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Insular area

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A world map highlighting the several island claims of the United States
Locations of the insular areas of the United States, color-coded to indicate status
Incorporated unorganized territory
Unincorporated organized territory
Unincorporated organized territory withCommonwealthstatus
Unincorporated unorganized territory

In thelaw of the United States,aninsular areais a U.S.-associated jurisdiction that is not part of aU.S. stateor theDistrict of Columbia.This includes fourteenU.S. territoriesadministered under U.S. sovereignty, as well as threesovereign stateseach with aCompact of Free Associationwith the United States.[1][2]The term also may be used to refer to the previous status of theSwan Islands,Hawaii,Puerto Rico,and thePhilippines,as well as theTrust Territory of the Pacific Islandswhen it existed.

Three of the U.S. territories are in theCaribbean Sea,eleven are in thePacific Ocean,and all three freely associated states are also in the Pacific. Two additional Caribbean territories are disputed and administered byColombia.

Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2of theU.S. Constitutiongrants to theUnited States Congressthe responsibility of overseeing the territories.[a]A series ofU.S. Supreme Courtdecisions known as theInsular Casescreated a distinction between "incorporated territories", where the fullConstitution of the United Statesapplies, and "unincorporated territories",where only basic protections apply. The only current incorporated territory,Palmyra Atoll,is uninhabited.

A U.S. territory is considered "organized" when theU.S. Congresspasses anorganic actfor it.[1]Three of the U.S. territories with a permanent non-military population have constitutions, and all five have locally elected territorial legislatures and executives, and some degree of politicalautonomy.Four of the five are "organized", butAmerican Samoais technically "unorganized"and subject to the direct jurisdiction of theOffice of Insular Affairs.

Beach in American Samoa


The first insular areas that the United States occupied were Baker Island, Howland Island and Navassa Island (1857) then Johnston Atoll and Jarvis Island (both in 1858) would be claimed. After theSpanish–American Warin 1898, several territories were taken that are still under U.S. sovereignty (Puerto Rico and Guam, both in 1898).[3]Palmyra Atoll was annexed along with the Republic of Hawaii (formerly a Kingdom) that same year. American Samoa was reclaimed the following year (1899). In 1917, at the height ofWorld War I,Denmark sold theDanish Virgin Islandsto the United States.[4]

The U.S. Navy annexed Kingman Reef in 1922.Spainhad sold theNorthern Mariana Islandsto Germany in 1899.[5]The islands passed to Japan, which in turn lost them to the United States in 1945 after the end of World War II.

TheMarshall Islandsbecame self-governing in 1979 and fully independent along with theFederated States of Micronesiain 1986.Palauachieved independence in 1994.[6]The three countries maintain sovereignty with free association status with the United States, which provides them with defense assistance and economic resources.


