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Indian Americans

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Indian Americans
India Square,in the heart ofBombay,Jersey City,New Jersey,home to one of the highest concentrations of Asian Indians in theWestern Hemisphere,[1]is one of at least 24 Indian-American enclaves characterized as aLittle Indiawhich have emerged in theNew York City Metropolitan Area,with the largest metropolitan Indian population outsideAsia,as large-scale immigration fromIndiacontinues intoNew York.[2][3][4]
Total population
Regions with significant populations
3%Other religion
18%No religion[9]
Related ethnic groups
Indo-Caribbean AmericansIndian people• otherSouth Asian AmericansIndian diaspora

Indian Americansare citizens of theUnited Stateswith ancestry fromIndia.The termsAsian IndianandEast Indianare used to avoid confusion withNative Americans in the United States,who are also referred to as "Indians" or "American Indians". With a population of more than 4.9 million, Indian Americans make up approximately 1.35% of the U.S. population and are the largest group ofSouth Asian Americans,the largest Asian-alone group,[10]and the largest group ofAsian AmericansafterChinese Americans.Indian Americans are thehighest-earning ethnic groupin the United States.[11]



In theAmericas,the term "Indian" had historically been used to describeindigenous peoplesinceEuropean colonizationin the 15th century. Qualifying terms such as "American Indian"and" East Indian "were and still are commonly used in order to avoid ambiguity. The U.S. government has since coined the term" Native American "in reference to the indigenous people of the United States, but terms such as" American Indian "remainamong indigenous as well as non-indigenous populations. Since the 1980s, Indian Americans have been categorized as "Asian Indian" (within the broader subgroup ofAsian American) by theU.S. Census Bureau.[12]

While "East Indian" remains in use, the term "Indian" and "South Asian"is often chosen instead for academic and governmental purposes.[13]Indian Americans are included in the census grouping ofSouth Asian Americans,which includesBangladeshi Americans,Bhutanese Americans,Maldivian Americans,Nepalese Americans,Pakistani Americans,andSri Lankan Americans.[14][15]




Members of theNansemondtribe, descendant of East Indian, Native American, and African American people, c. 1900, Smithsonian Institution

Beginning in the 17th century, members of theEast India Companywould bring Indian servants to theAmerican colonies.[16]There were also some East Indian slaves in the United States during the American colonial era.[17][18]In particular, court records from the 1700s indicate a number of "East Indians" were held as slaves in Maryland and Delaware.[19]Upon freedom, they are said to have blended into thefree African American population,considered "mulattoes".[20]

Three brothers from "modern day India or Pakistan" received their freedom in 1710 and married into a Native American tribe in Virginia.[21]The present-dayNansemondpeople trace their lineage to this intermarriage.[22]

19th century

The first Sikh Gurudwara was established in 1912 by the early immigrant Sikh farmers in Stockton, California.

In 1850, the federal census ofSt. Johns County, Florida,listed a 40-year-olddraftsmannamed John Dick, whose birthplace was listed as "Hindostan",living in city ofSt. Augustine.[23]His race is listed as white, suggesting he was of British descent.

By 1900, there were more than 2,000 IndianSikhsliving in the United States, primarily inCalifornia.[24]At least one scholar has set the level lower, finding a total of 716 Indian immigrants to the U.S. between 1820 and 1900.[25]Emigration from India was driven by difficulties facing Indian farmers, including the challenges posed by the colonialland tenuresystem for small landowners, and bydroughtand food shortages, which worsened in the 1890s. At the same time, Canadian steamship companies, acting on behalf of Pacific coast employers, recruited Sikh farmers with economic opportunities inBritish Columbia.[26]

The presence of Indians in the U.S. also helped develop interest in Eastern religions in the U.S. and would result in its influence on American philosophies such astranscendentalism.Swami Vivekanandaarriving in Chicago at the World's Fair led to the establishment of theVedanta Society.[25]

20th century


Escaping racist attacks in Canada, Sikhs migrated to Pacific Coast U.S. states in the 1900s to work on the lumber mills ofBellinghamandEverett, Washington.[27]Sikh workers were later concentrated on the railroads and began migrating to California; around 2,000 Indians were employed by the major rail lines such asSouthern Pacific RailroadandWestern Pacific Railroadbetween 1907 and 1908.[28]Some white Americans, resentful of economic competition and the arrival of people from different cultures, responded to Sikh immigration with racism and violent attacks.[29]TheBellingham riotsin Bellingham, Washington on September 5, 1907, epitomized the low tolerance in the U.S. for Indians and Sikhs, who were called "Hindoos"by locals. While anti-Asian racism was embedded in U.S. politics and culture in the early 20th century, Indians were also racialized for their anticolonialism, with U.S. officials, who pushed for Western imperial expansion abroad, casting them as a" Hindu "menace.[30]Although labeled Hindu, the majority of Indians were Sikh.[30]

In the early 20th century, a range of state and federal laws restricted Indian immigration and the rights of Indian immigrants in the U.S. Throughout the 1910s, American nativist organizations campaigned to end immigration from India, culminating in the passage of theAsiatic Barred Zone Actin 1917.[29]In 1913, the Alien Land Act of California prevented non-citizens from owning land.[31]However, Asian immigrants got around the system by having Anglo friends or their own U.S. born children legally own the land that they worked on. In some states,anti-miscegenation lawsmade it illegal for Indian men to marry white women. However, it was legal for "brown" races to mix. Many Indian men, especially Punjabi men, married Hispanic women, and Punjabi-Mexican marriages became a norm in the West.[32][33]

Bhicaji Balsarabecame the first known Indian to gain naturalized U.S. citizenship. As aParsi,he was considered a "pure member of the Persian sect" and therefore a "free white person." In 1910, judgeEmile Henry Lacombeof theSouthern District of New Yorkgave Balsara citizenship on the hope that theUnited States attorneywould indeed challenge his decision and appeal it to create "an authoritative interpretation" of the law. The U.S. attorney adhered to Lacombe's wishes and took the matter to the Circuit Court of Appeals in 1910. The Circuit Court of Appeals agreed thatParsisare classified as white.[34]On the same grounds, another federal court decision granted citizenship toA. K. Mozumdar.[35]These decisions contrasted with the 1907 declaration by U.S. Attorney GeneralCharles J. Bonaparte:"...under no construction of the law can natives of British India be regarded as white persons."[35]After theImmigration Act of 1917,Indian immigration into the U.S. decreased. Illegal entry through the Mexican border became the way of entering the country for Punjabi immigrants. California's Imperial Valley had a large population of Punjabis who assisted these immigrants and provided support. Immigrants were able to blend in with this relatively homogenous population. TheGhadar Party,a group in California thatcampaigned for Indian independence,facilitated illegal crossing of the Mexican border, using funds from this migration "as a means to bolster the party's finances."[36]The Ghadar Party charged different prices for entering the U.S. depending on whether Punjabi immigrants were willing to shave off their beard and cut their hair. It is estimated that between 1920 and 1935, about 1,800 to 2,000 Indian immigrants entered the U.S. illegally.[36]

Bhagat Singh Thindwas twice denied citizenship as he was not deemed white.[37]

