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Cairo Gang

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TheCairo Gangwas a group of Britishmilitary intelligenceagents who were sent toDublinduring theIrish War of Independenceto identify prominent members of theIrish Republican Army(IRA) with, according to information gathered by the IRA Intelligence Department (IRAID), the intention of disrupting the IRA by assassination. Originally commanded byBritish ArmyGeneralGerald Boyd,they were known officially as theDublin District Special Branch(DDSB) and also asD Branch.

Twelve D-Branch members, includingBritish Armyofficers,Royal Irish Constabularyofficers and a civilian informer, were simultaneously assassinated in Dublin on the early morning of Sunday 21 November 1920 by the IRA assassination unit known asThe Squad.The operation was a meticulously planneddecapitation strikemasterminded byMichael Collins.The 14 deaths were the first killings of what was later dubbedBloody Sunday.

Tim Pat Coogan's biography of Michael Collins asserts that the "nom de guerre"of the British unit derived from a common history of service in the Middle East,[1]but that is disputed by some Irish historians, such asConor Cruise O'Brien,and it has been suggested that they received the name because they often held meetings at Cafe Cairo, at 59 Grafton Street in Dublin. Earlier books on the 1919–1923 period do not refer to the Cairo Gang by that name.



By 1920, the IRA's Dublin headquarters, under the direction of Michael Collins, had, through assassination and intelligence penetration, eliminated theG Divisionof theDublin Metropolitan Police,previously the mainstay of the Crown's intelligence operations against Irish Republicans. TheDublin Castle administration,the headquarters of the British government inIreland,were forced to look for external intelligence support.

In January 1920, the British Army Intelligence Centre in Ireland formed a special plain-clothes unit of 18 to 20 demobilised ex-army officers, and some officers still on active duty, to conduct clandestine operations against the IRA. The officers received training in London, most likely under the supervision ofSpecial Branch,which had been part of Britain's Directorate of Home Intelligence since February 1919. They may also have received some training fromMI5officers and former officers working for Special Branch. Army Centre in Dublin hoped these officers could eventually be deployed to the provinces to support its 5th and 6th Division intelligence staff, but it decided to keep the unit in Dublin, at the Dublin District Division, commanded by Boyd. It was known officially as theDublin District Special Branch(DDSB) and also asD Branch.In May 1920, Lieutenant Colonel Walter Wilson arrived in Dublin to take command of D Branch.

Following the events of Bloody Sunday, 21 November 1920, when twelve D Branch officers were assassinated by the IRA under the command of Michael Collins, D Branch was transferred to the command of Brigadier-General SirOrmonde Winterin January 1921. Winter had been placed in charge of a new police intelligence unit, the Combined Intelligence Service, in May 1920, and his charter was to set up a central intelligence clearing house to more effectively collate and coordinate army and police intelligence. Those members of D Branch who survived Bloody Sunday were very unhappy to be transferred from army command to CIS command and, for the next six months, until theTruce of July 1921,D Branch continued to maintain regular contact with the Army Intelligence Centre while undertaking missions for Winter's CIS.[2][3][4]

A photo purportedly of the Cairo Gang, but more probably theIgoe Gang

A famous photograph from thePiaras Béaslaícollection that is purported to show members of the Cairo Gang is lodged in theNational Library of Ireland's photographic archive (five copies). An inscription describes the men as "the special gang F company Auxiliaries". The men in the photo are numbered, but there are no names or details on the back of the photos. Three other photos in the collection show Auxiliaries posing on vehicles in the grounds ofDublin Castle.Those three photos are similarly numbered.