August 28, 1867
CaptainWilliam Reynoldsof theUSSLackawannaformally took possession of theMidway Atollfor the United States.[7]
August 13, 1898
United States Navyunder AdmiralGeorge Dewey,United States Army'sEighth Army Corpsunder Major GeneralWesley Merritt,and Lieutenant GeneralArthur MacArthur Jr.captured theCity of Manilafrom Spain after Governor-General of the PhilippinesFermin Jáudenessurrendered the city, which then remained Spanish-occupied even after the declaration of Philippine Independence from Spain and the establishment of theFirst Philippine Republicon June 12, 1898.
February 4, 1899
Philippine–American Warbegan between theFirst Philippine Republicand the newly arrivedUS Military Government.
April 11, 1899
TheTreaty of Paris of 1898came into effect, transferringGuam,thePhilippines,andPuerto Ricofrom Spain to the United States, all three becomingunorganized, unincorporatedterritories. Puerto Rico's official name was changed toPorto Rico,a phonetic reinterpretation of the Spanish name for the territory.
April 12, 1900
TheForaker Actbecomes effective, makingPuerto Ricoan unincorporated and organized territory of the United States.[8]
June 7, 1900
The United States took control of the portion of theSamoan Islandsgiven to it by theTreaty of Berlin of 1899,creating theunorganized, unincorporatedterritory ofAmerican Samoa.
April 1, 1901
GeneralEmilio Aguinaldo,Presidentof theFirst Philippine Republicand Filipino leader in thePhilippine–American War,surrendered to the United States, allowing the U.S. to form a civilian government for the Philippines.
August 29, 1916
The Philippine Autonomy Act orJones Lawwas signed, promising thePhilippinesindependence.
March 2, 1917
Jones–Shafroth ActreorganizedPuerto Rico.This act conferredUnited States citizenshipon all citizens of Puerto Rico.
March 31, 1917
The United States purchased theDanish West Indiesand renamed it asU.S. Virgin Islandsunder the terms of a treaty withDenmark.[9]
May 17, 1932
The name of Porto Rico was changed toPuerto Rico.[10]
March 24, 1934
TheTydings–McDuffie Actwas signed allowing the creation of theCommonwealth of the Philippines.
November 15, 1935
TheCommonwealth of the Philippinesofficially inauguratedManuel L. Quezonas the President of the Philippine Commonwealth, held at the steps of theOld Legislative Building.The event was attended by 300,000 Filipinos.
December 8, 1941
Commonwealth of the Philippineswasinvaded and occupied by JapanduringWorld War Two,initiating "the most destructive event ever to take place on U.S. soil".[11]Over 1,100,000Filipino Americancivilians died during the war.[11]
February 3 - March 3, 1945
The month longLiberation of Manilaled by GeneralDouglas MacArthurtook place, and consequently resulted inManila Massacrecommitted by the Japanese forces throughout the Battle of Manila. An estimated 100,000 Manila civilians were killed during the massacre.
August 1945
The United States regains full control of its colony of the Philippines following thePhilippines campaign.[11]
July 4, 1946
The United States formally recognized thePhilippine independence,establishing theThird Philippine Republic,which inauguratedManuel Roxasas the President of the independent Philippines. The independence ceremonies and inauguration rites were held at theQuirino Grandstand.
July 14, 1947
TheUnited Nationsgranted theTrust Territory of the Pacific Islandsto the United States, consisting primarily of many islands fought over during World War II, and including what is now theMarshall Islands,theCarolina Islands,Federated States of Micronesia,Northern Mariana Islands,andPalau.It was atrusteeship,and not a territory of the United States.
August 5, 1947
ThePrivileges and Immunities Clauseregarding the rights, privileges, and immunities of citizens of the United States was expressly extended to Puerto Rico by theU.S. Congressthrough federal law codified in Title 48 the United States Code as48 U.S.C.§ 737and signed by PresidentHarry S. Truman.This law indicates that the rights, privileges, and immunities of citizens of the United States shall be respected in Puerto Rico to the same extent as though Puerto Rico were a State of the Union and subject to the provisions of paragraph 1 of section 2 of article IV of the Constitution of the United States.
July 1, 1950
TheGuam Organic Actcame into effect,organizingGuamas an unincorporated territory.[12]
July 25, 1952
Puerto Ricobecomes aCommonwealthof the United States with the ratification of its constitution.[10]
July 22, 1954
The organic act for theUnited States Virgin Islandswent into effect, making them anunincorporated, organizedterritory.[12]
July 1, 1967
American Samoa's constitution became effective. Even though no organic act was passed, this move to self-government made American Samoa similar to an organized territory.[12]
September 12, 1967
Article Three of the United States Constitution,was expressly extended to theUnited States District Courtforthe District of Puerto Ricoby theU.S. Congressthrough the federal law 89-571, 80 Stat. 764, this law was signed by PresidentLyndon B. Johnson.
January 1, 1978
TheNorthern Mariana Islandsleft theTrust Territory of the Pacific Islandsto become acommonwealthof the United States, making them an unincorporated and organized territory.[12][13]
January 9, 1978
TheNorthern Mariana Islands Commonwealth Constitution,which had been ratified by voters on March 6, 1977, goes into effect.[14]
October 21, 1986
TheMarshall Islandsattained independence from theTrust Territory of the Pacific Islands,though the trusteeship granted by theUnited Nationstechnically did not end until December 22, 1990. The Marshall Islands remained infree associationwith the United States.
November 3, 1986
TheFederated States of Micronesiaattained independence from theTrust Territory of the Pacific Islands,and remained infree associationwith the United States.
December 22, 1990
TheUnited Nationsterminated theTrust Territory of the Pacific Islandsfor all but thePalaudistrict.
May 25, 1994
TheUnited Nationsterminated theTrust Territory of the Pacific Islandsfor thePalaudistrict, ending the territory and makingPalaude factoindependent, as it was not a territory of the United States.
October 1, 1994
Palauattainedde jureindependence, but it remained infree associationwith the United States.[15]
December 11, 2012
TheLegislative Assembly of Puerto Ricoenacted aconcurrent resolutionto request thepresidentand theCongress of the United Statesto respond diligently and effectively, and to act on the demand of the people of Puerto Rico, as freely and democratically expressed in the plebiscite held on November 6, 2012, to end, once and for all, its current form of territorial status and to begin the process to admit Puerto Rico to the Union as a State.[16]
December 22, 2022
The U.S. House of Representatives voted in favor of thePuerto Rico Status Act.The act sought to resolve Puerto Rico's status and its relationship to the United States through a binding plebiscite to be held in November 2023;[17]however, the Senate never acted on the bill.[18]
April 20, 2023
Puerto Rico Status Act re-introduced in U.S. House with the plebiscite to be held in November 2025.[18]