By 1920, the population of Americans of Indian descent was approximately 6,400.[38]In 1923, theSupreme Court of the United Statesruled inUnited States v. Bhagat Singh Thindthat Indians were ineligible for citizenship because they were not "free white persons."[39]The court also argued that the "great body of our people" would reject assimilation with Indians.[40]Furthermore, the court ruled that based on popular understanding of race, the term "white person" referred to people of northern or western European ancestry rather than "Caucasians" in the most technical sense.[41]Over fifty Indians had their citizenship revoked after this decision, butSakharam Ganesh Panditfought againstdenaturalization.He was a lawyer and married to a white American, and he regained his citizenship in 1927. However, no other naturalization was permitted after the ruling, which led to about 3,000 Indians leaving the U.S. between 1920 and 1940. Many other Indians had no means of returning to India.[39]

Indians started moving up the social ladder by getting higher education. For example, in 1910,Dhan Gopal Mukerjiwent to UC Berkeley when he was 20 years old. He was an author of many children's books and won the Newbery Medal in 1928 for his bookGay-Neck: The Story of a Pigeon.[42]However, he committed suicide at the age of 46 while he was suffering from depression. Another student,Yellapragada Subbarow,moved to the U.S. in 1922. He became a biochemist atHarvard University,and he "discovered the function of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) as an energy source in cells, and developed methotrexate for the treatment of cancer." However, being a foreigner, he was refused tenure at Harvard.Gobind Behari Lal,who went to theUniversity of California, Berkeleyin 1912, became the science editor of theSan Francisco Examinerand was the first Indian American to win the Pulitzer Prize for journalism.[43]

AfterWorld War II,U.S. policy re-opened the door to Indian immigration, although slowly at first. TheLuce–Celler Actof 1946 permitted a quota of 100 Indians per year to immigrate to the U.S. It also allowed Indian immigrants to naturalize and become citizens of the U.S., effectively reversing the Supreme Court's 1923 ruling inUnited States v. Bhagat Singh Thind.[44]The Naturalization Act of 1952, also known as theMcCarran-Walter Act,repealed the Barred Zone Act of 1917, but limited immigration from the former Barred Zone to a total of 2,000 per year. In 1910, 95% of all Indian Americans lived on the western coast of the United States. In 1920, that proportion decreased to 75%; by 1940, it was 65%, as more Indian Americans moved to the East Coast. In that year, Indian Americans were registered residents in 43 states. The majority of Indian Americans on the west coast were in rural areas, but on the east coast they became residents of urban areas. In the 1940s, the prices of the land increased, and the Bracero program brought thousands of Mexican guest workers to work on farms, which helped shift second-generation Indian American farmers into "commercial, nonagricultural occupations, from running small shops and grocery stores, to operating taxi services and becoming engineers." In Stockton and Sacramento, a new group of Indian immigrants from the state of Gujarat opened several small hotels.[45]In 1955, 14 of 21 hotels enterprises in San Francisco were operated by Gujarati Hindus.[46]By the 1980s, Indians owned around 15,000 motels, about 28% of all hotels and motels in the U.S.[47]

TheImmigration and Nationality Act of 1965dramatically opened entry to the U.S. to immigrants other than traditional Northern European groups, which would significantly alter the demographic mix in the U.S.[48]Not all Indian Americans came directly from India; some moved to the U.S. viaIndian communities in other countries,including theUnited Kingdom,Canada,South Africa,the former British colonies ofEast Africa,[49](namelyKenya,Tanzania,andUganda,Mauritius), theAsia-Pacificregion (Malaysia,Singapore,Australia,andFiji),[49]and theCaribbean(Guyana,Trinidad and Tobago,Suriname,andJamaica).[49]From 1965 until the mid-1990s, long-term immigration from India averaged about 40,000 people per year. From 1995 onward, the flow of Indian immigration increased significantly, reaching a high of about 90,000 immigrants in the year 2000.[50]

21st century

Mohini Bhardwaj,2004 Summer Olympicsmedalist in gymnastics
Sanjay Gupta,Chief Medical Correspondent at CNN

The beginning of the 21st century marked a significant wave in the migration trend from India to the United States. Theemergence of Information Technology industry in Indian citiesasBangalore,Chennai,Pune,Mumbai,andHyderabadled to the large number of migrations to the U.S. primarily from the states of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu in South India. There are sizable populations of people from the states ofPunjab,Andhra Pradesh,Maharashtra,Telangana,Gujarat,West Bengal,Karnataka,Kerala,andTamil Naduin the United States.[51]Indians comprise over 80% of allH-1B visas.[52]Indian Americans have risen to become the richest ethnicity in America, with an average household income of $126,891, almost twice the U.S. average of $65,316.[53]

Since 2000, a large number of students have started migrating to the United States to pursue higher education. A variety of estimates state that over 500,000 Indian American students attend higher-education institutions in any given year.[54][55]As per Institute of International Education (IIE) 'Opendoors' report, 202,014 new students from India enrolled in U.S. education institutions.[56]

On January 20, 2021,Kamala Harris,who is Indian American, made history as the first femaleVice President of the United States.[57]She was elected vice president as the running mate ofPresidentJoe Bidenin the2020 presidential election.This was a major milestone in Indian American history, and in addition to Harris, another 20 Indian Americans were nominated to key positions in the administration.[58]

In recent years, especially following the 1990 inception of theH-1B visaprogram and thedot-com boom,there has been a shift in the Indian American population from being dominated by immigrants fromGujaratandPunjabto being increasingly dominated by immigrants fromAndhra Pradesh and Telangana,Tamil Nadu,as well as immigrants fromKerala,Karnataka,andMaharashtra.[59][60]Between 2010 and 2021, Telugu rose from being the sixth most spoken South Asian language to being the third most spoken, while Punjabi fell from being the fourth most spoken South Asian language in the United States to become the seventh most spoken. There are significant differences between these groups in terms of socioeconomic factors like education, geographic location, and income; in 2021, 81% of Americans speaking Telugu at home spoke English very well while only 59% of Americans speaking Punjabi at home did the same.[61][62]

Number of Americans speaking South Asian languages at home (2010–2021)[62][63]
South Asian language 2010 2021 Change %Change
Gujarati 356,394 436,909 80,515 22.59%
Hindi 609,395 864,830 255,435 41.92%
Urdu 388,909 507,972 119,063 30.61%
Punjabi 243,773 318,588 74,815 30.69%
Bengali 221,872 403,024 181,152 81.65%
Telugu 217,641 459,836 242,195 111.28%
Tamil 181,698 341,396 159,698 87.89%
Nepali,Marathi,and otherIndo-Aryan languages 275,694 447,811 172,117 62.43%
Malayalam,Kannada,and otherDravidian languages 197,550 280,188 82,638 41.83%


Percent of population with Indian ancestry in 2010
Historical population

According to the2010 United States census,[67]the Asian Indian population in the United States grew from almost 1,678,765 in 2000 (0.6% of U.S. population) to 2,843,391 in 2010 (0.9% of U.S. population), agrowth rate of 69.37%,one of the fastest growing ethnic groups in the United States.[68]

TheNew York-Newark-Bridgeport, NY-NJ-CT-PA Combined Statistical Area,consisting ofNew York City,Long Island,and adjacent areas withinNew York,as well as nearby areas within the states ofNew Jersey(extending toTrenton),Connecticut(extending toBridgeport), and includingPike County, Pennsylvania,was home to an estimated 711,174 uniracial Indian Americans as of the 2017American Community Surveyby theU.S. Census Bureau,comprising by far the largest Indian American population of any metropolitan area in the U.S.[69]

Aerial view of the numerousgreenbeltsofexurbanMonroe Township,Middlesex County,New Jerseyhousing tracts in 2010. Since then, significant new housing construction is rendering an increasinglyaffluentandsuburbanenvironment to Monroe Township, while maintaining the proximity to bothNew York CityandPrinceton Universitysought by Indians in this township with the fastest-growing Indian population in theWestern Hemisphere.

