person might haveangina(chest pain).[26]Complete blockage of the artery causes infarction of the myocardial cells, also known asheart attack.[27]Fatty buildup in the arteries can also lead tostroke,if a blood clot blocks blood flow to the brain.[26]



Adults 20 years and older should have the cholesterol checked every four to six years.[28]Serum level ofLow Density Lipoproteins(LDL) cholesterol,High Density Lipoproteins(HDL) Cholesterol, andtriglyceridesare commonly tested in primary care setting using a lipid panel.[29]Quantitative levels of lipoproteins and triglycerides contribute towardcardiovascular diseaserisk stratification via models/calculators such asFramingham Risk Score,ACC/AHA Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Risk Estimator, and/or Reynolds Risk Scores. These models/calculators may also take into account of family history (heart disease and/or high blood cholesterol), age, gender, Body-Mass-Index, medical history (diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease), high sensitivityCRPlevels, coronary artery calcium score, andankle-brachial index.[30]The cardiovascular stratification further determines what medical intervention may be necessary to decrease the risk of future cardiovascular disease.[citation needed]

Total cholesterol


The combined quantity of LDL and HDL. A total cholesterol of higher than 240 mg/dL is abnormal, but medical intervention is determined by the breakdown of LDL and HDL levels.[31]

LDL cholesterol


LDL, commonly known as "bad cholesterol", is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease.[32][33]LDL cholesterol transports cholesterol particles throughout the body, and can build up in the walls of the arteries, making them hard and narrow.[26]LDL cholesterol is produced naturally by the body, but eating a diet high in saturated fat, trans fats, and cholesterol can increase LDL levels.[34]Elevated LDL levels are associated with diabetes, hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia, and atherosclerosis. In a fasting lipid panel, a LDL greater than 160 mg/dL is abnormal.[30][31]

HDL cholesterol


HDL, also known as "good cholesterol", is associated with decreased risk of cardiovascular disease.[33]HDL cholesterol carries cholesterol from other parts of the body back to the liver and then removes the cholesterol from the body.[35]It can be affected by acquired or genetic factors, including tobacco use,obesity,inactivity, hypertriglyceridemia,diabetes,high carbohydrate diet, medication side effects (beta-blockers,androgenic steroids, corticosteroids, progestogens,thiazidediuretics,retinoic acidderivatives, oral estrogens, etc.) and genetic abnormalities (mutations ApoA-I, LCAT, ABC1).[30]Low level is defined as less than 40 mg/dL.[31][36]



Triglyceride level is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease and/ormetabolic syndrome.[30]Food intake prior to testing may cause elevated levels, up to 20%. Normal level is defined as less than 150 mg/dL.[37]Borderline high is defined as 150 to 199 mg/dL.[37]High level is between 200 and 499 mg/dL.[37]Greater than 500 mg/dL is defined as very high,[37]and is associated withpancreatitisand requires medical treatment.[38]

Screening age


Health organizations does not have a consensus on the age to begin screening for hyperlipidemia.[30]The CDC recommends cholesterol screenings once between ages 9 and 11, once again between 17 and 21, and every 4 to 6 years in adulthood.[39]Doctors may recommend more frequent screenings for people with a family history of early heart attacks, heart disease, or if a child has obesity or diabetes.[39]USPSTFrecommends men older than 35 and women older than 45 to be screened.[40][41]NCE-ATP III recommends all adults older than 20 to be screened as it may lead potential lifestyle modification that can reduce risks of other diseases.[42]However, screening should be done for those with known CHD or risk-equivalent conditions (e.g.Acute Coronary Syndrome,history of heart attacks, Stable or Unstableangina,Transient ischemic attacks,Peripheral arterial diseaseof atherosclerotic origins, coronary or other arterial revascularization).[30]

Screening frequency


Adults 20 years and older should have the cholesterol checked every four to six years,[28]and most screening guidelines recommends testing every 5 years.[30]USPSTFrecommends increased frequency for people with elevated risk of CHD, which may be determined using cardiovascular disease risk scores.[41]



Management of hyperlipidemia includes maintenance of a normal body weight, increased physical activity, and decreased consumption of refined carbohydrates and simple sugars.[43]Prescription drugsmay be used to treat some people having significantrisk factors,[43]such ascardiovascular disease,LDL cholesterol greater than 190 mg/dL or diabetes. Common medication therapy is astatin.[43][44]

HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors


Competitive inhibitors ofHMG-CoA reductase,such as lovastatin, atorvastatin, fluvastatin, pravastatin, simvastatin, rosuvastatin, and pitavastatin, inhibit the synthesis ofmevalonate,a precursor molecule to cholesterol.[45]This medication class is especially effective at decreasing elevated LDL cholesterol.[45]Majorside effectsinclude elevatedtransaminasesandmyopathy.[45]

Fibric acid derivatives


Fibric acid derivatives, such asgemfibrozilandfenofibrate,function by increasing the lipolysis in adipose tissue via activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α.[45]They decrease VLDL –very low density lipoprotein– and LDL in some people.[45]Major side effects include rashes, GI upset, myopathy, or increased transaminases.[45]



Niacin, or vitamin B3has a mechanism of action that is poorly understood, however it has been shown to decrease LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, and increase HDL cholesterol.[45]The most common side effect is flushing secondary toskinvasodilation.[45]This effect is mediated byprostaglandinsand can be decreased by taking concurrentaspirin.[45]

Bile acid binding resins


Bile acidbindingresins,such ascolestipol,cholestyramine,andcolesevelam,function by binding bile acids, increasing their excretion.[45]They are useful for decreasing LDL cholesterol.[45]The most common side effects include bloating and diarrhea.[45]

Sterol absorption inhibitors


Inhibitors of intestinalsterolabsorption, such asezetimibe,function by decreasing the absorption of cholesterol in the GI tract by targetingNPC1L1,atransport proteinin thegastrointestinal wall.[45]This results in decreased LDL cholesterol.[45]



Quitting smoking,lowering intake ofsaturated fatand alcohol, losing excess body weight, and eating a low-salt diet that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help reduce blood cholesterol.[26][28][37]

See also



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