Congress has extended citizenship rights by birth to all inhabited territories exceptAmerican Samoa,and these citizens may vote and run for office in any U.S. jurisdiction in which they are residents. The people ofAmerican SamoaareU.S. nationalsby place of birth, or they are U.S. citizens by parentage, or naturalization after residing in a State for three months.[19]Nationals are free to move around and seek employment within the United States without immigration restrictions, but cannot vote or hold office outside American Samoa.[20]


Residents of the five major populated insular areas do not pay U.S. federalincome taxesbut are required to pay other U.S. federal taxes such asimportandexporttaxes,[21][22]federalcommodity taxes,[23]Social Security taxes,etc. Individuals working for the federal government payfederal income taxeswhile all residents are required to pay federalpayroll taxes(Social Security[24]andMedicare). According toIRSPublication 570, income from other U.S.Pacific Oceaninsular areas (Howland,Baker,Jarvis,Johnston,Midway,Palmyra,andWakeIslands, andKingman Reef) is fully taxable as income of United States residents.[25]

Puerto Rico is inside the main domesticcustoms territoryof the United States, but the other insular areas are outside it; tariff treatment varies (seeForeign trade of the United States § Customs territory).

Associated states[edit]

TheU.S. State Departmentand the U.S. Code also use the term "insular area" to refer not only to territories under thesovereigntyof the United States, but also those independent nations that have signed aCompact of Free Associationwith the United States. While these nations participate in many otherwise domestic programs, and full responsibility for their military defense rests with the United States, they are legally distinct from the United States and their inhabitants are neither U.S. citizens nor nationals.[1]

Current insular areas by status[edit]

The following islands, or island groups, are considered insular areas:

Incorporated organized territories[edit]


Incorporated unorganized territory[edit]

One (uninhabited)

Unincorporated organized territories[edit]

Capitol of Puerto Rico, the largest insular area

Four (inhabited)

Unincorporated unorganized territories[edit]

Wake Island lagoon

One (inhabited)

Six (uninhabited)

Two (uninhabited, disputed)

Claimed territories[edit]

Two (uninhabited, disputed)

Freely associated states[edit]

Three sovereign UN member states which were all formerly in the U.S. administeredUnited Nations Trust Territoryand are currently infree associationwith the United States. The U.S. provides national defense, funding, and access to social services.

After achieving independence from theTrust Territory of the Pacific Islands,these states are no longer under U.S. sovereignty and thus not considered part of the United States.[26]Some programs in these states are administered by the U.S.Office of Insular Affairs,along with other federal entities such as theDepartment of Defense.

Former insular areas[edit]

See also[edit]


  1. ^Although anarchaism,some older federal statutes and regulations still in force refer to insular areas asinsular possessions.