New York City itself also contains by far the largest Indian American population of any individual city in North America, estimated at 246,454 as of 2017.[70]Monroe Township,Middlesex County,incentral New Jersey,ranked the safest small city in the United States,[71]has displayed one of the fastest growth rates of its Indian population in theWestern Hemisphere,increasing from 256 (0.9%) as of the 2000 Census[72]to an estimated 5,943 (13.6%) as of 2017,[73]representing a 2,221.5% increase over that period.Affluentprofessionalsandsenior citizens,a temperate climate with numerousgreenbelts,charitable benefactorstoCOVID relief efforts in Indiain official coordination with Monroe Township, andBollywoodactors with second homes all play into the growth of the Indian population in the township, as well as its relative proximity toPrinceton University.By 2022, the Indian population surpassed one-third of Monroe Township's population, and the nicknameEdison-Southhad developed, in reference to theLittle Indiastature of both Middlesex County, New Jerseytownships.[74]In 2014, 12,350 Indians legally immigrated to the New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-PA core based statistical area;[75]As of February 2022, Indian airline carrierAir Indiaas well as United States airline carrierUnited Airlineswere offering direct flights from the New York City Metropolitan Area to and fromDelhiandMumbai.In May 2019,Delta Air Linesannouncednon-stopflight service betweenNew York JFKand Mumbai, to begin December 22, 2019.[76]And in November 2021,American Airlinesbegan non-stop flight service between New York JFK and Delhi withIndiGo Aircodesharingon this flight. At least 24 Indian American enclaves characterized as aLittle Indiahave emerged in the New York City Metropolitan Area.

Other metropolitan areas with large Indian American populations includeAtlanta,Austin,Baltimore–Washington,Boston,Chicago,Dallas–Ft. Worth,Detroit,Houston,Los Angeles,Philadelphia,Phoenix,Raleigh,San Francisco–San Jose–Oakland,andSeattle.

The three oldest Indian American communities going back to around 1910 are in lesser populatedagriculturalareas likeStockton, Californiasouth ofSacramento;theCentral Valley of CalifornialikeYuba City;andImperial County, California,also known asImperial Valley.These were all primarily Sikh settlements.

U.S. metropolitan areas and states with large Asian Indian populations


Asian Indian population inMetropolitan Statistical Areasof the United States of America as per Census 2020[77]

Metropolitan Area Asian Indian Population Total Population Percentage
New York-Newark, NY-NJ-CT-PA CSA 792,367 22,431,833 3.53%
San Jose-San Francisco-Oakland, CA CSA 513,349 9,225,160 5.56%
Chicago-Naperville, IL-IN-WI CSA 253,509 9,986,960 2.54%
Washington-Baltimore-Arlington, DC-VA-MD-WV-PA CSA 253,146 10,028,331 2.52%
Dallas-Fort Worth, TX-OK CSA 239,291 8,157,895 2.93%
Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA CSA 231,515 18,644,680 1.24%
Houston-Pasadena, TX CSA 162,343 7,339,672 2.21%
Philadelphia–Reading–Camden, PA-NJ-DE-MD CSA 158,773 7,379,700 2.15%
Atlanta–Athens-Clarke County–Sandy Springs, GA-AL CSA 158,408 6,976,171 2.27%
Boston–Worcester–Providence, MA-RI-NH CSA 152,700 8,349,768 1.83%
Seattle-Tacoma, WA CSA 144,290 4,102,400 2.79%
Detroit–Warren–Ann Arbor, MI CSA 108,440 5,424,742 2.00%
Sacramento–Roseville, CA CSA 76,403 2,680,831 2.85%
Miami–Port St. Lucie–Fort Lauderdale, FL CSA 63,824 6,908,296 0.92%
Austin-Round Rock-San Marcos, TX CSA 63,524 2,352,426 2.70%
Phoenix-Mesa, AZ CSA 61,580 4,899,104 1.26%
Raleigh–Durham–Cary, NC CSA 59,567 2,242,324 2.66%
Orlando–Lakeland–Deltona, FL CSA 54,187 4,197,095 1.29%
San Diego-Carlsbad, CA CSA 50,673 3,276,208 1.55%
Charlotte–Concord, NC-SC CSA 50,115 3,232,206 1.55%
Minneapolis–St. Paul, MN-WI CSA 48,671 4,078,788 1.19%
New Haven–Hartford–Waterbury, CT CSA 45,600 2,659,617 1.71%
Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL MSA 43,690 3,175,275 1.38%
Columbus–Marion–Zanesville, OH CSA 43,461 2,606,479 1.67%
Portland–Vancouver–Salem, OR-WA CSA 35,714 3,280,736 1.09%
Indianapolis–Carmel–Muncie, IN CSA 33,489 2,599,860 1.29%
Denver–Aurora–Greeley, CO CSA 31,452 3,623,560 0.87%
St. Louis–St. Charles–Farmington, MO-IL CSA 28,874 2,924,904 0.99%
Cleveland–Akron–Canton, OH CSA 28,467 3,769,834 0.76%
Fresno–Hanford–Corcoran, CA CSA 25,055 1,317,395 1.90%
Cincinnati–Wilmington, OH-KY-IN CSA 24,434 2,291,815 1.07%
Pittsburgh–Weirton–Steubenville, PA-OH-WV CSA 24,414 2,767,801 0.88%
Kansas City–Overland Park–Kansas City, MO-KS CSA 22,308 2,528,644 0.88%
Richmond, VA MSA 21,077 1,314,434 1.60%
San Antonio–New Braunfels–Kerrville, TX CSA 19,611 2,637,466 0.74%
Milwaukee–Racine–Waukesha, WI CSA 18,779 2,053,232 0.91%
Nashville-Davidson–Murfreesboro, TN CSA 18,296 2,250,282 0.84%
Jacksonville–Kingsland–Palatka, FL-GA CSA 16,853 1,733,937 0.97%
Albany–Schenectady, NY CSA 16,476 1,190,727 1.38%
Las Vegas–Henderson, NV CSA 14,913 2,317,052 0.64%
Buffalo–Cheektowaga–Olean, NY CSA 14,021 1,243,944 1.13%
Salt Lake City–Provo–Orem, UT-ID CSA 13,520 2,705,693 0.50%
Bakersfield, CA MSA 12,771 909,235 1.40%
Harrisburg–York–Lebanon, PA CSA 12,497 1,295,259 0.96%
Greensboro–Winston-Salem–High Point, NC CSA 11,660 1,695,306 0.69%
Allentown–Bethlehem–East Stroudsburg, PA-NJ CSA 11,188 1,030,216 1.09%
Memphis–Clarksdale–Forrest City, TN-MS-AR CSA 10,502 1,389,905 0.76%
Madison–Janesville–Beloit, WI CSA 10,361 910,246 1.14%
Louisville/Jefferson County–Elizabethtown, KY-IN CSA 10,259 1,487,749 0.69%
Oklahoma City–Shawnee, OK CSA 10,237 1,498,149 0.68%
Virginia Beach–Chesapeake, VA-NC CSA 9,985 1,857,542 0.54%
Greenville–Spartanburg–Anderson, SC CSA 9,809 1,511,905 0.65%
Fayetteville-Springdale-Rogers, AR MSA 9,028 546,725 1.65%
Des Moines–West Des Moines–Ames, IA CSA 8,081 890,322 0.91%
Columbia–Sumter–Orangeburg, SC CSA 7,586 1,056,968 0.72%
Rochester–Batavia–Seneca Falls, NY CSA 7,564 1,157,563 0.65%
Dayton–Springfield–Kettering, OH CSA 6,281 1,088,875 0.58%
Omaha–Fremont, NE-IA CSA 6,241 1,004,771 0.62%
Gainesville–Lake City, FL CSA 6,207 408,945 1.52%
Grand Rapids–Wyoming, MI CSA 5,995 1,486,055 0.40%
Tucson–Nogales, AZ CSA 5,977 1,091,102 0.55%
Lansing–East Lansing–Owosso, MI CSA 5,860 541,297 1.08%
Birmingham–Cullman–Talladega, AL CSA 5,714 1,361,033 0.42%
Champaign–Urbana–Danville, IL CSA 5,299 310,260 1.71%
Bloomington–Pontiac, IL CSA 5,225 206,769 2.53%
Lafayette–West Lafayette–Frankfort, IN CSA 5,111 281,594 1.82%
Cape Coral-Fort Myers-Naples CSA 5,042 1,188,319 0.42%
Tulsa–Bartlesville–Muskogee, OK CSA 5,032 1,134,125 0.44%
Knoxville–Morristown–Sevierville, TN CSA 4,793 1,156,861 0.41%
Reno–Carson City–Gardnerville Ranchos, NV-CA CSA 4,761 684,678 0.70%
Albuquerque-Santa Fe-Los Alamos, NM CSA 4,555 1,162,523 0.39%
Springfield–Amherst Town–Northampton, MA CSA 4,398 699,162 0.63%
Scranton—Wilkes-Barre, PA MSA 4,367 567,559 0.77%
Peoria–Canton, IL CSA 4,151 402,391 1.03%
College Station-Bryan, TX MSA 4,149 268,248 1.55%
Urban Honolulu, HI MSA 4,122 1,016,508 0.41%
North Port-Bradenton, FL CSA 4,090 1,054,539 0.39%
New Orleans–Metairie–Slidell, LA-MS CSA 4,048 1,373,453 0.29%
Syracuse–Auburn, NY CSA 4,023 738,305 0.54%
Le xing ton-Fayette–Richmond–Frankfort, KY CSA 3,758 762,082 0.49%
Tallahassee–Bainbridge, FL-GA CSA 3,705 413,665 0.90%
Asian Indian Population by State or Jurisdiction
State Asian Indian