The IRA Intelligence Department (IRAID) was receiving information from numerous well-placed sources, includingLily Mernin,who was the confidential code clerk for British Army Intelligence Centre in Parkgate Street and Sergeant Jerry Mannix, stationed inDonnybrook.Mannix provided the IRAID with a list of names and addresses of all the members of the Cairo Gang. Collins's case officers on the intelligence staff –Liam Tobin,Tom Cullen and Frank Thornton – were meeting with several D Branch officers nightly, pretending to be informers. Another IRA penetration source, participating in the nightly repartee with the D Branch men at Cafe Cairo, Rabiatti's Saloon, and Kidds Back Pub, wasDublin Metropolitan PoliceDetective ConstableDavid Neligan,one of severalmolesCollins had recruited to infiltrate the G-Division. The IRA recruited most of the Irishdomestic servantswho worked in the rooming houses where the D Branch officers lived, and all of their comings and goings were meticulously reported to Collins's staff.

All the members of the D Branch were under IRA surveillance for several weeks, and intelligence was gathered from sympathisers, for example, who was coming home at strange hours, thereby indicating that they were allowed to violate the militarycurfew.The IRA Dublin Brigade and the IRAID then pooled their resources and intelligence to draw up a hit list of suspected Cairo Gang members, and set the date for the assassinations to be carried out as21 November 1920,at 9:00 a.m.



The operation was planned by several senior IRA members, including Michael Collins,Dick McKee,Liam Tobin,Peadar Clancy,Tom Cullen,Frank ThorntonandOscar Traynor.The killings were planned to coincide with aGaelic footballmatch betweenDublinandTipperary,because the large crowds around Dublin would allow the members of The Squad to move about more easily, and make it more difficult for the British to detect them before and after they carried out the assassinations.

Clancy and McKee were picked up by Crown forces on the evening of Saturday, 20 November. They were tortured and later shot dead "while trying to escape". Tortured and killed with them was Conor Clune, the nephew of ArchbishopCluneofPerth,who had been senior chaplain to the Catholic members of theAustralian Imperial Forcein World War I.[5]Clune was manager of the seed and plant nursery owned byEdward MacLysaghtnear Quin, and Clune and MacLysaght travelled to Dublin on the morning of Saturday, 20 November 1920, bringing with him the books of the Raheen Co-op for its annual audit. Clune was arrested in a raid on Vaughan's Hotel in Dublin, where he was a registered guest.

28 Pembroke Street Upper


At 9:00 a.m., members of the Squad entered 28 Pembroke Street. The first British agents to die were Major Charles Milne Cholmeley Dowling and Captain Leonard Price.[6][7]Andy Cooneyof the Dublin Brigade removed documents from their rooms.

Captain Brian Christopher Headlam Keenlyside, Colonel Wilfrid Woodcock and Lieutenant-ColonelHugh Montgomerywere also killed. Woodcock was not connected with intelligence and had walked into a confrontation on the first floor of the Pembroke Street house as he was preparing to leave to command a regimental parade at army headquarters. He was in his military uniform and, when he shouted to warn the other five British officers living in the house, he was shot in the shoulder and back, but survived. As Keenlyside was about to be shot, a struggle ensued between his wife and Mick O'Hanlon. The leader of the unit, Mick Flanagan, arrived, pushed Mrs Keenlyside out of the way and shot her husband.

119 Morehampton Road


At 119Morehampton Road,Donnybrook, 2.3 km from the scene of the first shootings, another member of the Cairo Gang, Lieutenant Donald Lewis MacLean, along with a suspected informer, T. H. Smith and MacLean's brother-in-law, John Caldow, were taken into the hallway and about to be shot, when MacLean asked that they not be shot in front of his wife. The three were taken to an unused bedroom and shot. Caldow survived his wounds and fled to his home inScotland.[8][9]

92 Lower Baggot Street


Just 800 metres away, at 92 Lower Baggot Street, another Gang member, Captain William Frederick Newberry, and his wife, heard their front door come crashing down and blockaded themselves into their bedroom. Newberry rushed for his window to try to escape but was shot while climbing out by Bill Stapleton and Joe Leonard, after they had broken the door down.[10]

38 Upper Mount Street


Two key members of the Gang, LieutenantPeter Ashmun Amesand Captain George Bennett, were made to stand facing the wall on a bed in a downstairs rear bedroom and shot byVinny Byrneand others in his squad.[11][12]A maid had let the attackers into 38 Upper Mount Street and indicated, at gunpoint, the rooms occupied by the two targeted men. Despite many accounts to the contrary, Byrne was not involved in the killings in Morehampton Road that morning.