  1. ^abcd"Definitions of Insular Area Political Organizations".Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of the Interior. 12 June 2015.Archivedfrom the original on 13 July 2018.RetrievedMarch 3,2018.
  2. ^42 U.S.C.§§ 52041
  3. ^Tagliaferro, Linda (2004-01-01).Puerto Rico in Pictures.Twenty-First Century Books.ISBN978-0-8225-0936-3.Archivedfrom the original on 2023-06-30.Retrieved2020-10-02.
  4. ^Statistical Abstract of the United States 2001: The National Data Book.U.S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistical Administration, Bureau of the Census. 2001.ISBN978-0-934213-84-4.Archivedfrom the original on 2023-06-30.Retrieved2020-10-02.
  5. ^Goldberg, Walter M. (2017-12-08).The Geography, Nature and History of the Tropical Pacific and its Islands.Springer.ISBN978-3-319-69532-7.Archivedfrom the original on 2023-06-30.Retrieved2020-10-02.
  6. ^Clinton, William J (1994-01-01).Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: William J. Clinton, 1994.Best Books on.ISBN978-1-62376-794-5.Archivedfrom the original on 2023-06-30.Retrieved2020-10-02.
  7. ^Midway Islands History.Janeresture. (archived fromthe originalon January 1, 2006)
  8. ^The World Almanac & Book of Facts 1901,p93
  9. ^"Transfer Day".Archived fromthe originalon June 28, 2007.RetrievedAugust 10,2006.
  10. ^ab"Municipalities of Puerto Rico".Statoids.Archivedfrom the original on May 26, 2006.RetrievedAugust 10,2006.
  11. ^abcImmerwahr, Daniel (2019).How to Hide an Empire: A History of the Greater United States(First ed.). New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.ISBN978-0-3741-7214-5.
  12. ^abcd"Relationship with the Insular Areas".U.S. Department of the Interior. Archived fromthe originalon May 26, 2006.RetrievedAugust 10,2006.
  13. ^"Municipalities of Northern Mariana Islands".Statoids.Archivedfrom the original on August 21, 2006.RetrievedAugust 10,2006.
  14. ^"CNMI Constitution".cnmilaw.org.Archivedfrom the original on 2023-06-01.Retrieved2023-05-24.
  15. ^"Background Note: Palau".Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs.Archivedfrom the original on January 21, 2017.RetrievedAugust 10,2006.
  16. ^"The Senate and the House of Representative of Puerto Rico Concurrent Resolution"(PDF).Archived(PDF)from the original on 2013-03-20.Retrieved2021-09-01.
  17. ^Acevedo, Nicole (December 15, 2022)."House votes in favor of resolving Puerto Rico's territorial status".NBC News.Archivedfrom the original on February 16, 2023.RetrievedFebruary 15,2023.
  18. ^abAcevedo, Nicole (April 20, 2023)."Bill to resolve Puerto Rico's territorial status reintroduced in the House".NBC News.Archivedfrom the original on 8 June 2023.Retrieved9 June2023.
  19. ^PBS Newshour,"American Samoans don't have right to U.S. citizenship"Archived2017-09-15 at theWayback Machine,Associated Press, June 5, 2015, viewed August 13, 2015.
  20. ^US Department of Interior."Insular Area Summary for American Samoa"Archived2015-08-20 at theWayback Machine.viewed August 13, 2015.
  21. ^"Puerto Ricans pay import/export taxes".Stanford.wellsphere. Archived fromthe originalon April 1, 2010.RetrievedAugust 14,2010.
  22. ^U.S. State Dept."Foreign Relations of the United States".Archivedfrom the original on June 17, 2016.RetrievedMay 18,2016.The people of Puerto Rico will continue to be exempt from Federal income taxes on the income they derive from sources within Puerto Rico, and into their treasury, for appropriation and expenditure as their legislature may decide, will be deposited the proceeds of United States internal revenue taxes collected on articles produced in Puerto Rico and the proceeds of United States tariffs and customs collected on foreign merchandise entering Puerto Rico.
  23. ^"Puerto Ricans pay federal commodity taxes".Stanford.wellsphere. Archived fromthe originalon 2010-04-01.Retrieved2011-10-30.
  24. ^"Topic Number 903 - U.S. Employment Tax in Puerto Rico".Internal Revenue Service. December 18, 2009.Archivedfrom the original on July 3, 2017.RetrievedJanuary 11,2019.
  25. ^Publication 570(PDF).Washington, D.C.: U.S. Internal Revenue Service. 2017.Archived(PDF)from the original on April 7, 2018.RetrievedApril 12,2018.
  26. ^""Foreign in a Domestic Sense": U.S. Territories and "Insular Areas"".12 April 2021.Archivedfrom the original on 2021-08-19.Retrieved2021-08-30.
  27. ^United States Department of Interior (11 June 2015)."Palmyra Atoll".RetrievedDecember 30,2023.
  28. ^United States Department of Interior (12 June 2015)."Acquisition Process of Insular Areas".RetrievedDecember 30,2023.
  29. ^United States Department of the Interior (12 June 2015)."Formerly Disputed Islands".RetrievedDecember 30,2023.

External links[edit]