% of State's


Asian Indian


% Change
California 978,566 2.51% 528,120 85.29
Texas 578,113 1.90% 245,981 135.02
New Jersey 447,906 4.82% 292,256 53.26
New York 389,000 1.99% 313,620 24.04
Illinois 287,868 2.29% 188,328 52.85
Florida 223,167 0.99% 104,000 114.58
Virginia 182,040 2.09% 103,916 75.18
Georgia 180,326 1.63% 96,116 87.61
Washington 178,411 2.28% 61,124 191.88
Pennsylvania 164,879 1.27% 103,026 60.04
Massachusetts 141,666 2.02% 77,177 83.56
North Carolina 134,789 1.24% 57,400 134.82
Michigan 133,954 1.33% 77,132 73.67
Maryland 114,583 1.85% 79,051 44.95
Ohio 111,506 0.95% 64,187 73.72
Arizona 68,697 0.92% 36,047 90.58
Indiana 61,616 0.90% 27,598 123.26
Connecticut 58,872 1.63% 46,415 26.84
Minnesota 49,359 0.86% 33,031 49.43
Missouri 42,141 0.68% 23,223 81.46
Tennessee 40,551 0.57% 23,900 69.67
Colorado 40,429 0.69% 20,369 98.48
Wisconsin 39,268 0.66% 22,899 71.48
Oregon 36,787 0.87% 16,740 119.76
South Carolina 28,950 0.54% 15,941 81.61
Kansas 22,996 0.78% 8,726 163.53
Nevada 18,734 0.59% 11,671 60.52
Iowa 18,190 0.57% 11,081 64.15
Delaware 18,037 1.75% 11,424 57.89
Kentucky 16,858 0.37% 12,501 34.85
Alabama 16,771 0.33% 13,036 28.65
Oklahoma 14,795 0.36% 11,906 34.43
Louisiana 14,105 0.31% 11,174 26.23
Utah 13,517 0.40% 6,212 117.59
Arkansas 13,345 0.44% 7,973 67.38
New Hampshire 11,615 0.83% 8,268 40.48
Rhode Island 10,147 0.93% 4,653 118.07
District of Columbia 9,497 1.40% 5,214 82.14
Nebraska 8,809 0.45% 5,903 49.23
Mississippi 7,644 0.26% 5,494 39.13
New Mexico 5,983 0.28% 4,550 31.49
Puerto Rico 5,130 0.16% 3,523 45.61
Hawaii 4,605 0.32% 2,201 109.22
West Virginia 3,905 0.22% 3,304 18.19
Idaho 3,760 0.19% 2,152 74.72
South Dakota 2,705 0.29% 1,152 134.81
Vermont 2,404 0.37% 1,359 76.89
Maine 2,297 0.16% 1,959 17.25
North Dakota 2,187 0.28% 1,543 41.74
Alaska 1,679 0.23% 1,218 37.85
Montana 1,172 0.10% 618 89.64
Wyoming 950 0.16% 590 61.02
United States (Total) 4,980,329 1.49% 2,843,340 75.16%

List of communities by number of Asian Indians (as of the 2010 census)

Little Indiaon 74th Street inJackson Heights,Queens


The United States is host to the second largestIndian diasporaon the planet

From the 1990 census to the 2000 census, the Asian Indian population increased by 105.87%. Meanwhile, the U.S. population increased by only 7.6%. In 2000, the Indian-born population in the U.S. was 1.007 million. In 2006, of the 1,266,264 legal immigrants to the United States, 58,072 were from India. Between 2000 and 2006, 421,006 Indian immigrants were admitted to the U.S., up from 352,278 during the 1990–1999 period.[79]At 16.4% of the Asian population, Indian Americans make up the third largest Asian-American ethnic group, followingChinese AmericansandFilipino Americans.[80][81][82]

A joint Duke University-UC Berkeley study revealed that Indian immigrants have founded more engineering and technology companies from 1995 to 2005 than immigrants from the United Kingdom, China, Taiwan, and Japan combined.[83]The percentage of Silicon Valley startups founded by Indian immigrants has increased from 7% in 1999 to 15.5% in 2006, as reported in the 1999 study byAnnaLee Saxenian[84]and her updated work in 2006 in collaboration withVivek Wadhwa.[85]Indian Americans have risen to top positions at many major companies (e.g., IBM, PepsiCo, MasterCard, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Cisco, Oracle, Adobe, Softbank, Cognizant, Sun Microsystems.) A 2014 study indicates that 23% of Indian business school graduates take a job in United States.[86]

Year Asian Indians (per ACS)
2005 2,319,222
2006 2,482,141
2007 2,570,166
2008 2,495,998
2009 2,602,676
2010 2,765,155
2011 2,908,204
2012 3,049,201
2013 3,189,485
2014 3,491,052
2015 3,510,000
2016 3,613,407
2017 3,794,539
2018 3,882,526
2019 4,002,151
2020 4,021,134

Socioeconomic status


Indian Americans continually outpace every other ethnic groupsocioeconomicallyper U.S. census statistics.[87]Thomas FriedmanofThe New York Times,in his 2005 bookThe World Is Flat,explains this trend in terms ofbrain drain,whereby a sample of the best and brightest people in India emigrate to the United States in order to seek better financial opportunities.[88]Indians form the second largest group ofphysiciansafter non-HispanicCaucasian Americans(3.9%) as of the 1990 survey, and the share of Indian physicians rose to approximately 6% in 2005.[89]



According toPew Researchin 2015, of Indian Americans aged 25 and older, 72% had obtained a bachelor's degree and 40% had obtained a postgraduate degree, whereas of all Americans, 19% had obtained a bachelor's degree and 11% had obtained a postgraduate degree.[90]

Household income


The median household income for Indian immigrants in 2019 was much higher than that of the overall foreign- and native-born populations. Indians overall have much higher incomes than the total foreign and native-born populations.

