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Lastmoltingof acicadagiving rise to the winged imago

Inbiology,theimago(Latinfor "image" ) is the last stage aninsectattains during itsmetamorphosis,its process of growth and development; it is also called theimaginalstage ( "imaginal" being "imago" in adjective form), the stage in which the insect attains maturity. It follows the finalecdysisof the immatureinstars.[1]

In a member of theAmetabolaorHemimetabola,species in which metamorphosis is "incomplete", the final ecdysis follows the last immature ornymphalstage. In members of theHolometabola,in which there is a pupal stage, the final ecdysis follows emergence from thepupa,after which the metamorphosis is complete, although there is a prolonged period of maturation in some species.[2]

The imago is the only stage during which the insect issexually matureand, if it is awingedspecies, the only stage that has functional wings. The imago often is referred to as theadultstage.[1]

Members of the orderEphemeroptera(mayflies) do not have a pupal stage, but they briefly pass through an intermediate winged stage called thesubimago.Insects at this stage have functional wings but are not yet sexually mature.[1]

The Latin plural ofimagoisimagines,and this is the term generally used byentomologistswhen a plural form is required – however,imagoesis also acceptable.[3]

See also[edit]


  1. ^abcCarpenter, Geo. H."The Life-Story of Insects. Cambridge University Press 1913".Archived fromthe originalon 2006-12-07.
  2. ^Richards, O. W.; Davies, R. G. (1977).Imms' General Textbook of Entomology: Volume 1: Structure, Physiology and Development Volume 2: Classification and Biology.Berlin: Springer.ISBN0-412-61390-5.
  3. ^Gordh, Gordon; Headrick, David H.A Dictionary of Entomology.Publisher: CABI 2010.ISBN978-1845935429

External links[edit]