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Injective object

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Inmathematics,especially in the field ofcategory theory,the concept ofinjective objectis a generalization of the concept ofinjective module.This concept is important incohomology,inhomotopy theoryand in the theory ofmodel categories.The dual notion is that of aprojective object.


An objectQis injective if, given a monomorphismf:XY,anyg:XQcan be extended toY.

Anobjectin acategoryis said to beinjectiveif for everymonomorphismand everymorphismthere exists a morphismextendingto,i.e. such that.[1]

That is, every morphismfactors through every monomorphism.

The morphismin the above definition is not required to be uniquely determined byand.

In alocally smallcategory, it is equivalent to require that thehom functorcarries monomorphisms intosurjectiveset maps.

In Abelian categories


The notion of injectivity was first formulated forabelian categories,and this is still one of its primary areas of application. Whenis an abelian category, an objectQofis injectiveif and only ifitshom functorHomC(–,Q) isexact.

Ifis anexact sequenceinsuch thatQis injective, then thesequence splits.

Enough injectives and injective hulls


The categoryis said tohave enough injectivesif for every objectXof,there exists a monomorphism fromXto an injective object.

A monomorphismginis called anessential monomorphismif for any morphismf,the compositefgis a monomorphism only iffis a monomorphism.

Ifgis an essential monomorphism with domainXand an injective codomainG,thenGis called aninjective hullofX.The injective hull is then uniquely determined byXup toa non-canonical isomorphism.[1]





If an abelian category has enough injectives, we can forminjective resolutions,i.e. for a given objectXwe can form a long exact sequence

and one can then define thederived functorsof a given functorFby applyingFto this sequence and computing the homology of the resulting (not necessarily exact) sequence. This approach is used to defineExt,andTorfunctors and also the variouscohomologytheories ingroup theory,algebraic topologyandalgebraic geometry.The categories being used are typicallyfunctor categoriesor categories ofsheaves ofOXmodulesover someringed space(X,OX) or, more generally, anyGrothendieck category.


An objectQisH-injective if, givenh:ABinH,anyf:AQfactors throughh.

Letbe a category and letbe aclassof morphisms of.

An objectofis said to be-injectiveif for every morphismand every morphisminthere exists a morphismwith.

Ifis the class ofmonomorphisms,we are back to the injective objects that were treated above.

The categoryis said tohave enough-injectivesif for every objectXof,there exists an-morphism fromXto an-injective object.

A-morphismginis called-essentialif for any morphismf,the compositefgis inonly iffis in.

Ifgis a-essential morphism with domainXand an-injective codomainG,thenGis called an-injective hullofX.[1]

Examples ofH-injective objects


See also



  1. ^abcAdamek, Jiri; Herrlich, Horst; Strecker, George (1990). "Sec. 9. Injective objects and essential embeddings".Abstract and Concrete Categories: The Joy of Cats(PDF).Reprints in Theory and Applications of Categories, No. 17 (2006) pp. 1-507. orig. John Wiley. pp. 147–155.