In a 2019 survey, it was found that households headed by an Indian immigrant had a median income of $132,000, compared to $64,000 and $66,000 for all immigrant and U.S.-born households, respectively. Indian immigrants were also much less likely to be in poverty (5%) than immigrants overall (14%) or the U.S. born (12%).[91]

According to 2022 US Census data, the median Indian American household income is now $151,485.

Culture and technology


Food companies


Patel Brothersis a supermarket chain serving theIndian diaspora,with 57 locations in 19 U.S. states—primarily located in theNew Jersey/New York Metropolitan Area,due to its largeIndian population,and with theEast Windsor/Monroe Township,New Jerseylocation representing the world's largest and busiest Indian grocery store outside India.

Deep Foods,founded in 1977 in New Jersey, is one of the largest Indian food companies in the US.[92]Specializing in frozen Indian food, their products were sold in around 20,000 stores as of 2024.[93]

Notable Indian Americans in the Business and technology industry



Raja Kumariis an American singer

Tamil,Gujarati,Telugu,Marathi,Punjabi,Malayalam,andHindiradio stations are available in areas with high Indian populations, for example, Punjabi Radio USA, Easy96 in the New York City metropolitan area,KLOK 1170 AMin San Francisco,KSJO Bolly 92.3FMin San Jose, RBC Radio; Radio Humsafar, Desi Junction in Chicago; Radio Salaam Namaste and FunAsia Radio inDallas;and Masala Radio, FunAsia Radio, Sangeet Radio, Radio Naya Andaz inHoustonandWashington Bangla Radio on Internetfrom the Washington DC Metro Area. There are also some radio stations broadcasting inTamilwithin these communities.[94][95]Houston-basedKannadaKaaranji radio focuses on a multitude of programs for children and adults.[96]

AVS(Asian Variety Show) andNamaste Americaare South Asian programming available in most of the U.S. that is free to air and can be watched with a televisionantenna.

Severalcableandsatellite televisionproviders offer Indian channels:Sony TV,Zee TV,TV Asia,Star Plus,Sahara One,Colors,Sun TV,ETV,Big Magic, regional channels, and others have offered Indian content for subscription, such as theCricket World Cup.There is also an American cricket channel calledWillow.

Many metropolitan areas with large Indian American populations now have movie theaters which specialize in showingIndian movies,especially fromKollywood (Tamil),Tollywood (Telugu)andBollywood (Hindi).

In July 2005,MTVpremiered a spin-off network calledMTV Desiwhich targets Indian Americans.[97]It has been discontinued by MTV.

In 2012, the filmNot a Feather, but a Dotdirected by Teju Prasad, was released which investigates the history, perceptions and changes in the Indian American community over the last century.

In popular media, several Indian American personalities have made their mark in recent years, includingAshok Amritraj,M. Night Shyamalan,Kovid Gupta,Kal Penn,Sendhil Ramamurthy,Padma Lakshmi,Hari Kondabolu,Karan Brar,Aziz Ansari,Hasan Minhaj,Poorna JagannathanandMindy Kaling.In the 2023 filmSpider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse,the fictional world ofMumbattan(portmanteauofMumbaiandManhattan) is introduced.[98]

Indian Independence Day Parade

New York City's annual India Day Parade, the world's largestIndian Independence Dayparade outside India,[99]marches downMadison AvenueinMidtown Manhattan.The parade addresses controversialthemes,including racism,sexism,corruption, andBollywood.

The annual New York City India Day Parade, held on or approximately every August 15 since 1981, is the world's largestIndian Independence Dayparade outside of India[99]and is hosted by The Federation of Indian Associations (FIA). According to the website ofBaruch Collegeof theCity University of New York,"The FIA, which came into being in 1970 is anumbrella organizationmeant to represent the diverse Indian population of NYC. Its mission is to promote and further the interests of its 500,000 members and to collaborate with other Indian cultural organization. The FIA acts as a mouth piece for the diverse Indian Asian population in United States, and is focused on furthering the interests of this diverse community. The parade begins onEast 38th Streetand continues downMadison AvenueinMidtown Manhattanuntil it reaches28th Street.At the review stand on 28th Street, the grand marshal and various celebrities greet onlookers. Throughout the parade, participants find themselves surrounded by the saffron, white and green colors of theIndian flag.They can enjoy Indian food, merchandise booths, live dancing and music present at the Parade. After the parade is over, various cultural organizations and dance schools participate in program on23rd Streetand Madison Avenue until 6PM. "[100]The New York/New Jersey metropolitan region's second-largest India Independence Day parade takes place inLittle India, Edison/Iselinin Middlesex County, New Jersey, annually in August.

Sikh Day Vaisakhi Parade


The world's largest Sikh Day Parade outside India celebratingVaisakhiand the season of renewal is held inManhattanannually in April. The parade is widely regarded as being one of the most colourful parades.[101]



Religious Makeup of Indian Americans (2018)[9]


Communities ofHindus,Christians,Muslims,Sikhs,irreligious people,and smaller numbers ofJains,Buddhists,Zoroastrians,and IndianJews,have established their religious (or irreligious) beliefs in the United States. According to 2023Pew Research Centerresearch, 48% consider themselves Hindu, 15% as Christian (7% Catholic, 4% Evangelical Protestant, 4% Nonevangelical Protestant), 18% asunaffiliated,8% as Muslims, 8% as Sikh, and 3% as a member of another religion.[9] The first religious center of an Indian religion to be established in the U.S. was a SikhGurudwarainStockton, Californiain 1912. Today there are many Sikh Gurudwaras, Hindu temples, Muslim mosques, Christian churches, and Buddhist and Jain temples in all 50 states.



As of 2008, the AmericanHindupopulation was around 2.2 million.[103]Hindusform thepluralityreligious group among the Indian American community.[104][105]Many organizations such asISKCON,Swaminarayan Sampradaya,BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha,Chinmaya Mission,andSwadhyay Pariwarare well-established in the U.S. and Hindu Americans have formed theHindu American Foundationwhich representsAmerican Hindusand aim to educate people aboutHinduism.Swami VivekanandabroughtHinduismto the West at the1893 Parliament of the World's Religions.[106]TheVedanta Societyhas been important in subsequent Parliaments. In September 2021, the State ofNew Jerseyaligned with the World Hindu Council to declare October as Hindu Heritage Month. Today, many Hindutemples,most of them built by Indian Americans, have emerged in different cities and towns in the United States.[107][108]More than 18millionAmericans are now practicing some form ofYoga.Kriya Yogawas introduced to America byParamahansa Yogananda.A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupadainitiated the popularISKCON,also known as theHare Krishnamovement, while preachingBhakti yoga.



