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Ikan goreng

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Ikan goreng
Sundanesegurame goreng kipas(fan friedgourami) withkaredokgarnishing andsambal
CourseMain course
Serving temperatureHot
Main ingredientsFish,seasoned withgarlic,shallotsand other spices anddeep friedincoconut oil

Ikan gorengis a hot dish consisting ofdeep friedfishor other forms ofseafood.Ikan gorengliterally means "fried fish"inIndonesianandMalaylanguages.

Ikan goreng is very popular inIndonesia.Usually, the fish ismarinatedwith mixture of spice pastes. Some recipes usekecap manis(sweet soy sauce) to coat the fish after beingfried.[2]Ikan gorengare usuallydeep friedin ample extremely hotcoconut oiluntil the fish turns golden and crisp. This method is often used withcarp,gouramiandmilkfishin order to turn the fine fishbone crumbly, crisp and edible.


Ikan goreng kunyit,fried fish spiced withturmeric.

Before frying, the fish is typically marinated with a mixture of various spices, and sometimeskecap manis(sweet soy sauce). The spices mixture may vary among regions and places, but usually it consists of combination of salt,lemonjuice, groundshallot,garlic,chili pepper,coriander,turmeric,galangaland salt. Some recipes may employbatteroreggcoating on fish prior to frying. After being fried, commonly fish might be consumed right away withsteamed riceandsambal terasi(chili withshrimp paste) orsambal kecap(slices of chili, shallot, and sweet soy sauce) as dipping sauce. The East IndonesianManadoandMalukuikan gorengusually usesdabu-dabuorcolo-colocondiment.

Some recipes ofikan gorengmight add additionalbumbu(spice mixture) mixed with or poured on top of fried fish, such asbumbuacarkuning(yellow pickles), made of turmeric, garlic, and other spices paste with sliced cucumber, carrot, chili, and round shalots, or chopped tomato with vinegar. Another close recipes such as fishrica-ricaandasam pedas.


Fried fish, probably Moluccan snapper (Lutjanus boutton) inPalopo,South Sulawesi.

There are many variants and recipes ofikan goreng,differ from the recipes of marinate spices,bumbutoppings, dipping sauces orsambals,to the species of fishes being fried. Almost all kind of edible fish and seafood can be made intoikan goreng,the most popular are freshwatergourami,bilis(mystacoleucus),patin(pangasius),nila(nile tilapia),mujair(mozambique tilapia), lele(clarias),gabus(channa striata), andikan mas(carp). Seafood fried fishes arebandeng(milkfish),tongkolorcakalang(skipjack tuna),tuna,bawal(pomfret),tenggiri(wahoo),kuwe(trevally),baronang(rabbitfish),kerapu(garoupa),kakap merah(red snapper),Ayam-Ayam(Starry triggerfish),teri(anchovy),belanak(bluespot mullet),todak(swordfish),hiuorcucut(shark) andpari(stingray).

See also[edit]


  1. ^Sara Schonhardt, photos by Melanie Wood, for (25 February 2016)."40 Indonesian foods we can't live without".CNN.{{cite web}}:CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  2. ^"Fried Fish with Sweet Soy Sauce".Indochine kitchen. June 22, 2010. Archived fromthe originalon 1 June 2013.Retrieved13 August2013.

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