28 Earlsfort Terrace


Sergeant John J Fitzgerald, of theRoyal Irish Constabulary,also known as "Captain Fitzgerald" or "Captain Fitzpatrick", whose father was fromCounty Tipperary,was killed a kilometre away at 28Earlsfort Terrace.[13]He had survived an assassination attempt when a bullet grazed his head. This time he was shot twice in the head. The documents found in his house detailed the movements of senior IRA members.

22 Lower Mount Street


An IRA unit led by Tom Keogh entered 22 Lower Mount Street to kill Lieutenant Henry Angliss,aliasPatrick Mahon and Lieutenant Charles Ratsch Peel.[14]The two intelligence specialists in the Gang, Angliss and Peel, had been recalled from Russia to organise British intelligence operations in the South Dublin area. Angliss had survived an assassination attempt when he had been shot at in a billiard hall. He was targeted for killingSinn Féinfundraiser John Lynch, mistaken for GeneralLiam Lynch,Divisional Commandant of the1st Southern Division, IRA.Angliss was shot as he reached for his gun.

Peel, hearing the shots, managed to block his bedroom door and survived even though more than a dozen bullets were fired into his room. When members ofFianna Éireann,who were on lookout, reported that theAuxiliary Divisionwere approaching the house, the unit of eleven men split up into two groups, the first leaving by the front door, the second through the laneway at the back of the house.

119 Baggot Street


At 119 Baggot Street, a three-man unit killed Captain Geoffrey Thomas Baggallay, a barrister who had been employed as a prosecutor under theRestoration of Order in Ireland Act 1920regulations and who had appeared for the prosecution in multiplemilitary tribunalsthat sentenced alleged IRA volunteers to death.[15][16]

Gresham Hotel


Captain Patrick McCormack and Lieutenant Leonard Wilde were in theGresham HotelinO'Connell Street.The IRA unit got to their rooms by pretending to be British soldiers with important dispatches. When the men opened their doors they were shot and killed. A listing inThe Timesfor McCormack and Wilde does not indicate any rank for the latter – in fact, he was a discharged army officer who had been a British consul in Spain.[17]McCormack's killing was a mistake. He was a member of theRoyal Army Veterinary Corpsand was in Ireland to buy horses for the British Army. He was shot in bed and Collins later acknowledged the error. Unlike the other British officers, McCormack, a Catholic fromCastlebar,was buried in Ireland, atGlasnevin Cemetery,Dublin.[18][19]

Fitzwilliam Square


Captain John Scott Crawford, in charge of motor repair of the BritishArmy Service Corps,narrowly escaped death after the IRA entered a guesthouse in Fitzwilliam Square where he was staying, looking for a Major Callaghan. On not finding their target, they debated whether or not to shoot Crawford. They decided not to shoot him because he was not on their list. Instead, they gave him 24 hours to leave Ireland, although the major left Ireland in no hurry despite that close call.

Eastwood Hotel


In the Eastwood Hotel at 91 LowerLeeson Street,the IRA failed to find their target, Captain Thomas Jennings. Other targets who escaped were Captain Jocelyn Hardy and Major William Lorraine King, a colleague of Hardy who was missing when Joe Dolan burst into King's room.[20]According to the primTodd Andrews,Dolan took revenge by giving King's half-naked mistress "a rightscourgingwith a sword scabbard ", and setting fire to the room afterwards.[21]

Major Frank Murray Maxwell Hallowell Carew, an intelligence officer who, with Captain Price, had almost cornered3rd Tipperary BrigadecommanderSeán Treacya month before, was on the list. (Treacy had been killed by G men as he tried to shoot his way out of a trap on 14 October, a week before the day of the Cairo Gang assassinations.) When the IRA came calling for Murray, he had moved to an apartment across the street. He heard the gunfire at his former lodging and fired his revolver at an IRA sentry outside. The sentry was hit and took cover inside the house. The Volunteers moved on.