From the time of their arrival to the U.S. in the late 1800s,Sikhwomen and men have been making notable contributions to American society. In 2007, there were estimated to be between 250,000 and 500,000 Sikhs living in the United States, with largest populations living on the East and West Coasts, together with smaller additional populations inDetroit,Chicago,andAustin.The United States also has a number of non-Punjabi converts to Sikhism. Sikh men are typically identifiable by their unshorn beards and turbans (head coverings), articles of their faith. Many organisations like World Sikh Organisation (WSO), Sikh Riders of America, SikhNet, Sikh Coalition, SALDEF,United Sikhs,National Sikh Campaign continue to educate people about Sikhism. There are many "Gurudwaras"Sikh temples present in all states of USA.


Das Lakshana(Paryushana) celebrations at theJain Center of America,Queens,New York City,the oldest Jain temple in theWestern hemisphere[109]

Adherents ofJainismfirst arrived in the United States in the 20th century. Jain immigration became more significant in the second half of the 20th century. The U.S. has since become the epicenter of the Jain diaspora. Jains in America are also one of the highest-earningsocio-economic adherentsof any religion in the United States. TheFederation of Jain Associations in North Americais an umbrella organization of local American and Canadian Jain congregations.[110]Unlike India and United Kingdom, the Jain community in United States does not find sectarian differences—bothDigambaraandŚvētāmbarashare a common roof.[citation needed]



Hasan Minhaj,Fareed Zakaria,Aziz Ansari,[111]and PirVilayat Inayat Khan[112]are few well-known Indian American Muslims. Indian MuslimAmericans also congregate with otherAmerican Muslims,including those fromPakistan,Bangladesh,Nepal,Sri Lanka,Bhutan,andMyanmarwhen there are events particularly related to their faith and religious believes as the same can be applied for any other religious community, but there are prominent organizations such as theIndian Muslim Council – USA.[113]



There are manyIndian Christianchurches across the US;India Pentecostal Church of God,Assemblies of God in India,Church of God (Full Gospel) in India,Church of South India,Church of North India,Christhava Tamil Koil,The Pentecostal Mission,Sharon Pentecostal Church, Independent Non Denominational Churches like Heavenly Feast,Plymouth Brethren.Saint Thomas Christians(Syro-Malabar Church,Syro-Malankara Catholic Church,Chaldean Syrian Church,Kanna Church,Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church,Jacobite Syrian Christian Church,CSI Syrian Christians,Mar Thoma Syrian Church,Pentecostal Syrian Christians[114]andSt. Thomas Evangelical Church of India[115]) fromKeralahave established their own places of worship across the United States.[116]The websiteUSIndian.orghas collected a comprehensive list of all the traditional St. Thomas Christian Churches in the U.S.[117]There are also Catholic Indians hailing originally fromGoa,Karnatakaand Kerala, who attend the same services as otherAmerican Catholics,but may celebrate the feast ofSaint Francis Xavieras a special event of their identity.[118][119][120]The Indian Christian Americans have formed the Federation of Indian American Christian Organizations of North America (FIACONA) to represent a network of Indian Christian organizations in the U.S. FIACONA estimates the Indian AmericanChristianpopulation to be 1,050,000.[121]The Syro-Malabar Church, an Eastern Catholic Church, native to India since the 1st century,[122]established St. Thomas Syro-Malabar diocese of Chicago was established in the year 2001.[123]St. Thomas day is celebrated in this church on July 3 every year.[124]



The largeParsiandIranicommunity is represented by theFederation of Zoroastrian Associations of North America.[125]Indian Jewsare perhaps the smallest organized religious group among Indian Americans, consisting of approximately 350 members in the U.S. They form the Indian Jewish Congregation of USA, with their headquarters in New York City.[126]

Deepavali/Diwali, Eid/Ramadan as school holidays


Momentum has been growing to recognize theDharmicholy dayDeepavali(Diwali) as a holiday onschool districtcalendars in theNew York City metropolitan area.[127][128]New York Cityannounced in October 2022 that Diwali would be an official school holiday commencing in 2023.[129]

Passaic, New Jerseyestablished Diwali as a school holiday in 2005.[127][128]South Brunswick, New Jerseyin 2010 became the first of the many school districts with large Indian student populations inMiddlesex CountyinNew Jerseyto add Diwali to the school calendar.[128]Glen Rock, New Jerseyin February 2015 became the first municipality inBergen County,with its own burgeoning Indian population post-2010,[130][131]to recognize Diwali as an annual school holiday,[132][133]while thousands in Bergen County celebrated the firstU.S. county-wideDiwali Melafestival under a unifiedsponsorshipbanner in 2016,[134]whileFair Lawnin Bergen County has celebrated an internationally prominent annualHolicelebration since 2022.[135][136][137]Diwali/Deepavali is also recognized byMonroe Township, New Jersey.

Efforts have been undertaken inMillburn,[127]Monroe Township,West Windsor-Plainsboro,Bernards Township,andNorth Brunswick, New Jersey,[128]Long Island,as well as in New York City (ultimately successfully),[138][139]among other school districts in the metropolitan region, to make Diwali a holiday on the school calendar. According to theStar-Ledger,Edison, New Jerseycouncilman Sudhanshu Prasad has noted parents' engagement in making Deepavali a holiday there; while in Jersey City, the four schools with major Asian Indian populations mark the holiday by inviting parents to the school buildings for festivities.[128]Mahatma GandhiElementary School is located inPassaic, New Jersey.[140]Efforts are also progressing toward making Diwali and Eid official holidays at all 24 school districts in Middlesex County.[141]At least 12 school districts on Long Island closed for Diwali in 2022,[142]and over 20 in New Jersey.[143]

In March 2015, New York CityMayor Bill de Blasioofficially declared theMuslimholy daysEid al-FitrandEid al-Adhaholidays on the school calendar.[138]School districts inPatersonand South Brunswick, New Jersey observeRamadan.[128]



Like the terms "Asian American" or "South Asian American",the term" Indian American "is also an umbrella label applying to a variety of views, values, lifestyles, and appearances. Although Asian Indian Americans retain a high ethnic identity, they are known toassimilateinto American culture while at the same time keeping the culture of their ancestors.[144]

Linguistic affiliation

Kiran Desai,winner of the 2006Man Booker Prize

The United States is home to various associations that promote Indian languages and cultures. Some major organizations include:


Davuluri speaking, wearing her Miss America tiara, large earrings, and a long necklace of red flowers
Nina Davuluri,Miss America 2014
Political CommentatorDinesh D'Souza


Indra Nooyi,former chairman and chief executive officer ofPepsiCo
Satya NadellaCEO ofMicrosoft
Sundar PichaiCEO ofGoogle
Vivek Murthy,Surgeon General of U.S.;former Vice Admiral of U.S. Health Corps
Ajit Pai,Former Chairman of theFCC;Currently serves as a partner atSearchlight Capital


A man giving a speech. He wears a white blouse with a dark label pin. In front of him, there are two microphones.
Kal Pennspeaking at a rally for President Barack Obama at theUniversity of Maryland's Nyumburu Cultural Center.

According to theofficial U.S. racial categoriesemployed by theUnited States Census Bureau,Office of Management and Budgetand other U.S. government agencies, American citizens orresident alienswho marked "Asian Indian"as their ancestry or wrote in a term that was automatically classified as an Asian Indian became classified as part of the Asian race at the 2000 Census.[173]As with other modern official U.S. government racial categories, the term "Asian" is in itself a broad andheterogeneousclassification, encompassing all peoples with origins in the original peoples of theFar East,Southeast Asia,and theIndian subcontinent.

