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Other namesHyper-reflexia

Hyperreflexiais overactive or overresponsive bodilyreflexes.Examples of this includetwitchingandspastictendencies, which indicatedisease of the upper motor neuronsand the lessening or loss of control ordinarily exerted by higherbraincenters of lower neural pathways (disinhibition).

Spinal-cord injuryis the most common cause of hyperreflexia (see"Autonomic dysreflexia"). Standard stimuli, such as the filling of the bladder, can cause excessive responses from the nervous system; the causes are not known.

Hyperreflexia also has many other causes, including the side effects of drugs and stimulants;hyperthyroidism;electrolyteimbalance;serotonin syndrome;severe brain trauma;multiple sclerosis;Reye syndrome;andpreeclampsia.

Treatment depends on the cause of the hyperreflexia. If drugs cause it, treatment may require that they not be used.

Recovery from hyperreflexia can occur several hours to several months after aspinal-cord injury;the phase of recovery is likely to occur in stages rather than on a continuum.[1]The late stage is between two weeks and several months.[1]Patients with a severe spinal-cord injury (SCI) mainly present with a later stage of recovery because during the early stages they present withspinal shock.[1]Reflex and motor recovery can sometimes occur simultaneously.[1]

See also[edit]


  1. ^abcdLittle, J., Ditunno, J. F., Stien, S., A., Harris, R. M. (1999). "Incomplete spinal cord injury: Neuronal mechanisms of motor recovery and hyperreflexia.Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation80 (5): 587-599.

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