Several IRA men carried sledgehammers with them the morning of 21 November, because they expected to encounter bolted doors. They did not find any, but T. Ryle Dwyer claims that they used them to smash the skulls and faces of some of the officers they had shot.[22]

Two members of the Auxiliary Cadet Division, Temporary Cadets Frank Garniss, aged 34, and Cecil Augustus Morris, aged 24, were among a patrol of Auxiliaries who responded to the scene of one of the attacks, armed with.45 calibreWebley revolversand acarbine.[23][24]Garniss and Morris were shot and killed as they sought to cordon off the rear of one of the scenes of assassination.[25][26]

A listing inThe Timesof killed and wounded notes that, in addition to Caldow, Captain Brian Keenlyside, Colonel Hugh Montgomery, Major (Wilfrid) Woodcock and Lieutenant Randolph Murray were wounded. On 10 December 1920, Montgomery died of the wounds he received on Bloody Sunday.[27]



Nineteen men were shot. Fourteen were killed on 21 November and Montgomery died later, making fifteen in all. Five were wounded (including King's mistress). Ames, Angliss, Baggallay, Bennet, Dowling, Fitzgerald, McCormack, MacLean, Montgomery, Newberry, Price, Wilde, Smith, Morris and Garniss were killed. Keenlyside, Woodcock, Murray and Caldow were wounded. Peel and others escaped. The dead included members of the "Cairo Gang", British ArmyCourts-Martialofficers, the two Auxiliaries and a civilian informant.



Of the IRA men involved, onlyFrank Teelingwas captured during the operation. He was court-martialled and sentenced to hang but escaped fromKilmainham Gaol.He was later tried for shooting a member of the National Army, and convicted for killing a man for bringing a bag of tomatoes into the bar at the Theatre Royal, Dublin.[28]Patrick MoranandThomas Whelanwere arrested later and, despite their protestations of innocence and 19 false witnesses attesting to alibis, were convicted and hanged for murder on 14 March 1921.[29]

The remaining Cairo Gang members, along with many other spies, fled to Dublin Castle or England, fearing they were next. Another member committed suicide in Dublin Castle. The deaths and flights dealt a severe blow to British intelligence gathering in Ireland.

The Igoe Gang


Eventually, another group of intelligence operatives, known officially as the Identification Branch of the Combined Intelligence Service (CIS), took the fight to the IRA. The group was known informally as The Igoe Gang, named after its leaderHead ConstableEugene Igoe, who was fromCounty Mayo.Igoe reported to Colonel Ormonde Winter. The Igoe Gang consisted of RIC personnel drawn from different parts of Ireland who patrolled the streets of Dublin in plain clothes, looking for wanted men.[30]The gang posed a serious threat to Collins's apparatus and even caught a Volunteer whom Collins had brought to Dublin to identify Igoe.[31]

The Igoe Gang was accused of usingexcessive forcewhile interrogating prisoners – prior to his hanging, IRA manThomas Traynor(a member ofThe Forgotten Ten) was badly beaten by members of the gang.[32]

The Gang was never penetrated by the IRA. Igoe later conducted secret service operations for Special Branch over many years in other countries, but never returned to his farm in Mayo out of fear of reprisal. Brigadier General Winter appeared on Igoe's behalf to obtain an increase in his pension in view of his many services to the Crown in Ireland and elsewhere.[33]