In previous decades, Indian Americans were also variously classified asWhite American,the "Hindu race," and "other."[174]Even today, where individual Indian Americans do not racially self-identify, and instead reportMuslim,Jewish,andZoroastrianas their "race" in the "some other race" section without noting their country of origin, they are automatically tallied as white.[175]This may result in the counting of persons such asIndian Muslims,Indian Jews,andIndian Zoroastriansas white, if they solely report their religious heritage without their national origin.

Current issues




In the 1980s, a gang known as theDotbustersspecifically targeted Indian Americans inJersey City, New Jerseywith violence and harassment.[176]Studies ofracial discrimination,as well asstereotypingandscapegoatingof Indian Americans have been conducted in recent years.[177]In particular, racial discrimination against Indian Americans in the workplace has been correlated withIndophobiadue to the rise inoutsourcing/offshoring,whereby Indian Americans are blamed for U.S. companies offshoringwhite-collarlabor toIndia.[178][179]According to the offices of the Congressional Caucus on India, many Indian Americans are severely concerned of a backlash, though nothing serious has taken place.[179]Due to various socio-cultural reasons, implicit racial discrimination against Indian Americans largely go unreported by the Indian American community.[177]

Numerous cases of religious stereotyping ofAmerican Hindus(mainly of Indian origin) have also been documented.[180]

Since theSeptember 11, 2001 attacks,there have been scattered incidents of Indian Americans becoming mistaken targets forhate crimes.In one example, aSikh,Balbir Singh Sodhi,was murdered at aPhoenixgas station by awhite supremacist.This happened afterSeptember 11,and themurdererclaimed that histurbanmade him think that the victim was aMiddle Eastern American.[181]In another example, apizzadeliverer was mugged and beaten inMassachusettsfor "beingMuslim"though the victim pleaded with the assailants that he was in fact aHindu.[182]In December 2012, an Indian American inNew York Citywas pushed from behind onto the tracks at the 40th Street-Lowery Street station inSunnysideand killed.[183]The police arrested a woman, Erika Menendez, who admitted to the act and justified it, stating that she shoved him onto the tracks because she believed he was "a Hindu or a Muslim" and she wanted to retaliate for the attacks of September 11, 2001.[184]

In 2004, New York SenatorHillary Clintonjoked at a fundraising event with South Asians forNancy FarmerthatMahatma Gandhiowned a gas station in downtownSt. Louis,fueling the stereotype that gas stations are owned by Indians and other South Asians. She clarified in the speech later that she was just joking, but still received some criticism for the statement later on for which she apologized again.[185]

On April 5, 2006, the Hindu Mandir of Minnesota was vandalized allegedly on the basis ofreligious discrimination.[186]The vandals damaged temple property leading to $200,000 worth of damage.[187][188][189]

On August 11, 2006, SenatorGeorge Allenallegedly referred to an opponent's political staffer of Indian ancestry as "macaca"and commenting," Welcome to America, to the real world of Virginia. "Some members of the Indian American community saw Allen's comments, and the backlash that may have contributed to Allenlosing his re-election bid,as demonstrative of the power ofYouTubein the 21st century.[190]

In 2006, thenDelawareSenatorand currentU.S PresidentJoe Bidenwas caught onmicrophonesaying: "In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking."[191]

On August 5, 2012, white supremacist Wade Michael Page shot eight people and killed six at aSikh gurdwara in Oak Creek, Wisconsin.

On February 22, 2017, recent immigrants Srinivas Kuchibhotla and Alok Madasani were shot at a bar inOlathe, Kansasby Adam Purinton, a white American who mistook them for persons of Middle Eastern descent, yelling "get out of my country" and "terrorist." Kuchibhotla died instantly while Madasani was injured, but later recovered.[192]

Punjabi Sikh Americans inIndianapolissuffered many losses in their community on April 15, 2021, during theIndianapolis FedEx shootingin which gunman Brandon Scott Hole, with a currently unknown motive, entered a FedEx warehouse and killed eight people, half of whom were Sikh. The Sikh victims were Jaswinder Singh, Jasvinder Kaur, Amarjit Sekhon, and Amarjeet Johal. 90% of the workers at the facility were Sikh according to some accounts.[193]Another Sikh, Taptejdeep Singh, was one of the nine people killed in theSan Jose shootingon May 26, 2021.[194]



Indians are among the largest ethnic groups legally immigrating to the United States. The immigration of Indians has taken place in several waves since the first Indian moved to the United States in the 1700s. A major wave of immigration to California from the region of Punjab took place in the first decade of the 20th century. Another significant wave followed in the 1950s which mainly included students and professionals. The elimination of immigration quotas in 1965 spurred successively larger waves of immigrants in the late 1970s and early 1980s. With the technology boom of the 1990s, the largest influx of Indians arrived between 1995 and 2000. This latter group has also caused surge in the application for various immigration benefits including applications for green card. This has resulted in long waiting periods for people born in India from receiving these benefits.

As of 2012, over 330,000 Indians were on the visa wait list, third only toMexicoandThe Philippines.[195]

In December, 2015, over 30 Indian students seeking admission in two U.S. universities—Silicon Valley Universityand theNorthwestern Polytechnic University—were denied entry byCustoms and Border Protectionand were deported to India. Conflicting reports suggested that the students were deported because of the controversies surrounding the above-mentioned two universities. However, another report suggested that the students were deported as they had provided conflicting information at the time of their arrival in the U.S. to what was mentioned in their visa application. "According to the U.S. Government, the deported persons had presented information to the border patrol agent which was inconsistent with their visa status," read an advisory published byMinistry of External Affairs (India)which was published in the Hindustan Times.[196]

Following the incident, the Indian government asked the U.S. government to honour the visas given by its embassies and consulates. In response, the United States embassy advised the students considering studying in the U.S. to seek assistance from Education USA.[196][197]



Unlike many countries, India does not allowdual citizenship.[198]Consequently, many Indian citizens residing in U.S., who do not want to lose their Indian nationality, do not apply for American citizenship (ex.Raghuram Rajan[199]). However, many Indian Americans obtainOverseas Citizenship of India(OCI) status, which allows them to live and work in India indefinitely.



Arranged marriages and relationships have been a common cultural tradition in many South Asian cultures, particularly among Indian communities. Arranged marriages and relationships can take many different forms, and that the experiences of those involved can vary greatly depending on a variety of circumstances, including cultural background, familial values, and individual preferences. Although many individuals marry each other out of love for one another, long-term compatibility—rather than love—is frequently prioritized in these arranged marriages. A number of variables could be important in the selecting process, including caste, education, financial standing, and family values. The public's perception of arranged marriages is changing, particularly among younger people. In an effort to strike a balance between family participation and personal preference, some people may decide to combine aspects of both love and planned marriages.[200]

Income disparities


Although Indian Americans have the highest average and median household income of any demographic group in America, there exist significant and severe income disparities among various communities of Indian Americans. InLong Island,the average family income of Indian Americans was roughly $273,000, while inFresno,the average family income of Indian Americans was only $24,000, an eleven-fold difference.[201]

Illegal immigration


In 2009, theDepartment of Homeland Securityestimated that there were 200,000 Indianunauthorized immigrants;they are the sixth largest nationality (tied with Koreans) of illegal immigrants behindMexico,El Salvador,Guatemala,Honduras,and thePhilippines.[202]Indian Americans have had an increase in illegal immigration of 25% since 2000.[203]In 2014,Pew Research Centerestimated that there are 450,000 undocumented Indians in the United States.[204]





Several groups have tried to create a voice for Indian Americans in political affairs, including theUnited States India Political Action Committee[when?]and the Indian American Leadership Initiative,[when?]as well as panethnic groups such as South Asian Americans Leading Together and Desis Rising Up and Moving.[205][206][207][208]Additionally, there are industry groups such as theAsian American Hotel Owners Associationand theAmerican Association of Physicians of Indian Origin.