See also



  1. ^Coogan, Tim Pat(1991).Michael Collins.London: Arrow Books. p. 157.ISBN0-09-968580-9.
  2. ^Imperial War Museum, General Hugh Jeudwine Papers,A Record of the Rebellion in Ireland, 1919–1921 and of the part played by the Army in it.Volume II
  3. ^Caroline Woodcock,Experiences of an Officer's Wife in Ireland(London and Edinburgh: Blackwood and Sons, 1921).
  4. ^Charles Townsend,The British Campaign in Ireland 1919–1921(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1975)
  5. ^The Irish War of Independenceby Michael Hopkinson (ISBN978-0717137411), page 91
  6. ^"Casualty Details: Charles Milne Cholmeley Dowling".Commonwealth War Graves Commission. 21 November 1920.Retrieved4 June2009.
  7. ^"Casualty Details: L Price".Commonwealth War Graves Commission. 21 November 1920.Retrieved16 May2014.
  8. ^"Murders at 119 Morehampton Rd".
  9. ^"Casualty Details: Donald Lewis MacLean".Commonwealth War Graves Commission. 21 November 1920.Retrieved4 June2009.
  10. ^"Casualty Details: William Frederick Newberry".Commonwealth War Graves Commission. 21 November 1920.Retrieved4 June2009.
  11. ^"Casualty Details: Peter Ashmun Ames".Commonwealth War Graves Commission. 21 November 1920.Retrieved4 June2009.
  12. ^"Casualty Details: G Bennett".Commonwealth War Graves Commission. 21 November 1920.Retrieved4 June2009.
  13. ^"National Police Officers Roll of Honour: Royal Irish Constabulary 1867–1922".Police Roll of Honour Trust. 6 May 2009. Archived fromthe originalon 12 May 2016.Retrieved4 June2009.
  14. ^"Casualty Details: Henry James Angliss".Commonwealth War Graves Commission. 21 November 1920.Retrieved4 June2009.
  15. ^Casualty Details: Baggallay, Geoffrey Thomas.Commonwealth War Graves Commission. 1920-11-21. Retrieved 2009-12-29.
  16. ^The Times,23 November 1920
  17. ^Leonard Wilde accessed June 11,2019
  18. ^"Capt Patrick McCormack".Cairogang.Retrieved11 June2019.
  19. ^The Times,Murdered Officers' Last Journey25 November 1920
  20. ^Tim Pat Coogan,Michael Collins: The Man Who Made Ireland,p.160
  21. ^Todd Andrews,Dublin Made Me,Mercier Press, 1979, p. 153
  22. ^T Ryle Dwyer,The Squad and the Intelligence Operations of Michael Collins(Cork: Mercier, 2005).
  23. ^Cadet Garniss
  24. ^Cadet Morris
  25. ^James Mackay,Michael Collins, A Life(Edinburgh and London: Mainstream Publishers, 1996).
  26. ^Michael Hopkinson,The Irish War of Independence(Montreal: McGill Queens University Press, 2002)
  27. ^"Casualty Details: Hugh Ferguson Montgomery".Commonwealth War Graves Commission. 10 December 1920.Retrieved4 June2009.
  28. ^"STRANGE SHOOTING IN DUBLIN THEATRE; Coroner Finds Lieut. Teeling, Free State Officer, Killed Civic Guard in Self Defense. (Published 1923)".The New York Times.29 March 1923.ISSN0362-4331.Retrieved12 November2020.
  29. ^"Court-Martial (Patrick Moran) – Hansard".hansard.parliament.uk.Retrieved12 November2020.
  30. ^Tim Pat Coogan,Michael Collins: The Man Who Made Ireland.
  31. ^William Henry [2012]Blood For Blood: The Black and Tan War in Galway.Mercier Press, Cork pp. 178–181
  32. ^O'Farrell, Padraic (1997).Who's Who in the Irish War of Independence and Civil War, 1916-1923.Lilliput Press Ltd. p. 98.
  33. ^Ormonde Winter,A Report of the Intelligence Branch of the Chief Police Commissioner1921, Public Record Office (PRO).


  • Todd Andrews,Dublin Made Me,Mercier Press, 1979, p. 153
  • Yigal Sheffy,British Military Intelligence in the Palestine Campaign, 1914–1918(Cass Series – Studies in Intelligence, 1998).
  • Michael Smith,The Spying Game(Victor Gollancz Ltd, 1996).