In the 2000s, a majority of Indian Americans have tended to identify as moderates, and have often leanedDemocraticin several recent elections. In the2012 presidential election,a poll from the National Asian American Survey reported that 68% of Indian Americans planned to vote forBarack Obama.[209]Polls before the2004 presidential electionshowed Indian Americans favoring Democratic candidateJohn KerryoverRepublicanGeorge W. Bushby a 53% to 14% margin, with 30% undecided at the time.[210]

By 2004, the Republican party endeavored to target this community for political support,[211]and in 2007, Republican CongressmanBobby Jindalbecame the first United States Governor of Indian descent when he was electedGovernor of Louisiana.[212]In 2010,Nikki Haley,also of Indian descent and a fellow Republican, becameGovernor of South Carolinain2010.RepublicanNeel Kashkariis also of Indian descent and ran forGovernor of Californiain2014.Raja Krishnamoorthiwho is a lawyer, engineer and community leader fromSchaumburg, Illinoishas been the Congressman representingIllinois's 8th congressional districtsince 2017.[213]Swati Dandekarwas first elected to Iowa state assembly in 2003.[214][215]Jenifer Rajkumaris aLower Manhattandistrict leader and the first Indian American woman elected to the state legislature inNew Yorkhistory.[216]In 2016,Kamala Harris(the daughter of aTamilIndian American mother, Dr.Shyamala Gopalan Harris,and an Afro-Jamaican Americanfather,Donald Harris[217][218][219]) became the first Indian American[220]and second African American female to serve in the U.S. Senate.[221]

In2020,Harris brieflyranforPresident of the United Statesand was later chosen as the Democratic Party's vice-presidential nominee, running alongsideJoe Biden.[222]

In the2024 United States presidential election,Vivek Ramaswamyran as a candidate for the Republican Party. Ramaswamy would then leave the race to endorseDonald Trump.[223]

Indian Americans have played a significant role in promoting betterIndia–United States relations,turning the cold attitude of American legislators to a positive perception of India in the post-Cold War era.[224]

Notable people


See also



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  6. ^Terrazas, Aaron (June 9, 2010)."Indian Immigrants in the United States".migrationpolicy.org.Archivedfrom the original on July 21, 2015.RetrievedNovember 9,2016.
  7. ^"Do you speak Telugu? Welcome to America".BBC News.October 21, 2018. Archived fromthe originalon December 13, 2019.
  8. ^https:// census.gov/prod/2013pubs/acs-22.pdfArchivedFebruary 5, 2016, at theWayback Machinesee page 3
  9. ^abc"Religion Among Asian Americans".Pew Research Center.October 11, 2023.RetrievedOctober 14,2023.
  10. ^"Indians surpass Chinese as largest 'Asian-alone' group in U.S."NBC News.September 26, 2023.RetrievedSeptember 28,2023.
  11. ^Multiple sources:
  12. ^Koshy, Susan (1998)."Category Crisis: South Asian Americans and Questions of Race and Ethnicity".Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies.7(3): 285–320.doi:10.1353/dsp.1998.0013.ISSN1911-1568.S2CID143516386.Archivedfrom the original on June 23, 2016.RetrievedJune 1,2016.
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  15. ^"Demographic Information | SAALT".Archivedfrom the original on August 11, 2020.RetrievedAugust 13,2020.
  16. ^abcThakur, Pradeep (2009).Indian Americans (Part 1).Lulu. pp. 15–17.ISBN978-81-908705-5-9.Archivedfrom the original on March 26, 2021.RetrievedAugust 26,2020.
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  19. ^Brown, Thomas; Sims, Leah (2006).Colonial Chesapeake: new perspectives.Lanham, MD: Le xing ton Books. pp. 81–97.ISBN0739110926.
  20. ^Heinegg, Paul (2021).Free African Americans of Maryland and Delaware: from the colonial period to 1810(Second ed.). [Baltimore, Md.]ISBN978-0806359281.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
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  22. ^Dr. Helen C. Rountree, "Nansemond History"Archived2011-07-23 at theWayback Machine,Nansemond Tribal Association, accessed 16 Sep 2009
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  30. ^abSeema Sohi (2014).Echoes of Mutiny: Race, Surveillance, and Indian Anticolonialism in North America.Oxford University Press. p. 8.ISBN978-0-19-937625-4.Indians in North America, nearly 90 percent of whom where Sikhs from the state of Punjab, were also racialized through colonial gendered discourses. During the early decades of the twentieth century, US Immigration, Justice, and State Department officials cast Indian anti-colonialists as a "Hindoo" menace
  31. ^Takaki 1998,pp. 203, 300.
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Further reading

  • Atkinson, David C.The burden of white supremacy: Containing Asian migration in the British empire and the United States(U North Carolina Press, 2016).
  • Bacon, Jean.Life Lines: Community, Family, and Assimilation among Asian Indian Immigrants(Oxford UP, 1996).
  • Bhalla, Vibha. "'Couch potatoes and super-women' Gender, migration, and the emerging discourse on housework among Asian Indian immigrants."Journal of American Ethnic History27.4 (2008): 71–99.onlineArchivedApril 11, 2020, at theWayback Machine
  • Chakravorty, Sanjoy; Kapur, Devesh; Singh, Nirvikar (2017).The Other One Percent: Indians in America.Oxford University Press.ISBN9780190648749.
  • Joshi, Khyati Y.New Roots in America's Sacred Ground: Religion, Race and Ethnicity in Indian America(Rutgers UP, 2006).
  • Khandelwal, Madhulika S.Becoming American, Being Indian: An Immigrant Community in New York City(Cornell UP, 2002).
  • Maira, Sunaina Marr.Desis in the House: Indian American Youth Culture in NYC(Temple UP, 2002).
  • Min, Pyong Gap, and Young Oak Kim. "Ethnic and sub-ethnic attachments among Chinese, Korean, and Indian immigrants in New York City."Ethnic and Racial Studies32.5 (2009): 758–780.
  • Pavri, Tinaz. "Asian Indian Americans."Gale Encyclopedia of Multicultural America,edited by Thomas Riggs, (3rd ed., vol. 1, Gale, 2014), pp. 165–178.onlineArchivedMarch 26, 2021, at theWayback Machine
  • Rangaswamy, Padma (2000).Namasté America: Indian Immigrants in an American Metropolis.University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press.ISBN0-271-01981-6.
  • Rudrappa, Sharmila.Ethnic Routes to Becoming American: Indian Immigrants and the Cultures of Citizenship(Rutgers UP, 2004).
  • Schlund-Vials, Cathy J., Linda Trinh Võ, and K. Scott Wong, eds.Keywords for Asian American Studies(NYU Press, 2015).
  • Shukla, Sandhya.India Abroad: Diasporic Cultures of Postwar America and England(Princeton UP, 2003).
  • Sohi, Seema.Echoes of Mutiny: Race, Surveillance, and Indian Anticolonialism in North America(2014)excerptArchivedFebruary 14, 2016, at theWayback Machine
  • Takaki, Ronald(1998) [1989].Strangers from a Different Shore: A History of Asian Americans(Revised and updated ed.). New York: Back Bay Books.ISBN978-0-316-83130-7.OCLC80125499.
  • Thernstrom, Stephan;Orlov, Ann;Handlin, Oscar,eds.Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups,Harvard University Press,ISBN0674375122,(1980), pp 296–301.available to borrow online